How to generate word document in windows server 2003? - ms-word

I had written a function to generate a word document by using the Office Interop Word object. My code is as shown below. It is working fine in my local system. But when i try to run it from window server 2003 it is not working. It keeps loading at Word.Document wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open and doesn't do anything. Could you help me out?
private void GenerateEmploymentCertificate()
object Nothing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
object format = Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument;
Word.Application wordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass();
object srcFileName = Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl(#"~/HRLetter\Arabia\Templates\Employment Certificate.doc"));
Word.Document wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open
(ref srcFileName, ref format, ref Nothing, ref Nothing,
ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing,
ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing,
ref Nothing, ref Nothing);
object bookmarkDate = "Date";
wordDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref bookmarkDate).Select();
wordApp.Selection.Text = string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", lblRequestdate.Text);
object bookmarkEmployeeName = "EmployeeName";
wordDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref bookmarkEmployeeName).Select();
wordApp.Selection.Text = lblEmployeeName1.Text;
object bookmarkCompany = "Company";
wordDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref bookmarkCompany).Select();
wordApp.Selection.Text = lblCompanyName1.Text;
object bookmarkJoiningDate = "JoiningDate";
wordDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref bookmarkJoiningDate).Select();
wordApp.Selection.Text = string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", lblJoiningDate1.Text);
object bookmarkDesignation = "Designation";
wordDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref bookmarkDesignation).Select();
wordApp.Selection.Text = lblDesignation1.Text;
string DocName;
DocName = string.Format("{0}_employment_certificate", lblRequestNo.Text);
hFilename.Value = DocName;
wordDoc.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl(#"~/HRLetter\Arabia\Letters\" + DocName + ".doc")));
catch (Exception exp)
Session["generalError"] = null;
Session["generalError"] = "There was an error at generating the letter. Please send email to with this screen shot.<br /><br /><br />Request No:" + lblRequestNo.Text + "<br />Action:Submit<br />" + exp.StackTrace.ToString();
LogManager logHelper = new LogManager(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.Trim(), "Leave System - Malaysia");
logHelper.LogError("[btnSubmit_Click - ]" + exp.Message + ".StackTrace - " + exp.StackTrace.ToString());
// Close wordDoc2
wordDoc.Close(ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing);
if (wordDoc != null)
wordDoc = null;
// close wordApp
wordApp.Quit(ref Nothing, ref Nothing, ref Nothing);
if (wordApp != null)
wordApp = null;

MS office doesn't really work in server environment. Even MS says so.
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Nesting Model Reports + Search Results

Seem like I'm not the first to investigate this. But not despairing yet :-)
The target state I'd like to reach is:
A recursion through Packages, where some of the nested Sub-Packages are glorified Linked Documents, and some are Grids rendering Search Results.
I like that Model Documents provide Search Tag values -- but I can't seem to nest the grids where I want them to show up.
Approach 1: Nested Model Documents
If I could nest Model Document elements, with their Search/Search Term tags, I would be sorted. I could have
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Model Document <- renders the results of a canned Search.
But EA appears to be designed to ignore the Model Document element.
Approach 2: SQL backed Template Fragment
I like the Model Document as it has Search/Search Term + all the Inclusion/Exclusion configuration options. But if I had to give that part up I am thinking of emulating as much as I can via SQL or script.
First attempt - using SQL and a nested set of Packages such as:
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package<> <- renders the results of a SQL Search.
If the template uses a TemplateSelector it can spot the Package with a wellknown stereotype, and invoke a Template that is backed by SQL.
The SQL uses the Package's Keywords as the source of the Element type to search for.
o.ea_guid AS [CLASSGUID],
o.Object_Type AS [CLASSTYPE],
o.Object_Type AS [Type],
o.Stereotype AS [Stereotype],
FROM t_object as O
WHERE O.Object_Type IN
(SELECT PDATA5 FROM t_object AS S where S.Object_ID = #OBJECTID#)
It works...barely.It's a bit hacky.
Searching off of Element Type is not going to be sufficient for production documents.
