Rest API request payload - rest

I'm new to web services world. I have created a rest api in ERP software that creates sales order. How will anyone outside the world know what parameters to send to this and in what format ? From all the videos I have watched and all materials read they talk about no api documentation is needed as it is REST service, People just know what request payload to send. I m not sure if I understand how that is possible. Its like I give somebody the url and tell them go figure. I tried sending orders with different parameter list and it is creating errors. But, if I send it in the way it accepts then it is working fine. Not sure if I understand the concepts well. Should I be creating documentation of this api telling what the request payload should look like ?

I completely disagree with the answer given by Joessel, which just propagates a typical RPC take on it, which is NOT REST at all!
In regards to how a service utilizing the REST architecture style should inform clients about what properties a resource supports and stuff like that, just look at traditional HTML pages. How are Web server able to tell your Browser what input it expects?
HTML is a media type that specifies the syntax to use as well as the semantics of each of the elements and attributes wich are admissible in a HTML document. I.e. HTML Forms enables a server to inform a client on the respective properties a resource support. In addition to that, a server also teaches a client on the respective target URI to send the request to, the HTTP operation to use upon sending the request as well as the media type to use for marshalling the request to a respective representation format. This is why you DON'T NEED any other documentation to interact with Web pages. Most arbitrary Web clients support HTML documents by default and therefore you don't need to reimplement the wheel to process such documents.
For non-HTML resources it is also just a matter of whether your client supports the respective media type or not. I.e. PNG files also follow a certain standard which allows arbitrary clients to show images instead of the actual bytes on your screen.
Most of those so called "REST APIs", which are truely RPC ones, just use custom JSON based message structures. JSON itself just defines the basic syntax but no semantics for any elements, attributes or other properties. It doesn't even add support for links. JSON Hyper-Schema is an extension which at least triest o add support for it, though it already requires to use an other media type than application/json. Though, if such formats are not well-defined and standardized, widespread adoption will not be possible on the long run. Hence creating a common media type is of importance to increase interoperability for such media types. I.e. for JSON based formats, HAL+JSON, HAL Forms, ION, and others provide definitions for basic JSON based message structures, with support for links and other features like form-support and other things.
So, if you take a closer look at the Web, you will find many concepts that you can reuse for a truely RESTful design. After all, REST just takes the ideas used on the Web for decades and attempts to offer the benefits resulting from these concepts to applications rather than humans alone. As such, it is always a good idea to first design the interaction flow as if one would interact with a traditional Web page and then take the concepts used in that design and apply it onto your application domain model.
As you don't need external documentation to interact with Web pages, so you don't need external documentation to interact with well defined message formats that follow a common media type as well. Through content-type negotiation both server and client will communicate with representation formats both support. So, the more (different) media types you support, the more likely you will be in the end to interact with different parties in that environment and if all of the supported media types are standardized you might not need any external documentation at all.

If you follow the academic definition of REST defined by Dr Fielding in his dissertation, it is true that such a service doesn't need any documentation. Hovewer, the chance are high that your service is not RESTful by his definition and that you need a documention to help your consumers. You can find an informative discussion about why a REST api doesn't need a documentation here.
That being said, you will probably need a documentation in most case. Depending on your needs and consumers of your api, a simple text file could be enough; maybe a markdown that you can easily share with other developers. Just remember to add all information needed to understand each route (verb, path, query, body, response...), and you can even throw some example code to make it easy to start.
And if you need something more robust, I can only advise you to follow the open api specification. One of the easiest way to get started is to use the swagger editor . You will even be able to publish your documentation in a nice way using one of the many tools out there (ex: redoc).
Writing a documention is never fun but nobody will use a product that they cannot understand, however great the product is.
Good luck,
I rewrote the introduction as it was misleading, thanks to #Roman Vottner for pointing it out. THe previous intro was:
I don't know who told you that a documentation is not needed for a REST Api but I find this highly misleading for newcomers... A documentation is (super) important, especially if you are not the sole consumer of your API, and in that case I would say it's mandatory.


Rest API Localization - Headers vs Payload

We have one POST API live in production. Now we have a requirement to accept Localization information and proceed with execution accordingly.
e.g. if distanceUnit is "KM" then process all incoming data in Kilometers.
There are three options I could think of to accept localization information.
As a http header i.e. localization: {"distanceUnit": "km"}
As a part of payload itself.
Request parameter.
I like the 1st option as
it doesn't change api contract.
It's easier for other apis to send this info in case they need to be localized in future.
