Manipulation of sesame server repositories (owl ontology) in java servlet - eclipse

I'm trying to connect a web application (eclipse) with my Sesame repository server (sesame 2.6.3) both of them are running in my local machine under the same Apache Tomcat 6.0.29. I found the sesame user guide here :, the part "8.2.2. Querying a repository" is exactly what i'm hoping to do but the problem that i cant find where do i put the given code.. to more explain my problem: i want to manipulate the ontology from a jsp page (querying the ontology) so when i found the connection code, the querying code, the code for evaluating a tuple query... i didn't know where to put them Please help!
Thank you

Put your code in a JSP. Then, based on the logic in the JSP, the repository will be able to be queried. If you have trouble, post more details about what you are doing and what is going wrong.


how to integrate custom services into apache knox 0.9.1

I got a need to integrate various service webUIs into knox gateway.For now ,i use CAS as authentication and got hdfs,hbaseUI,sparkHistoryUI worked fine.I searched google and baidu and found no detailed materials or docs for knox rewrite.xml,so i got problems in integrating new services such as kibana,hue etc.The root cause is that rewrite.xml contains many tags and attr that i just know nothing about.
As a try,i integrate tomcat7.0 ROOT is the correspond service.xml and rewrite.xml:
when i connect the tomcat home page ,everything is ok.but when i clicked the hyper-link "configuration" in the navigation bar. i got infinite number of redirect and finally "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" in the browser.
My question is :1)how to write the rewrite.xml to make this demo work fine.
2)is there any materials or documents about the detail of rewrite tags to share
I will appreciate if any one would help.thanks!
Start with this article:
For additional information, you can also see the documentation for service definition files:
Hope this is helpful.

SmartGWT DataSource adding QueryString to REST call

So, I have a Spring-MVC RESTful backend, that is cross-domain enabled. It is unit-tested, I can call my web-services and get back the correct JSON.
I have a SmartGWT 5.1p and GWT 2.7.0 front-end application that works great in SuperDev mode or Classic Dev Mode, either works great. When I do this, I am using the old Firefox 24 browser with the GWT plugin, and I can see my app work just great. My datasources are tied to RESTful web-services, and I can create, retrieve, update, and delete records via my DataSources.
I can compile the whole app via Maven, and get a WAR created just fine. I tried moving this WAR over to a tomcat server, and it deploys correctly. I can see the app running in tomcat with no errors in the logs.
Then when I go to the first page, the app comes up s normal with no errors. The first thing I do is add a username and password into a form, and then it is supposed to call a LoginDataSource which is tied into a LoginCOntroller, or login web-service.
What I can see from firebug is that when I make my call, rather than just calling:
I get:
http://mydomain:8080/admin/login/user/myusername/pwd/mypassword?0{and a whole lotta stuff after this) ... the query string I presume.
When I hit the Submit button, I get a SERVER TRANSPORT error, and that's it, I don't get any more information that that. There is nothing else to report from firebug except that the OPTIONS and GET add a whole lot of query string nonsense after the password.
I can look in the tomcat logs, and I don't see any errors in there at all. I don't even see the URL call to the web-service.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. I've been dealing with SmartGWT for years, and switched to back-end development for a while, and not I am trying to make my SmartGWT front-end work as well. But, I am a little rusty as to what is happening now.
The problem is not the querystring, it's the old base url I have in the datasource. There is a method in each datasource called: getServiceRoot
In getServiceRoot, I was using a hardcoded "localhost:8080", which in client code that doesn't work. That means whoever is running the app in their browser, "localhost" means their machine. So, I had to change the getServiceRoot to do the following:
protected String getServiceRoot()
String baseUrl = "http://" + Window.Location.getHostName();
return baseUrl + UrlConstants.SOME_URL_REST_ENDPOINT;
Since I have two WAR's on the same machine;
one WAR is a Spring MVC back-end RESTful web-services
the other WAR is the front-end, SmartGWT client application
This is a problem I run into ... I think just because both are on the same machine, that to the front-end, just call the code on the localhost, because it is there. But to the browser, that could be any other machine.
I suppose I could have just hard-coded the public IP address of the machine running tomcat, and then the client-side SmartGWT would then certainly find the RESTful web-services. Or, I could have used a Spring Env Profile to make that happen as well. But the code change I made should work, provided both WARS are on the same machine.
I just got to remember that client-side code in a browser is relevant to the machine the browser is running on.
So, this is fixed. If anyone needs any clarification, please let me know.

