How does number of points change a FFT in MATLAB - matlab

When taking fft(signal, nfft) of a signal, how does nfft change the outcome and why? Can I have a fixed value for nfft, say 2^18, or do I need to go 2^nextpow2(2*length(signal)-1)?
I am computing the power spectral density(PSD) of two signals by taking the FFT of the autocorrelation, and I want to compare the the results. Since the signals are of different lengths, I am worried if I don't fix nfft, it would make the comparison really hard!

There is no inherent reason to use a power-of-two (it just might make the processing more efficient in some circumstances).
However, to make the FFTs of two different signals "commensurate", you will indeed need to zero-pad one or other (or both) signals to the same lengths before taking their FFTs.
However, I feel obliged to say: If you need to ask this, then you're probably not at a point on the DSP learning curve where you're going to be able to do anything useful with the results. You should get yourself a decent book on DSP theory, e.g. this.

Most modern FFT implementations (including MATLAB's which is based on FFTW) now rarely require padding a signal's time series to a length equal to a power of two. However, nearly all implementations will offer better, and sometimes much much better, performance for FFT's of data vectors w/ a power of 2 length. For MATLAB specifically, padding to a power of 2 or to a length with many low prime factors will give you the best performance (N = 1000 = 2^3 * 5^3 would be excellent, N = 997 would be a terrible choice).
Zero-padding will not increase frequency resolution in your PSD, however it does reduce the bin-size in the frequency domain. So if you add NZeros to a signal vector of length N the FFT will now output a vector of length ( N + NZeros )/2 + 1. This means that each bin of frequencies will now have a width of:
Bin width (Hz) = F_s / ( N + NZeros )
Where F_s is the signal sample frequency.
If you find that you need to separate or identify two closely space peaks in the frequency domain, you need to increase your sample time. You'll quickly discover that zero-padding buys you nothing to that end - and intuitively that's what we'd expect. How can we expect more information in our power spectrum w/o adding more information (longer time series) in our input?


Why do I obtain a skewed spectrum from the FFT? (Matlab)

I try to find the strongest frequency component with Matlab. It works, but if the datapoints and periods are not nicely aligned, I need to zero-pad my data to increase the FFT resolution. So far so good.
The problem is that, when I zero-pad too much, the frequency with the maximal power changes, even if everything is aligned nicely and I would expect a clear result.
This is my MWE:
Tmax = 1024;
resolution = 1024;
period = 512;
X = linspace(0,Tmax,resolution);
Y = sin(2*pi*X/period);
% N_fft = 2^12; % still fine, max_period is 512
N_fft = 2^13; % now max_period is 546.1333
F = fft(Y,N_fft);
power = abs(F(1:N_fft/2)).^2;
dt = Tmax/resolution;
freq = (0:N_fft/2-1)/N_fft/dt;
[~, ind] = max(power);
max_period = 1/freq(ind)
With zero-padding up to 2^12 everything works fine, but when I zero-pad to 2^13, I get a wrong result. It seems like too much zero-padding shifts the spectrum, but I doubt it. I rather expect a bug in my code, but I cannot find it. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: It seems like the spectrum is skewed towards the low frequencies. Zero-padding just makes this visible:
Why is my spectrum skewed? Shouldn't it be symmetric?
Here is a graphic explanation of what you're doing wrong (which is mostly a resolution problem).
EDIT: this shows the power for each fft data point, mapped to the indices of the 2^14 dataset. That is, the indices for the 2^13 data numbered 1,2,3 map to 1,3,5 on this graph; the indices for 2^12 data numbered 1,2,3 map to 1,5,9; and so on.
You can see that the "true" value should in fact not be 512 -- your indexing is off by 1 or a fraction of 1.
Its not a bug in your code. It has to do with the properties of the DFT (and thus the FFT, which is merely a fast version of the DFT).
When you zero-pad, you add frequency resolution, particularly on the lower end.
Here you use a sine wave as test, so you are basically convolving a finite length sine with finite sines and cosines (see here details), which have almost the same or lower frequency.
If you were doing a "proper" fft, i.e. doing integrals from -inf to +inf, even those low frequency components would give you zero coefficients for the FFT, but since you are doing finite sums, the result of those convolutions is not zero and hence the actual computed fourier transform is inaccurate.
TL;DR: Use a better window function!
The long version:
After searching further, I finally found the explanation. Neither is indexing the problem, nor the additional low frequency components added by the zero-padding. The frequency response of the rectangular window, combined with the negative frequency components is the culprit. I found out on this website explaining window functions.
I made more plots to explain:
Top: The frequency response without windowing: two delta peaks, one at the positive and one at the negative frequency. I always plotted the positive part, since I didn't expect to need the negative frequency components. Middle: The frequency response of the rectangular window function. It is relatively broad, but I didn't care, because I thought I'd have only a single peak. Bottom: The frequency response of the zero-padded signal. In time domain, this is the multiplication of window function and sine-wave. In frequency domain, this amounts to the convolution of the frequency response of the window function with the frequency response of the perfect sine. Since there are two peaks, the relatively broad frequency responses of the window overlap significantly, leading to a skewed spectrum and therefore a shifted peak.
The solution: A way to circumvent this is to use a proper window function, like a Hamming window, to have a much smaller frequency response of the window, leading to less overlap.

