Nesting Model Reports + Search Results - enterprise-architect

Seem like I'm not the first to investigate this. But not despairing yet :-)
The target state I'd like to reach is:
A recursion through Packages, where some of the nested Sub-Packages are glorified Linked Documents, and some are Grids rendering Search Results.
I like that Model Documents provide Search Tag values -- but I can't seem to nest the grids where I want them to show up.
Approach 1: Nested Model Documents
If I could nest Model Document elements, with their Search/Search Term tags, I would be sorted. I could have
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Model Document <- renders the results of a canned Search.
But EA appears to be designed to ignore the Model Document element.
Approach 2: SQL backed Template Fragment
I like the Model Document as it has Search/Search Term + all the Inclusion/Exclusion configuration options. But if I had to give that part up I am thinking of emulating as much as I can via SQL or script.
First attempt - using SQL and a nested set of Packages such as:
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package<> <- renders the results of a SQL Search.
If the template uses a TemplateSelector it can spot the Package with a wellknown stereotype, and invoke a Template that is backed by SQL.
The SQL uses the Package's Keywords as the source of the Element type to search for.
o.ea_guid AS [CLASSGUID],
o.Object_Type AS [CLASSTYPE],
o.Object_Type AS [Type],
o.Stereotype AS [Stereotype],
FROM t_object as O
WHERE O.Object_Type IN
(SELECT PDATA5 FROM t_object AS S where S.Object_ID = #OBJECTID#)
It works...barely.It's a bit hacky.
Searching off of Element Type is not going to be sufficient for production documents.
Approach 3: Script backed Template Fragment
If I can get a script running I suspect that I could leverage functionality that is already in the system.
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package<> <- renders the results of a canned Search.
If the template uses a TemplateSelector it can spot the Package with a wellknown stereotype, and invoke a Template that is backed by a script.
The script I'm trying is:
var x = Repository.GetElementsByQuery("POC.Req", "Device");
return x;
But the report remains blank of those elements I need for the table.
Q: Does the returned Collection need transformation before it can be used?
Approach 4
I've heard that there is an approach to Render Document sections as PDF, and link to them as Linked Documents... Sounds Convoluted. Sounds like a wrong/magic approach.
Approach 5
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help.
Just got approach 3 to work by converting the script results to xml before handing it back
The template's script now looks like
-- first pass ...I'll work on passing the ObjectId in a bit in order to get fancier.
ExecuteSearch("Simple", "Device")
and it invokes a script saved somewhere else as
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JScript
* Script Name:
* Author:
* Purpose:
* Date:
function main()
return ExecuteSearch("Simple", "Device");
function ExecuteSearch(searchName, searchParam){
var x = Repository.GetElementsByQuery(searchName, searchParam);
//return x;
var xmlDOC = CreateReport(x);
var s = xmlDOC.xml;
return s;
function CreateReport(entityCollection){
var xmlDOC = CreateXmlDOC();
var xmlRoot = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"EADATA");
var xmlDataSet = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Dataset_0",xmlRoot);
var xmlData = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Data",xmlDataSet);
for(var i = 0;i<entityCollection.Count();i++){
var entity = entityCollection.GetAt(i);
var xmlRow = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Row",xmlData);
//AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).Text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Guid",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSGUID",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Type",xmlRow).text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Stereotype",xmlRow).text = entity.Stereotype;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Name",xmlRow).text = entity.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Object",xmlRow).text = entity.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Id",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Scope",xmlRow).text = entity.Scope;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Phase",xmlRow).text = entity.Phase;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Status",xmlRow).text = entity.Status;
var noteElement = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Notes",xmlRow);//.text = entity.Notes;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Keywords",xmlRow).text = entity.PDATA5;
return xmlDOC;
function CreateXmlDOC()
var xmlDOM;
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" );
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0" );
xmlDOM.validateOnParse = false;
xmlDOM.async = false;
return xmlDOM;
function AppendXmlChild(xmlDOM, xmlElementName, xmlParent, isCDATA){
if (!xmlParent){xmlParent = xmlDOM;}
var child = xmlDOM.createElement(xmlElementName);
return child;

