How to remove the last comma in powershell? - powershell

Below is my script and I want to pass the value if not null to my $weekDays variable in comma separated format but I want to remove the last comma, so please help me on this.
$a = "sun"
$b = "mon"
$c = $null
$d = $a,$b,$c
$weekDays = $null
Foreach ($i in $d)
if ($i)
$weekDays = $i
$weekDays = $weekDays + ","
Write-Host "$weekDays"
Output: sun,mon,
I want: sun, mon

No need to loop through the list yourself since there's already the -join operator for that purpose, but you need to remove the null elements first
($d | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null }) -join ", "
Where-Object (alias where) will filter out the null elements.
If you just want to exclude the last null item then use this
$d[0..($d.Length - 2)] -join ", "
Note that your code produces the below output
and not sun,mon, in the same line. To print with new lines like that you need to use
($d | where { $_ -ne $null }) -join ",`n"

$a = "sun"
$b = "mon"
$c = $null
$d = $a,$b,$c
$weekDays = $null
Foreach ($i in $d)
if ($i)
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($weekDays)))
$weekDays += ","
$weekDays = $weekDays + $i
Write-Host "$weekDays"
##Output : sun,mon, I want : sun, mon
Your variable is null at start and you want to prepend a comma in all subsequent cases, that is, when the variable is no longer null.


Convert Array of Numbers into a String of Ranges

I was asking myself how easily you could convert an Array of Numbers Like = 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,12,13,15 into 1 String that "Minimizes" the numbers, so Like = "1-3,6-9,12-13,15".
I am probably overthinking it because right now I don't know how I could achieve this easily.
My Attempt:
$newArray = ""
$array = 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,12,13,15
Foreach($num in $array){
If(($num-1) -eq $before){
# Here Im probably overthinking it because I don't know how I should continue
$before = $num
$newArray += $num
This should working, Code is self explaining, hopefully:
$array = #( 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,12,13,15 )
$result = "$($array[0])"
$last = $array[0]
for( $i = 1; $i -lt $array.Length; $i++ ) {
$current = $array[$i]
if( $current -eq $last + 1 ) {
if( !$result.EndsWith('-') ) {
$result += '-'
elseif( $result.EndsWith('-') ) {
$result += "$last,$current"
else {
$result += ",$current"
$last = $current
if( $result.EndsWith('-') ) {
$result += "$last"
$result = $result.Trim(',')
$result = '"' + $result.Replace(',', '","') +'"'
I have a slightly different approach, but was a little too slow to answer. Here it is:
$newArray = ""
$array = 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,12,13,15
$i = 0
while($i -lt $array.Length)
$first = $array[$i]
$last = $array[$i]
# while the next number is the successor increment last
while ($array[$i]+1 -eq $array[$i+1] -and ($i -lt $array.Length))
$last = $array[++$i]
# if only one in the interval, output that
if ($first -eq $last)
$newArray += $first
# else output first and last
$newArray += "$first-$last"
# don't add the final comma
if ($i -ne $array.Length-1)
$newArray += ","
Here is another approach to the problem. Firstly, you can group elements by index into a hashtable, using index - element as the key. Secondly, you need to sort the dictionary by key then collect the range strings split by "-" in an array. Finally, you can simply join this array by "," and output the result.
$array = 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15
$ranges = #{ }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Length; $i++) {
$key = $i - $array[$i]
if (-not ($ranges.ContainsKey($key))) {
$ranges[$key] = #()
$ranges[$key] += $array[$i]
$sequences = #()
$ranges.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Key -Descending | ForEach-Object {
$sequence = $_.Value
$start = $sequence[0]
if ($sequence.Length -gt 1) {
$end = $sequence[-1]
$sequences += "$start-$end"
else {
$sequences += $start
Write-Output ($sequences -join ",")

