How to measure power spectral density in matlab? - matlab

I am trying to measure the PSD of a stochastic process in matlab, but I am not sure how to do it. I have posted the exact same question here, but I thought I might have more luck here.
The stochastic process describes wind speed, and is represented by a vector of real numbers. Each entry corresponds to the wind speed in a point in space, measured in m/s. The points are 0.0005 m apart. How do I measure and plot the PSD? Let's call the vector V. My first idea was to use
[p, w] = pwelch(V);
But is this correct? The thing is, that I'm given an analytical expression, which the PSD should (in theory) match. By plotting it with these two lines of code, it looks all wrong. Specifically it looks as though it could need a translation and a scaling. Other than that, the shapes of the two are similar.
The image above actually doesn't depict the PSD obtained by using pwelch on a single vector, but rather the mean of the PSD of 200 vectors, since these vectors stems from numerical simulations. As suggested, I have tried scaling by 2*pi/0.0005. I saw that you can actually give this information to pwelch. So I tried using the code
[p, w] = pwelch(V,[],[],[],2*pi/0.0005);
instead. As seen below, it looks much nicer. It is, however, still not perfect. Is that just something I should expect? Taking the squareroot is not the answer, by the way. But thanks for the suggestion. For one thing, it should follow Kolmogorov's -5/3 law, which it does now (it follows the green line, which has slope -5/3). The function I'm trying to match it with is the Shkarofsky spectral density function, which is the one-dimensional Fourier transform of the Shkarofsky correlation function. Is it not possible to mark up math, here on the site?
I have tried using [p, w] = pwelch(V,[],[],[],1/0.0005); as I was suggested. But as you can seem it still doesn't quite match up. It's hard for me to explain exactly what I'm looking for. But what I would like (or, what I expected) is that the dip, of the computed and the analytical PSD happens at the same time, and falls off with the same speed. The data comes from simulations of turbulence. The analytical expression has been fitted to actual measurements of turbulence, wherein this dip is present as well. I'm no expert at all, but as far as I know the dip happens at the small length scales, since the energy is dissipated, due to viscosity of the air.

What about using the standard equation for obtaining a PSD? I'd would do this way:
Sxx(f) = (fft(x(t)).*conj(fft(x(t))))*(dt^2);
Sxx = fftshift(abs(fft(x(t))))*(dt^2);
Then, if you really need, you may think of applying a windowing criterium, such as
which will only somehow filter your PSD.

Presumably you need to rescale the frequency (wavenumber) to units of 1/m.
The frequency units from pwelch should be rescaled, since as the documentation explains:
W is the vector of normalized frequencies at which the PSD is
estimated. W has units of rad/sample.
Off the cuff my guess is that the scaling factor is
scale = 1/0.0005/(2*pi);
or 318.3 (m^-1).
As for the intensity, it looks like taking a square root might help. Perhaps your equation reports an intensity, not PSD?
As you point out, since the analytical and computed PSD have nearly identical slopes they appear to obey similar power laws up to 800 m^-1. I am not sure to what degree you require exponents or offsets to match to be satisfied with a specific model, and I am not familiar with this particular theory.
As for the apparent inconsistency at high wavenumbers, I would point out that you are entering the domain of very small numbers and therefore (1) floating point issues and (2) noise are probably lurking. The very nice looking dip in the computed PSD on the other hand appears very real but I have no explanation for it (maybe your noise is not white?).
You may want to look at this submission at matlab central as it may be useful.
Edit #2
After inspecting documentation of pwelch, it appears that you should pass 1/0.0005 (the sampling rate) and not 2*pi/0.0005. This should not affect the slope but will affect the intercept.

The dip in PSD in your simulation results looks similar to aliasing artifacts
that I have seen in my data when the original data were interpolated with a
low-order method. To make this clearer - say my original data was spaced at
0.002m, but in the course of cleaning up missing data, trying to save space, whatever,
I linearly interpolated those data onto a 0.005m spacing. The frequency response
of linear interpolation is not well-behaved, and will introduce peaks and valleys
at the high wavenumber end of your spectrum.
There are different conventions for spectral estimates - whether the wavenumber
units are 1/m, or radians/m. Single-sided spectra or double-sided spectra.
help pwelch
shows that the default settings return a one-sided spectrum, i.e. the bin for some
frequency ω will include the power density for both +ω and -ω.
You should double check that the idealized spectrum to which you are comparing
is also a one-sided spectrum. Otherwise, you'll need to half the values of your
one-sided spectrum to get values representative of the +ω side of a
two-sided spectrum.
I agree with Try Hard that it is the cyclic frequency (generally Hz, or in this case 1/m)
which should be specified to pwelch. That said, the returned frequency vector
from pwelch is also in those units. Analytical
spectral formulae are usually written in terms of angular frequency, so you'll
want to be sure that you evaluate it in terms of radians/m, but scale back to 1/m
for plotting.