The script I used in the end is as follows. It now correctly investigates the element's tags for clues as how to proceed.
Hope it helps others.
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JScript
* Script Name:
* Author:
* Purpose:
* Date:
//Only used for development
function devTest()
//With Child elements: {2255D8C8-F1BB-4069-BDAF-8B303D108C62}
//With SearchName: {919252E0-BDEB-4f26-A39F-C0E74382952A}
//With PackageGUID: {8543ED3B-EC39-4bf0-92C2-FD49A00C376B}
Session.Output ("DEVTEST");
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid("{8543ED3B-EC39-4bf0-92C2-FD49A00C376B}");
Session.Output("Package Name:" + package.Name);
Session.Output("Package Guid:" + package.PackageGUID);
Session.Output("Package Id:" + package.PackageID);
Session.Output("Package ElementId:" + package.Element.ElementID);
//Session.Output("Package Element Id:" + package.Element.ElementID);
//Use the Element associate to the Package, not the Package ID itself.
var packageElementId = package.Element.ElementID; //NOT: package.PackageID;
var xmlDoc=ExecuteSearch(packageElementId);
try {
}catch (e){
//Extracts from a given Package it's SearchName/SearchValue tags
//in order to do a search that mimicks a ModelDocument's way of
//generating a report.
function ExecuteSearch(elementId){
if (!elementId){
Session.Output("Exiting: No elementId received.");
var packageElement = Repository.GetElementByID(elementId);
if (!packageElement){
Session.Output("Exiting: No package with given elementId: " + elementId);
try {
var xmlDOC = ExecuteSearch2(packageElement);
var xml = xmlDOC.xml;
return xml;
}catch (e){
Session.Output("ERROR: " + e.message);
return null;
function ExecuteSearch2(packageElement){
//Session.Output(packageElement.ElementGUID + ": '" + packageElement.Name + "' invoking ExecuteSearch(" + packageElement.ElementID + ")");
//Session.Output("Attribute 'Test': " + GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'Test'));
//Precendence is to search
//* Direct children,
//* by Package, recursively,
//* Package, single
//* Package
//First dibs: does this package have any direct elements?
//Get back to the package that is related to the Element before you count Elements:
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid(packageElement.ElementGUID);
var elementCollection = package.Elements;
if (elementCollection.Count()){
Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has child Elements:"+ elementCollection.Count());
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
//If package had no children, look at Attributes for reference to other package.
//At present, can't find an easy way to determine package Id from the EA GUI, so
//using the Guid.
var searchPackageGuid = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageGUID');
if (!searchPackageGuid){
searchPackageGuid = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageGuid');
if (searchPackageGuid){
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchPackageGuid:"+ searchPackageGuid);
return ExecuteSearchByPackageGuid(searchPackageGuid);
// //If I ever find a way to get a packageId:
var searchPackageId = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageId');
if (searchPackageId){
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchPackageId:"+ searchPackageId);
return ExecuteSearchByPackageId(searchPackageId);
// //If searching by SQL:
var searchSQL = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchSQL');
if (searchSQL){
Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchSQL:"+ searchSQL);
return ExecuteSearchBySQL(searchSQL);
//Not pointing to a package, so maybe pointing to a canned search:
var searchName = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchName');
if (!searchName){
//Session.Output("No SearchName");
var searchValue = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchValue');
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchName/Value:"+ searchName + "/" + searchValue);
return ExecuteSearchBySearchName(searchName, searchValue);
//Mimicks functionality of a ModelDocument that searches by canned SearchName/SearchValue.
function ExecuteSearchBySearchName(searchName, searchValue){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementsByQuery(searchName, searchValue);
//return x;
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
function ExecuteSearchByPackageGuid(packageGuid){
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid(packageGuid);
return ExecuteSearch2(package.Element);
function ExecuteSearchBySQL(searchSQL){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementSet(searchSQL, 2);
function HOLD_ExecuteSearchBySet(idList){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementsSet(idList);
//return x;
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
//Iterate through the elements and convert to an Xml Document
//suitable for use by a Script backed Template:
function CreateReportDoc(elementCollection){
var xmlDOC = CreateXmlDOC();
var xmlData = CreateXmlReport(xmlDOC);
for(var i = 0;i<elementCollection.Count();i++){
//For each Element, create a new row:
var xmlRow = AppendXmlChild(xmlData,"Row");
//And embed the specific element:
var element = elementCollection.GetAt(i);
CreateReportRow(xmlRow, element);
return xmlDOC;
function CreateReportRow(xmlRow, element){
//And attach child property elements.
//For hairy ones, add them as a CDATA.
//AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).Text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Guid").text = element.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"CLASSTYPE").text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"CLASSGUID").text = element.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Type").text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Stereotype").text = element.Stereotype;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Name").text = element.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Object").text = element.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Id").text = element.ElementID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Scope").text = element.Scope;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Phase").text = element.Phase;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Status").text = element.Status;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Keywords").text = element.PDATA5;
//Notes need wrapping as CDATA
var noteElement = AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Notes");//.text = entity.Notes;
//Now get tags:
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.ID").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"ID");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Type").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Type");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Category").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Category");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Traceability").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Traceability");
return xmlRow;
//helper function to create an empty xml document
function CreateXmlDOC()
var xmlDOM;
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" );
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0" );
xmlDOM.validateOnParse = false;
xmlDOM.async = false;
return xmlDOM;
//helper function to create the beginning of an xml document
//suitable to render the results of a search:
function CreateXmlReport(xmlDOC){
var xmlRoot = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"EADATA");
var xmlDataSet = AppendXmlChild(xmlRoot,"Dataset_0");
var xmlData = AppendXmlChild(xmlDataSet,"Data");
return xmlData;
//helper function to attach a new child xml element to a parent xml element
function AppendXmlChild(xmlParent, xmlElementName, isCDATA){
var xmlDocument = xmlParent.ownerDocument;
if (!xmlDocument){xmlDocument = xmlParent}
var child = xmlDocument.createElement(xmlElementName);
return child;
//Gets an Element's tag. Eats exception if Tag does not exist.
function GetElementTaggedValue(element, tagName){
var tag;
try {
tag = element.TaggedValues.GetByName(tagName);
catch (e) {
if (!tag){return;}
var result = tag.Value;
return result;
function ConvertPackageIdToBranchId(packageId){
var package = Repository.GetPackageByID(objectId);
if (!package){return;}
var packages = [package];
var result=[];
for(var i=0;i<packages.length;i++){
return result;
function ConvertPackageToBranch(package){
var result = [];
for (var i=0;i<package.Packages.Count();i++){
var childPackage = package.Packages.GetAt(i);
return result;


