Entity Framework Repository Design, multiple instances of IUnitOfWork in multi-level loop - entity-framework

i am using Entity Framework and repository with unit of work design pattern.
Sometimes with my unit of work, I am making other calls to a different service.
This service in turn is making its own unit of work instance, for example:
ISettingsService settingsService = UnityContainer.Resolve<ISettingService>();
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
List<Company> companies = unitOfWork.CompaniesRepository.GetAll();
foreach(Company company in companies)
settingsService.SaveSettings(company, "value to set");
company.Processed = DateTime.UtcNow();
// ISettingsService.SaveSettings code in another module...
ISettingsService.SaveSettings(Company company, string value)
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
Setting setting = new Setting();
setting.CompanyID = company.CompanyID;
setting.SettingValue = value;
The above code does work, but i have to reference ID's explicitly rather than attaching the company object (it would throw an error as it is already being tracked by the other unit-of-work in the other service).
As far as I can tell I see 3 ways of this happening:
1) Use the code as-is with service layers creating their own unit-of-work instances, any other references to other entity's are done on a primary key basis (procedures to set values should be passed by primary key object value, i.e. int customerID).
The bad side to this is potentially more hits to the database, and if the entity primary key type changed, i would need to change all service layer references for the ID field.
2) Have service layers accept entity objects as references. This would be nice as i could pass objects around.
The bad side to this is that entities must not be referenced from any other context and must be attached to context to where it will be used. In a loop, the entity will most probably already be attached.
3) Pass in unit-of-work instantiations to other service layers to they can use the existing unit-of-work instead of instantiating their own.
Not sure there is a downside to this other than having to pass around a unit-of-work reference, the upside would be the ability to reference objects without having to attach them or worry if they are already attached.
In summary, I need to standardize on one access design, and would appreciate recommendations on what one i should choose.
In addition is there anything with transactions that i need to be concerned about or is EntityFramework with the unit-of-work design pattern implementing a form of transactional processing implicitly as changed are only committed on context.Save(), or am i mistaken?

You have a few options amongst them:
Have different services pass out dettached entities (its entities), perhaps even DTOs that are not entities, then have each service translate them to its entities (or use primary keys).
Each service can create its own content and use its own EDMX or a shared EMDX (or even several EDMXs).
If the services are using the same EDMX, then inject the same context into them (you can wrap it behind and interface so that they don't expose EF).
If the services don't use the same EDMX, either:
3.1. Go with option 1, using different entities for different services (or DTOs).
You can "share" tables between the EDMXs using different entities or use views to "tables from external domains" to reflect a read-only version of tables to other domains.
3.2. Create a master EDMX by merging the EDMXs into one big one (see this question for details)
Changes are applied only when calling context.AcceptChanges(), so you can save changes to multiple contexts, then accept changes in each after all the saves have completed.


Many domain models sharing one data context in EF 5

I recently, out of ignorance and lack of time, merged the domain models (POCO entity classes) from several projects into one 'DataModel' project, because I didn't want to duplicate dedicated DbContexts over all the projects. It struck me as ideal that something generic might be done, like a DbContext extension, to which one can add DbSet instances from various client projects.
I have read mention of such things, normally in the same circles as authors that contend - and I agree wholeheartedly - that the repository functionality is fulfilled completey by the DbSet class.
Can anyone offer any advice for building a generic DbContext which can exist in one project, where other projects can all have their domain models (sets of domain entities) registered with the shared DbContext, where they are all allocated they own DbSet to act as their repository?
building a generic DbContext which can exist in one project, where other projects can all have their domain models (sets of domain entities) registered
Interesting idea, but I'm not sure what you would gain by that.
For one, you'd never be able to simply type db.Customer (or similar). It should always be genericdb.Set<Customer>(), not knowing whether genericdb knows about Customer at all. (It may not have been registered).
Then, how should this registering take place? There are two ways to let a context map a class to a database model:
Creating a DbSet property in a DbContext-derived class and rely on code-first default conventions concerning table and column names, pluralization, etc.
Providing mapping configuration.
The first option defeats the purpose of a generic context class, so you'd have to register the domain classes by supplying EntityTypeConfiguration<T>s for each class in the domain, also for classes that normally could do without. (This should be done in the context's constructor, by the way.)
A further implication would be that somewhere you'd need a component/service that knows which groups of classes belong together and is able to deliver a coherent list of configurations. So, in stead of having dedicated contexts as an organizing principle out of the box you'd have to create your own organizer.
But back to the start. Couldn't you create a DAL that contains a DbContext factory that supplies the contexts as they previously existed for your projects? You don't have to duplicate dedicated DbContext classes this way.