Localization is a part of content negotiation so I don't think it should be part of payload/query parameter.
Any opinions here would be helpful to zero in on 1st or second option.
While accept-language, as indicated by the proposed link Kit posted, may be attempting, this only supports registered languages, maintained by IANA, the standadization gremium of the Web, but not certain generic configuration options out of the box. It may be attempting to default to miles for i.e. Accept-Language: us and use km elsewhere, American scientists may have certain issues with your application then if they want to use km instead of miles. But if this might not be the case, this clearly could be an option you might consider. In regards to custom HTTP headers, I wouldn't recommend using those as the problem with custom HTTP headers in general is that arbitrary generic HTTP clients do not support these which somehow contradicts the idea why one should use a REST architecture.
Let us transfer your problem to the Web domain for a second and see how we usually solve that task there. As REST is basically just a generalized approach to the common way we humans interact with the Web, any concepts used on the Web also apply to a REST architecture. Thus, designing the whole interaction flow as if your application interacts on a typical Web page is just common practice (or at least should be).
On the Web a so called Web form is used to "teach" a Web client (a.k.a. Browser) what data the server expects as input. It not only teaches the client about the respective properties the server either expects or supports for a certain resource but also which HTTP method to use, about the target URI to send the request to and about the media-type to use, which implicitly is often just given as application/x-www-form-urlencoded but may also be multipart/form-data.
The usage of forms and links fall into the HATEOAS constraint where these concpets allow clients to progress through their task, i.e. of buying an item in a Web shop or administrating users in a system, without the need of ever having to consult an external documentation at all. Applications here basically just use the build-in hypermedia capabilities to progress through their tasks. Clients usually follow some kind of predefined processes where the server instructs clients on what they need to do in order to add an item to the shopping cart or on how to add or edit a user while still just operating on a generic HTML document that by itself isn't tailored to the respective task at hands. This approach allows Web clients to basically render all kinds of pages and users to interact with those generic pages. If something in that page representation changes your browser will automatically adept and render the new version on the next request. Hence, the system is able to evolve over time and adapt to changes easily. This is probably one of the core reasons why anyone wants to use a REST architecture basically.
So, back to the topic. On the Web a server would advertise to a client that it supports various localization information with above mentioned forms. A user might be presented a choice or dropdown option where s/he can select the appropriate option. The user usually does not care how this input is transferred to the server or about the internals of the server at all. All s/he cares for is that the data will be available after the request was submitted (in case of adding or updating a resource). This also holds true for application in a REST architecture.
You might see a pattern here. REST and the browsable Web are basically the same thing. The latter though focuses on human interaction while the primer one should allow applications to "surf the Web" and follow allong processes outlined by the server (semi-)automatically. As such it should be clear by now that the same concepts that apply to the browsable Web also apply to REST and applications in that REST architecture.
I like the 1st option as ... it doesn't change api contract
Clients shouldn't bind to a particular API as this creates coupling, which REST tries to avoid at all costs. Instead of directly binding to an API, the Web and as such also REST should use contracts build on hyper media types that define the admissible syntax and semantics of messages exchanged. By abstracting the contract away from the API itself to the media-type a client can support various contracts simultaneously. The generalization of the media-type furthermore allows to i.e. express various different things with the same media type and thus increase the likelihood for reusage and thus a better integration support into application layers.
Supporting various media-types is similar to speaking different languages. By being able to speak various languages you just increase the likelihood that you will be able to communicate with other people (services) out of the box without the need of learning those languages before. A client can tell a server via the Accept header which media-types it is able to "speak( (a.k.a. process) and the server will either respond with either of these or respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. That error response is, as Jim Webber put it, coordination data that at all times tells you whether everything went well or in case of failures gives you feedback on what went wrong.
In order to stay future-proof I therefore would suggest to design the configuration around hypertext enabled media types that support forms, i.e. HTML forms, applicaiton/hal-forms+json or application/ion+json. If in future you need to add further configuration options adding these is just a trivial task. Whether that configuration is exposed as own resource which you just link to, as embedded part within the resource or not return to the client at all is also a choice you have. If the same configuration may be used by multiple resources it would be benefitial to expose it as own resource and then just create a reference from the resource to that configuration but as mentioned these are design decisions you have to make.
If the POST request body is the only place where this is used, and you never have to do GET requests and automatically apply any conversion, my preference would probably go to adding it to the body.
It's nice to have a full document that contains all the information to describe itself, without requiring external out-of-band data to fully interpret its meaning.