Context passed but ignored

I'm creating an offline app.
When I create an item in a view, I'd like it to be printed in another view so I'm passing a context from a controller to another one thanks to the appView model :
controller where it comes from :
onCreateContainer: function () {
var oView = this.getView(),
containerNumber = oView.byId("addContainerNumberInput").getValue(),
containerWeight = oView.byId("addContainerWeightInput").getValue(),
C = this.getView().getBindingContext();
if (containerNumber !== "" && containerWeight !== "") {
var d = this.getModel("appView").getData();
if (!d["/LotSet('" + this.idParent + "')"]) {
d["/LotSet('" + this.idParent + "')"] = {};
d["/LotSet('" + this.idParent + "')"][C.getPath()] = C;
// this.getView().unbindObject();
} else {
var emptyInputFields = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle().getText("emptyInputFields");;
Then I get it back in the second controller :
var oTable = this.getView().byId("contenantsTable");
var appView = this.getModel("appView");
var oLot = appView.getData()["/LotSet('" + sObjectId + "')"];
for (var key in oLot) {
var I = new sap.m.ColumnListItem({
cells: [
sap.ui.xmlfragment(this.getView().getId(), "", this)
The value of "oLot[key]" is good, it's the context I want to pass, unfortunately, it's completely ignored and the fragment prints elements from the initial context.
Any idea?
I think that the problem is that your are modifying the data of the model directly. The model doesn't know that you are doing it so it is not propagating the changes to the bond components. So you have to either modify the model using setProperty method, or you have to call updateBindings method after you are done modifying the data.

