Show annotations not working - eclipse

I use Eclipse with egit plugin. When I click Team -> Show Annotations, it shows up nothing. But I could view annotations by going to the history and then right clicking on the desired change set.
Shouldn't the first way show annotations from the latest version of that file I am working on?

I found eclipse bug 394161 that says the show annotations functionality won't work unless you set your EGit preferences to ignore whitespace changes. You can do that by going to Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git and checking the box that says "Ignore whitespace changes". That fixed the problem for me.

I was having the same problem and this worked for me (in two different computers):
Make sure annotations are well set up, for example, if you want to see errors on the vertical ruler, you must have that option activated. Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Errors > Show in > Vertical ruler
Make sure your project is marked as a PyDev project. Right-click on your project > PyDev > Set as PyDev Project (if you see Remove PyDev Project config it is already marked as one)
Lastly, make sure your source folder is correctly identified. Right-click on your source folder > PyDev > Set as source folder (add to PYTHONPATH)
In the last step, if you see Set as non-source folder (remove from PYTHONPATH) it is already marked as one and, in that case, this solution shouldn't work for you, but you can try to undo and redo steps 2 and 3.
I'm using Eclipse Kepler, PyDev 3.2 and EGit 3.2.

I banged my head on this for a bit today. Right-clicking a file in Project Explorer or Package Explorer, then selecting "Team" > "Show Annotations" does not work (at least in version 4.5.1). So don't do that. I found the easiest way to show annotations is just click on the vertical ruler then select "Show Annotations" from there.
By the way, the ignore whitespace bug that #Derek mentions has been fixed. From the bug ticket,
After updating to the showing the annotations worked also without setting the property "Ignore whitespace changes"
So the bug seems to be fixed.
I verified that I am not impacted by the bug in 4.5.1


IntelliJ IDEA's counterpart to Eclipse's Quick Diff

I just moved to IntelliJ IDEA after spending years working in Eclipse. Eclipse has "Quick Diff" option that allows me to choose color for each type of modification (new line added, line deleted and line modified). It compares my local changes and Git / SVN / CVS code, depending on what you choose. Does IntelliJ has this option or some plugin that does the same thing?
I'm sorry if this question has already been asked before. I tried to find it on IntelliJ's page, on Google and Stack-overflow.
IntelliJ will by default diff with the VCS that's set up for the project/module, but you can also diff two files by right-clicking on one of them and selecting Compare With....
To change the colors go to Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > Diff & Merge. The important color is the highlighting of the line in the diff view, the Error stripe mark color is the color shown in the gutter.

Undo “Remember my decision” in Eclipse for QuickDiff

When choosing "Show annotation" in Eclipse I was asked if I want to use the QuickDiff feature and I said "no". Moreover, I checked "Remember my decision", and now I profoundly regret it. Now Eclipse goes to the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective, instead of staying in the Java perspective and just show me the changes in the left vertical bar (the one with the line numbers).
Does anybody know how to re-enable QuickDiff? I went to the QuickDiff preferences page and tried to do it, but in vain.
I have an Eclipse EE Mars.2 Release (4.5.2).
If you type "diff" into the filter box of the Preferences dialog, you'll find it. In this case you also want to change the reference source to whatever version control system you are using.
Finally, a colleague helped me to find the right option. See the image.