AutoMapper - Convert two entity objects to a single DTO

I have two EntityFramework models that I want to combine into a single DTO. Is there a way to do this? There are a couple ideas in the following question, but you would either have to create a composite model, or lose the ability to call Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid to verify all of the properties will be set.
Is it possible to map multiple DTO objects to a single ViewModel using Automapper?
From my point of view, It is highly recommanded to create a composite type for merging entities. Entities are part of your Business logic or your Domain logic (depending on your architecture), whereas DTO are part of Presentation logic or Transport layer. You can create an explicit mapping that can be easily tested ; automatic mapping (create maps without options) is good for testing only. If you are using a DTO, then you will probably use it somewhere : in WCF ? as a ViewModel ?
Visual Studio and .Net Framework can manage many files and you have not to sacrifice testability or simplicity (do you know "Technical Debt"?)
Note : The role of Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid is to validate all mapping, generated by automatic or explicit mapping. I suggest you call this every time.

Is it possible to tell if an entity is tracked?

I'm using Entity Framework 4.1. I've implemented a base repository using lots of the examples online. My repository get methods take a bool parameter to decide whether to track the entities. Sometimes, I want to load an entity and track it, other times, for some entities, I simply want to read them and display them (i.e. in a graph). In this situation there is never a need to edit, so I don't want the overhead of tracking them. Also, graph entities are sent to a silverlight client, so the entities are disconnected from the context. Hence my Get methods can return a list of entities that are either tracked or not. This is achieved dynamically creating the query as follows:
DbQuery<E> query = Context.Set<E>();
// Track the entities in the context?
if (!trackEntities)
query = query.AsNoTracking();
However, I now want to enable the user to interact with the graph and edit it. This will not happen very often, so I still want to get some entities without tracking them but to have the ability to save them. To do this I simply attach them to the context and set the state as modified. Everything is working so far.
I am auditing any changes by overriding the SaveChanges method. As explained above I may, in some low cases, need to save modified entities that were disconnected. So to audit, I have to retrieve the current values from the database and then compare to work out what was changed while disconnected. If the entity has been tracked, there is no need to get the old values, as I've got access to them via the state manager. I'm not using self tracking entities, as this is overkill for my requirements.
QUESTION: In my auditing method I simply want to know if the modified entity is tracked or not, i.e. do I need to go to the db and get the original values?
DbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg679172(v=vs.103).aspx) returns DbEntityEntry objects for all tracked entities. DbEntityEntry has Entity property that you could use to find out whether the entity is tracked. Something like
var isTracked = ctx.ChangeTracker.Entries().Any(e => Object.ReferenceEquals(e.Entity, myEntity));