Word web addin load whole document from server header/footer

We are trying to load a word document from server using JavaScript. We send the document using a base64 encoding. With our current approach, only the body is loading using the function:
context.document.body.insertFileFromBase64(fileContent, "replace");
Unfortunately, the header and the footer are not loading. Is there another approach to load the whole document including body and footer?
the insertFile operation does not overwrite existing header/footers in the document.
According to my research, I saw this article for using insertFileFromBase64.The article says," if you use insertFileFromBase64 to insert the file it does have this blank page with header and footer." Did you have the same issue for this?
However, another article says it's a design issue. Userform will encode data and will create an appointment on Microsoft Outlook Calendar
The article provides approach:
function getFile(){
Office.context.document.getFileAsync(Office.FileType.Compressed, { sliceSize: 4194304 /*64 KB*/ },
function (result) {
if (result.status == "succeeded") {
// If the getFileAsync call succeeded, then
// result.value will return a valid File Object.
var myFile = result.value;
var sliceCount = myFile.sliceCount;
var slicesReceived = 0, gotAllSlices = true, docdataSlices = [];
console.log("File size:" + myFile.size + " #Slices: " + sliceCount);
// Get the file slices.
getSliceAsync(myFile, 0, sliceCount, gotAllSlices, docdataSlices, slicesReceived);
else {
app.showNotification("Error:", result.error.message);
function getSliceAsync(file, nextSlice, sliceCount, gotAllSlices, docdataSlices, slicesReceived) {
file.getSliceAsync(nextSlice, function (sliceResult) {
if (sliceResult.status == "succeeded") {
if (!gotAllSlices) { // Failed to get all slices, no need to continue.
// Got one slice, store it in a temporary array.
// (Or you can do something else, such as
// send it to a third-party server.)
docdataSlices[sliceResult.value.index] =;
if (++slicesReceived == sliceCount) {
// All slices have been received.
else {
getSliceAsync(file, ++nextSlice, sliceCount, gotAllSlices, docdataSlices, slicesReceived);
else {
gotAllSlices = false;
console.log("getSliceAsync Error:", sliceResult.error.message);
function onGotAllSlices(docdataSlices) {
var docdata = [];
for (var i = 0; i < docdataSlices.length; i++) {
docdata = docdata.concat(docdataSlices[i]);
var fileContent = new String();
for (var j = 0; j < docdata.length; j++) {
fileContent += String.fromCharCode(docdata[j]);
var mybase64 = window.btoa(fileContent);
console.log("here is the base 64", mybase64);
// Now all the file content is stored in 'fileContent' variable,
// you can do something with it, such as print, fax...

Google Apps Script: How to pull values from column A based on values in column E and send all values in one email?