Matlab - creating psd with right scaling

I want to analyze an audiodata (.wav with pcm, 32k as sampling rate) and create the psd of it with the axes Sxx (watts/hertz not db) and f (hertz).
So I would start by reading out the audiodata with:
After this I'm having some problems because I dont really know how to proceed and also Matlab always tells me that psd functions won't be supported in the future and that I should use pwelch.. (also tried to build the autocorr and afterwards use fourier to get to the Sxx but it didn't work out really well)
So could anybody tell me how I can get from my vector x to a vector with the psdvalues in watts/hertz and plot it afterwards?
very grateful for every kind of help! :)
Update1: Yes I did read the documentation of pwelch but I'm afraid my english is too bad to understand it completly.
So if I use the psd documentation:
nfft = 2^nextpow2(length(x));
Pxx = abs(fft(x,nfft)).^2/length(x)/fs;
Hpsd = dspdata.psd(Pxx(1:length(Pxx)/2),'fs',fs);
I'm able to get the plot in db with the peak at the right frequency. (I dont know how dspdata.psd work though)
I tried out:
this gives me a non db-scale but the peak is at the wrong frequency
Update 2:
First of all, thanks a lot for your detailed answer! At the moment I'm working on my matlabskills as well as my english language but all the specific technical terms give me a hard time..
When using your example of pwelch on a wav-data with a clear frequency of 1khz, the plot shows me the peak at round about 0.14, could it maybe still be a special-scaled x-axis?
If I try it this way:
fax_Hz= bin_vals*fs/N;
the result seems right (is this way correct?), but I still need some time to search for a proper way to display the y-axis in W/Hz, since I dont know how the audiosignal was created.
Update 3:
This wav file should have a dominant frequency at 1khz with a duration of 3 seconds and a sampling frequency of 44100Hz. (If I plot the data received from audioread the oscillation seems reasonable)
I get a peak at 0.14 on the x-axis.
if I use
instead, the peak is at the 1000. Is this way right? And how could I interpret the difference scaling on the y-axis? (pwelch vs. square of abs)
I also wanted to ask if it is possible to get a flat psd of awgn in matlab? (since you just have finite elements I don't know to get there)
Thanks again for your detailed support!
Update 4
So I have a new Problem for which I think it is probably necessary to go a bit more into detail. So my plan is basically to do the following:
Read and Audiodata ([y,fs]) and generate white Noise with a certain SNR ([n,fs])
Generate a Filter H which shapes the PSD(y) similiar to the PSD(n)
Generate an inverse Filter G=H^(-1) which reverts the effect of H.
My problem is that with using pwelch, the resulting vectorlength of pyy is way smaller than the vectorlength of y. Since my Filter is determined by P=sqrt(pnn/pyy), I can't multiply fft(y)*H and therefore get no results.
Do you know any help for this Problem?
Or is there a way to go back from a PSD (Welch estimated) to a normal signal (like an inverse function for pwelch)?
In the example you have from the psd documentation, you compute a psd estimate yourself, then put it into a dspdata.psd container and plot it. What dspdata.psd data does here for you is basically compute the frequency axis and provide it to the plot command, nothing more. You get a plot of the spectral density estimate, but that's the one you compute yourself using fft, which is the simplest and worst psd estimate you can get, a so-called periodogram.
Your use of pwelch is almost correct, you just forgot to use the frequency axis information in your plot.
should give you the peak at the correct frequency.
Your use of pwelch is almost correct, but you have to give the sampling frequency as the 5th argument, and then use the frequency axis information in your plot.
should give you the peak at the correct frequency.
What pwelch gives you is the spectral density of the signal over Hz. Correct axis labels would therefore be
xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('psd (1/Hz)')
The signal you give pwelch is a pure sequence of numbers without physical dimensions. By specifying the sampling rate, the time axis gets a physical unit, s, therefore the resulting frequency is in Hz and the density is in 1/Hz. But still your time series values have no physical dimension, and therefore the density cannot be related to something like W. Has your audiosignal been obtained by a calibrated A/D converter? If yes, you should be able to relate your data to a physical dimension and units, but that's a nontrivial step.
On a personal note, I'd really advise you to brush up on your English, because using software, especially programming interfaces, without properly understanding the documentation is a recipe for disaster.

why is perfcurve() matlab function giving me straight lines and not a normal curve as expected?

