Azure deployment virtual directory [duplicate] - deployment

This question already has answers here:
Azure deployment with 2 websites is cycling for a long time
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Added a new azure deployment project to my web application and deploy was successfull.
After adding a virtual directory to ServiceDefinition.csfef the application remains cycling, so I deleted the instance using azure console and deployed again with success and with the virtual directory.
When I access the site I get a page with:
Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
After analysing intellitrace got this message:
In event viewer:
The application '/' belonging to site '1' has an invalid AppPoolId 'DefaultAppPool' set. Therefore, the application will be ignored.
Site 1 was disabled because the root application defined for the site is invalid. See the previous event log message for information about why the root application is invalid.
File Server Resource Manager failed to enumerate share paths or DFS paths. Mappings from local file paths to share and DFS paths may be incomplete or temporarily unavailable. FSRM will retry the operation at a later time.

This is what you shared and I think there are couple of concern. First I think your directory location will be correct when app running on Azure or you haven't added any content in your project that's why directories are present there..
<Site name="PT" physicalDirectory="..\RIS2048.ConsultaClick.WWWPacientes">
<VirtualDirectory name="images" physicalDirectory="..\RIS2048.ConsultaClick.WWWPacientes\imgpt" />
<Binding name="Endpoint1" endpointName="Endpoint1" hostHeader="" />
Next because your are parsing the request on host header, which makes website to differentiate into applications so it is best to have Virtual Application setting along with it.
Otherwise you really need to have minimum two sites and set two bindings. One binding for your and other for any other remaining host header otherwise your site will serve very limited requests based on host header.
I like this blog which explained this blog in serious details which sure will help you. My this blog has some info on this regard.


How can I host a web.config-only server?

See this question: Enable CORS on Azure Service Bus Namespace
Really I want to have a front-end only ReactJS app that talks to the Azure API, and renders bits of the result onto the screen. Then gets input from the users and sends that back to the Azure API. Rinse and repeat.
Unfortunately CORS pretty much rules that out, and you can't[1] override the CORS rules for a ServiceBus Namespace.
So the proposed solution is a thin proxy server, proxying the Azure API, to circumvent CORS.
(Alternative solutions to this question are HIGHLY welcome!)
[1] read: I can't currently see any way to, and nor can my Google Searches.
The user on that other question proposes the relevant web.config file, so now I want to create that proxy server. I don't really want that server doing anything else, I want it to be as transparent as possible.
What is the simplest possible way to set up that server?
I'm kinda hoping that I would be able to do something like:
"Tell Azure that I want a webserver, and paste/upload that web.config text into the Azure Portal"?
If it's relevant, currently my stack has literally nothing other than npm and the JS Create-React-App template's stack. I'm imagining we'll host the site in Azure too.
I got this to work, and it was pretty painless - Azure can JustDoThis.
Documenting the notes I wrote for myself here, for any future lost wanderers :)
As noted in the linked question, the Azure server doesn't (and can't) enable CORS, so we need to circumvent that in some manner. The approach is to create a ReverseProxy server, which accepts the request, forwards it to Azure, receives the response, adds the relevant CORS headers and and returns it to the caller.
Followed steps, except skip the "Basic Authentication" step (Steps #3 & #4), from this Microsoft blog:
Step 1: Create a new Azure Web App
Step 2: Add applicationHost.xdt file (in \Home\site)
Step 2a: Set the contents of the .xdt file using provided template (I think it's literally a web.config file?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<proxy xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" enabled="true" preserveHostHeader="false" reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders="false" />
SKIP STEPS 3 & 4 (relate to Authentication which isn't necessary if it's just a redirect.)
Step 5: Update/Modify/Create rewrite rules
Step 2 is achieved through KUDU, which is accessible here:
Some links about what KUDU is and how to use it:

Google cloud datalab deployment unsuccessful - sort of

This is a different scenario from other question on this topic. My deployment almost succeeded and I can see the following lines at the end of my log
[datalab].../#015Updating module [datalab]...done.
Jul 25 16:22:36 datalab-deploy-main-20160725-16-19-55 startupscript: Deployed module [datalab] to []
Jul 25 16:22:36 datalab-deploy-main-20160725-16-19-55 startupscript: Step deploy datalab module succeeded.
Jul 25 16:22:36 datalab-deploy-main-20160725-16-19-55 startupscript: Deleting VM instance...
The landing page keeps showing a wait bar indicating the deployment is still in progress. I have tried deploying several times in last couple of days.
About additions described on the landing page -
An App Engine "datalab" module is added. - when I click on the pop-out url "" it throws an error page with "404 page not found"
A "datalab" Compute Engine network is added. - Under "Compute Engine > Operations" I can see a create instance for datalab deployment with my id and a delete instance operation with ******* id. not sure what it means.
Datalab branch is added to the git repo- Yes and with all the components.
I think the deployment is partially successful. When I visit the landing page again, the only option I see is to deploy the datalab again and not to start it. Can someone spot the problem ? Appreciate the help.
I read the other posts on this topic and tried to verify my deployment using - "" I get the following message-
The API doesn't exist or you don't have permission to access it
You can try looking at the App Engine dashboard here, to verify that there is a "datalab" service deployed.
If that is missing, then you need to redeploy again (or switch to the new locally-run version).
If that is present, then you should also be able to see a "datalab" network here, and a VM instance named something like "gae-datalab-main-..." here. If either of those are missing, then try going back to the App Engine console, deleting the "datalab" service, and redeploying.