You might like to define your schema to always include the unit in relevant parts of the document, for example:
distance: [5, 'km']
or, as you said, do it once at the top of the doc.

Terminology question: API somewhere between SOAP and REST - what is the name for them?

My understanding of SOAP vs REST:
REST = JSON, simple consistent interface, gives you CRUD access to 'entities' (Abstractions of things which are not necessarily single DB rows), simpler protocol, no formally enforced 'contract' (e.g. the values an endpoint returns could change, though it shouldn't)
SOAP = XML, more complex interface, gives you access to 'services' (specific operations you can apply to entities, rather than allowing you to CRUD entities directly), formally enforced, pre-stated 'contract' (like a WSDL, where e.g. the return types are predefined and formalized)
Is that a broadly correct assessment?
What about a mixture?
If so, what do I call an API that is a mixture?
For example, If we have what at surface level looks like a REST API (returns JSON, no WSDL or formalized contract defined - but instead of giving you access to the 'entities' that the system manages (User, product, comment, etc) it instead gives you specific access to services and complex operations (/sendUserAnUpdate/1111, /makeCommentTextPurple/3333, /getAllCommentsByUserThisYear/2222) without having full coverage?
The 'services' already exist internally, and the team simply publishes access to them on a request by request basis, through what would otherwise look like a REST API.
What is the 'mixture' typically referred to as (besides, maybe, a bad API). Is there a word for it? or a concept I can refer to that'll make most developers understand what I'm referring to, without having to say the entire paragraph I did above?
Is it just "JSON SOAP API?", "A Service-based REST API?" - what would you call it?
If you take a look at all those so-called REST-APIs your observation might seem true, though REST actually is something completely different. It describes an architecture or a philosophy whose intent it is to decouple clients from servers, allowing the latter one to evolve in future without breaking clients. It is quite similar to the typical Web page interaction in that a server will teach a client on what it needs and only reacts on client-triggered requests. One has to be pretty careful and pendant when designing REST services as it is too easy to include a coupling that may affect clients when a change is introduced, especially with all the pragmatism around in (commercial) software engineering. Stefan Tilkov gave a great talk on REST back in 2014 that, alongside with Jim Webber or Asbjørn Ulsberg, can be used as introduction lectures to what REST is at its core.
The general premise in REST should always be that a server teaches clients what they need and what a server expects and offers choices to the client via links. If the server expects to receive data from the client it will send a form-esque representation to inform the client about the respective fields it supports and based on the affordance of the respective elements contained in the form a client knows whether to select one or multiple options, enter some free text or enter a date value and such. Unfortunately, most of the media-type formats that attempt to mimic HTML's forms are still in draft versions.
If you take a look at HTML forms in particular you might sense what I'm refering to. Each of the elements that may occur inside a form are well defined to avoid abmiguity and improve interoperability. This is defacto the ultimate goal in REST, having one client that is able to interact with a sheer amount of other services without having to be adapted to each single API explicitely.
The beauty of REST is, it isn't limited to a single representation form, i.e. JSON, in fact there is almost an infinite number of possible representation formats that could be exchanged in a REST environment. Plain application/json is a terrible media-type for REST applications IMO as it doesn't include any defintions in regards to links and forms and doesn't describe the semantics of certain fields that may be shipped in requests and responses. The lack of semantical description usually leads to typed resources where a recipient expects that receiving data from i.e. /api/users returns some specific user data, that may differ from host to host. If you skim through IANA's media type registry you will find a couple of media-type formats you could have used to transfer user-related data and any client supporting these representation formats whold be able to interact with this enpoint without any issues. Fielding himself claimed that
A REST API should spend almost all of its descriptive effort in defining the media type(s) used for representing resources and driving application state, or in defining extended relation names and/or hypertext-enabled mark-up for existing standard media types. Any effort spent describing what methods to use on what URIs of interest should be entirely defined within the scope of the processing rules for a media type (and, in most cases, already defined by existing media types). (Source)
Through content-type negotiation client and server will negotiate about a representation format both support and understand. The question therefore shouldn't be which one to support but how many you want to support. The more media-type your API or client is able to exchange payloads for, the more likely it will be to interact with other participants.