how to improve the resolution of the PSD using Matlab

I have and audio signal, which I read with Matlab, and use pwelch to get its PSD, here ist the code that I'm using
[x,Fs] = audioread('audioFile.wav');
x= x(:,1) % mono
[xPSD,f] = pwelch(x,hamming(512),16,1024,Fs);
since the FS=96000 and I'm only interrested in Frequencies bellow 5khz, I would like to calculate the PSD only for the area, and also being able to adjust the resolution of the PSD ! any idea hwo to do that !
When calculating PSDs with pwelch, there is always a trade-off between spectral resolution, number of averages and the amount of data you need. My preferred way to use it is:
[psd_x, freq] = pwelch(x, hann(nfft), nfft/2, nfft, fsample);
A few differences with your code:
I prefer to use hann windows, since I have bad experiences with hamming windows, they are not very good if your signal contains for example a large DC component. See this comparison, which shows that the roll-off of hann is much better, at the only cost of a slightly higher first sidelobe.
I use windows that overlap 50% (by using noverlap = nfft/2), in this way you 'get the most out of your data'. In your case, there is only 16/512 = 3% overlap between windows, and since the window function is close to zero at its edges, the data points at the edges do not contribute as much as points in the middle of a window. With half-overlapping windows this effect is much smaller. Making the overlap bigger than 50% is useless, you will get more averages, but since you will use the same points many times, this does not add any extra information. Just stick to 50%.
I usually make the length of the fft (fourth argument to pwelch) the same as the window length. The only case you want to have this different is when you use zero-padding, which has limited use.
There are a few simple formulas, which you should memorize when working with pwelch and similar functions:
The spectral resolution is given by the window length only: df = 1 / t_window
The length of a single window is t_window = nfft / f_sample.
With half-overlapping windows, the total amount of needed data is t_total = t_window * (n_average + 1) / 2
For one-sided spectra, the number of spectral bins of the PSD is nfft / 2.
Nyquist: f_max = f_sample / 2
To get a reasonably smooth spectrum, I would typically use on the order of 20 averages. Combining the equations above and filling in the required spectral resolution then gives you the total length of data you need. Or the other way around, if you only have a limited amount of data available, you could calculate the frequency resolution you can obtain.

How to measure power spectral density in matlab?