Approach 3: Script backed Template Fragment
If I can get a script running I suspect that I could leverage functionality that is already in the system.
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package<> <- renders the results of a canned Search.
If the template uses a TemplateSelector it can spot the Package with a wellknown stereotype, and invoke a Template that is backed by a script.
The script I'm trying is:
var x = Repository.GetElementsByQuery("POC.Req", "Device");
return x;
But the report remains blank of those elements I need for the table.
Q: Does the returned Collection need transformation before it can be used?
Approach 4
I've heard that there is an approach to Render Document sections as PDF, and link to them as Linked Documents... Sounds Convoluted. Sounds like a wrong/magic approach.
Approach 5
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help.
Just got approach 3 to work by converting the script results to xml before handing it back
The template's script now looks like
-- first pass ...I'll work on passing the ObjectId in a bit in order to get fancier.
ExecuteSearch("Simple", "Device")
and it invokes a script saved somewhere else as
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JScript
* Script Name:
* Author:
* Purpose:
* Date:
function main()
return ExecuteSearch("Simple", "Device");
function ExecuteSearch(searchName, searchParam){
var x = Repository.GetElementsByQuery(searchName, searchParam);
//return x;
var xmlDOC = CreateReport(x);
var s = xmlDOC.xml;
return s;
function CreateReport(entityCollection){
var xmlDOC = CreateXmlDOC();
var xmlRoot = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"EADATA");
var xmlDataSet = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Dataset_0",xmlRoot);
var xmlData = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Data",xmlDataSet);
for(var i = 0;i<entityCollection.Count();i++){
var entity = entityCollection.GetAt(i);
var xmlRow = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Row",xmlData);
//AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).Text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Guid",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSGUID",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Type",xmlRow).text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Stereotype",xmlRow).text = entity.Stereotype;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Name",xmlRow).text = entity.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Object",xmlRow).text = entity.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Id",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Scope",xmlRow).text = entity.Scope;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Phase",xmlRow).text = entity.Phase;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Status",xmlRow).text = entity.Status;
var noteElement = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Notes",xmlRow);//.text = entity.Notes;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Keywords",xmlRow).text = entity.PDATA5;
return xmlDOC;
function CreateXmlDOC()
var xmlDOM;
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" );
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0" );
xmlDOM.validateOnParse = false;
xmlDOM.async = false;
return xmlDOM;
function AppendXmlChild(xmlDOM, xmlElementName, xmlParent, isCDATA){
if (!xmlParent){xmlParent = xmlDOM;}
var child = xmlDOM.createElement(xmlElementName);
return child;
The script I used in the end is as follows. It now correctly investigates the element's tags for clues as how to proceed.
Hope it helps others.
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JScript
* Script Name:
* Author:
* Purpose:
* Date:
//Only used for development
function devTest()
//With Child elements: {2255D8C8-F1BB-4069-BDAF-8B303D108C62}
//With SearchName: {919252E0-BDEB-4f26-A39F-C0E74382952A}
//With PackageGUID: {8543ED3B-EC39-4bf0-92C2-FD49A00C376B}
Session.Output ("DEVTEST");
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid("{8543ED3B-EC39-4bf0-92C2-FD49A00C376B}");
Session.Output("Package Name:" + package.Name);
Session.Output("Package Guid:" + package.PackageGUID);
Session.Output("Package Id:" + package.PackageID);
Session.Output("Package ElementId:" + package.Element.ElementID);
//Session.Output("Package Element Id:" + package.Element.ElementID);
//Use the Element associate to the Package, not the Package ID itself.
var packageElementId = package.Element.ElementID; //NOT: package.PackageID;
var xmlDoc=ExecuteSearch(packageElementId);
try {
}catch (e){
//Extracts from a given Package it's SearchName/SearchValue tags
//in order to do a search that mimicks a ModelDocument's way of
//generating a report.
function ExecuteSearch(elementId){
if (!elementId){
Session.Output("Exiting: No elementId received.");
var packageElement = Repository.GetElementByID(elementId);
if (!packageElement){
Session.Output("Exiting: No package with given elementId: " + elementId);
try {
var xmlDOC = ExecuteSearch2(packageElement);
var xml = xmlDOC.xml;
return xml;
}catch (e){
Session.Output("ERROR: " + e.message);
return null;
function ExecuteSearch2(packageElement){
//Session.Output(packageElement.ElementGUID + ": '" + packageElement.Name + "' invoking ExecuteSearch(" + packageElement.ElementID + ")");
//Session.Output("Attribute 'Test': " + GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'Test'));
//Precendence is to search
//* Direct children,
//* by Package, recursively,
//* Package, single
//* Package
//First dibs: does this package have any direct elements?