Most of those so-called REST APIs are in reality just RPC services exposed via HTTP that may or may not respect and support certain HTTP operations. HTTP thereby is just a transport layer whose domain is the transfer of files or data over the Web. Plenty of people still believe that you shouldn't put verbs in URIs when in reality a script or process usually doesn't (and shouldn't) care whether a URI contains a verb or not. The URI itself is just a pointer a client will follow and invoke when it is interested in receiving the payload. We humans are also not that much interested in the URI itself in regards to the content it may return after invoking that URI. The same holds true for arbitrary clients. It is more important what you ship along with that URI. On the Web a link can be annotated with certain text and/or link relation names that set the links content in relation to the current page. It may hint a client that certain content may be invoked before the whole response was parsed as it is quite likely that the client will also want to know about that. preload i.e. is such a link-relation name that hints the client about that. If certain domain-specific terms exist one might use an extension scheme as defined by Web linking or reuse common knowlege or special microformats.
The whole interaction in a REST environment is similar to playing a text-based computer game or following a certain process flow (i.e. ordering and paying produts) defined by an application domain protocol, that can be designed as a state machine. The client is therefore guided through the whole process. It basically just follows the orders the server gave it, with some choices to break out of the process (i.e. cancel the order before paying).
SOAP on the otherhand is, as you've stated, an XML-based RPC protocol reusing a subset of HTTP to exchange requests and responses. The likelihood that when you change something within your WSDL plenty of clients have to be adapted and recompiled are quite high. SOAP even defines its own security mechanism instead of reusing TLS, which requires explicit support by the clients therefore. As you have a one-to-one communication model due to the state that may be kept in process, scaling SOAP services isn't that easy. In a REST environment this is just a matter of adding a load-balancer before the server and then mirroring the server n-times. The load-balancer can send the request to any of the servers due to the stateless constraint
What is the 'mixture' typically referred to as (besides, maybe, a bad API). Is there a word for it? or a concept I can refer to that'll make most developers understand what I'm referring to, without having to say the entire paragraph I did above?
Is it just "JSON SOAP API?", "A Service-based REST API?" - what would you call it?
The general term for an API that communicates on top of HTTP would be Web API or HTTP API IMO. This article also uses this term. It also lists XML-RPC and JSON-RPC besides SOAP. I do agree with Voice though that you'll receive 5 answers on asking 4 people about the right term to use. While it would be convenient to have a respective term available everyone would agree upon, the reality shows that people are not that interested in a clear separation. Just look here at SO on the questions taged with rest. There is nothing wrong with not being "RESTful", though one should avoid the term REST for truly RPC services. Though I think we are already in a situation where the term REST can't be rescued from misusage and marketing purposes.
For something that requires external documentation to use and that ships with its own custom, non-standardized representation format or that just exposes CRUD for domain objects I'd add -RPC to it, as this is more or less what it is at its heart. So if the API sends JSON and the representation to expect is documented via Swagger or some other external documentationJSON-RPC would probably the most fitting name IMO.
To sum up this post, I hope I could shed some light on what REST truly is and how your observation is flawed by all those pragmatic attempts that unfortunately are RPC through and through. If you change something within their implementation, how many clients will break? In addition to that you can't reuse the client that you've implemented for API A to interact with API B (of a different company or vendor) out of the box and therefore have to either adapt your client or create a new one solely for that API. This is true RPC and therfore should be reflected in the name somehow to hint developers about future expectations. Unfortunately, the process of naming things propperly, especially in regards to REST, seems already lost. There is a fine but tiny group who attempt to spread the true meaning, like Voice, Cassio and some others, though it is like fighting windmills. The best advice here would be to first discuss the naming conventions and what each participant understand on which term and then agree on a naming scheme everyone agrees on to avoid future confusion.
My understanding of SOAP vs REST
Is that a broadly correct assessment?
REST is an "architectural style", which is to say a coordinated collection of architectural constraints. The World Wide Web is an example of an application built using the REST architectural style.
SOAP is a transport agnostic message protocol specification, based on XML Information Set
If so, what do I call an API that is a mixture?
I don't think you are going to find an authoritative terminology here. Colloquially, you are likely to hear the broad umbrella term "web api" to describe an HTTP API that isn't "RESTful".
The whole space is rather polluted by semantic diffusion.

Is the much hyped REST API just a http method plus HATEOAS links?

I read that HATEOAS links are the one that separates a REST API from a normal http API. In that case, does REST need a separate name? I wonder what all this hype about REST API is about. It seems to be just a http method with one extra rule in the response.
Q) What other differences exist?
I read that HATEOAS links are the one that separates a REST API from a normal http API.
That's probably a little bit of an understatement. When Leonard Richardson (2008) described the "technology stack" of the web, he listed:
A way of exploring the latter is to consider how HTML, as a media type, differs from a text document with URI in it. To my mind, the key element is links and forms -- standardized ways of encoding into the representation the semantics of a URI (this is a link to another page, this is an embedded image, this is an embedded script, this is a form...).