I'm trying to create a script for a student attendance spreadsheet that will look in Column E for the string "X". For each instance of "X", the string from column A (the student name) will be added to the body of an email. I'm pretty new to JavaScript, although I have been studying the basics. I've done a lot of research and found some scripts I was able to modify to send an individual email for each instance of X in E. However, I have not been able to figure out how to combine that information into a single email.
Here's what I have so far:
function Email_ReminderNS() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("July_August"),
statusArray = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var class = statusArray[0][8],
status = "X",
email = "XXXX"
for (i=7;i < statusArray.length;i++){
var emailSent = statusArray[i][84];
if (status == statusArray[i][4] & emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) {
var student = statusArray[i][0];
var body = "This is a No-Show Report for " +student+ " from " + class;
var subject = "No-Show Report for " + student+ " from " + class;
MailApp.sendEmail(email,subject,body,{NoReply : true});
sheet.getRange(i+1, 85).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);
I realize I'll probably need to move the sendEmail function to be outside the IF statement. I tried to create an array with the names and join those into a string and add it to the body of the email, but I've had no luck. It just ended up sending the last name instead of all of them.
If anyone has any suggestions for me I would be deeply grateful.
First set up variables to keep track of which student did not show up:
var students = [];
var student_rows = [];
Then, add student to these arrays when X is found:
if (status == statusArray[i][4] & emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) {
var student = statusArray[i][0];
Then send the email with all student names combined (outside of the for loop like you said)
var body = "This is a No-Show Report for " + students.join(', ') + " from " + class;
var subject = "No-Show Report for " + students.join(', ') + " from " + class;
MailApp.sendEmail(email,subject,body,{NoReply : true});
Finally update the spreadsheet indicating which names were in that email:
for (var i=0; i<student_rows.length; i++) {
sheet.getRange(student_rows[i], 85).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);
Here's the complete script:
function Email_ReminderNS() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("July_August"),
statusArray = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var class = statusArray[0][8],
status = "X",
email = "";
var students = [];
var student_rows = [];
for (i=7;i < statusArray.length;i++){
var emailSent = statusArray[i][84];
if (status == statusArray[i][4] & emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) {
var student = statusArray[i][0];
var body = "This is a No-Show Report for " + students.join(', ') + " from " + class;
var subject = "No-Show Report for " + students.join(', ') + " from " + class;
MailApp.sendEmail(email,subject,body,{NoReply : true});
for (var i=0; i<student_rows.length; i++) {
sheet.getRange(student_rows[i], 85).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);
There are probably many ways to implement a new version of your code, the other answer probably works but I think it can be improved (a bit).
First of all, you can get rid of the flush method that does nothing else than slowing down the function (it was originally used in the Google example to check the sent status row by row, it is useless when we send only one mail with all the data in it)
Secondly, it might be a good idea to use html format to get a better looking result.
And lastly, it is good practice to write back to the sheet using one setValues instead of multiple setValue() in a loop.
Here is a possible replacement code, you'll have to "tune" it to your needs to eventually improve the message format but the main structure is there and working.
function Email_ReminderNS() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("July_August"),
statusArray = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); //replace with the email you want, this value will send mails to you I used it for test.
var class = statusArray[0][8],
status = "X",
students = [];
for (var i=7;i < statusArray.length; i++){
var emailSent = statusArray[i][84];
if (status == statusArray[i][4] & emailSent != "EMAIL_SENT") {
var subject = "No-Show Report for " + students.length + " from " + class;
var textBody = "This is a No-Show Report for " +students.length+ " from " + class+"\n";
var HTMLBody = "<b>This is a No-Show Report for " +students.length+ " from " + class+"</b><br><br>"
+'<table style="background-color:lightblue;border-collapse:collapse;" border = 1 cellpadding = 5><th>Sent Mails</th><tr>';
for(var n in students){
HTMLBody += '<tr><td>'+n+'</td><td>'+statusArray[n][0]+'</td></tr>';
textBody += '\n'+n+' - '+statusArray[n][0];
HTMLBody+='</table><BR> kind regards.' ;
textBody+='\n\nKind regards';
MailApp.sendEmail(email,subject,textBody,{'NoReply' : true, 'htmlBody' : HTMLBody});

