Rest application and authorization - rest

I would like to build my own REST app.
I'm planning to use oAuth as a main auth approach.
The question is: Can I use login and password as client_id and client_secret (in terms oAuth spec) ?
I don't have any third side applications, companies, sites etc... which will authenteficate my users.
I have my own REST server and JS-application.
Whole site will be made in usual(RPC) approach, but some private part will be done as RESTfull service, with enough stand-alone JS application.
UPDATED: I'm not sure that I even need full oAuth support. It seems to me that I can ask login and password on https page and then generate some token. Later i could use it to check is this user authenticated already or not. But in this case this oAuth become almost the same what we have in web aplications. I do not need oAuth to athorize users ?
I'm not consider HTTP(s) authotization because i don't want to send evrytime user and password to server.

One if the main reasons OAuth exists is to allow integrations without users compromising their usernames and passwords.
If you plan on using username and password, look into xAuth as an option if you still want to sign your requests. More info:
But you could likely just as well go for HTTP Basic Authentication. At least if you publish your API over SSL. More info:

I think you might get a better answer on the security site. See, for example, this question.
In any case, you need to start with a detailed assessment of what attacks you are trying to prevent and what attacks are "acceptable.". For example, if you are using HTTPS then you can probably accept the remaining danger of a man-in-the-middle attack, because it would require forging an SSL certificate. It is harder to say in general if a replay attack is acceptable.
One reasonable solution would be to create a time-limited temporary token by having the user authenticate over HTTPS with the username and password, generating a secure token with an expiration date, and then sending that token and expiration date back to the client. For example, you can create a (reasonably) secure token by taking the SHA1 hash of a secret plus the user name plus the expiration timestamp. Then the client can include the token, the user name, and the authentication timestamp in future requests and you can validate it using your secret and your clock. These need not be sent as 3 parameters; they can be concatenated into one string user|timestamp|token.

Register your application with SLI. SLI grants a unique client ID and a client secret that enables your application to authenticate to the SLI API. You must also register the redirect URI of your application for use in authentication and authorization flows.
Enable your application with specific education organizations so that the application can be approved for use in those districts.
Configure and implement the appropriate OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization flow in your application, which includes managing sessions and authorization timeouts.


Protocol for password-less authentication in clis

I have a cli (which use a rest api) which needs authentication for use.
As of right now, it supports a token auth. This token is generated at the server on a request with username and password and given as the response.This is not ideal (due to man in the middle attacks) and I am looking for a better protocol to use to generate the tokens.
Users will use such a protocol from a cli, and may or may not have access to a browser on the same device (Though a protocol that requires opening a website is not a problem)
The OAuth device flow seems to be a very simple to use flow, but it is meant
for authorization and not authentication. I also do want to support OAuth as that will require a lot of work, and frankly not what I need.
What is the standard or recommended protocol to use in such a situation?
MITM should not be an issue if your server and app are properly securing the connection. There is nothing really wrong in using a username+password to connect to your backend services. After all, when you're logging into the site you're sending an HTTP request with your username and password to a backend the same way your cli app would do it.
But OAuth indeed can a better fit for cli app:
it's easier to revoke the stolen OAuth token than to force user to change a password,
an app doesn't have to deal with user credentials (although OAuth credentials flow is also exists),
it gives you flexibility when creating new tokens. For example, you may want to issue short lived tokens only to force the user to re-login each time the app is used or you may want to use long-lived refresh tokens.
As you already mentioned, OAuth doesn't handle authentication but you can use your current login flow to verify user credentials and issue an OAuth token (how exactly do that is a separate topic).
I don't think there is a special protocol targeting authentication in cli apps. In any case the app would need to send some secret to a backend. One of the possible solutions is to use OTP (e.g. SMS or email code). In this case you send the code the same way as you would send a password but it is better protected against MITM attacks because a code cannot be used more than once.