Mike Admundsen, 2010:
Hypermedia Types are MIME media types that contain native hyper-linking semantics that induce application flow. For example, HTML is a hypermedia type; XML is not.
Atom Syndication/Atom Publishing is a good demonstration for defining a REST API.
Can you throw some light on what REST actually means and how it differs from normal http?
Have you noticed that websites don't normally use plain text for the representations of the information that they share? It's something of a dead end -- raw text doesn't have any hypermedia semantics built into it, so a generic client can't do anything more interesting than search for sequences that might be URI.
On the other hand, with HTML we have link semantics: we can include references to images, to style sheets, to scripts, as well as linking to other documents. We can describe forms, that allow the creation of parameterized HTTP requests.
Additionally, that means that if some relation shouldn't be used by the client, the server can easily change the representation to remove the link.
Furthermore, the use of the hypermedia representation allows the server to use a richer description of which request message should be sent by the client.
Consider, for example, Google. They can use the form to control whether search requests use GET or POST. They can remove the "I Feel Lucky" option, or arrange that it redirects to the main experience. They can embed additional information in to the fields of the form, to track what is going on. They can choose which URI targets are used in the search results, directing the client to send to Google another request which gets redirected to the actual target, with additional meta data embedded in the query parameters, all without requiring any special coordination with the client used.
For further discussion, see Leonard Richardson's slide deck from QCon 2008, or Phil Sturgeon's REST and Hypermedia in 2019.
Does n't think the client need to read the documentation if the HATEOAS link is a POST API? HATEOAS links will only guide you to an API but will not throw any light on how its request body needs to be filled....GET won't have request body. So, not much or a problem. but POST API?
Sort of - here's Fielding writing in 2008:
REST doesn’t eliminate the need for a clue. What REST does is concentrate that need for prior knowledge into readily standardizable forms.
On the web, the common use case is agents assisting human beings; the humans can resolve certain ambiguities on their own. The result is a separation of responsibilities; the humans decode the domain specific semantics of the messages, the clients determine the right way to describe an interaction as an HTTP request.
If we want to easily replace the human with a machine, then we'll need to invest extra design capital in a message schema that expresses the domain specific semantics as clearly as we express the plumbing.
To me, REST is an ideology you want to aim for if you have a system that should last for years to come which has the freedom to evolve freely without breaking stuff on parts you can't control. This is very similar to the Web where a server can't control browsers directly though browsers are able to cooperate with any changes done to Web site representations returned by the server.
I read that HATEOAS links are the one that separates a REST API from a normal http API. In that case, does REST need a separate name?
REST does basically what its name implies, it transfers the state of a resource representation. If so, we should come up with a new name for such "REST" APIs that are truly RPC in the back, to avoid confusion.
If you read through the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) you might fall under the impression that links or hypermedia controls as Fowler named it, which are mandatory at Level 3, are the feature that separates REST from normal HTTP interaction. However, Level 3 is just not enough to reach the ultimate goal of decoupling.
Most so called "REST APIs" do put a lot of design effort into pretty URIs in a way to express meaning of the target resource to client developer. They come up with fancy documentation generated by their tooling support, such as Swagger or similar stuff, which the client developer has to follow stringent or they wont be able to interact with their API. Such APIs are RPC though. You won't be able to point the same client that interacts with API A to point to API B now and still work out of the box as they might use completely different endpoints and return different types of data for almost the same named resource endpoint. A client that is attempting to use a bit more of dynamic behavior might learn the type from parsing the endpoint and expect a URI such as .../api/users to return users, when all of a sudden now the API changed its URI structure to something like .../api/entities. What would happen now? Most of these clients would break, a clear hint that the whole interaction model doesn't follow the one outline by a REST architecture.
REST puts emphasis on link relation names that should give clients a stable way of learning the URIs intent by allowing a URI to actually change over time. A URI basically is attached to a link relation name and basically represents an affordance, something that is clear what it does. I.e. the affordance of a button could be that you can press it and something would happen as a result. Or the affordance of a light switch would be that a light goes on or off depending on the toggled state of the light switch.
