Protocol for password-less authentication in clis - rest

I have a cli (which use a rest api) which needs authentication for use.
As of right now, it supports a token auth. This token is generated at the server on a request with username and password and given as the response.This is not ideal (due to man in the middle attacks) and I am looking for a better protocol to use to generate the tokens.
Users will use such a protocol from a cli, and may or may not have access to a browser on the same device (Though a protocol that requires opening a website is not a problem)
The OAuth device flow seems to be a very simple to use flow, but it is meant
for authorization and not authentication. I also do want to support OAuth as that will require a lot of work, and frankly not what I need.
What is the standard or recommended protocol to use in such a situation?

MITM should not be an issue if your server and app are properly securing the connection. There is nothing really wrong in using a username+password to connect to your backend services. After all, when you're logging into the site you're sending an HTTP request with your username and password to a backend the same way your cli app would do it.
But OAuth indeed can a better fit for cli app:
it's easier to revoke the stolen OAuth token than to force user to change a password,
an app doesn't have to deal with user credentials (although OAuth credentials flow is also exists),
it gives you flexibility when creating new tokens. For example, you may want to issue short lived tokens only to force the user to re-login each time the app is used or you may want to use long-lived refresh tokens.
As you already mentioned, OAuth doesn't handle authentication but you can use your current login flow to verify user credentials and issue an OAuth token (how exactly do that is a separate topic).
I don't think there is a special protocol targeting authentication in cli apps. In any case the app would need to send some secret to a backend. One of the possible solutions is to use OTP (e.g. SMS or email code). In this case you send the code the same way as you would send a password but it is better protected against MITM attacks because a code cannot be used more than once.


Github OAuth2 does not support Client Authentication?

Well, in OAuth2 specification is foreseen cases where you are authenticating in an application that runs fully on the client side (browsers, mobiles, etc.) and so they are incapable of protecting their code/data.
In the memo regarding Security Considerations they say you should not store credentials in our code (for obvious reasons, I think):
Also, in the memo about native clients, they highly recommend that an authorization server do not require an application secret:
So, it should be possible to obtain an access token without using the client secret using a "client" grant type, like this:
Anyway, in the Github documentation, it's stated that the client_secret is mandatory to retrieve the access token:
By the official specification, you should be able to achieve this, but I couldn't find a way to achieve that using the Github OAuth, and here is my question:
Is there a way to use Github OAuth getting an access token without using the client_secret?
So, is there a way to use Github OAuth, get an access token without using the client_secret?
Not that I can see, when considering the authorization grant step
The application exchanges that code for the access token.
When the application makes the request for the access token, that request is authenticated with the client secret, which reduces the risk of an attacker intercepting the authorization code and using it themselves.
That means, if an application needs to automate that step on behalf of client, it needs to fetch that secret from a third-party referential, like a vault.
See for instance puppetlabs/vault-plugin-secrets-oauthapp, which is a plugin providing a secure wrapper around OAuth 2 authorization code grant flows, allowing a Vault client to request authorization on behalf of a user and perform actions using a negotiated OAuth 2 access token.
(here, Valut is hashicorp/vault)

Is there anyway to authenticate a user with Github without redirecting them within the current page?