Restrict front client connexion with groups / roles in a realm

I'm looking for a way to restrict user access to specific clients in a realm.
I know I can do it with client where Authorization is enabled (fine-grained authorization support) but it doesn't work when trying to connect from front (client need to be public and not confidential).
I'm using a javascript application to login from front-end.
Is there a way to enable Authorization for public client or a work around ?
I'm not sure if this will totally answer your question because it's still not specific enougth but it may give you some further help.
In case you're new to the topic, please see difference between public and confidential clients here.
The current best practice for public clients like HTML/Javascipt applications is to use OpenId Connect with the Authorization Code Flow + PKCE. HTTPS is of course a must have. I recommend you use a javascript openid connect adapter for this like the following for example:
Basically your authentication / authorization flow is shown here:
When the user wants to login from your frontend client application first a unique verifier is generated which is only available to the exact user / browser session. This value get's hashed as a code challege. Then the user gets redirected to the login page of your authorization server (Keycloak for example) passing some parameters like a redirect uri and the challenge.
With successful login the user get's a session at the keycloak server which also stores the hashed challenge. Then the user gets redirected to given redirect uri (a path in your application) together with a code to obtain an access token. Back in your application you application uses the original value together with the code to get the actual token. The authorization server ckecks the value against the stored challenge and geturns the access token if it matches. You see the extra verifier is to prevent that anybody compromises your code fragment to obtain a token on your behalf.
Now you have an encoded access token in your browser app. Note the token itself is normally only encoded not encrypted but it can be signed. Those signatures can later be used from your backend to ckeck the token integrity but we will come to that soon. Roles, claimes, scopes and so on included in your access token tell you the privileges of the user/identity. You can of course use them to enable/disable functions in your app, block routes etc. but in the end client protection is never really effective so your real authorization ande resource protection happens at your resource server which is your backend (node, .net core, java etc.) maybe a restful Web Api. You pass your access token as a part of the http request header with every request to the backend. Now your backend checks the token integrity (optional) expiration time etc. analyzes scopes, claimes and roles to restrict the resource access.
For example a simple GET myapi/car/{1} may only need a token or can even be annonymous while a POST myapi/cars or PUT myapi/car/{1} may need a special role or higher privileges.
Does that help you out?

OAuth - what to store on disk

TL;DR When using google oauth on desktop app, what to save on disk to avoid repeated sign in? Save the google user id? or the token? or an session id?
I'm creating an little desktop app, whitch must authenticate to my REST API server. I'm using google oauth2 for that.
The idea is, that when the desktop app will be authentivated, it generates some data that will be send to my server. The server will store the data with the google user id received from
On the first run of the desktop app, it will open the default browser, with and url for my server and start an local http server. then:
my server will redirect the browser to google (with the clientid, secret, etc.)
user logs in and it will be redirected back to the server with the oauth code
server uses the code to get the token, and then the user profile and stores the token and the profile in db, then redirects the browser to localhost with an paramerer
the desktop app catches the parameter and stores it in an file on the disk
next time the desktop app will start it only reads the file for the parameter to send the generated data with it to my server
my question is: what the parameter should be? the google user id? the oauth token? an generated session id for this desktop app? or something else?
when it will be the google user id, it can conveniently sent the data with the user id and the rest server will just store it in db as is. but I don't think it's safe
when it will be the token, the rest server has to with every request also get the user profile from google with the token. and imho sending the token with every request isn't safe either
generating an session id means to store it with the user and the token on the server and the desktop app will just store it and send it with every request. but I don't know if it's safe to do that
As it's normally the case in software development you have a couple of options depending on requirements.
The mandatory requirement is that your client (desktop) application needs to send something to your REST API so that the API can perform up to two decisions:
Decide who the user is.
Decide if the user is authorized to perform the currently requested action.
The second step may not be applicable if all authenticated users have access to exactly the same set of actions so I'll cover both scenarios.
Also note that, for the first step, sending the Google user ID is not a valid option as that information can be obtained by other parties and does not ensure that the user did authenticate to use your application.
Option 1 - Authentication without fine-grained authorization
Either always sending the id_token or exchanging that token with your custom session identifier both meet the previous requirement, because the id_token contains an audience that clearly indicates the user authenticated to use your application and the session identifier is generated by your application so it can also ensure that. The requests to your API need to use HTTPS, otherwise it will be too easy for the token or session ID to be captured by an attacker.
If you go with the id_token alternative you need to take in consideration that the token will expire; for this, a few options again:
repeat the authentication process another time; if the user still has a session it will indeed be quicker, but you still have to open a browser, local server and repeat the whole steps.
request offline_access when doing the first authentication.
With the last option you should get a refresh token that would allow for your application to have a way to identify the user even after the first id_token expires. I say should, because Google seems to do things a bit different than the specification, for example, the way to obtain the refresh token is by providing access_type=offline instead of the offline_access from OpenID Connect.
Personally, I would go with the session identifier as you'll have more control over lifetime and it may also be simpler.
Option 2 - Authentication + fine-grained authorization
If you need a fine-grained authorization system for your REST API then the best approach would be to authenticate your users with Google, but then have an OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization server that would issue access tokens specific for your API.
For the authorization server implementation, you could either:
Implement it yourself or leverage open source components
⤷ may be time consuming, complex and mitigation of security risks would all fall on you
Use a third-party OAuth 2.0 as a servive authorization provider like Auth0
⤷ easy to get started, depending on amount of usage (the free plan on Auth0 goes up to 7000 users) it will cost you money instead of time
Disclosure: I work at Auth0.
There should be no problem sending the access_token with every request since they are created for that purpose and are thus short lived. You can use the Google Authorization Server endpoint to verify a token instead of using it to do a request for a users profile.
If you're only relying on Google for authentication, here's how your workflow can look:
the client (desktop application, in your case) retrieves the
Google id_token following the user's log in, and then sends it to
the server
the server validates the integrity of said token and extracts the user's profile data; this could mean a simple GET on Google's endpoint to verify this token:{0}
On subsequent requests, nothing should change really, except that the user's login process will be automated (since he's given permissions & all), and thus much faster. #danielx is right, there's no problem with sending the token each and every time.

