Synchronizing on Egit. Everything is outgoing - eclipse

I'm using Egit on Eclipse.
I have cloned a project and I have imported it on Eclipse. I haven't done any change yet.
When I do "Pull" or "Fetch from Upstream" it says, as expected, "Nothing to update - everything up to date". However, when I do "Synchronize Workspace", all files appears "Outgoing", this is, marked with the black arrow. Whichever file I open in "Compare Editor" appears with one big difference which covers all the lines.
Just in case, I have checked that I have configured "text file line delimiter" and "text file encoding" in the same way that the creator of the project.

It seems that the problem is solved making "Untrack", "Add to Index" and "Overwrite" successively, but anyways, I feel that is a suspicious behaviour.


How to find the workspace where the file is checked out in P4v

I have a file checked out. So, when I tried to check out the file, it says "the file is checked out by another user and cannot checkout multiple versions of it". I tried seeing the "checked out by" tab in P4V and it shows my P4V id.
But the file is not shown in any of pending lists in any of the work spaces I have.
I need to find the workspace where the file is checked out so that I can revert it.
You can hover your mouse over the item showing the blue checkmark in P4V, and it will show you who has it checked out and in what workspace. In this image, the workspace name is in the red box (but I've blurred it because the name is unimportant).

Undo “Remember my decision” in Eclipse for QuickDiff

When choosing "Show annotation" in Eclipse I was asked if I want to use the QuickDiff feature and I said "no". Moreover, I checked "Remember my decision", and now I profoundly regret it. Now Eclipse goes to the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective, instead of staying in the Java perspective and just show me the changes in the left vertical bar (the one with the line numbers).
Does anybody know how to re-enable QuickDiff? I went to the QuickDiff preferences page and tried to do it, but in vain.
I have an Eclipse EE Mars.2 Release (4.5.2).
If you type "diff" into the filter box of the Preferences dialog, you'll find it. In this case you also want to change the reference source to whatever version control system you are using.
Finally, a colleague helped me to find the right option. See the image.

SourceTree Won't Show All My Changes

I want to commit my works. But when I want to see what I changed and wrote them into commit message, I saw some of my changes won't show.
What is the problem?
Change The Maximum Lines And Size In Options
Tools > Options > Diff
Change Max Diff Line Count
Change Size Limit (Text)
I'm adding this answer as another possible cause of SourceTree "only showing the change history for a single file". This was annoying me for quite a while. No settings changes would display more than one file. THEN, I realised that the commit summary is actually a panel which slides up over the file list. ZOMG.
Make sure your filter is setup correctly:
For me the filter bugged out and while the main text said "Pending files", the dropdown had nothing selected.
Size Update For the latest ScourceTree
ScourceTree -> Preferences -> Diff -> Size limit(text)
Make sure that you copy the last version of your project, the one that you want to commit, to the directory of your repositories that you set for SourceTree. Replace the old project with the new one then open SourceTree
Open SourceTree, click commit, select all the files that you want to commit, which will probably be all the files you see (becuase SourceTree shows the changed files after you click commit).
On the Puush button on the top you'll se a red notification icon which means that you didn't push the last commit. Once you do that, your changes must be visible on BitBucket and SourceTree
Another possible reason:
Make sure Ignore whitespace in the diff view is not enabled.
If it is not a Pending issue or an options issue mentioned above, make sure Mercurial wasn't inadvertently checked if you're using it with Git. It will manifest in a similar way. If so, you're going to need to deinstall & re-install.

Show annotations not working

I use Eclipse with egit plugin. When I click Team -> Show Annotations, it shows up nothing. But I could view annotations by going to the history and then right clicking on the desired change set.
Shouldn't the first way show annotations from the latest version of that file I am working on?
I found eclipse bug 394161 that says the show annotations functionality won't work unless you set your EGit preferences to ignore whitespace changes. You can do that by going to Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git and checking the box that says "Ignore whitespace changes". That fixed the problem for me.
I was having the same problem and this worked for me (in two different computers):
Make sure annotations are well set up, for example, if you want to see errors on the vertical ruler, you must have that option activated. Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Errors > Show in > Vertical ruler
Make sure your project is marked as a PyDev project. Right-click on your project > PyDev > Set as PyDev Project (if you see Remove PyDev Project config it is already marked as one)
Lastly, make sure your source folder is correctly identified. Right-click on your source folder > PyDev > Set as source folder (add to PYTHONPATH)
In the last step, if you see Set as non-source folder (remove from PYTHONPATH) it is already marked as one and, in that case, this solution shouldn't work for you, but you can try to undo and redo steps 2 and 3.
I'm using Eclipse Kepler, PyDev 3.2 and EGit 3.2.
I banged my head on this for a bit today. Right-clicking a file in Project Explorer or Package Explorer, then selecting "Team" > "Show Annotations" does not work (at least in version 4.5.1). So don't do that. I found the easiest way to show annotations is just click on the vertical ruler then select "Show Annotations" from there.
By the way, the ignore whitespace bug that #Derek mentions has been fixed. From the bug ticket,
After updating to the showing the annotations worked also without setting the property "Ignore whitespace changes"
So the bug seems to be fixed.
I verified that I am not impacted by the bug in 4.5.1

Eclipse code line change

I often switch from Eclipse to Netbeans and back. There is a feature in Netbeans that allows you to see changed lines in code due to repository.
Is there something similar in Eclipse?
Yes, right click the file Team -> Show Annotation... When you hover over the colored line numbers you see the committing user and the commit message. If it is a local change it is just white.