I am looking to allow a user to sign in with github for a website I am creating that will be API driven. However, I am running into a problem that there seems to be no way of authenticating a user and getting their email and name without redirecting them on the current page to github. I have tried to create a popup, but there is no way for me to get the necessary data from the popup, namely an api token to be used for the next calls.
The answer to the question as framed is "use a different grant flow" but your questions tell me you don't understand OAuth grant flows so you may be better served by a lecture on OAuth.
Popups and iframes are specifically designed to prevent code running outside them from fishing out data, because if you could do it so could invisible iframes in dodgy ads. Give up on that approach because in the unlikely event that you find a way, browser makers will immediately take steps to prevent your solution from working.
The behaviour you describe sounds to me like implicit grant flow.
Here's a walkthrough of the various ways OAuth2 can work.
Why so many ways?
Implicit grant is a flow that uses redirection to deliberately take control away from your code - which might be compromised or impersonated - and give it to a trusted third party, the OAuth provider: GitHub in this case. You pre-register the point to which control is returned after authentication, the point of which is the token is always given to your code.
Amnesia, popups, and what was I doing before we were so rudely interrupted?
There are flows that use popups. Usually this is the authorisation code grant flow. Popups are not suitable for mobile devices and this led to the creation of the implicit grant flow.
The usual reason for not liking redirection is the amnesia it causes. The solution is to store app state persistently prior to passing control to the OAuth provider, and to write a return-from-oauth handler that unpacks the JWT from the redirect parameter and then restores the app state you saved.
Note to self
If the user is anonymous prior to authentication serialise your state to a string and put it in a cookie or in localStorage.
If the user is not anonymous and is authenticating to elevate privilege you'll have to send any privileged data to the server and just persist a retrieval token on the browser. You must ensure that retrieval of this state requires both a valid OAuth token and a valid state token, and that it discards the state after honouring a request so that a replay attack will be conspicuous (you'll have to handle the fallout).
Having acquired a valid token you can use it to request profile information from GitHub. A very small amount may already be present in the JWT; you'll probably have the email address that served as a login, but this isn't necessarily the right one for correspondence.
GitHub OAuth documentation
It appears GitHub only supports code grant auth. That means you have to do the popup/iframe thing. Here's their doco:
Code grant - why?
This flow doesn't give you an encoded token, it gives you a code you can redeem for an encoded token. The idea is that when the token expires you can use the code to get a refresh token without sending credentials over the wire.
Not only you have a redirection, but starting Dec. 2020, you also have:
OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Flow now GA
GitHub Apps and OAuth Apps now feature GA support for the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant, in addition to the existing Web Application Flow.
This allows any CLI client or developer tool to authenticate using a secondary system with a browser.
GitHub CLI uses this authentication method on the login command.
Read the full documentation on Authorizing OAuth Apps and Authorizing Users for GitHub Apps for more information.
Confirmed March 2022:
Enable OAuth Device Authentication Flow for Apps
From today the OAuth Device Authorization flow feature must be manually enabled for all OAuth and GitHub Apps.
This change reduces the likelihood of Apps being used in phishing attacks against GitHub users by ensuring integrators are aware of the risks and make a conscious choice to support this form of authentication.
If you own or manage an OAuth App or GitHub App that makes use of the OAuth Device Authorization flow, you can enable it for your App via its settings page:
The OAuth Device Authorization flow API endpoints will respond with status code 400 to Apps that have not enabled this feature.
Documentation: "Device flow"

Authenticating REST API clients for just my App

What is the best way to authenticate clients that uses my private REST API? I will not be opening this to outside public. Is there a easy and secure way to do this?
Note: I'm running SSL already. I've looked at HTTP Basic Auth over SSL, but I don't want to ask the user to send the password every time, and it seems not good practice to store the user/pass in the client to be send automatically.
Any ideas or best practices?
You can use the most adopted authentication approach which is OAuth
You select the best suited one between OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0
Here is a comparison between the above two ways : How is OAuth 2 different from OAuth 1?
There are several levels to implement security / authentication in RESTful services:
Basic authentication. Username and password are sent for each call within the Authentication header encoded with based 64.
Token-based authentication. This implies a dedicated authentication resource that will provide temporary token based on credentials. Once received there is no need to use again credentials since this resource also gives a refresh token to a new authentication token when the previous expired.
OAuth2. It provides different flows according to the use cases. It allows to let the end user to authenticate through a third-part provider (google, facebook, ...). The application doesn't manage username / password (and even know the password). The drawback of this technology is that it provides high-level hints and it's not so simple to implement.
Here are some links that could provide you some additional hints:
Implementing authentication with tokens for RESTful applications -
OAuth2 flows -
Hope it helps you,