//Get back to the package that is related to the Element before you count Elements:
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid(packageElement.ElementGUID);
var elementCollection = package.Elements;
if (elementCollection.Count()){
Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has child Elements:"+ elementCollection.Count());
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
//If package had no children, look at Attributes for reference to other package.
//At present, can't find an easy way to determine package Id from the EA GUI, so
//using the Guid.
var searchPackageGuid = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageGUID');
if (!searchPackageGuid){
searchPackageGuid = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageGuid');
if (searchPackageGuid){
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchPackageGuid:"+ searchPackageGuid);
return ExecuteSearchByPackageGuid(searchPackageGuid);
// //If I ever find a way to get a packageId:
var searchPackageId = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageId');
if (searchPackageId){
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchPackageId:"+ searchPackageId);
return ExecuteSearchByPackageId(searchPackageId);
// //If searching by SQL:
var searchSQL = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchSQL');
if (searchSQL){
Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchSQL:"+ searchSQL);
return ExecuteSearchBySQL(searchSQL);
//Not pointing to a package, so maybe pointing to a canned search:
var searchName = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchName');
if (!searchName){
//Session.Output("No SearchName");
var searchValue = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchValue');
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchName/Value:"+ searchName + "/" + searchValue);
return ExecuteSearchBySearchName(searchName, searchValue);
//Mimicks functionality of a ModelDocument that searches by canned SearchName/SearchValue.
function ExecuteSearchBySearchName(searchName, searchValue){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementsByQuery(searchName, searchValue);
//return x;
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
function ExecuteSearchByPackageGuid(packageGuid){
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid(packageGuid);
return ExecuteSearch2(package.Element);
function ExecuteSearchBySQL(searchSQL){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementSet(searchSQL, 2);
function HOLD_ExecuteSearchBySet(idList){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementsSet(idList);
//return x;
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
//Iterate through the elements and convert to an Xml Document
//suitable for use by a Script backed Template:
function CreateReportDoc(elementCollection){
var xmlDOC = CreateXmlDOC();
var xmlData = CreateXmlReport(xmlDOC);
for(var i = 0;i<elementCollection.Count();i++){
//For each Element, create a new row:
var xmlRow = AppendXmlChild(xmlData,"Row");
//And embed the specific element:
var element = elementCollection.GetAt(i);
CreateReportRow(xmlRow, element);
return xmlDOC;
function CreateReportRow(xmlRow, element){
//And attach child property elements.
//For hairy ones, add them as a CDATA.
//AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).Text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Guid").text = element.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"CLASSTYPE").text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"CLASSGUID").text = element.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Type").text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Stereotype").text = element.Stereotype;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Name").text = element.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Object").text = element.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Id").text = element.ElementID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Scope").text = element.Scope;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Phase").text = element.Phase;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Status").text = element.Status;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Keywords").text = element.PDATA5;
//Notes need wrapping as CDATA
var noteElement = AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Notes");//.text = entity.Notes;
//Now get tags:
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.ID").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"ID");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Type").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Type");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Category").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Category");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Traceability").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Traceability");
return xmlRow;
//helper function to create an empty xml document
function CreateXmlDOC()
var xmlDOM;
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" );
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0" );
xmlDOM.validateOnParse = false;
xmlDOM.async = false;
return xmlDOM;
//helper function to create the beginning of an xml document
//suitable to render the results of a search:
function CreateXmlReport(xmlDOC){
var xmlRoot = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"EADATA");
var xmlDataSet = AppendXmlChild(xmlRoot,"Dataset_0");
var xmlData = AppendXmlChild(xmlDataSet,"Data");
return xmlData;
//helper function to attach a new child xml element to a parent xml element
function AppendXmlChild(xmlParent, xmlElementName, isCDATA){
var xmlDocument = xmlParent.ownerDocument;
if (!xmlDocument){xmlDocument = xmlParent}
var child = xmlDocument.createElement(xmlElementName);
return child;
//Gets an Element's tag. Eats exception if Tag does not exist.