PyDev: project not visible

I was using PyDEV without issue but recently when I create a project in Eclipse the project is not visible in the PyDev perspective but is visible in the Java perspective. My project is a python project. It seems that the perspectives are a little mixed up.
Is there a way to fix this?
My solution was:
Going to PyDev Package Explorer
Click View Menu button (arrow pointing down, top left area of the Package Explorer panel)
Top Level Elements
Click Projects
Maybe you added some filter which is hiding it in the PyDev package explorer?
I.e.: have you tried going to the PyDev package explorer filters (in PyDev package explorer > Ctrl+F10 > Customize View).
Or maybe you set the top-level to working sets and don't have a working set on PyDev? (i.e.: Ctrl+F10 > top level elements)
Or maybe you selected a working set which has nothing? (i.e.: Ctrl+F10 > select working set)
I know this is an old question, but I've had to deal with this specific problem in Eclipse 4 Luna, and I have an idea for what's wrong.
Use Package Explorer instead of PyDev Package Explorer.
The native Package Explorer, when in working set view, appears to automatically create and populate the working set "Other Projects." PyDev's explorer does not appear to do this, at least not on my default Luna installation. As well, PyDev's assignment of projects to working sets appears broken on Eclipse 4 Luna, so users of PyDev Package Explorer may have trouble finding their projects between views.
Enable Package Explorer:
- Window -> Show View -> Package Explorer
If Package Explorer not in menu:
Window -> Customize Perspective
Click the Menu Visibility tab.
Expand Window
Expand Show View
Find Package Explorer and put a check in it.
Click Window then Show View, choose Package Explorer and rejoice.
I hope this helps at least one of you. I'm terribly new to Eclipse, and it is probably the single most unfriendly thing I've ever had to use. Good luck!
I had the same problem. Newly created projects did not show up. This is what brought me to this question. While looking at the answer provided by #alecor_Dev, which does not answer to the question, at least in my case, I managed to solve mine.
If you have a working set created and selected new projects will not show up. The easiest way to test is to go to:
PyDev Package Explore->View Menu button (pointing down)-> Deselect Working Set.
If you has a working set but more projects in that workspace more projects will show up.
If you want to keep the view clean you can go back to your working set but add the new project by editing the working set:
PyDev Package Explore->View Menu button (pointing down)-> Edit Active Woking Set.
And click on the project you want to add or remove.
I hope that this will help other with similar issues. While working set are a convenient way to declutter the view, can add to confusion.
I Suggest to #Fabio Zadrozny to add some visible way of marking that we are working inside a working set.
I hope that #medPhys-pl can confirm this although he moved to LiClipse. Obviously, there can be other causes that can create this kind of behaviour, but the initial description of the problem seems very similar to mine and I hope that it will solve other people's issues.

Subclipse label decorations not synchronizing

I use the SpringSourceToolSuite (v2.9.2.201205071000-RELEASE) version of Eclipse along with Subclipse (v1.8.13). When checking in code I use Tortoise and then return to eclipse where I run a full project clean, which resets the subversion decorations (i.e asterisk, cross, question mark etc) to their correct status.
This is usually all I need to do, but lately the decorations do not get reset even though I have (say) just checked in the file and comparing with the repository shows no differences.
I can edit a file by adding and deleting a space and then the decorations reset correctly. This is proving to be a pain, and now I have a package which is decorated with a + sign and I can't get rid of it.
Anybody else getting this problem or managed to resolve it? Thanks.
Please try: right click on project, Team-> Refresh/Cleanup
I had to change {label_decoration} to {resource_url} in Preferences / Team / SVN / Label Decorations / Text Decorations / Project.
So my Project entry is: {outgoing_flag} {name} {revision} [{resource_url}{root_prefix}: {first_branchOrTag_child}]

How do I make eclipse (Indigo) collapse empty (parent) packages?

What I want to do is simply use the eclipse package explorer in hierarchical view but with empty packages being collapsed so I don't have to open 5+ packages to find the first Java file.
I'm not even sure how I did it in previous versions, but I've never had any trouble finding it before, it just seems to be gone now. I have a feeling there was a "flatten hierarchy" tick-box somewhere.
To clarify I get this:
Rather than:
I'm using Eclipse Indigo (v. 3.7.1)
Open the View menu (small triangle in top right corner), open filters and check Empty parent packages.
In most cases it works, but in case of existing projects it does not always work as expected. If you seem to have troubles, try to export the project, remove it, then re-add the exported version (or re-checkout from your VCS).
Assuming the view filter is engaged properly, perhaps your source folders are not as "empty" as you think.
For example, on Apple OS X, Eclipse will detect .DS_STORE entires along your src/package/hierarchy, making the parent packages technically non-empty.
Delete any such hidden files and refresh your project.
Window - Preferences - Java - Appearance - Abbreviate package names
And enter the following rule:
I don't know what the problem actually was, but I couldn't get it fixed until I gave up altogether and reinstalled the OS (it was a fresh install anyway), and eclipse. It was completely fine after that. :\
Click on the arrow at the top right of the "Package explorer" and choose "Package presentation -> flat"
Try to restart Eclipse once in a while. I had trouble getting it to work, and after an Eclipse restart it suddenly was working again.