I am trying to build a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to evaluate the discriminating ability of my classifier to correctly classify diseased and non-diseased subjects.
I understand that the closer the curve follows the left-hand border and then the top border of the ROC space, the more accurate the test. My experiments gave me quite desirable value of area under curve (auc), i.e. 0.86458. However, the ROC curve (in which I included the cut-off points for tracing purposes) seems quite strange as it gave me straight lines as below:
... and not a curve I expected and as I normally see from any references like this:
Does it hav something to do with the number of observations used? (in this case I only have 50 samples). Or is this just fine as long as the the auc value is high and that the 'curve' comes above the 45-degree diagonal of the ROC space? I would be glad if someone can share their thoughts about it. Thank you!
By the way, I used the perfcurve() function in matlab:
% ROC comparison between the proposed approach and the baseline
[X1,Y1,T1,auc1,OPTROCPT1,SUBY5,SUBYNAMES1] = perfcurve(testLabel,predlabel_prop,1);
[X2,Y2,T2,auc2,OPTROCPT2,SUBY2,SUBYNAMES2] = perfcurve(testLabel,predLabel_base,1);
legend('proposed approach','baseline','Location','east');
xlabel('False positive rate'); ylabel('True positive rate')
title('ROC comparison of the proposed approach and the baseline')
text(0.6,0.3,{'* - proposed method',strcat('Area Under Curve = ',...
text(0.6,0.15,{'o - baseline',strcat('Area Under Curve = ',num2str(auc2))},'EdgeColor','k');
You probably have too litte data.
You curve indicates your data set has 13 negative and 5 positive examples (in your test set?)
Furthermore, all but 4 have exactly the same score (maybe 0)? Or is that your cutoff?
Given this small sample size, I would not accept the hypothesis that your proposed method is better than the baseline, but accept the alternative - the methods perform as good as the other: the difference of 0.04 is much too small for this tiny sample size, the results are virtually identical. Any variation within the cut-off area (the diagonal part) can be much larger than this 0.04... On a different run, a different test set, the results may be the other way around.
Shape of your curve is just a result of high explanatory power of your model and limited number of observations (e.g. take a look at the example here

Detect incorrect points in a homogeneous surface

In my project i have hige surfaces of 20.000 points computed by a algorithm. This algorithm, sometimes, has an error, computing 1 or more points in an small area incorrectly.
This error can not be solved in the algorithm, but needs to be detected afterwards.
The error can be seen in the next figure:
As you can see, there is a point wrongly computed that not only breaks the full homogeneous surface, but also destroys the aestetics of the plot (wich is also important in the project.)
Sometimes it can be more than a point, in general no more than 5 or 6. The error is allways the Z axis, so no need to check X and Y
I have been squeezing my mind to find a bit "generic" algorithm to detect this poitns.
I thougth that maybe taking patches of surface and meaning the Z, then detecting the points out of the variance... but I dont think it will work allways.
Any ideas?
NOTE: I dont want someone to write code for me, just an idea.
PD: relevant code for the avobe image:
[x,y] = meshgrid([-2:.07:2]);
Z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);
The standard trick is to use a Laplacian, looking for the largest outliers. (This is not unlike what Mohsen posed for an answer, but is actually a bit easier.) You could even probably do it with conv2, so it would be pretty efficient.
I could offer a few ways to implement the idea. A simple one is to use my gridfit tool, found on the File Exchange. (Gridfit essentially uses a Laplacian for its smoothing operation.) Fit the surface with all points included, then look for the single point that was perturbed the most by the fit. Exclude it, then rerun the fit, again looking for the largest outlier. (With gridfit, you can use weights to give points a zero weight, a simple way to exclude a point or list of points.) When the largest perturbation that was needed is small enough, you can decide to stop the process. A nice thing is gridfit will also impute new values for the outliers, filling in all of the holes.
A second approach is to use the Laplacian directly, in more of a filtering approach. Here, you simply compute a value at each point that is the average of each neighbor to the left, right, above, and below. The single value that is most largely in disagreement with its computed average is replaced with a new value. Or, you can use a weighted average of the new value with the old one there. Again, iterate until the process does not generate anything larger than some tolerance. (This is the basis of an old outlier detection and correction scheme that I recall from the Fortran IMSL libraries, but probably dates back to roughly 30 years ago.)
Since your functions seems to vary smoothly these abrupt changes can be detected by looking into the derivatives. You can
Take the derivative in one direction
Calculate mean and standard deviation of derivative
Find the points by looking for points that are further from mean by certain multiple of standard deviation.
Here is the code
V=[zeros(1,size(V,2)); V];
outliers = [I, J];
For your example you get this plot for V with a peak at around 21.7 while second peak is at around 1.9528, so maybe a threshold of 10 is ok.
and running the code returns
outliers =
35 35
The need for cumsum is for the cases that you have a patch of points next to each other that are incorrect.