function GetElementTaggedValue(element, tagName){
var tag;
try {
tag = element.TaggedValues.GetByName(tagName);
catch (e) {
if (!tag){return;}
var result = tag.Value;
return result;
function ConvertPackageIdToBranchId(packageId){
var package = Repository.GetPackageByID(objectId);
if (!package){return;}
var packages = [package];
var result=[];
for(var i=0;i<packages.length;i++){
return result;
function ConvertPackageToBranch(package){
var result = [];
for (var i=0;i<package.Packages.Count();i++){
var childPackage = package.Packages.GetAt(i);
return result;

Getting errors with Parameterized Update Sub

No idea why this isn't working.
I have a simple form with some text boxes and drop down lists. It displays the profile of an employee. Users should be able to manually edit the fields and click Save. When they click save I keep getting errors.
Q1: How can I handle inserting Null values for SmallDateTime data types?
Q2: What am I doing wrong with the TinyInt (SqlServer 2005) on the JobGrade?
Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Protected Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim sqlJobsDB As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("JobsDB").ConnectionString)
Dim sqlCmdUpdate As SqlCommand = sqlJobsDB.CreateCommand()
sqlCmdUpdate.CommandText = _
"UPDATE tblEmployee " + _
"SET Firstname = #Firstname, LastName = #LastName, HiredLastName = #HiredLastName, " + _
"DateHired = #DateHired, Role = #Role, CADate = #CADate, CAType = #CAType, " + _
"JobDate = #JobDate, JobGrade = #JobGrade " + _
"WHERE EUID = '" & Session("sProfileEUID") & "';"
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#HiredLastName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#DateHired", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#Role", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#CADate", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#CAType", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#JobDate", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#JobGrade", SqlDbType.TinyInt)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#FirstName").Value = txtFirstName.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#LastName").Value = txtLastName.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#HiredLastName").Value = txtHiredLastName.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#DateHired").Value = txtDateHired.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#Role").Value = ddlRole.SelectedValue.ToString
If txtCADate.Text = "" Then
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#CADate").Value = 0
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#CADate").Value = txtCADate.Text
End If
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#CAType").Value = ddlCAType.SelectedValue
If txtJobDate.Text = "" Then
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobDate").Value = 0
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobDate").Value = txtJobDate.Text
End If
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobGrade").Value = CByte(txtJobGrade.Text)
Catch ex As Exception
lblErrMsg.Text = ex.ToString
lblErrMsg.Visible = True
End Try
End Sub</code>
I open the form and fill it out correctly.
I'll enter something like "4" (no quotes) for JobGrade. It still says "conversion from strink ''" like its not even seeing when I input items on the form.
Errors are below:
System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string "" to type 'Byte' is not valid. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDouble(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToByte(String Value) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToByte(String Value) at Profile.btnSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in
The DBNull.Value issue is resolved.
The JobGrade, and Role are still issues. When throwing up some breakpoints on it doens't fetch the contents of the textbox or the dropdown list.