How should a Facebook user access token be consumed on the server-side?

I'm developing several web services and a handful of clients (web app, mobile, etc.) which will interface with said services over HTTP(s). My current work item is to design an authentication and authorization solution for the product. I have decided to leverage external identity providers, such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and the like for authentication.
I'm trying to solve the problem of, "when a request comes to my server, how do I know who the user is and how can I be sure?". More questions below as well...
Rely on external identities to indicate who I'm dealing with ('userId' essentially is all I care about).
The system should use token-based authentication (as opposed to cookies for example or basic auth).
I believe this is the right choice for scaling across multiple clients and servers while providing loose coupling.
Based on my reading and understanding of token-based authentication, the following is how I imagine the workflow to be. Let's focus for now on Facebook in a web browser. My assumption is that other external identity providers should have similar capabilities, though I have not confirmed just yet.
Note, as of writing, I'm basing the following off of Facebook login version 2.2
Client: Initiates login to Facebook using the JavaScript SDK
Facebook: User authenticates and approves app permissions (to access user's public profile for example)
Facebook: Sends response to client which contains user’s access token, ID, and signed request
Client: Stores user access token in browser session (handled by SDK conveniently)
Client: Makes a request to my web service for a secure resource by sending along the user’s access token in the authorization header + the user’s ID (in custom header potentially)
Server: Reads user access token from request header and initiates verification by sending a request to the debug_token graph API provided by Facebook
Facebook: Responds back to the server with the user access token info (contains appId and userId)
Server: Completes verification of the token by comparing the appId to what is expected (known to itself) and the userId to what was sent on the client request
Server: Responds to the client with the requested resource (assuming the happy authorization path)
I’m imagining steps 5-9 would be repeated for subsequent requests to the server (while the user’s access token is valid – not expired, revoked from FB side, app permissions changed, etc.)
Here's a diagram to help go along with the steps. Please understand this system is not a single page application (SPA). The web services mentioned are API endpoints serving JSON data back to clients essentially; they are not serving HTML/JS/CSS (with the exception of the web client servers).
First and foremost, are there any glaring gaps / pit falls with the described approach based on my preface and requirements?
Is performing an outbound request to Facebook for verifying the access token (steps 6-8 above) per client request required / recommended?
I know at the very least, I must verify the access token coming from the client request. However, the recommended approach for subsequent verifications after the first is unknown to me. If there are typical patterns, I’m interested in hearing about them. I understand they may be application dependent based on my requirements; however, I just don’t know what to look for yet. I’ll put in the due diligence once I have a basic idea.
For instance, possible thoughts:
Hash the access token + userId pair after first verification is complete and store it in a distributed cache (accessible by all web servers) with expiry equal to access tokens. Upon subsequent requests from the clients, hash the access token + userId pair and check its existence in the cache. If present, then request is authorized. Otherwise, reach out to Facebook graph API to confirm the access token. I’m assuming this strategy might be feasible if I’m using HTTPS (which I will be). However, how does performance compare?
The accepted answer in this StackOverflow question recommends creating a custom access token after the first verification of the Facebook user token is complete. The custom token would then be sent to the client for subsequent requests. I’m wondering if this is more complex than the above solution, however. This would require implementing my own Identity Provider (something I want to avoid because I want to use external identity providers in the first place…). Is there any merit to this suggestion?
Is the signedRequest field present on the response in step #3 above (mentioned here), equivalent to the signed request parameter here in the ‘games canvas login’ flow?
They seem to be hinted as equivalent since the former links to the latter in the documentation. However, I’m surprised the verification strategy mentioned on the games page isn’t mentioned in the ‘manually building a login flow’ page of the web documentation.
If the answer to #3 is ‘Yes’, can the same identity confirmation strategy of decoding the signature and comparing to what is expected to be used on the server-side?
I’m wondering if this can be leveraged instead of making an outbound call to the debug_token graph API (step #6 above) to confirm the access token as recommended here:
Of course, in order to make the comparison on the server-side, the signed request portion would need to be sent along with the request to the server (step #5 above). In addition to feasibility without sacrificing security, I’m wondering how the performance would compare to making the outbound call.