Link relation names now express such an affordance and are a text-based way to represent something like a trash bin or pencil symbol next to table entry on a Web page were you might figure out that on clicking one will delete an entry from the table while the other symbol allows to edit that entry. Such link relation names should be either standardized, use widely accepted ontologies or use custom link-relation extensions as outlined by RFC 8288 (Web Linking)
It is important to note however, that a URI is just a URI which should not convey a semantic meaning to a client. This does not mean that a URI can't have a semantic meaning to the server or API, but a client should not attempt to deduce one from the URI itself. This is what the link-relation name is for, which provides the infrequently changing part of that relation. An endpoint might be referenced by multiple, different URIs, some of which might use different query parameters used for filtering. According to Fielding each of these URIs represent different resources:
The definition of resource in REST is based on a simple premise: identifiers should change as infrequently as possible. Because the Web uses embedded identifiers rather than link servers, authors need an identifier that closely matches the semantics they intend by a hypermedia reference, allowing the reference to remain static even though the result of accessing that reference may change over time. REST accomplishes this by defining a resource to be the semantics of what the author intends to identify, rather than the value corresponding to those semantics at the time the reference is created. It is then left to the author to ensure that the identifier chosen for a reference does indeed identify the intended semantics. (Source 6.2.1)
As URIs are used for caching results, they basically represent the keys used for caching the response payload. As such, it gets obvious that on adding additional query parameters to URIs used in GET requests, you end up bypassing caches as the key is not stored in the cache yet and therefore get the result of a different resource, even though it might be identical (also in response representation) as the URI without that additional parameter.
I wonder what all this hype about REST API is about. It seems to be just a http method with one extra rule in the response.
In short, this is what those self- or marketing-termed pseudo "REST APIs" do convey and many people seem to understand.
The hype for "REST" arose from the inconveniences put onto developers on interacting with other interop-solutions such as Corba, RMI or SOAP where often partly-commercial third-party libraries and frameworks had to be used in order to interact with such systems. Most languages supported HTTP both as client and server out of the box removing the requirement for external libraries or frameworks per se. In addition to that, RPC based solution usually require certain stub- or skeleton-classes to be generated first, which was usually done by the build pipeline automatically. Upon updates of the IDL, such as WSDL linking or including XSD schemata, the whole stub-generation needed to be redone and the whole code needed to looked through in order to spot whether a breaking change was added or not. Usually no obvious changelog was available which made changing or updating such stuff a pain in the ...
In those pseudo "REST" APIs plain JSON is now pretty much the de facto standard, avoiding the step of generating stub classes and the hazzle of analyzing the own code to see whether some of the forced changes had a negative impact on the system. Most of those APIs use some sort of URI based versioning allowing a developer to see based on the URI whether something breaking was introduced or not, mimicking some kind of semantic versioning.
The problem with those solution though is, that not the response representation format itself is versioned but the whole API itself leading to common issues when only a change on a part of the API should be introduced as now the whole API's version needs to be bumped. In addition to that, to URIs such as .../api/v1/users/1234 and .../api/v2/users/1234 may represent the same user and thus the same resource though are in fact different by nature as the URI is different.
Q) What other differences exist?
While REST is just an architecture model that can't force you to implement it stringent, you simply will not benefit from its properties if you ignore some of its constraints. As mentioned above, HATEOAS support is therefore not yet enough to really decouple all clients from an API and thus allow to benefit from the REST architecture.
RMM unfortunately does not talk about media types at all. A media type basically specifies how a received payload should be processed and defines the semantics and constraints of each of the elements used within that payload. I.e. if you look at text/html registered in IANA's media type registry, you can see that it points to the published specification, which always references the most recent version of HTML. HTML is designed in a way to stay backwards compatible so no special versioning stuff is required.
HTML provides, IMO, two important things:
semi-structured content
form support
The former one allows to structure data, giving certain segments or elements the possibility to express different semantics defined in the media type. I.e. a browser will handle an image differently than a div element or an article element. A crawler might favor links and content contained in an article element and ignore script and image elements completely. Based on the existence or absence of certain elements even certain processing differences may occur.
Including support for forms is a very important thing in REST actually as this is the feature which allows a server to teach a client on what a server needs as input. Most so called "REST APIs" just force a developer to go through their documentation, which might be outdated, incorrect or incomplete, and send data to a predefined endpoint according to the documentation. In case of outdated or incomplete documentation, how should a client ever be able to send data to the server? Moreover, a server might never be able to change as basically the documentation is now the truth and the API has to align with the documentation.
Unfortunately, form-support is still a bit in its infancy. Besides HTML, which provides <form>...</form>, you have a couple of JSON based form attempts such as hal-forms, halo-json (halform), Ion or hydra. None of these have yet wide library or framework support yet as some of these form representations still have not finalized their specification on how to support forms more effectively.