Transpose rows to columns in PowerShell

I have a source file with the below contents:
The '-1' in above lists is the record separator which indicates the start of the next record. 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc are like column identifiers (or column names).
This is my code below.
$txt = Get-Content 'C:myfile.txt' | Out-String
$txt -split '(?m)^-1\r?\n' | ForEach-Object {
$arr = $_ -split '\r?\n'
$indexes = 1..$($arr.Count - 1) | Where-Object { ($_ % 2) -ne 0 }
$arr[$indexes] -join '|'
The above code creates output like below:
But I need output like below. When there are no columns in the source file, then their row data should have blank pipe line (||) like below in the output file. Please advise the change needed in the code.
ABC|181.12|05/07/16||Im4thData|hello ← There is no 3rd column in the source file. so blank pipe line (||).
XYZ|1333.21|02/02/16|Im3rdData||World ← There is no 4th column column in the source file. so blank pipe line (||).
If you know the maximum number of columns beforehand you could do something like this:
$cols = 6
$txt = Get-Content 'C:myfile.txt' | Out-String
$txt -split '(?m)^-1\r?\n' | ForEach-Object {
# initialize array of required size
$row = ,$null * $cols
$arr = $_ -split '\r?\n'
for ($n = 0; $n -lt $arr.Count; $n += 2) {
$i = [int]$arr[$n]
$row[$i] = $arr[$n+1]
$row -join '|'
Otherwise you could do something like this:
$txt = Get-Content 'C:myfile.txt' | Out-String
$txt -split '(?m)^-1\r?\n' | ForEach-Object {
# create empty array
$row = #()
$arr = $_ -split '\r?\n'
$k = 0
for ($n = 0; $n -lt $arr.Count; $n += 2) {
$i = [int]$arr[$n]
# if index from record ($i) is greater than current index ($k) append
# required number of empty fields
for ($j = $k; $j -lt $i-1; $j++) { $row += $null }
$row += $arr[$n+1]
$k = $i
$row -join '|'
Needs quite a bit of processing. There might be a more efficient way to do this, but the below does work.
$c = Get-Content ".\file.txt"
$rdata = #{}
$data = #()
$i = 0
# Parse the file into an array of key-value pairs
while ($i -lt $c.count) {
if($c[$i].trim() -eq '-1') {
$data += ,$rdata
$rdata = #{}
$field = $c[$i].trim()
$value = $c[++$i].trim()
$rdata[$field] = $value
# Check if there are any missing values between 0 and the highest value and set to empty string if so
foreach ($row in $data) {
$top = [int]$($row.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name -descending | select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Name)
for($i = 0; $i -lt $top; $i++) {
if ($row["$i"] -eq $null) {
$row["$i"] = ""
# Sort each hash by field order and join with pipe
$data | ForEach-Object { ($_.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -property Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) -join '|' }
In the while loop, we are just iterating over each line of the file. The field number an value are separated by a value of one, so each iteration we take both values and add them to the hash.
If we encounter -1 then we know we have a record separator, so add the hash to an array, reset it, bump the counter to the next record and continue to the next iteration.
Once we've collected everything we need to check if there are any missing field values, so we grab the highest number from each hash, loop over it from 0 and fill any missing values with an empty string.
Once that is done you can then iterate the array, sort each hash by field number and join the values.