While I’m at it, in what scenario / for what purpose, would you persist a user's access token to a database for example?
I don’t see a scenario where I would need to do this, however, I may be overlooking something. I’m curious was some common scenarios might be to spark some thoughts.
From what you describe I'd suggest to use a server-side login flow as described in
so that the token is already on your server, and doesn't need to be passed from the client. If you're using non-encrypted connections, this could be a security risk (e.g. for man-in-the-middle attacks).
The steps would be:
(1) Logging people in
You need to specify the permission you want to gather from the users in the scope parameter. The request can be triggered just via a normal link:
(2) Confirm the identitity
(3) Inspect the access token
You can inspect the token as you already said in your question via
GET /debug_token?input_token={token-to-inspect}
This should only be done server-side, because otherwise you'd make you app access token visible to end users (not a good idea!).
(4) Extending the access token
Once you got the (short-lived) token, you can do a call to extend the token as described in
like the following:
GET /oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token
(5) Storing of access tokens
Concerning the storing of the tokens on the server, FB suggests to do so:
(6) Handling expired access tokens
As FB doesn't notify you if a token has expired (and if you don't save the expiry date and compare this to the current timestamp before making a call), it's possible that you receive error messages from FB if the token got invalid (after max. 60 days). The error code will be 190:
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix
time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190
If the access token becomes invalid, the solution is to have the person log in again, at which point you will be able to make API calls on their behalf once more. The login flow your app uses for new people should determine which method you need to adopt.
I dont' see any glaring gaps / pit falls, but I'm not a security expert.
Once your server has verified the given token (step 8), as you said:
The accepted answer in this StackOverflow question recommends creating a custom access token after the first verification of the Facebook user token is complete. The custom token would then be sent to the client for subsequent requests. I’m wondering if this is more complex than the above solution, however. This would require implementing my own Identity Provider (something I want to avoid because I want to use external identity providers in the first place…). Is there any merit to this suggestion?
IMHO is the way to go. I would use which allows you to encode values (the userId for example) using a secret key.
Then your client attach this token to every request. So you can verify the request without need to a third party (you don't need database queries neither). The nice thing here is there is no need to store the token on your DB.
You can define an expiration date on the token, to force the client authenticate with the third party again when you want.
Let's say you want your server be able to do some action without the client interaction. For example: Open graph stories. In this scenario because you need to publish something in the name of the user you would need the access token stored on your DB.
(I can not help with the 3 and 4 questions, sorry).
Problem with Facebook is that they do not use OpenId connect on top of Oauth (
Thus resulting in their custom ways of providing Oauth authentification.
Oauth2 with OpenId connect identity services usually provide issuer endpoint where you can find URL (by appending ".well-known/openid-configuration") for jwk's which can be used to verify that JWT token and its contents were signed by the same identity service. (i.e access token originated from the same service that provided you jwk's)
For example some known openid connect identity providers:
(btw it is not a coincidence that Attlasian provides only these two services to perform external login)
Now as you mentioned, you need to support multiple oauth providers and since like Facebook not all providers use same configuration of oauth (they use different JWT attribute names, toke verification methods, etc. (Openid connect tries to unify this process)) i would suggest you to use some middleware identity provider like Oauth0 (service not protocol) or Keycloak. These can be used with external identity providers (Social pages as you mentioned) and also provides you with custom user store.
Advantage is that they unify authentication process under one type (e.g both support openid connect). Whereas when using multiple oauth providers with not unified authentication workflow you will end up with redudant implementations and need for merging different information's under one type (this is basically what mentioned middle-ware identity providers solve for you).
So if you will use only Facebook as identity provider in your app then go for it and make implementation directly for Facebook Oauth workflow. But with multiple identity providers (which is almost always case when creating public services) you should stick with mentioned workaround or find another one (or maybe wait till all social services will support Openid connect, which they probably wont).
There may be hope.. This year, Facebook have announced a "limited login" feature, which, if they were to add to their javascript sdks would certainly make my life easier:
At the time of writing, I can only find reference to iOS and Unity SDKs, but it does seem to return a normal JWT, which is all I want!

