Crystal Report- Show last page - crystal-reports

I've a crystal report inside my application. My report has about 100 pages. I need to see last page as soon as I open my report from my application.
So I'm using crystalreportviewer.showlastpage.
My report says page 100 on the top, but it shows page 1 of 100.
if I press enter on the top box besides 100, it shows page 100 of 100.
Please help me in fixing this.
I need to see page 100 of 100 directly.
I shouldn't use lastpage button on the top as part of my requirement

Are you calling the showlastpage method when the form loads? Does it work if called from a button (outside the crystalreportviewer control)? If so, you might need to delay calling the method until after the form is loaded (try threading or a timer).


popAndReplacement shows page which is behind the poping page in Flutter

There are 3 screens in my app. When I use popAndPushNamed() in the 2nd page, it pops the 2nd page and shows the 3rd page, but when It pops it shows the 1st page behind it in milliseconds. how to avoid that?
is Animation the way?
or are there any other methods just like push and show 3rd page, and pop 2nd page when the 3rd page visible to the user?
popAndPushNamed() as the documentation suggests, pushes the new route but pops the old route simultaneously, and hence, there is a small moment where you can see the first page even if your new routes are fully opaque. Replace the method with Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed() and it should work as expected.

Got to page on pageable list view Wicket

I'm using a pagableListView inside Wicket with a pagenavigator, and sometimes my search result can return 1,000's of pages. This can be tedious for the user to navigate through each page to get to the middle of the alphabet. Is there a way I can create some sort of go to page: functionality? This way the user can say eh, like try page 600 see where I am at.. instead of meticulously clicking a bunch of times to get there.

How can i insert iframe in footer Layout Zend without refresh this footer?

I am building an application using Zend Framework and i need insert one iframe in footer this application but, when i press F5 or click link or button, all page refresh even iframe.
The layout zend is called everytime when i dispatcher an event to server, ready, the iframe too. (My iframe is in the foorter.phtml, ready, it called together layout).
Someone have an some idea how to resolve this question?
You cannot refresh the whole page except for an iframe on the page. When you ask a browser to refresh a page, it will refresh the whole page, there's no way to do it any differently.
To do what you seem to want to do, without using Javascript/AJAX, you'd have to use two frames. One for the top part of your website, and one for your footer. Here is an introduction to frames and how they work (iframes are similar, they are just "internal frames"):
Please, however, note that using frames/iframes is not a practice I personally encourage. You should ask yourself why you are trying to do this. If it's to reload only a certain part of the page, then you should probably check into Javascript/AJAX alternatives.
If you want to disable the layout for some action you can use $this->_helper->layout ()->disableLayout ();. Put it in the iframe action, which will disable the layout and will show only the view of the action.

Concrete 5 summary detail page

The solution is probably not unique to Concrete5 CMS, but I need to build a page with a list of items. Each item would link to a detail page of that item showing a full text description.
Each item on the initial summary page would have the first few lines of the detail page description and a "more" link.
Does anyone know how I could go about doing this in C5?
This is a very common thing to do with Concrete5, and there is a built-in block to handle it -- it's called "Page List".
Note that out-of-the-box, this block doesn't show the first few lines of each page's content, but rather shows the "description" field as entered when creating the page (or editing the page's properties). But I have a free addon available in the marketplace called "Page List Teasers" -- -- which adds this functionality to the built-in Page List block.
You can also check out the blog views of the page list - they show how to display an area from another page with all the content blocks they contain, and how to display attributes. You could make a rich text attribute called description then display that as you loop through the list of pages.

Allow SSRS report to scroll to the bottom without automatically paging

I have a SSRS report that renders multiple pages. A page does not fit on the screen, so the user has to scroll to see all of the data on said page. As the user scrolls towards the bottom of the page, the report automatically advances to the next page of the report (at about the time the bottom of the page reaches the bottom of the screen). Is there a way to only allow the report to advance to the next page via the paging buttons?