I am trying to measure the PSD of a stochastic process in matlab, but I am not sure how to do it. I have posted the exact same question here, but I thought I might have more luck here.
The stochastic process describes wind speed, and is represented by a vector of real numbers. Each entry corresponds to the wind speed in a point in space, measured in m/s. The points are 0.0005 m apart. How do I measure and plot the PSD? Let's call the vector V. My first idea was to use
[p, w] = pwelch(V);
But is this correct? The thing is, that I'm given an analytical expression, which the PSD should (in theory) match. By plotting it with these two lines of code, it looks all wrong. Specifically it looks as though it could need a translation and a scaling. Other than that, the shapes of the two are similar.
The image above actually doesn't depict the PSD obtained by using pwelch on a single vector, but rather the mean of the PSD of 200 vectors, since these vectors stems from numerical simulations. As suggested, I have tried scaling by 2*pi/0.0005. I saw that you can actually give this information to pwelch. So I tried using the code
[p, w] = pwelch(V,[],[],[],2*pi/0.0005);
instead. As seen below, it looks much nicer. It is, however, still not perfect. Is that just something I should expect? Taking the squareroot is not the answer, by the way. But thanks for the suggestion. For one thing, it should follow Kolmogorov's -5/3 law, which it does now (it follows the green line, which has slope -5/3). The function I'm trying to match it with is the Shkarofsky spectral density function, which is the one-dimensional Fourier transform of the Shkarofsky correlation function. Is it not possible to mark up math, here on the site?
I have tried using [p, w] = pwelch(V,[],[],[],1/0.0005); as I was suggested. But as you can seem it still doesn't quite match up. It's hard for me to explain exactly what I'm looking for. But what I would like (or, what I expected) is that the dip, of the computed and the analytical PSD happens at the same time, and falls off with the same speed. The data comes from simulations of turbulence. The analytical expression has been fitted to actual measurements of turbulence, wherein this dip is present as well. I'm no expert at all, but as far as I know the dip happens at the small length scales, since the energy is dissipated, due to viscosity of the air.
What about using the standard equation for obtaining a PSD? I'd would do this way:
Sxx(f) = (fft(x(t)).*conj(fft(x(t))))*(dt^2);
Sxx = fftshift(abs(fft(x(t))))*(dt^2);
Then, if you really need, you may think of applying a windowing criterium, such as
which will only somehow filter your PSD.
Presumably you need to rescale the frequency (wavenumber) to units of 1/m.
The frequency units from pwelch should be rescaled, since as the documentation explains:
W is the vector of normalized frequencies at which the PSD is
estimated. W has units of rad/sample.
Off the cuff my guess is that the scaling factor is
scale = 1/0.0005/(2*pi);
or 318.3 (m^-1).
As for the intensity, it looks like taking a square root might help. Perhaps your equation reports an intensity, not PSD?
As you point out, since the analytical and computed PSD have nearly identical slopes they appear to obey similar power laws up to 800 m^-1. I am not sure to what degree you require exponents or offsets to match to be satisfied with a specific model, and I am not familiar with this particular theory.
As for the apparent inconsistency at high wavenumbers, I would point out that you are entering the domain of very small numbers and therefore (1) floating point issues and (2) noise are probably lurking. The very nice looking dip in the computed PSD on the other hand appears very real but I have no explanation for it (maybe your noise is not white?).
You may want to look at this submission at matlab central as it may be useful.
Edit #2
After inspecting documentation of pwelch, it appears that you should pass 1/0.0005 (the sampling rate) and not 2*pi/0.0005. This should not affect the slope but will affect the intercept.
The dip in PSD in your simulation results looks similar to aliasing artifacts
that I have seen in my data when the original data were interpolated with a
low-order method. To make this clearer - say my original data was spaced at
0.002m, but in the course of cleaning up missing data, trying to save space, whatever,
I linearly interpolated those data onto a 0.005m spacing. The frequency response
of linear interpolation is not well-behaved, and will introduce peaks and valleys
at the high wavenumber end of your spectrum.
There are different conventions for spectral estimates - whether the wavenumber
units are 1/m, or radians/m. Single-sided spectra or double-sided spectra.
help pwelch
shows that the default settings return a one-sided spectrum, i.e. the bin for some
frequency ω will include the power density for both +ω and -ω.
You should double check that the idealized spectrum to which you are comparing
is also a one-sided spectrum. Otherwise, you'll need to half the values of your
one-sided spectrum to get values representative of the +ω side of a
two-sided spectrum.
I agree with Try Hard that it is the cyclic frequency (generally Hz, or in this case 1/m)
which should be specified to pwelch. That said, the returned frequency vector
from pwelch is also in those units. Analytical
spectral formulae are usually written in terms of angular frequency, so you'll
want to be sure that you evaluate it in terms of radians/m, but scale back to 1/m
for plotting.

