skip button on splash screen inxcode - iphone

I have a splash screen that fades out and then the main view fades in.
The splash remains for a period of five seconds.
How can i skip this with a skip button with the same dynamic of fading out and then fading in to the main view.

If you can skip it, don't put it in in the first place.
Launch images are not designed for splash screens. They are there to give the illusion of faster loading applications. Apple's Human Interface Guidelines specifically tell you not to do this:
Avoid displaying an About window or a splash screen. In general, try to avoid providing any type of startup experience that prevents people from using your application immediately.
Avoid using your launch image as an opportunity to provide:
An “application entry experience,” such as a splash screen
An About window
Branding elements, unless they are a static part of your application’s first screen
Because users are likely to switch among applications frequently, you should make every effort to cut launch time to a minimum, and you should design a launch image that downplays the experience rather than drawing attention to it.
You are specifically required to follow the HIG by the App Store review guidelines and your application may be rejected for breaking any of the rules within it.

#Jim is correct although if you still want a skip button on your splash screen, you could create a new view controller and view and call it rootViewController and in the App Delegate specify that the app should open to rootViewController. In rootViewController, you can have a UIImageView with the splash screen image and a "skip" UIButton that transitions to the main view immediately. Hope this helps.


Fitting controls on iPhone screen app when converting from iPad app

This might be a question specific to my app.I have an iPad app functional. I am converting it to iPhone app. So on one of my iPad screens i have 40-50 controls (labels, textfields,buttons,etc). Now can i achieve something like that on my iPhone also. Screen for iPhone is small and i can barely put 20 controls on one screen. Can i have a long vertical scroll view to put all my controls on one screen. I mean user can scroll down and down and have the same exact controls on this iPhone screen as on iPad screen but with different orientation. Or should i separate that one screen into multiple UIViewControllers? Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.
Simple answer: You can do anything you want.
More elaborate: You could do a scroll view like you mention, but I'm sure this would be sub-optimal. You have a few options to deal with the difference in devices. The one you choose usually depends on the view or the amount of content it contains. You can 1) Simply resize it for the other device (this only works in rare situations where you have a simple view or one without much content). 2. You create a separate view controller for each and launch the appropriate one for the device (per apple docs). You could just slap your view in a scroll view, but depending on the specifics, a tab view, navigation controller, or some other option may provide a better user experience. In the end it's up to you...

iOS custom splash screen

I need to load a bunch of things in the beginning of my application, so I would like to implement a splash screen. I know about the Default.png screen, and I dont think that works.
Does iOS have something built-in for this? If not what is the easiest way to do so?
Does your app take too long to load and you want to do your own splash screen manually to avoid being quit by the OS on launch?
Once your app gets control, you throw up whatever you want on screen. And if that first things happens to be a full screen image view showing your splash screen while lots of things load up, well you can call that a splash screen if you like.
When loading is done, hide or destroy that image view and you are good to go.
I'm not going to provide specific code because, frankly, if you dont know how to show an image view fullscreen, you have some UIKit homework to first.
In application did load have a splash screen viewcontroller display till your app is fully loaded then dismiss the controller. The built in splash screen functionality is Default.png, and a snapshot of the application.

creating instruction screen in iOS

I often time see in an iOS apps when you first launch the app there will be a one time instruction with arrows and such to show a first time user guide. It's usually a black transparant colored screen with arrows. I was trying to find a few app that does this, but I couldn't. Was wondering if someone knew the terms for these and how to create it?
Create a UIView and place it above the view you're wishing to guide the user through. Set up the UIView as a IBOutlet in your classes header file, set the background to black and set the alpha to 0.3 or something similar (test to see how it looks).
In header:
IBOutlet UIView *overlayView;
In main:
overlayView.alpha = 0.3f;
You may want to make sure that the overlay shows the first time the users opens the app or maybe store a value in a database for when the user dismisses the screen so that you don't show it again. To do this you can hide the UIView or simply set the alpha to 0.
Then simply add images or annotations to the UIView. As "bentford" said it's quite broad but this should get you on your way. You can also use multiple UIView's or even transformations to animate the screens.
I use Skitch. You can find it in the Mac App Store.
Skitch can take the screenshot in the simulator and overlay the arrows and notes. Then when you launch the app, you show the image created with Skitch in a UIImageView on top of the actual view. Then just hide the UIImageView.

What can I do to make an image appear before my app launch?

I´m doing an app for iPhone in objective-c, and before my app launches I want a splash screen to appear.
I think you are looking for Application Launch Images.
You just need to rename any image you want to "Default.png" and just add it in your project. That's all. Application will display that image while your app is loading.
As veredesmaralad answered, you can use an application launch image, but it's not really intended for use as a splash screen. It's intended to give the user immediate feedback that the app is launching, yet give the app some time to initialize. This image is displayed by the OS until your app puts its window on screen. The display time will vary from device to device.
If I were trying to do something more involved such as displaying the splash screen for a longer time, or animating the splash screen, I would display a view for the splash screen, then move on to the main app. I might just have my main UIViewController show the view, and then have an NSTimer tell the controller when to replace the view with the next view (e.g. the main user interface). For a more involved animated splash screen I might use a dedicated UIViewController to run that animation. Then when the animation completes I'd have the splash screen's controller load the next controller.
First off, this is called a "splash screen" and you may want to read up about it from somewhere like Wikipedia.
The answer to this question will depend heavily on what programming language you're using. If you could provide better explanation, a better answer can be given.

Why my iPhone app has a delayed loading?

I noticed some iPhone apps give you the title screen instantly.
Then there are some apps that gives you a black/blank screen for a brief moment.
I have the latter issue, but its lasting about 2 seconds.
I would like to display a PNG image (over 200 KB size) and a loading indicator view.
My app is based on UIView. The specified a custom UIView that basically loads and renders the said image as the wallpaper.
I tried not loading this image, yet im still getting a 2 second delay time to load.
The app delegate basically sets the view controller's view as a subview.
This delay is only seen on the device, not on the simulator.
What am i over-seeing?
If you place a Default.png file in your mainbundle, it gets displayed at launch time between the time that the app is tapped on till the time that you replace it with another view.
The reason you don't see it in the simulator is because it is faster at loading your app.
If you want to display a progress indicator, you will only be able to do it once the appDidFinishLaunching is called, but the delay that you are seeing is still there.
One trick I use is to have the same Default.png displayed again in appDidFinishLaunching and then draw a progress bar on top of that. Sure there is still the static display during the initial delay, but from there until all my initial views are loaded, I display a progress bar.
There have been some recent discussions about this on StackOverflow that you should see. And see this: How To Make Your iPhone App Launch Faster