SOAP/HTTP using different folder mappings in ColdFusion

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with a ColdFusion 11 server, which (among other things) publishes some web services accessed via both SOAP and HTTP. The server itself is Windows 2012, running IIS. Actual folder config is as follows:
IIS has two websites configured, 'BOB' and 'BOB_Services'. Both have been configured with the CF Server Config tool so that CF handles .cfc, .cfm files. They share a common CFIDE config.
BOB's root is I:/inetpub/BOB
BOB_Services's root is I:/inetpub/BOB_Services
There is a folder mapping configured in CF Admin from '/' to 'I:/inetpub/BOB'. Don't ask me why, no one seems to know.
Normally there is a services.cfc file in BOB_Services ONLY. Yesterday we accidentally copied that same file into the BOB root folder, and all of our SOAP services using BOB_Services\services.cfc started throwing errors. Yet I can query the same webservice via HTTP (eg. using http://bob/services.cfc?method=function1&param1=0 ....etc) and get a valid result.
This is a reference answer in case anyone else comes across this strange behaviour.
It appears that when BOB_Services/services.cfc is called using HTTP GET, the folder mapping
'/' -> 'I:/inetpub/BOB'
is ignored and the actual file used to process the request is I:/inetpub/BOB_Services/services.cfc.
When a function in BOB_Services/services.cfc is called using a SOAP client, the folder mapping is invoked and the file used to process the request is I:/inetpub/BOB/services.cfc, IF IT EXISTS. If it does not exist, the file I:/inetpub/BOB_Services/services.cfc is used as expected.
This behaviour appears to be entirely repeatable - I can make a SOAP request, get one result, change the mapping, make another request and get the other result.

What's the cause of "Failed to preload gadget..." for Sharebox gadgets in IBM Connections

I've followed the procedure documented at "Adding new ways to share content"
...but keep getting an error:
Failed to preload gadget http://....
Detailed error: 400 Gadget is not trusted to render in this container. cre.iruntime:cre.iwidget.event:cre.wire:cre.iwidget:cre.iwidget.itemset:cre…
sharebox error
This looks like some sort of trust problem with external servers, but my other gadgets (embedded experience & home page gadgets) on the same external host are all working fine.
What have I missed out in the configuration?
OK, shamefully, it looks like I missed out swapping the security attribute whitelistEnabled="true" to whitelistEnabled="false" in:
<security whitelistEnabled="false" featureAdminEnabled="true">
More details in this slide: How to add your own OpenSocial Gadgets to IBM Connections.
Of course, in a production system, you'll have to checkout the opensocial config using, edit, checkin & restart.

Trouble adding a new service

I have followed the instructions at and copied the echo service and created my new service. (That document is somewhat out-of-date in that "excluded components" no longer exists.
In any case, my service shows up as running with a gateway and a node when I look at 'vcap status' on the server. However, when I look at 'vmc services' from the client my service is not in the list. Where is this list maintained and why is my service not on the list?
Various services, including blob, filesystem, mongodb, etc, are shown on the 'vcm services' list even though they have never been included in my config. Where is this maintained and why are other services on this list?
The cloud_controller.log file shows a "Create service request:" for echo every minute. This service is not in my config file (it was once but it was removed and I repeated the deployment). What is prompting this request for a service that was not defined in the config?
The _gateway.log for my service shows the following:
INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller:
INFO -- Fetching handles from cloud controller .../offerings/.../handles
ERROR -- Failed registering with cloud controller, status=400
DEBUG -- [GaaS-Provisioner] Connected to node mbus..
ERROR -- Failed fetching handles, status=404
Why does my gateway fail to register with the cloud controller? I have found some reports that suggest that the problem is with domain name mapping. I have verified that the server can find itself:
Welcome to VMware's Cloud Application Platform
What can I do to register my service?
You can also try asking your question on the vcap_dev google group.!forum/vcap-dev
They are focused in answering and discussing OSS subjects for Cloud Foundry!
If you follow the document correctly things should work just fine. I understand that the mechanism for maintaining the excluded list of components has changed and can be a point of confusion when following the steps mentioned in the article (just ignore that step totally).
ERROR -- Failed registering with cloud controller, status=400
Well this is a point of worry. I recently followed the article step by step and was able to add a new service.
Is the echo service showing up in vmc services?
Have you copied the the yml files for node and gateway at ./cloudfoundry/.deployments/devbox/config?
Are the tokens for your gateway unique? and matching in the two files? ./cloudfoundry/.deployments/devbox/config/cloud_controller.yml and ./cloudfoundry/.deployments/devbox/config/**_gateway.yml**
I would recommend that you first concentrate on getting the echo service to be listed in the vmc services output. Once done with this you should replicate the steps (with absolute care to modify things like the token) to get your custom service working.
You should follow this guide
It work to me.