Am I using the Fourier transformation the right way?

I am wondering if I am using Fourier Transformation in MATLAB the right way. I want to have all the average amplitudes for frequencies in a song. For testing purposes I am using a free mp3 download of Beethovens "For Elise" which I converted to a 8 kHz mono wave file using Audacity.
My MATLAB code is as follows:
clear all % be careful
% load file
% Für Elise Recording by Valentina Lisitsa
% from
% Converted to 8 kHz mono using Audacity
allSamples = wavread('fur_elise_valentina_lisitsa_8khz_mono.wav');
% apply windowing function
w = hanning(length(allSamples));
allSamples = allSamples.*w;
% FFT needs input of length 2^x
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(length(allSamples))
% Apply FFT
fftBuckets=fft(allSamples, NFFT);
fftBuckets=fftBuckets(1:(NFFT/2+1)); % because of symetric/mirrored values
% calculate single side amplitude spectrum,
% normalize by dividing by NFFT to get the
% popular way of displaying amplitudes
% in a range of 0 to 1
fftBuckets = (2*abs(fftBuckets))/NFFT;
% plot it: max possible frequency is 4000, because sampling rate of input
% is 8000 Hz
x = linspace(1,4000,length(fftBuckets));
The output then looks like this:
Can somebody please tell me if my code is correct? I am especially wondering about the peaks around 0.
For normalizing, do I have to divide by NFFT or length(allSamples)?
For me this doesn't really look like a bar chart, but I guess this is due to the many values I am plotting?
Thanks for any hints!
Depends on your definition of "correct". This is doing what you intended, I think, but it's probably not very useful. I would suggest using a 2D spectrogram instead, as you'll get time-localized information on frequency content.
There is no one correct way of normalising FFT output; there are various different conventions (see e.g. the discussion here). The comment in your code says that you want a range of 0 to 1; if your input values are in the range -1 to 1, then dividing by number of bins will achieve that.
Well, exactly!
I would also recommend plotting the y-axis on a logarithmic scale (in decibels), as that's roughly how the human ear interprets loudness.
Two things that jump out at me:
I'm not sure why you are including the DC (index = 1) component in your plot. Not a big deal, but of course that bin contains no frequency data
I think that dividing by length(allSamples) is more likely to be correct than dividing by NFFT. The reason is that if you want the DC component to be equal to the mean of the input data, dividing by length(allSamples) is the right thing to do.
However, like Oli said, you can't really say what the "correct" normalization is until you know exactly what you are trying to calculate. I tend to use FFTs to estimate power spectra, so I want units like "DAC / rt-Hz", which would lead to a different normalization than if you wanted something like "DAC / Hz".
Ultimately there's no substitute for thinking about exacty what you want to get out of the FFT (including units), and working out for yourself what the correct normalization should be (starting from the definition of the FFT if necessary).
You should also be aware that MATLAB's fft has no requirement to use an array length that is a power of 2 (though doing so will presumably lead to the FFT running faster). Because zero-padding will introduce some ringing, you need to think about whether it is the right thing to do for your application.
Finally, if a periodogram / power spectrum is really what you want, MATLAB provides functions like periodogram, pwelch and others that may be helpful.

