How to enable post code entry text box in flutter-stripe plugin? - flutter

currently, we using bellow packages in a flutter to use stripe as our paymentgateway,
if we compare flutter integration with a web interface (laravel-stripe) ( stipe intent ),
there are 2 different
a) In Web there is an option to enable "postcode" so that users can type postcode but in flutter-stripe packages, it's missing.
b) in laravel-stripe, when there are some issues with stripe i.e (not sufficient fund or postcode validation issues, we get clear messages back from the stripe,
however, in stripe-flutter plugin we just get basic "payment declined"
my question is,
a) Can we enable postcode entry when using a flutter-stripe plugin?
b) when using fluter-stipe plugin, can we get more detailed message from stripe when a payment fails?
Please let me know
we are about to go live but now we realized these two issues

I'm not familiar with Flutter, but you may want to ask other users in the issues for the repository. Note that this package is a port of tipsi-stripe, and links to its docs for examples.
You can see this doc describing creating a payment method including billing details.


Why are my PayPal Checkout buttons not opening a link to the PayPal Sandbox?

I am trying for the first time to implement a PayPal Checkout solution (aka PayPal Commerce Platform for Business) in an ASP.NET Web Application, using Web Forms. I've set up a new REST API for the Sandbox and followed PayPal's Set up server-side SDK guidance to install the SDK in my .NET project. PayPal's button demo now lets me log into the Sandbox with a newly created Sandbox user name and make a test payment, which is confirmed as being successful. So far, so good.
My next step was to create a PayPalButton.aspx page containing exactly the same code as used on Paypal's button demo page. All my updated code was then uploaded to my live site. That's when I hit a problem, as the PayPal buttons don't work on my live site (the PayPal log in window just briefly flashes and then disappears). Being a total newbie to the Paypal Checkout process, it's highly likely that I have made some very basic error.
The only thing I can think of is that my problem might have something to do with the section in Set up server-side SDK that refers to modifying HTTP request headers? I didn't understand what that section was asking me to do.
What routes/paths did you implement the create order and capture order functions at? What data do they return? Update your question with this information. For the create order route, is the data a valid JSON object with a PayPal order ID in the id key?
Have you set the paths in your "PayPalButton.aspx" HTML/JS code to call the aforementioned routes? Your question does not include any specific information about what is going on, i.e. your button code and the result (Response body) of the fetch calls from the browser's developer tools 'Network' tab.
This morning, I managed to resolve the problem with my PayPalButton.aspx page just briefly flashing the PayPal login page. As previously mentioned, it contains a script copied from PayPal's button demo. I then realised that it was different from the sample script provided on the Integrate Checkout page.
I created a new PayPalButton2.aspx page containing this alternative script and, unlike PayPalButton.aspx, it worked fine. In both cases, I had substituted my own Sandbox ClientID.

Bot (Google Assistant Action) with GPay interface with Stripe - NIGHTMARE

Let us explain better the situation. The facts are:
We have a Bot (Google Assitant Action) with a full purchase flow with GPay payment.
the Bot is already deployed to Beta
We have a Stripe Account set up and we have got all the private and public keys
On testing a full flow with GPay payment we have got this log error message on every attempt to perform a transaction:
"To use Google Pay for your transactions, you would need to first register at If this is just for testing, please enable sandbox mode in the Actions simulator."
Following the instructions, we have completed the Busniess Profile, and then we jump into the Integration set up. The options available are Android App, Web and Direct Integration. So as we are not integrating nor Android App neither website we assume we neet to select Direct integration.
So as we are using a "Supported payment provider" we skip the section as indicated.
The result is that the "Submit For Approval" option never gets enabled.
Is anybody having this issue? How to achieve the GPay-Stripe connection for Google Action Bot?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help,
Currently, Google is working with a limited number of partners that can get access to the production Google Pay API. If you're not one of those partners, you're welcome to read the documentation and test the integration using the sandbox environment.

Is there a way to dynamically upload catalog items from my database to PayPal Here using the API?

I'm looking to see if it's possible to add catalog items that are always changing with code rather than manually entering them one by one. I want to do this to make use of the barcode scanning feature on the PayPal Here POS app in a store that never sells the same item twice.
Here is the entry page I'm looking to automate with the PayPal API:
image of PayPal interface (was too new to stackoverflow to embed it)
I haven't found a hint of this in the API docs or on the web. Does anyone know if it's possible?

WooCommerce Email Inquiry and Cart Options plugin can not be activated

I got the latest version of this beautiful plugin call: WooCommerce Email Inquiry and Cart Options Pro, but It needs to be activated after installation also It needs to be bound with one domain name, this is not good.
Dear friend could you pls help me to solve these two problem? This is the plugin download address.
Error pagek:
I'm not familiar with this plugin but you should reaching out to the developers of the plugin here:
Keys are typically used to validate a purchase.

Paypal review page customization with rest api in php

How can i do this:
In rest api, especially when dealing with recurring payments,when my summary is empty?
Unfortunately, there is no way to display the details of the plan on the order summary page at this time. We have raised the issue internally in Paypal, and got an issue created here We will be updating the issue on github, for any changes.
However, you can still provide some description as shown here: