Powershell - How to display next $line in a foreach loop - powershell

I am currently parsing strings from .cpp files and need a way to display string blocks of multiple lines using the _T syntax. To exclude one line _T strings, I included a -notmatch ";" parameter to exclude them. This also excludes the last line of the string block, which I need. So I need to display the next string, so that the last string block with ";" is included.
I tried $foreach.moveNext() | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append but no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
foreach ($line in $allLines)
if ($line -match "^([0-9\s\._\)\(]+$_=<>%#);" -or $line -like "*#*" -or $line -like "*\\*" -or $line -like "*//*" -or $line -like "*.dll* *.exe*")
if ($line -notlike "*;*" -and $line -match "_T\(\""" ) # Multiple line strings
$line | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append
$foreach.moveNext() | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append

In your sample, $foreach isn't a variable, so you can't call a method on it. If you want an iterator, you'll need to create one:
$iter = $allLines.GetEnumerator()
$line = $iter.Current
if( -not $line )
} while( $line )
I would recommend you don't use regular expressions, though. Parse the C++ files instead. Here's the simplest thing I could think of to parse out all _T strings. It doesn't handle:
commented out _T strings
a ") in the _T string
a _T string at the end of a file.
You'll have to add those checks yourself. If you only want multi-line _T strings, you'll have to filter out single line strings, too.
$inString = $false
$strings = #()
$currentString = $null
$file = $allLines -join "`n"
$chars = $file.ToCharArray()
for( $idx = 0; $idx < $chars.Length; ++$idx )
$currChar = $chars[$idx]
$nextChar = $chars[$idx + 1]
$thirdChar = $chars[$idx + 2]
$fourthChar = $chars[$idx + 3]
# See if the current character is the start of a new _T token
if( -not $inString -and $currChar -eq '_' -and $nextChar -eq 'T' -and $thirdChar -eq '(' -and $fourthChar -eq '"' )
$idx += 3
$inString = $true
if( $inString )
if( $currChar -eq '"' -and $nextChar -eq ')' )
$inString = $false
if( $currentString )
$strings += $currentString
$currentString = $null
$currentString += $currChar

Figured out the syntax to do this:
$foreach.current | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append
You need to move to the next, then pipe the current foreach value.


Powershell overwriting file contents with match instead of editing single line

I have a text file that contains a string I want to modify.
Example text file contents:
If I run this code:
$file = "c:\test.txt"
$MinX = 100
$MinY = 100
$a = (Get-Content $file) | %{
if($_ -match "def=(\d*)"){
if($Matches[1] -gt $MinX){$_ -replace "$($Matches[1])","$($MinX)" }
The result is:
If I omit the greater-than check like so:
$a = (Get-Content $file) | %{
if($_ -match "def=(\d*)"){
$_ -replace "$($Matches[1])","$($MinX)"
The result is correct:
I don't understand how a simple integer comparison before doing the replace could screw things up so badly, can anyone advise what I'm missing?
The comparison operator -gt will never get you a value of $true because you need to
cast the $matches[1] string value to int first so it compares two integer numbers
2 is never greater than 100.. Change the operator to -lt instead.
Your code outputs only one line, because you forgot to also output unchanged lines that do not match the regex
$file = 'c:\test.txt'
$MinX = 100
$MinY = 100
$a = (Get-Content $file) | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^def=(\d+)'){
if([int]$matches[1] -lt $MinX){ $_ -replace $matches[1],$MinX }
else {
Or use switch (is also faster than using Get-Content):
$file = 'c:\test.txt'
$MinX = 100
$MinY = 100
$a = switch -Regex -File $file {
'^def=(\d+)' {
if([int]$matches[1] -lt $MinX){ $_ -replace $matches[1],$MinX }
default { $_ }
That's because the expression ($Matches[1] -gt $MinX) is a string comparison. In Powershell, the left-hand side of a comparison dictates the comparison type and since that is of type [string], Powershell has to cast/convert the right-hand side of the expression to [string] also. You expression, therefore, is evaluated as ([string]$Matches[1] -gt [string]$MinX).

Remove the need to use out-file only to import the file immediately using PowerShell just to convert the base type