Solving multiple phase angles for multiple equations

I have several equations and each have their own individual frequencies and amplitudes. I would like to sum the equations together and adjust the individual phases, phase1,phase2, and phase3 to keep the total amplitude value of eq_total under a specific value like 0.8. I know I can normalize the signal or change the vertical offset, but for my purposes I need to have the amplitude controlled by changing/finding the values for just the phases in phase1,phase2, and phase3 that will limit the maximum amplitude when the equations are summed.
Note: I'm using constructive and destructive phase interference to adjust the maximum amplitude of the summed equations.
eq1=0.2*cos(2pi*t*3+phase1)+vertical offset1
eq2=0.7*cos(2pi*t*9+phase2)+vertical offset2
eq3=0.8*cos(2pi*t*5+phase3)+vertical offset3
Is there a way to solve for phase1,phase2, and phase3 so that the amplitude of the summed signals in eq_total never goes over 0.8 by just adjusting/finding the values of phase1,phase2,and phase3?
Here's a picture of a geogebra applet I tested this idea with.
Here's the geogebra ggb file I used to edit/test idea with. (I used this to see if my idea would work) Java is required if you want to dynamically interact with the applet
I'm using matlab/octave
Your example
eq1=0.2*cos(2pi*t*3+phase1)+vertical offset1
eq2=0.7*cos(2pi*t*9+phase2)+vertical offset2
eq3=0.8*cos(2pi*t*5+phase3)+vertical offset3
where the maximum amplitude should be less than 0.8, has infinitely many solutions. Unless you have some additional objective you'd like to achieve, I suggest that you modify the problem such that you find the combination of phase angles that has a maximum amplitude of exactly 0.8 (or 0.79, such that you're guaranteed to be below).
Furthermore only two out of three phase angles are independent; if you increase all by, say, pi/3, the solution still holds. Thus, you have only two unknowns in eq_total.
You can solve the nonlinear optimization problem using e.g. FMINSEARCH. You formulate the problem such that max(abs(eq_total(phase1,phase2))) should equal 0.79.
%# define the vector t, verticalOffset here
%# objectiveFunction is (eq_total-0.79)^2, so the phase shifts 1 and 2 that
%# satisfy this (approximately) should guarantee that signal never exceeds 0.8
objectiveFunction = #(phase)(max(abs(0.2*cos(2*pi*t+phase(1))+0.7*cos(2*pi*t*9+phase(2))+0.8*cos(2*pi*t*5)+verticalOffset)) - 0.79)^2;
%# search for optimal phase shift, starting at no shift
solution = fminsearch(objectiveFunction,[0;0]);
Unfortunately when I Try this code and plot the results the maximum amplitude is not 0.79 it's over 1. Am I doing something wrong? see code below t=linspace(0,1,8000); verticalOffset=0; objectiveFunction = #(phase)(max(abs(0.2*cos(2*pi*t+phase(1))+0.7*cos(2*pi*t*9+phase(2))+0.8*cos(2*p‌​i*t*5)+verticalOffset)) - 0.79)^2; s1 = fminsearch(objectiveFunction,[0;0]) eqt=0.2*cos(2*pi*t+s1(1))+0.7*cos(2*pi*t*9+s1(2))+0.8*cos(2*pi*t*5)+verticalOffs‌​et; plot(eqt)
fminsearch will find a minimum of the objective function. Whether this solution satisfies all your conditions is something you have to test. In this case, the solution given by fminsearch with the starting value [0;0] gives a maximum of ~1.3, which is obviously not good enough. However, when you plot the maximum for a range of phase angles from 0 to 2pi, you'll see that `fminsearch didn't get stuck in a bad local minimum. Rather, there is no good solution at all (z-axis is the maximum).
If I understand you correctly, you are trying to find a phase to vary the amplitude of a signal. To my knowledge, this is not possible.
For a signal
s = A * cos (w*t + phi)
only A allows you to change the amplitude. With w you change the frequency of the signal and phi regulates the "horizontal shift".
Furthermore, I think you are missing a "moving variable" like the time t in the equation above.
Maybe this article clarifies things a little.
If you set all the vertical offsets to be equal to -1, then it solves your problem because each eq# will never be > 0, so the sum can never be >0.8.
I know that this isn't that helpful, but I'm hoping that this will help you understand your problem better.