** Updated Code **
Protected Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click
Session("sProfileEUID") = Nothing
End Sub
Protected Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim sqlJobsDB As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("JobsDB").ConnectionString)
Dim sqlCmdUpdate As SqlCommand = sqlJobsDB.CreateCommand()
sqlCmdUpdate.CommandText = _
"UPDATE tblEmployee " + _
"SET FirstName = #FirstName, LastName = #LastName, HiredLastName = #HiredLastName, " + _
"DateHired = #DateHired, Role = #Role, CADate = #CADate, CAType = #CAType, " + _
"JobDate = #JobDate, JobGrade = #JobGrade " + _
"WHERE EUID = '" & Session("sProfileEUID") & "';"
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#HiredLastName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#DateHired", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#Role", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#CADate", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#CAType", SqlDbType.VarChar)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#JobDate", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("#JobGrade", SqlDbType.TinyInt)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#FirstName").Value = txtFirstName.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#LastName").Value = txtLastName.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#HiredLastName").Value = txtHiredLastName.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#DateHired").Value = txtDateHired.Text
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#Role").Value = ddlRole.SelectedValue.ToString
If txtCADate.Text <> "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#CADate").Value = CDate(txtCADate.Text)
If txtCADate.Text = "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#CADate").Value = DBNull.Value
If ddlCAType.Text <> "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#CAType").Value = ddlCAType.SelectedValue
If ddlCAType.Text = "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#CAType").Value = DBNull.Value
If txtJobDate.Text <> "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobDate").Value = CDate(txtJobDate.Text)
If txtJobDate.Text = "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobDate").Value = DBNull.Value
If txtJobGrade.Text <> "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobGrade").Value = CInt(txtJobGrade.Text)
If txtJobGrade.Text = "" Then sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobGrade").Value = DBNull.Value
Catch ex As Exception
lblErrMsg.Text = ex.ToString
lblErrMsg.Visible = True
End Try
End Sub
Edit 2:
So I've pretty much given up on this, and instead moved the table into an FormView ItemTemplate, with an EditTemplate also. I modified it as described in the following link.
Q1: Make sure the table structure allows nulls and set the parameter value to DBNull.Value.
If IsNumeric(txtJobGrade.Text) Then
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobGrade").Value = CInt(txtJobGrade.Text)
sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters("#JobGrade").Value = 0 'Or Default Value
End If
You can always make that a drop down list to prevent open ended data input.
It's a little odd to see how you're done the parameters. Typically, I'd expect to see something more along these lines:
With sqlCmdUpdate.Parameters
.addWithValue("#parm1", mytextbox1.text)
.addWithValue("#parm2", mytextbox2.text)
End With
For one, .add has been deprecated -- still works, but some issues to be aware of (
Secondly, it's always best to call .clear().
Also -- you might think about a more standard approach to checking for values -- for example:
If txtJobGrade.Text <> "" Then...
Would be better written as
If NOT string.isnullorempty(me.txtJobGrade.text) Then...
Try making a few of those changes, and see what (if any) errors you're still getting.

' ', hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1

I am trying to read a xml file from the web and parse it out using XDocument. It normally works fine but sometimes it gives me this error for day:
**' ', hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1**
I have tried some solutions from Google but they aren't working for VS 2010 Express Windows Phone 7.
There is a solution which replace the 0x1F character to string.empty but my code return a stream which doesn't have replace method.
s = s.Replace(Convert.ToString((byte)0x1F), string.Empty);
Here is my code:
void webClient_OpenReadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(e.Result))
int[] counter = { 1 };
string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
Stream str = e.Result;
// s = s.Replace(Convert.ToString((byte)0x1F), string.Empty);
// byte[] str = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
// Stream memStream = new MemoryStream(str);
str.Position = 0;
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(str);
var data = from query in xdoc.Descendants("user")
select new mobion
index = counter[0]++,
avlink = (string)query.Element("user_info").Element("avlink"),
nickname = (string)query.Element("user_info").Element("nickname"),
track = (string)query.Element("track"),
artist = (string)query.Element("artist"),
listBox.ItemsSource = data;
XML file:
0x1f is a Windows control character. It is not valid XML. Your best bet is to replace it.
Instead of using reader.ReadToEnd() (which by the way - for a large file - can use up a lot of memory.. though you can definitely use it) why not try something like:
string input;
while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
string = string + input.Replace((char)(0x1F), ' ');
you can re-convert into a stream if you'd like, to then use as you please.
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( input );
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream( byteArray );
Or else you could keep doing readToEnd() and then clean that string of illegal characters, and convert back to a stream.
Here's a good resource for cleaning illegal characters in your xml - chances are, youll have others as well...
What could be happening is that the content is compressed in which case you need to decompress it.