FFT: Match samples to frequency

let us assume,
I have a vector t with the times in seconds of my samples. (These samples are not equally distributed on the time domain.
Also I have a vector data containing the samplevalues at the time t.
t and data have the same length.
If I plot the graph some sort of periodical signal is obtained.
now I could perform: abs(fft(data)) to get my spectrum, which is then plotted over the amount of data points on the x-axis.
How can I obtain my spectrum regarding the times in vector t and plot it?
I want to see which frequencies in 1/s or which period in s my signal contains.
Thanks for your help.
[Not the OP's intention]: FFT will give you the spectrum (global) for any number of input data points. You cannot have a specific data point (in time) associated with parts (or the full) spectrum.
What you can do instead is use spectrogram and obtain the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). This will give you a NxM discrete grid of time-frequency FT values (N: FT frequency bins, M: signal time-windows).
By localizing the (overlapping) STFT windows on your data samples of interest you will get N frequency magnitude values, thus the distribution of short-term spectrum estimates as the signal changes in time.
See also the possibly relevant answer here:
For unevenly spaced data you need to consider the Non-Uniform DFT (and Non-uniform FFT implementations). See the relevant question/answer here
The primary approaches for NFFT or NUFFT, are based on creating a uniform grid through local convolutions/interpolation, running FFT on this and undoing the convolutional effect of the interpolation filter.
You can read more:
A. Dutt and V. Rokhlin, Fast Fourier transforms for nonequispaced data, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 14, 1993.
L. Greengard and J.-Y. Lee, Accelerating the Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform, SIAM Review, 46 (3), 2004.
Pippig, M. und Potts, D., Particle Simulation Based on Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transforms, in: Fast Methods for Long-Range Interactions in Complex Systems, 2011.
For an implementation (with an interface to MATLAB) try NFFT and possibly its parallelized version PNFFT. You may find a nice walk-through on how to set-up and use here.
You can resample or interpolate your sample points to get another set of sample points that are equally spaced in t. The chosen spacing or sample rate of the second set of equally spaced sample points will allow you to infer frequencies to the result of an FFT of that second set.
The results may be noisy or include aliasing unless the initial data set is bandlimited to a sufficiently low frequency to allow interpolation. If bandlimited, then you might try something like cubic splines as an interpolation method.
Although it may look like one can get a high FFT bin frequency resolution by resampling to a larger number of data points, the actual useful resolution accuracy will be more related to the original number of samples.

How to calculate residuals for two curves (matrixes) of different size?

I've got a theoretical curve which was calculated numerically and an experimental curve (better to say a massive of experimental points). I need to calculate the residuals between these two curves to check the accuracy of modeling with the least squares sum method. These matrixes (curves) are of different size. Is there any function in MATLAB providing the calculation of residuals for two matrixes of different size?
I thought I'll just elaborate a bit on what Aabaz said in case there are others who might find this useful (Although Aabaz's explanation is probably clear enough for people who have an understanding of the necessary math etc.).
First, I'm assuming you have a 2D plot but it shouldn't be difficult to generalize to ND case.
Basically, for each point in your experimental data (xi, yi), use your "theoretical curve" to estimate yi' for the value xi. This is probably what Aabaz is referring to by making grid step size the same so that you interpolate the points exactly at the x coordinate values xi of your experimental data using the formula for your curve(s).
Next, to measure whether the fitting is good, you could for e.g. measure the sum of square differences using:
error = sum( (yi' - yi)^2 ){where i range over all points in your exp. data}
Of course other error metrics other than least square could be used to estimate how well the data fit your model (i.e. your curve) but by far for most applications, least square is the most common.
Hope this helps.