Fitting controls on iPhone screen app when converting from iPad app - iphone

This might be a question specific to my app.I have an iPad app functional. I am converting it to iPhone app. So on one of my iPad screens i have 40-50 controls (labels, textfields,buttons,etc). Now can i achieve something like that on my iPhone also. Screen for iPhone is small and i can barely put 20 controls on one screen. Can i have a long vertical scroll view to put all my controls on one screen. I mean user can scroll down and down and have the same exact controls on this iPhone screen as on iPad screen but with different orientation. Or should i separate that one screen into multiple UIViewControllers? Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.

Simple answer: You can do anything you want.
More elaborate: You could do a scroll view like you mention, but I'm sure this would be sub-optimal. You have a few options to deal with the difference in devices. The one you choose usually depends on the view or the amount of content it contains. You can 1) Simply resize it for the other device (this only works in rare situations where you have a simple view or one without much content). 2. You create a separate view controller for each and launch the appropriate one for the device (per apple docs). You could just slap your view in a scroll view, but depending on the specifics, a tab view, navigation controller, or some other option may provide a better user experience. In the end it's up to you...


Convert iPhone app to universal app: Grouped UITableView

I am using xib-s for my UITableViewCells on iPhone. Now I need to convert my app to universal app. Do I have to create new xib-s (looking exactly the same way) for the iPad version? My current problem is that I am using grouped UITableViews. As the left and right margins on both devices differ, some of the controls on iPad are partly "out of the cells".
In case I need new xib-s (looking exactly the same way), do I need separate properties for the controls in the ViewController? For example, for a label named myLabel, do I need a second property myLabelIpad or is there a better way to handle that?
My suggestion is to create new xib. But if there are small changes , then you can maintain one xib. However it depends on how different your iPhone / iPad versions are. For example, if the iPad version is just a bigger version of the iPhone one with a few extra buttons, etc, it's easier to use one UIView and just set the frames of the subviews appropriately.
First understand what you are up to. How do you want your iPad app to look like? How does it navigate. Ceratinly you want to leverage from the lager screen of the ipad. When ever you do that and the auto-resizing mechanism is not sufficient (which it rarely is) then go for a separated xib file.
Second - for each XIB which hosts the same number and types of UIView and UIConrol subclasses, you should be able to use the same view controller for two separate XIBs. Just link all conrols within both XIB to the related IBOutlet properties and IBAction methods alike.
However, when you take leveraging from iPad capabilites seriously then you are like to end up with a different set of view controllers. That is when you can combine the controls of several iPad views wihin one single iPad view and similar cases.
Nevertheless, think of using popups. The content of a popup could nicely correlate to what is a full screen on the iPhone. In that case you can use the same view controller again within that popup container.
Does this sort of answer your question? If not, then please be more specific.
Actually you can retain the same Table cell xib files. You just have to get the Auto resizing masks of the cell and its subviews right.

Whats the approach to create a view similar to the one at apple app store

I wanted to know how can we design the view controller such that.., the upper half of the screen remains fixed and the below part of the screen can be navigated through.. !!
Should we use slipScreenController here ?
Your description sounds nothing like the Appstore app but the Appstore app simply has one vertical UIScrollView and another horizontal UIScrollView inside that for images.
If you are referring to browsing categories in AppStore then:
That is a tableView implemented in such way that it doesn't take the whole screen area. You need to create a UIViewController (not UITableViewController) and than add a tableView to the view (using Interface Builder or code). That way you can change the size and position of the tableView and use the remaining area of the view for something else, for example a UISegmentedControl above the tableView.
If you are reffering to reading description and images of single app then I think that UIScrollView is used for displaying images, not sure about the rest.

How to make a universal app

I have a iPhone app I want to convert to an universal app so it can run on iPad. I have tried to find information about how to do it, but I don't find anything that answers my question. I have upgraded the iphone target in xcode to ipad. Then I get a new MainWindow-iPad.xib.
But I have many viewcontrollers and I have made those with code, not xib's. Do I need to have a if-clause in the loadView method that loads different viewcontroller depending on if the user has a iPhone or iPad?
It kind of depends on how you've implemented your loadView methods and how you want your iPad version to differ from your iPhone app.
If you just want your app to use the full screen, you can mostly just check the size of the screen and size your views appropriately and use the autoresizing mask to deal with things when you change orientations.
There are a few gotcha's with this approach, though. For example, modal views can work differently (not taking up the whole screen) and, obviously, the keyboard is a different size.
If you want to use completely different views for your iPad app then, yes, you'll quite possibly have if statements that tell it to use completely different view controllers.
Yes you have to create all xib's for iPad and then you have to write if-clause for Ipad xib to be loaded.

webOS style view switching on iPhone app

I have been working with a iPhone app that I would like to have switch views like the Palm Pre does for multitasking. I know the usual way of switching views by using the black bar at the bottom of the app but the app I am working on does not lend itself to having a big black bar in the way (see attached picture #1).
I guess my question is, how do I shrink the current view (Current Location window) and show other views on the sides? (see attached picture #2) Then be able to swipe left and right to view other views. I have no idea how to do this and would be eternally grateful if someone could help me out with this.
The architecture should be similar to that of NavigationController: you have a number of ViewControllers each responsible for one card in your app. Then you have a 'super-controller' which controls these ViewControllers, by adding and removing their controlled views from the superview when necessary.
You'll need to use CoreAnimation and write the animations yourself.
i would use a UIScrollView and each card can be a small view that is shown by setting the contentoff set.

Customized Camera Toolbar on iPhone

I've created a camera application for iPhone and now I sit and polish the last of it. My application is a collage application where the user can take multiple pictures in a row.
As it is today I have a customized camera view that contains one UIButton for taking the pictures and one UIButton for getting back to the main view.
The problem is that my application is design for landscape mode and the camera control can only show in portrait mode. This makes the design of the GUI a little bit tricky and I now want to move away from having the buttons in the view to having the placed in a toolbar. When you initialize the camera you can set a bunch of different parameters and one of them is UIImagePickerController.toolbarHidden. If I set the value to NO it will show an empty toolbar and my question here is, how do I add items to this toolbar?
I've tried different solutions without any luck.
Does the standard UIViewController method -setToolBarItems:animated: method not work?