Entity Framework Service Layer Update POCO

I am using the Service Layer --> Repository --> Entity Framework (Code-First) w/POCO objects approach, and I am having a hard time with updating entities.
I am using AutoMapper to map my Domain Objects to my View Models and that works good for getting the data, no how do I get that changes back into the database?
Using pure POCO objects, I would assume that there is no sort of change tracking, so I see my only option is to handle it myself. Do you just make sure that your View Models have the EXACT same properties as your Domain Objects? What if I just change a field or two on the View Model? Won't the rest of the fields on the Domain Object get overwritten in the database with default values?
With that said, what is the best approach?
So what I am stumbling on is this, lets take for example a simple Customer:
1) The Controller has a service, CustomerService, that calls the services GetCustmoerByID method.
2) The Service calls into the CustomerRepository and retrieves the Customer object.
3) Controller uses AutoMapper to map the Customer to the ViewModel.
4) Controller hands the model to the View. Everything is great!
Now in the view you do some modifications of the customer and post it back to the controller to persist the changes to the database.
I would assume at this point the object is detached. So should the model have the EXACT same properties as the Customer object? And do you have to make hidden fields for each item that you do not want to show, so they can persist back?
How do you handle saving the object back to the database? What happens if your view/model only deals with a couple of the fields on the object?
If you're using EF Code First, i.e: the DbContext API, then you still do have change tracking which is taken care of by your context class.
after making changes to your objects, all you have to do is call SaveChanges() on your context and that will persist the changes to your database.
Since you are creating a "copy" of the entity using AutoMapper, then it's no longer attached to your context.
I guess what you could do is something similar to what you would in ASP.NET MVC (with UpdateModel). You can get the original entity from your context, take your ViewModel (which may contain changed properties) and update the old entity, either manually (just modified properties), or using AutoMapper. And then persist the changes using context.SaveChanges().
Another solution would be to send the model entity as [part of] the ViewModel. This way, you'll have your entity attached to the container and change tracking will still work.
Hope this helps :)
You are absolutely right that with a detached object you are responsible for informing the context about changes in your detached entity.
The basic approach is just set the entity as modified. This works for scalar and complex properties but it doesn't work for navigation properties (except FK relations) - for further reading about problems with navigation properties check this answer (it is related to EFv4 and ObjectContext API but same problems are with DbContext API). The disadvantage of this approach is that all fields in DB will be modified. If you just want to modify single field you still have to correctly fill others or your database record will be corrupted.
There is a way to explicitly define which fields have changed. You will set the modified state per property instead of whole entity. It is little bit harder to solve this on generic approach but I tried to show some way for EFv4 and for EFv4.1.
I agree with #AbdouMoumen that it's much simpler to use the model entities at the view level. The service layer should provide an API to persist those entities in the data store (db). The service layer shouldn't dumbly duplicate the repository lawyer (ie: Save(entity) for every entity) but rather provide a high level save for an aggregate of entities. For instance, you could have a Save(order) in the service layer which results in updating more basic entities like inventory, customer, account.

How can I create a detached clone of an EF codefirst class for testing purposes?

I want to create an integration test which grabs an EF entity from the DB, clones it to a detached object, modifies it and then saves it back and compares it again to the original.
However, I was using AutoMapper to create the clone of the class, but it turns out this is also tracked or an alias to the original object. I need it to be completely detached from EF, and am able to do this outside of my repository class (i.e. not using any EF detach methods).
The reason for doing this is my EF class contains nested collections of other classes and EF doesn't handle persisting the whole object tree. Hence, my Update() method in my repository class handles this and I want my NUnit test to test this code. I want the test is to be able to quickly create a copy of my original class without EF tracking it.
Creating a cloned object containing current, original, or database
values The DbPropertyValues object returned from CurrentValues,
OriginalValues, or GetDatabaseValues can be used to create a clone of
the entity. This clone will contain the property values from the
DbPropertyValues object used to create it. For example:
using (var context = new UnicornsContext())
var unicorn = context.Unicorns.Find(1);
var clonedUnicorn = context.Entry(unicorn).GetDatabaseValues().ToObject();
Note that the object returned is not the entity and is not being
tracked by the context. The returned object also does not have any
relationships set to other objects.
The cloned object can be useful for resolving issues related to
concurrent updates to the database, especially where a UI that
involves data binding to objects of a certain type is being used. (See
Part 9 for more details on dealing with optimistic concurrency.)
*From http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2011/01/30/using-dbcontext-in-ef-feature-ctp5-part-5-working-with-property-values.aspx
Hope it can helps others
All troubles are gone once you're using EF 5+ where they introduced AsNoTracking() method.
The line below returns an unlinked instance, so all the context won't be aware about any changes in that instance:
context.Clients.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Id == id);
If Clients has a reference to Address and you want an unlinked instance of it too, just use an Include:
.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Id == id);
If it is a test you can do anything and you don't have to be binded to any architectural approach like repository. Your repository probably receive context as injection so you can have access to it. Another point is that I don't believe that AutoMapper will create tracked entity.
The one way to make a copy of the class is using serialization which by default saves only public fields (Xml serialization or DataContract serialization). Serialize the object and deserialize it back to a new instance. Serialization will save the whole object graph and deserialized object graph will be detached. Just be aware that that those serializations don't likes cyclic references in object graph (navigation property from A to B and from B to A from cycles). Serialization is also too much aggresive so it can traverse the graph more deeply then you want - this can be especially dangerous in many to many relations.
The best approach is using either ICloneable interface and implement Clone or define support methods which will do different clones with required depth.
Here is another approach for clonning EntityObject based entities. It is tough code, especially part with Reflection.Emit. But this will not help you because code-first is using POCOs.