Other media-types, unfortunately, might not use semi-structured content or provide support for forms that teach a client on the needs of a server, though they are still valuable to REST in general. First, through Web linking link support can be added to media types that do not naturally support those. Second, the data itself does not really need to be text-based at all in order for an application to use it further. I.e. pictures an videos usually are encoded and byte based anyways still a client can present them to users.
The main point about media-types though is, as Fielding already pointed out in one of his cited blog posts, is, that representations shouldn't be confused with types. Fielding stated that:
A REST API should never have “typed” resources that are significant to the client. Specification authors may use resource types for describing server implementation behind the interface, but those types must be irrelevant and invisible to the client. The only types that are significant to a client are the current representation’s media type and standardized relation names.
Jørn Wildt explained in an excellent blog post what a "typed" resource is and why a REST architecture shouldn't use such types. Basically, to sum the blog post up, a client expecting a ../api/users endpoint to return a pre-assumed data payload might break if the server adds additional, unexpected fields, renames existing fields or leave out expected fields. This coupling can be avoided by using simple content-type negotiation where a client informs a server on which capabilities the client supports and the client will chose the representation that best fits the target resource. If the server can't support the client with a representation the client supports the server should respond with a failure (or a default representation) the client might log to inform the user.
This in essence is exactly what the name REST stands for, the transfer of a resource's state representation where the representation may differ depending on the representation format defined by the selected media type. While HATEOAS may be one of the most obvious changes between REST and a non-REST based HTTP solution, this for sure is not the only factor that makes up a payload in REST. I hope I could shed some light on the decoupling intention and that a server should teach clients what the server expects through forms and that the affordance of URIs is captured by link-relation names. All these tiny aspects in sum make up REST, and you will only benefit from REST, unfortunately, if you respect all of its constraints and not only those that are either easy to obtain or what you have the mood for implementing.

REST API - how does the client know what a valid payload is to POST to the resource?

One of the goals of the REST API architecture is decoupling of the client and the server.
One of the questions I have run across in planning a REST API is: "how does the client know what is a valid payload for POST methods?"
Somehow the API needs to communicate to the UI what a valid payload for a given resource’s POST method. Otherwise here we are back at depending on out-of-band knowledge being necessary to work with an API and we are tightly coupled again.
So I’ve had this idea that the API response for a GET on a resource would provide a specification for constructing a valid payload for the POST method on that resource. This would include field names, data type, max length, etc.
This guy has a similar idea.
What's the correct way to handle this? Are most people just relying on out-of-band information? What are people doing in the real world with this problem?
Something I have come up with to solve this problem is illustrated in the following sequence diagram:
The client and the api service are separate. The client knows:
Entry point
How to navigate the API via the hypermedia.
Here's what happens:
Someone (user) requests the registration page from the client
The client requests the entry point from the API and receives all hypermedia links with appropriate meta data on how to traverse them legally.
Client constructs the registration form based on the meta data associated with the registration hypermedia POST method.
User fills in the form and submits.
Client POSTs to the API with the correct data and all is well.
No magic /meta resouces, no need to use a method for the meta data. Everything is provided by the API.
Most people are relying on out-of-band information. This is usually ok, though, because most clients aren't being built dynamically, but statically. They rely on known parts of the API rather than being HATEOAS-driven.
If you are developing or want to support a metadata-driven client, then yes, you're going to need to come up with a schema for providing that information. The implementation you linked to seems reasonable after a quick skim. Note that you've only moved the problem, though. Clients still need to know how to interpret the information in the metadata responses.
Your are right, the client should understand the semantics of the links in the response, and choose the right one from them to achieve its goal. The client is coupled to the semantics the API provides about this and not to the API itself. So for example a client should not retrieve information from the URI structure, since it is tightly coupled to the actual API.
I know of 2 current solution types about this:
by HAL+JSON you use IANA link relations to describe what the link does, and vendor specific MIME types to describe the schema of the fields
by JSON-LD (or any other RDF format) with Hydra vocab you send back RDF metadata according to the operation the link calls. This meta-data can contain the validation details of the fields (xsd vocab) and the semantics of the fields (microdata, microformats, etc...). This information is completely decoupled from the API implementation, so it might be a better option than using vendor specific MIME types, but Hydra is still under development and HAL is much simpler.
However your solution is valid as well, I think you should check both of these, since they are already standard solutions, and the uniform interface / self-descripting message constraint of REST encourages the usage of existing standards instead of custom solutions. But it is up to you if you want to create an own standard.