YUI 3 Autocomplete Textbox Value Change

The question I have is how I would be able to change the value that is set in the text box that the autocomplete is linked to. The task I am attempting to do is to convert from YUI 2 to YUI 3. Please don't say that I shouldn't do that... because It isn't my choice. I am aware... The code below is what was used before. I already have the autocomplete functionality doing most of what it needs to do. It's just when it gets to the field.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(myHandler) part that I can no longer get anything else to work. The list comes up with the persons information but when selected it just puts [object Object] in the text box instead of their name that automatically forwards to another page. Thank you for your help!!!
var field = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("webUserSearch",
"webUserSearchContainer", oDS);
field.highlightClassName = "autoCompleteHighlight";
field.useShadow = true;
field.queryMatchContains = true;
field.maxResultsDisplayed = 20;
field.resultTypeList = false;
field.formatResult = function(oResultData, sQuery) {
return "<div class=\"result\"><u style=\"cursor:pointer\">"
+ oResultData['Last Name'] + ", " + oResultData['First Name']
+ "</u> (" + oResultData['User Name'] + ")</div>";
var myHandler = function(sType, aArgs) {
var theField = aArgs[0];
var selectedElement = aArgs[1];
var repObject = aArgs[2];
theField.getInputEl().value = repObject['Last Name'] + ", "
+ repObject['First Name'];
var newTabURL = <URL Removed for Stack Overflow>;
window.location.href = newTabURL;
Listen for the select event, then in the handler for that you'll get a result object. The structure of that is described in the docs for the result event (a little up from the select event).
I usually take a value out of the raw property on the result object to stick into the field.
resultTextLocator was the ticket. All I had to do was to return the value I wanted to display in the box.
resultTextLocator : function (result) {
return result["Last Name"] +
', ' +
result["First Name"];

How to search Multiple Sites using Lucene Search engine API?

Hope that someone can help me as soon as possible :-)
I would like to know how can we search Multiple Sites using Lucene??! (All sites are in one index).
I have succeeded to search one website, and to index multiple sites, however I am not able to search all websites.
Consider this method that I have:
private void PerformSearch()
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
//Create the Searcher object
string strIndexDir = Server.MapPath("index") + #"\" + mstrURL;
IndexSearcher objSearcher = new IndexSearcher(strIndexDir);
//Parse the query, "text" is the default field to search
Query objQuery = QueryParser.Parse(mstrQuery, "text", new StandardAnalyzer());
//Create the result DataTable
mobjDTResults.Columns.Add("title", typeof(string));
mobjDTResults.Columns.Add("path", typeof(string));
mobjDTResults.Columns.Add("score", typeof(string));
mobjDTResults.Columns.Add("sample", typeof(string));
mobjDTResults.Columns.Add("explain", typeof(string));
//Perform search and get hit count
Hits objHits = objSearcher.Search(objQuery);
mintTotal = objHits.Length();
//Create Highlighter
QueryHighlightExtractor highlighter = new QueryHighlightExtractor(objQuery, new StandardAnalyzer(), "<B>", "</B>");
//Initialize "Start At" variable
mintStartAt = GetStartAt();
//How many items we should show?
int intResultsCt = GetSmallerOf(mintTotal, mintMaxResults + mintStartAt);
//Loop through results and display
for (int intCt = mintStartAt; intCt < intResultsCt; intCt++)
//Get the document from resuls index
Document doc = objHits.Doc(intCt);
//Get the document's ID and set the cache location
string strID = doc.Get("id");
string strLocation = "";
if (mstrURL.Substring(0,3) == "www")
strLocation = Server.MapPath("cache") +
#"\" + mstrURL + #"\" + strID + ".htm";
strLocation = doc.Get("path") + doc.Get("filename");
//Load the HTML page from cache
string strPlainText;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(strLocation, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
strPlainText = ParseHTML(sr.ReadToEnd());
//Add result to results datagrid
DataRow row = mobjDTResults.NewRow();
if (mstrURL.Substring(0,3) == "www")
row["title"] = doc.Get("title");
row["title"] = doc.Get("filename");
row["path"] = doc.Get("path");
row["score"] = String.Format("{0:f}", (objHits.Score(intCt) * 100)) + "%";
row["sample"] = highlighter.GetBestFragments(strPlainText, 200, 2, "...");
Explanation objExplain = objSearcher.Explain(objQuery, intCt);
row["explain"] = objExplain.ToHtml();
//Finalize results information
mTsDuration = DateTime.Now - start;
mintFromItem = mintStartAt + 1;
mintToItem = GetSmallerOf(mintStartAt + mintMaxResults, mintTotal);
As you can see that I use the site URL mstrURL when I create the search object
string strIndexDir = Server.MapPath("index") + #"\" + mstrURL;
How can I do the same when I want to search multiple sites??
Actually I am using this code.
Combine each of your site's Searcher within a MultiSearcher
See this question for more details:
Multiple Indexes search in Lucene.Net