Post csv content to Web Api

I have a c# console application which post .csv content to a web service. If I run my solution through VS, it runs perfectly fine but after deploying web service on IIS I keep getting Multiple Choice Status Code 300 error. Not sure how to resolve that. Any pointers would be appreciated.
These are relatively simple but I cannot think of other possibilities based on your description.
One of my recent designs had a literal in the code that when I deployed it ended up using a different port which I had forgotten to change to a relative reference.
If not that then the other problem I had with it was because I used JSON to link to the web service. While it worked when viewing in VS when deployed my JSON reference was actually incorrect. specifically it had to do with code in my web.config file, which would be the app.config file for your console application. I had used the code
standardEndpoint helpEnabled="true" automaticFormatSelectionEnabled="false" crossDomainScriptAccessEnabled="true"
when I should have also added
to make the code work

Using GWT + Twitter4j

I am trying to build a simple gwt project that fetches tweets and displays them.The server passes back the tweets of type twitter4j.Tweet to the client.
Both modules import twitter4j.Tweet.
But when I run I get the following error:
--- ERROR: Line 37: No source code is available for type twitter4j.Tweet; did you forget to inherit a required module?.
I seem to have problems in inheriting twitter4j. All the posts I have seen about inheriting a jar file are not clear about how to do so. I understand I must write an inheritance instruction into gwt.xml file, something like
but if I try
it does not work. Can anyone please explain?
In a post I found on the Web one person suggested not to inherit it but:
-- Don't put twitter4j to your gwt.xml. Just add it your project class path. and make all functionalities like status updating and all in your serviceImpl. Try
This confuses me even more. I have added the jar file to my project libraries. But it does not work
I suspect I am missing something quite elementary here, but I am totally stuck. Is there something like a GWT path?
Many thanks for any help
Keep in mind that everything in your client package is compiled to JavaScript and executed in the user's browser. Thus, you'll only be able to use twitter4j's classes on the server-side of your application; you'll have to create some sort of light-weight GWT-serializable "proxy object" to pass data back and forth between your client and server tiers.
Since you can't use twitter4j on the client side of your app, you will not need anything in your .gwt.xml file referencing it. Instead, you'll add twitter4j to your classpath and do all your updating on the server side (as mentioned toward the bottom of your question). You do mention that it "does not work," but there's not enough information in your question to try to figure out why.

Grails + GWT - using the same Date Format

I am developing an app using Grails and GWT for a client side.
I want to use the same date format both on the client side and on the server side (preferably defined in one file).
So far i've understood that Grails got it's own mechanism for internationalization (grails-app/i18n). I know i can access these messages from any server code using app context.
I can also access any resource file inside web-app directory.
For the client side, i can use ConstantsWithLookup interface and GWT.Create(...) to get an instance of it.
But, i still haven't found good solution to integrate these two together, so i have date format defined in one place. Any ideas or tips?
After digging into Grails more, i came to a solution.
I've put constant into .properties file under grails-app/i18n.
Then, i hook to eventCompileEnd and i copy resources from grails-app/i18n to specific package in target\generated-sources.
After this step is completed, i generate google I18N interfaces using copied property files.
I've put this functionality to separate plugin.
includeTargets << new File("${myPluginDir}/scripts/_MyInternal.groovy")
eventCompileEnd = {
eventCopyMessageResourcesEnd = {
Now it is possible to access localized data from server side and from client side.