I am attempting to turn the file below into one that contains no comments '#', no blank lines, no unneeded spaces, and only one entry per line. I'm unsure how to run the following code without the need to output the file and then reimport it. There should be code that doesn't require that step but I can't find it. The way I wrote my script also doesn't look right to me even though it works. As if there was a more elegant way of doing what I'm attempting but I just don't see it.
Before File Change: TNSNames.ora
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19
(COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
(Host = www.url1111.com)
(Port = 1111)
#Created 9_27_16
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19
After File Change:
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(" ", "").Replace("`t", "").Replace(")))", ")))`n")
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
$Path = '.\.vscode\StringResults.txt'
$Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
$Results = Get-Content $Path
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith("(CONNECT_DATA")) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne "") {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
So the crux of your problem is that you have declared $data as a [string] which is fine because probably some of your replace operations work better as a single string. Its just that $Results also then ends up being a string so when you try to index into $Results near the bottom these operations fail. You can however easily turn your $Results variable into a string array using the -split operator this would eliminate the need to save the string to disk and import back in just to accomplish the same. See comments below.
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(' ', '').Replace("`t", '').Replace(')))', ")))`n")
# You do not need to do this next section. Essentially this is just saving your multiline string
# to a file and then using Get-Content to read it back in as a string array
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
# $Path = 'c:\temp\StringResults.txt'
# $Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
# $Results = Get-Content $Path
# Instead split your $Results string into multiple lines using -split
# this will do the same thing as above without writing to file
$Results = $Results -split "\r?\n"
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith('(CONNECT_DATA')) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne '') {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
Also, for fun, try this out
((Get-Content 'C:\temp\tnsnames.ora' |
Where-Object {!$_.StartsWith('#') -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}) -join '' -replace '\s' -replace '\)\s?\)\s?\)', ")))`n" -replace '\r?\n\(Connect_data','(connect_data').ToUpper()

How to remove the last comma in powershell?

Below is my script and I want to pass the value if not null to my $weekDays variable in comma separated format but I want to remove the last comma, so please help me on this.
$a = "sun"
$b = "mon"
$c = $null
$d = $a,$b,$c
$weekDays = $null
Foreach ($i in $d)
if ($i)
$weekDays = $i
$weekDays = $weekDays + ","
Write-Host "$weekDays"
Output: sun,mon,
I want: sun, mon
No need to loop through the list yourself since there's already the -join operator for that purpose, but you need to remove the null elements first
($d | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null }) -join ", "
Where-Object (alias where) will filter out the null elements.
If you just want to exclude the last null item then use this
$d[0..($d.Length - 2)] -join ", "
Note that your code produces the below output
and not sun,mon, in the same line. To print with new lines like that you need to use
($d | where { $_ -ne $null }) -join ",`n"
$a = "sun"
$b = "mon"
$c = $null
$d = $a,$b,$c
$weekDays = $null
Foreach ($i in $d)
if ($i)
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($weekDays)))
$weekDays += ","
$weekDays = $weekDays + $i
Write-Host "$weekDays"
##Output : sun,mon, I want : sun, mon
Your variable is null at start and you want to prepend a comma in all subsequent cases, that is, when the variable is no longer null.

Keep lines from line X then delete others if does not contain pattern

I am trying to manipulate a textfile. I want it to keep the first X numbers of lines and after that it should look for a string pattern. If a line contains the pattern it should be kept otherwise deleted.
I got both things to work separately but not together. It works to keep lines until X and remove the rest. And I got it to work to remove all lines except for lines with a pattern, but I can't get it to work for both together.
EDIT: here is the code:
$data = Get-Content test.md
$newdata = ""
$n = 0
Foreach ($line in $data) {
if ($n++ -ge 6) {
$newdata += $line | Where{$_ -match '\[R\]'}
} else {
$newdata += $line
$newdata += " `r`n"
$newdata > test2.md
The problem is the lines are still there as empty lines. But they should be completely deleted.
$data = Get-Content test.md
$newdata = ""
$n = 0
Foreach ($line in $data) {
if ($n++ -gt 6) {
if ($line -match '\[R\]') {
$newdata += $line + " `r`n"
} else {
$newdata += $line + " `r`n"
$newdata > test2.md
got it to work like that.
You could use
"test.md" | % {
Get-Content $_ -TotalCount 6
(Select-String -path $_ -match '\[R \]' -AllMatches).Line
} | Out-File test2.md -Encoding Ascii

Getting rid of unwanted html in file

I have a file that has the following below, I am trying to remove everything from <!-- to -->
/* Font Definitions */
Only keep this part
Don't use a regex. HTML isn't a regular language, so it can't be properly parsed with a regex. It will succeed most of the time, but other times will fail. Spectacularly.
I recommend cracking open the file, and reading it a character at at time, looking for the characters <, !, -, followed by -. Then, continue reading until you find -, -, !, followed by >.
$chars = [IO.File]::ReadAllText( $path ).ToCharArray()
$newFileContent = New-Object 'Text.StringBuilder'
for( $i = 0; $i -lt $chars.Length; ++$i )
if( $inComment )
if( $chars[$i] -eq '-' -and $chars[$i+1] -eq '-' -and $chars[$i+2] -eq '!' -and $chars[$i+3] -eq '>' )
$inComment = $false
$i += 4
if( $chars[$i] -eq '<' -and $chars[$i+1] -eq '!' -and $chars[$i+2] -eq '-' -and $chars[$i+3] -eq '-' )
$inComment = $true
$i += 4
$newFileContent.Append( $chars[$i] )
$newFileContent.ToString() | Set-Content -Path $path
Regular expressions to the rescue again -
/* Font Definitions */
Only keep this part
'# -replace '(?s)<!--(.+?)-->', ''
(?s) makes dot match new lines :)