Browser based OAuth / OpenID with persistent login

We have a regular web application with cookie based auth and now we want to split frontend and backend (api) in order to have third-party public API. So our backend will be on one domain and frontend on another one.
For authorization we would like to switch for OAuth 2 with JWT. In this case our frontend app will have to use access_token instead of cookie session and it brings a big old question:
How To Remain Logged In - The Infamous "Remember Me" Checkbox (part II from Form based authentication for websites)
From OAuth2 point of view our frontend application going to use something between Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant and Implicit Grant. It is closer to Password Credentials Grant since we still going to use usual login form and won't redirect user to another domain in order to sign in. At the same time it is closer to Implicit Grant since it's all going to be browser-only & JavaScript based when access_token will be saved in browser.
The RFC says the authorization server MUST NOT issue a refresh token if you use Implicit Grant and my question is if it's still valid in this use case when you don't really use a 3-d party OAuth but your own api? Instinctively I feel that having refresh_token in browser is a security hole and would like to confirm it with you guys, but that refresh_token seems to be the only way to have persistent login working the same way as we had with cookies.
**UPD** after #FlorentMorselli comment:
The OpenID specs still do not answer my question if I can use refresh_token with browser only application
Google says they provide refresh_token only for access_type=offline
OpenID Connect Core says you cannot use Refresh Token with Implicit Flow
OpenID Connect Core says nothing about using refresh_token with Hybrid Flow
There's only one place where it says something promising about refresh_token with Hybrid Flow, but nothing precise
UPD2 thanks to #reallifelolcat
It looks like OpenID Connect does not explicitly support Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant, meaning you have to redirect user to OpenID Connect server to perform login. Do you know if there is another way to authenticate with user credentials over OAuth 2.0?
I believe splitting api and frontend is getting more common these days and I'd appreciate it if you share how you solve this Persistent Login issue and if you drop it completely and force user to re-login every X weeks.
Access tokens and refresh tokens have nothing to do with login with OpenID Connect. These are only for authorizing access to user profile information and for perhaps authenticated service calls to your public API after the fact of login. Refer to the spec for the difference between the ID Token and the Access Token.
If you are going to use OpenID Connect for login, then from what you've wrote so far, it sounds like you need to host your own OpenID Provider (OP) since you want to avoid going to another domain to sign in:
we still going to use usual login form and won't redirect user to another domain in order to sign in.
If you want to be your own Identity Provider, then more power to you. This means that you going to have to deploy your own working instance of an OpenID Connect server, complete with authorization and token endpoints.
Now this is the part where your persistent login comes in. Your browser webapp will be a relying party to the OP server you now have. When a user tries to login to your browser app using OpenID Connect, they will need to authenticate themselves to your OP server. Going through the OIDC flow, your browser app will get an ID token containing an issuer/subject pair identifying the user.
It's up to you to determine how the user stays logged into your OP server, but as long as the user at least authorizes the browser app once:
then you can save that consent for all future requests by this browser app to login, and therefore maintain a persistent login.
You're going to have to consider how you're going to handle sessions management, but it sounds like you have some cookie thing going already so you might be able to use that (see this answer: OpenID sign in mechanism - Stay signed in ). Otherwise, you're going to end up with a situation where your browser webapp has to get a new id token all the time.
Also as Florent mentioned, there are security considerations you should consider when doing a public client thing that your browser based webapp would be. Example:

Rest application and authorization

I would like to build my own REST app.
I'm planning to use oAuth as a main auth approach.
The question is: Can I use login and password as client_id and client_secret (in terms oAuth spec) ?
I don't have any third side applications, companies, sites etc... which will authenteficate my users.
I have my own REST server and JS-application.
Whole site will be made in usual(RPC) approach, but some private part will be done as RESTfull service, with enough stand-alone JS application.
UPDATED: I'm not sure that I even need full oAuth support. It seems to me that I can ask login and password on https page and then generate some token. Later i could use it to check is this user authenticated already or not. But in this case this oAuth become almost the same what we have in web aplications. I do not need oAuth to athorize users ?
I'm not consider HTTP(s) authotization because i don't want to send evrytime user and password to server.
One if the main reasons OAuth exists is to allow integrations without users compromising their usernames and passwords.
If you plan on using username and password, look into xAuth as an option if you still want to sign your requests. More info:
But you could likely just as well go for HTTP Basic Authentication. At least if you publish your API over SSL. More info:
I think you might get a better answer on the security site. See, for example, this question.
In any case, you need to start with a detailed assessment of what attacks you are trying to prevent and what attacks are "acceptable.". For example, if you are using HTTPS then you can probably accept the remaining danger of a man-in-the-middle attack, because it would require forging an SSL certificate. It is harder to say in general if a replay attack is acceptable.
One reasonable solution would be to create a time-limited temporary token by having the user authenticate over HTTPS with the username and password, generating a secure token with an expiration date, and then sending that token and expiration date back to the client. For example, you can create a (reasonably) secure token by taking the SHA1 hash of a secret plus the user name plus the expiration timestamp. Then the client can include the token, the user name, and the authentication timestamp in future requests and you can validate it using your secret and your clock. These need not be sent as 3 parameters; they can be concatenated into one string user|timestamp|token.
Register your application with SLI. SLI grants a unique client ID and a client secret that enables your application to authenticate to the SLI API. You must also register the redirect URI of your application for use in authentication and authorization flows.
Enable your application with specific education organizations so that the application can be approved for use in those districts.
Configure and implement the appropriate OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization flow in your application, which includes managing sessions and authorization timeouts.