Where to find the latest version + latest documentation of Paypal Express Checkout? - paypal

I'm implementing Paypal Express Checkout on a website, but am left a bit dubious about whether I'm using the latest API version, and the latest documentation.
The documentation on the Paypal website points to these files:
Express Checkout
Integration Guide: PP_ExpressCheckout_IntegrationGuide.pdf
Name-Value Pair API
Developer Guide: PP_NVPAPI_DeveloperGuide.pdf
I can tell that they do not refer to the latest API version though, as they're using fields that this page considers deprecated (AMT, PAYMENTACTION, ...)
So my questions are:
Where can I be sure to always browse the latest Express Checkout documentation?
Where to find which is the latest version number (XX.0) available?

1) X.com houses the latest documentation. See this page for a list.
2) The WSDL will be your best source for the latest version. ex: ns:version="89.0" right at the top.


How to enable post code entry text box in flutter-stripe plugin?

currently, we using bellow packages in a flutter to use stripe as our paymentgateway,
if we compare flutter integration with a web interface (laravel-stripe) ( stipe intent ),
there are 2 different
a) In Web there is an option to enable "postcode" so that users can type postcode but in flutter-stripe packages, it's missing.
b) in laravel-stripe, when there are some issues with stripe i.e (not sufficient fund or postcode validation issues, we get clear messages back from the stripe,
however, in stripe-flutter plugin we just get basic "payment declined"
my question is,
a) Can we enable postcode entry when using a flutter-stripe plugin?
b) when using fluter-stipe plugin, can we get more detailed message from stripe when a payment fails?
Please let me know
we are about to go live but now we realized these two issues
I'm not familiar with Flutter, but you may want to ask other users in the issues for the repository. Note that this package is a port of tipsi-stripe, and links to its docs for examples.
You can see this doc describing creating a payment method including billing details.

Magento checkout page phone number mask

I need to implement international number mask in magento 2.1 checkout page
phone number field like the below image
so I am requesting that any one know how to implement this code in magento 2.1 checkout page
Git hub URL for this script https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input
I found exact requirement with below Magento module https://github.com/MaxMage/international-telephone-input
so it will be definitely useful for such cases

Paypal review page customization with rest api in php

How can i do this:
In rest api, especially when dealing with recurring payments,when my summary is empty?
Unfortunately, there is no way to display the details of the plan on the order summary page at this time. We have raised the issue internally in Paypal, and got an issue created here https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/issues/149. We will be updating the issue on github, for any changes.
However, you can still provide some description as shown here: https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/blob/master/sample/billing/CreateBillingAgreementWithCreditCard.php#L58

Are the APIs listed in API Explorer compatible with QuickBooks enterprise?

The title says it all, I am looking at this reference: https://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer?apiname=CustomerAccountData#
but it doesn't make any notes on the compatibility between different versions.
The particular API you linked to is not in any way related to ANY version of QuickBooks. It's the AggCat APIs, which are geared towards pulling financial information from banks (e.g. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc.).
If you're trying to integrate with QuickBooks accounting software:
If you're a SaaS application (e.g. you are building an app to allow many people to connect their QuickBooks to your app) then this is where you need to look:
If you're building a custom/one-off/in-house integration, then you need to look at the QuickBooks SDK:
Regardless of whether you're using IPP (SaaS) or the SDK (non-SaaS) QuickBooks Enterprise is the same thing as QuickBooks Pro and Premier - all version of QuickBooks for Windows share the same APIs. The APIs are the same for all of them.
Correct ApiExplorer Link - https://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer?apiname=V2QBD

Questions about PayFlow Pro API and where download latest release? (paypal_base.dll, Version, Runtime v1.1.4322)

I'm constantly confused with PayPal (x.com vs. developer.paypal.com, API names, etc.) and need help locating the latest API that I'm currently using in my project. I have a Visual Studio 2010 C# reference to this DLL:
paypal_base (Properties: version, Runtime Version: v1.1.4322)
Q1. What is URL of latest download?
Q2. I downloaded payflow_dotnet_setup_v4.33.zip and I'm reading "PayPal Payflow SDK for .NET Developer's Guide), BUT there is NO MENTION of any of the current calls I'm already using that look like this. Why?
DoCaptureRequestType pp_request = new DoCaptureRequestType();
pp_request.AuthorizationID = authorizationId;
return (DoCaptureResponseType)caller.Call("DoCapture", pp_request);
Q3. Is this API deprecated in liu of REST API?
I'm SO confused.
X.com was the home of the developer site for PayPal, but it is being migrated over to developer.paypal.com. Eventually everything you need for Payflow, PayPal, and etc to get started processing payments will be found on developer.paypal.com. You can find the most recent version of the PayPal SDK's here. The REST API's are newer API's which can be used as well, however they are still new and they are not supported for every country yet and not all of the features are available yet.