Use LinkedIn JSAPI credentials cookie to authenticate a user

We would like to implement "Sign-in with LinkedIn" in our app. Since the app has JS fronted and RESt-based backend, we decided to exchange JSAPI tokens for REST API OAuth tokens as described here.
If a user successfully signs in, the frontend sends credentials cookie with client-side bearer token and member ID to the backend. On the backend we check if a user with such a member ID already exists and if not, we exchange JSAPI token for REST API OAuth token, retrieve user details from LinkedIn a store it in our database.
Now the question is if we can use that cookie to authenticate each user's request to our REST backend. After a user successfully signed in via JSAPI, the cookie should be automatically passed to our backend on all subsequent requests so we can check member ID. Are there any drawbacks that we missed? Or is this idea as a whole wrong?
Should we rather authenticate a user only once by means of the cookie and then issue our own authentication token and send it back to the client?
The way cookies work in general is they are passed on every request to the domain they belong to. LinkedIn is setting a credentials cookie to your domain.
As long as you are validating those credentials on every request it's perfectly acceptable to use their tokens as authentication.
Personally I don't find that to be a great idea and would prefer to validate their credentials once and create my own auth token to use from there on out. You can always set that token to expire at some-point and re-validate the LinkedIn credentials (which will still be getting sent on every request anyway). This limits the amount of times you're checking with LinkedIn and should increase the responsiveness of your app.
Either way could work.
If you are using the LinkedIn cookie to validate a user by member id, you should validate the cookie's signature on each request per section 2 of the doc you linked and question 2 of the FAQ.
Using your own token could make it easier to implement an account which belongs to your app and is not necessarily connected to LinkedIn, assuming there's the potential to either connect solely with some other service(s) or no 3rd part(y/ies). Still should validate any time you trust the member id in the cookie though.
The doc provides a validation example in PHP, and if you're interested in improving a ruby version, I have a shameless plug.
The flow that you've outlined in your latest comment of going straight for the OAuth tokens is the best way to go if you were only signing in to convert the JSAPI tokens to OAuth tokens and then not using the JSAPI further. If you were planning to actually use both the JSAPI tokens within your front-end app and the OAuth tokens on your back-end, then it's better to take the conversion route.