I think you are asking about, Rest API meta data handling. Unlike SOAP, Rest APIs doesn't use meta data normally, but sometimes it can be pretty useful, once your api size gets bigger.
I think you should look into swagger. It is the most elegant you can find out for rest apis. I have being using it for sometime and with the annotation support it is being rather easy to work with. It also has many examples found on github. Other advantage is, it contains nice configurable ui.
Apart from that you can find other ways of doing it like WADL and WSDL 2.0. Even-though I haven't being using them, you can read more about them here.
With RFC 6861, you can link to your form with create-form and edit-form Link Relations, instead of the client constructing the form by itself. The corresponding form should have the necessary schema to construct the POST request.

Is the usage of custom media types a good option?

I've been convinced by a fellow developer (now left) that the proper way to evolve RESTful web services is by creating custom media types for your services.
For example application/vnd.acme.payroll.v1+json
This way, you can tell your client to specify the encoding to use without changing the URI.
Is this technique a good one? Usually services embed the version into the url:
eg /acme/1.0/payroll/
I've had a lot of difficulty enforcing clients to use this scheme, especially as it seems DELETE does not enforce a media type
There are a few main signaling mechanisms you can use in a RESTful service:
The media type
The rel of a resource you are linking to.
Custom headers, like Accept-Version/Api-Version.
Each of these has distinct uses, and I will outline the ways in which we have come to understand them while designing our API.
Media Types
To signal what operations are possible on a given resource, and what the semantics of these operations are, many use custom media types. In my opinion, this is not quite correct, and a rel is more accurate.
A custom media type should tell you about the type of the data, e.g. its format or the way certain information is embodied or embedded. Having a custom media type means consumers of your API are tightly coupled to that specific representation. Whereas, using something more generic like application/json says "this is just JSON data."
Usually JSON alone is not enough for a RESTful service, since it has no built-in linking or resource-embedding functionality. That is where something like HAL (application/hal+json) comes in. It is a specialization of JSON that is still a generic format, and not application-specific. But it gives just enough to overlay the linking and embedding semantics on top of JSON that is necessary for coherently expressing a RESTful API.
Link Relation Types (rels)
This brings us to rels. To me, a custom rel is a perfect way to signal what type of resource is being dealt with or linked to. For example, a custom rel for a user resource might be, which serves two purposes:
Clients of your API must know this key ahead of time, as it is API-specific knowledge. For example, if it was available on your initial resource and you were using HAL to link to the user resource, clients might find the user link via initialResource._links[""].href.
Developers writing API clients can visit that URI in their web browser, and get an explanation of what that resource represents in your API, including what methods are applicable and what they do. This is a very convenient way to communicate that API-specific knowledge I mentioned. For examples of this, see
If you combine rels with a standard or semi-standard media type like application/hal+json, you get resources which follow a uniform format specified by their media type, with API-specific semantics defined by their rels. This gets you almost all the way there.
Custom Headers
The remaining question is versioning. How do you allow clients to negotiate different versions of the resource, while not invalidating old URIs?
Our solution, inspired by the Restify Node.js framework, is two custom headers: Accept-Version from the client, which much match X-Api-Version from the server (or Api-Version in the upcoming Restify 2.0 release, as per the new RFC 6648). If they don't match, a 400 Bad Request is the result.
I admit that custom media types are a fairly popular solution here. In my opinion they don't fit very well conceptually, in light of the above considerations, but you would not be doing something weird if you chose them as your versioning mechanism. It has some semantic issues when used with methods other than GET though, as you note.
One thing to keep in mind is that in a truly RESTful system, versioning should not be such an issue. It should only matter in one very specific situation: when the representations of your resources change in backward-incompatible ways, but you still want to keep the same rels. So if the resource suddenly loses its username field and gains an id field, that would qualify. But if it suddenly gains a nickname field, that's not backward-incompatible, so no versioning is needed. And if the concept of "friends" is completely replaced in your API with the concept of, say, "connection", this is not actually backward-incompatible, because API consumers will simply no longer find links anywhere in the API for them to follow.
Yes, it's a good option. It clarifies the encoding you'll be using for payloads and lets both sides negotiate a different version of the encoding without changing the URI, as you correctly pointed out.
And yes, there's no need for a client to send a DELETE along with an entity-body. I believe it will simply be ignored by a compliant HTTP server, given that no payload data is transferred in that case. The client issues a DELETE for a URI, and the server returns a response code indicating whether it succeeded. Nice and simple! If the server wishes to return some data after a DELETE then it is free to do so, and should specify the media type of the response when it does.