With HttpHandler you can do this the following way:
var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler
AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip
| DecompressionMethods.Deflate
With the "old" WebClient you have to derive your own class to achieve the similar effect:
class MyWebClient : WebClient
protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
HttpWebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest(address) as HttpWebRequest;
request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip;
return request;
Above taken from here
To use the two you would do something like this:
using (var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler { AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate }))
using (var stream = client.GetStreamAsync(url))
using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream.Result))
using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
var feed = System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
foreach (var item in feed.Items)
using (var stream = new MyWebClient().OpenRead("http://myrss.url"))
using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream))
using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
var feed = System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
foreach (var item in feed.Items)
This way you also recieve the benefit of not having to .ReadToEnd() since you are working with the stream instead.
Consider using System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode if you're decoding content read from the web.
If you are having issues replacing the character
For me there were some issues if you try to replace using the string instead of the char. I suggest trying some testing values using both to see what they turn up. Also how you reference it has some effect.
var a = x.IndexOf('\u001f'); // 513
var b = x.IndexOf(Convert.ToString((byte)0x1F)); // -1
x = x.Replace(Convert.ToChar((byte)0x1F), ' '); // Works
x = x.Replace(Convert.ToString((byte)0x1F), " "); // Fails
I blagged this
I had the same issue and found that the problem was a  embedded in the xml.
The solution was:
s = s.Replace("", " ")
I'd guess it's probably an encoding issue but without seeing the XML I can't say for sure.
In terms of your plan to simply replace the character but not being able to, because you have a stream rather than a text, simply read the stream into a string and then remove the characters you don't want.
Works for me.........
string.Replace(Chr(31), "")
I used XmlSerializer to parse XML and faced the same exception.
The problem is that the XML string contains HTML codes of invalid characters
This method removes all invalid HTML codes from string (based on this thread -
public static string RemoveInvalidXmlSubstrs(string xmlStr)
string pattern = "&#((\\d+)|(x\\S+));";
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (regex.IsMatch(xmlStr))
xmlStr = regex.Replace(xmlStr, new MatchEvaluator(m =>
string s = m.Value;
string unicodeNumStr = s.Substring(2, s.Length - 3);
int unicodeNum = unicodeNumStr.StartsWith("x") ?
Convert.ToInt32(unicodeNumStr.Substring(1), 16)
: Convert.ToInt32(unicodeNumStr);
//according to
if ((unicodeNum == 0x9 || unicodeNum == 0xA || unicodeNum == 0xD) ||
((unicodeNum >= 0x20) && (unicodeNum <= 0xD7FF)) ||
((unicodeNum >= 0xE000) && (unicodeNum <= 0xFFFD)) ||
((unicodeNum >= 0x10000) && (unicodeNum <= 0x10FFFF)))
return s;
return String.Empty;
return xmlStr;
Nobody can answer if you don't show relevant info - I mean the Xml content.
As a general advice I would put a breakpoint after ReadToEnd() call. Now you can do a couple of things:
Reveal Xml content to this forum.
Test it using VS Xml visualizer.
Copy-paste the string into a txt file and investigate it offline.

How to transfer text from RTF to Word Document in c#

hI I need to transfer text from richTextbox to word document and also in plain text on button_click. I need assistance on this please.
I got a vb code but need in csharp.
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set wrdApp = New Word.Application
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Clipboard.SetText RichTextBox1.TextRTF, vbCFRTF
With wrdApp
.ActiveDocument.SaveAs App.Path & "RTFDOC2.doc", _
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
I found and put the following together based off this site:
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
object Visible = true;
object start1 = 0;
object end1 = 0;
Word.Document adoc = WordApp.Documents.Add(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
Word.Range rng = adoc.Range(ref start1, ref missing);
Clipboard.SetText(richTextBox.Text, TextDataFormat.Rtf);
string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
object filename = path + #"\MyWord.doc";
adoc.SaveAs(ref filename, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
WordApp.Visible = true;
catch (Exception ex)
You can call this VBA code using the activeX-IF of msword.

Including MSMQ as a prerequisite for my application

I'm working on an application that uses MSMQ for interprocess communication, and I need the setup project to be able to install the service if it isn't already. I've checked around for information on making it a prerequisite, but so far I've been unsuccessful at finding this. Any ideas?
Discovered the answer on my own...the windows component installer is not crippled by the typical inability to install more than one MSI at any given time, so I'm able to use a custom installer action to execute a command line script to install MSMQ.
Here's my Installer class (your options may obviously vary):
public partial class MSMQInstaller : Installer
public MSMQInstaller()
static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpFileName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool FreeLibrary(IntPtr hModule);
public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)
bool loaded;
IntPtr handle = LoadLibrary("Mqrt.dll");
if (handle == IntPtr.Zero || handle.ToInt32() == 0)
loaded = false;
loaded = true;
loaded = false;
if (!loaded)
if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6) // Windows XP or earlier
string fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "MSMQAnswer.ans");
using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName))
writer.WriteLine("Signature = \"$Windows NT$\"");
writer.WriteLine("FreshMode = Custom");
writer.WriteLine("MaintenanceMode = RemoveAll");
writer.WriteLine("UpgradeMode = UpgradeOnly");
writer.WriteLine("msmq_Core = ON");
writer.WriteLine("msmq_LocalStorage = ON");
using (System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo start = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("sysocmgr.exe", "/i:sysoc.inf /u:\"" + fileName + "\"");
p.StartInfo = start;
else // Vista or later
using (System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo start = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("ocsetup.exe", "MSMQ-Container;MSMQ-Server /passive");
p.StartInfo = start;
What about the pkgmgr command?
pkgmgr /iu:MSMQ-Container;MSMQ-Server
Thank You!! Here's the VB.Net version for anyone who is interested.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Diagnostics.Process
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
'Required in all cases when calling API functions
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Configuration.Install.Installer
<System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute(True)> _
Public Class msmqInstaller
Inherits System.Configuration.Install.Installer
Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As IntPtr`enter code here`
<DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL", EntryPoint:="FreeLibrary", SetLastError:=True)> _
Public Shared Function FreeLibrary(ByVal hModule As IntPtr) As Boolean
' Leave function empty - DLLImport attribute
' forces calls to LoadLibrary to
' be forwarded to LoadLibrary in KERNEL32.DLL
End Function
Public Const MAX_PATH As Integer = 256
' Dim testKernel As loadlibrary
Dim p As New Process
' Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("sysocmgr.exe", "/i:sysoc.inf /u:\"" + fileName + " \ "")
Dim fileName As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "MSMQAnswer.ans")
Dim writer As New StreamWriter(fileName)
' Override the 'Install' method of the Installer class. When overridden in a derived class, performs the installation.
'You must override the Install and Uninstall methods to add the code to perform your custom installation steps.
Public Overrides Sub Install(ByVal mySavedState As IDictionary)
Dim loaded As Boolean = False
Dim fileName As String
Dim writer As StreamWriter
Dim p As Process
Dim handle As IntPtr = LoadLibrary("Mqrt.dll")
If handle = IntPtr.Zero Or handle.ToInt32 = 0 Then
loaded = False
loaded = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
loaded = False
End Try
If Not loaded = True Then
If Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6 Then ' windows xp or earlier
fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "MSMQAnswer.ans")
writer = New System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName)
Using writer
' writer.WriteLine("Signature = \"$Windows NT$\"")
writer.WriteLine("Signature = \""$Windows NT$\""")
writer.WriteLine("FreshMode = Custom")
writer.WriteLine("MaintenanceMode = RemoveAll")
writer.WriteLine("UpgradeMode = UpgradeOnly")
writer.WriteLine("msmq_Core = ON")
End Using
p = New System.Diagnostics.Process()
Using p
Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("sysocmgr.exe", "/i:sysoc.inf /u:\" + fileName + " \ ")
p.StartInfo = startInfo
End Using
Else 'windows vista or later, server 03
p = New System.Diagnostics.Process
Using p
Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("ocsetup.exe", "MSMQ-Container;MSMQ-Server /passive")
p.StartInfo = startInfo
End Using
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class