Powershell - How to display next $line in a foreach loop

I am currently parsing strings from .cpp files and need a way to display string blocks of multiple lines using the _T syntax. To exclude one line _T strings, I included a -notmatch ";" parameter to exclude them. This also excludes the last line of the string block, which I need. So I need to display the next string, so that the last string block with ";" is included.
I tried $foreach.moveNext() | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append but no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
foreach ($line in $allLines)
if ($line -match "^([0-9\s\._\)\(]+$_=<>%#);" -or $line -like "*#*" -or $line -like "*\\*" -or $line -like "*//*" -or $line -like "*.dll* *.exe*")
if ($line -notlike "*;*" -and $line -match "_T\(\""" ) # Multiple line strings
$line | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append
$foreach.moveNext() | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append
In your sample, $foreach isn't a variable, so you can't call a method on it. If you want an iterator, you'll need to create one:
$iter = $allLines.GetEnumerator()
$line = $iter.Current
if( -not $line )
} while( $line )
I would recommend you don't use regular expressions, though. Parse the C++ files instead. Here's the simplest thing I could think of to parse out all _T strings. It doesn't handle:
commented out _T strings
a ") in the _T string
a _T string at the end of a file.
You'll have to add those checks yourself. If you only want multi-line _T strings, you'll have to filter out single line strings, too.
$inString = $false
$strings = #()
$currentString = $null
$file = $allLines -join "`n"
$chars = $file.ToCharArray()
for( $idx = 0; $idx < $chars.Length; ++$idx )
$currChar = $chars[$idx]
$nextChar = $chars[$idx + 1]
$thirdChar = $chars[$idx + 2]
$fourthChar = $chars[$idx + 3]
# See if the current character is the start of a new _T token
if( -not $inString -and $currChar -eq '_' -and $nextChar -eq 'T' -and $thirdChar -eq '(' -and $fourthChar -eq '"' )
$idx += 3
$inString = $true
if( $inString )
if( $currChar -eq '"' -and $nextChar -eq ')' )
$inString = $false
if( $currentString )
$strings += $currentString
$currentString = $null
$currentString += $currChar
Figured out the syntax to do this:
$foreach.current | out-file C:/T_Strings.txt -append
You need to move to the next, then pipe the current foreach value.

Replace each occurrence of string in a file dynamically

I have some text file which has some occurrences of the string "bad" in it. I want to replace each occurrence of "bad" with good1, good2, good3, ,, good100 and so on.
I am trying this but it is replacing all occurrences with the last number, good100
$raw = $(gc raw.txt)
for($i = 0; $i -le 100; $i++)
$raw | %{$_ -replace "bad", "good$($i)" } > output.txt
How to accomplish this?
Try this:
$i = 1
$raw = $(gc raw.txt)
$new = $raw.split(" ") | % { $_ -replace "bad" , "good($i)" ; if ($_ -eq "bad" ) {$i++} }
$new -join " " | out-file output.txt
This is good if the raw.txt is single line and contains the word "bad" always separed by one space " " like this: alfa bad beta bad gamma bad (and so on...)
Edit after comment:
for multiline txt:
$i = 1
$new = #()
$raw = $(gc raw.txt)
for( $c = 0 ; $c -lt $raw.length ; $c++ )
$l = $raw[$c].split(" ") | % { $_ -replace "bad" , "good($i)" ; if ($_ -eq "bad" ) {$i++} }
$l = $l -join " "
$new += $l
$new | out-file output.txt
For such things, I generally use Regex::Replace overload that takes a Matchevaluator:
$evaluator ={
gc raw.txt | %{ [Regex]::Replace($_,"bad",$evaluator) }
The evaluator also gets the matched groups as argument, so you can do some advanced replaces with it.
Here's another way, replacing just one match at a time:
$raw = gc raw.txt | out-string
$regex = [regex]'bad'
for($i=0; $i -le $occurrences.count; $i++)
$raw = $regex.replace($raw,{"good$i"},1)

Longest common substring for more than two strings in PowerShell?

how can I find the matching strings in an array of strings in PowerShell:
$Arr = "1 string first",
"2 string second",
"3 string third",
"4 string fourth"
Using this example, I want this returned:
" string "
I want to use this to find matching parts of file names and then remove that part of the file name (like removing the artist's name from a set of mp3 files for example), without having to specify which part of the file name should be replaced manually.
$arr = "qdfbsqds", "fbsqdt", "bsqda"
$arr | %{
$substr = for ($s = 0; $s -lt $_.length; $s++) {
for ($l = 1; $l -le ($_.length - $s); $l++) {
$_.substring($s, $l);
$substr | %{$_.toLower()} | select -unique
} | group | ?{$_.count -eq $arr.length} | sort {$} | select -expand name -l 1
# returns bsqd
produce a list of all the unique substrings of the inputstrings
filter for substrings that occur #inputstrings times (i.e. in all input strings)
sort these filtered substrings based on the length of the substring
return the last (i.e. longest) of this list
If it ( the artist name etc) is only going to be a single word:
$Arr = "1 string first", "2 string second", "3 string third", "4 string fourth"
$common = $Arr | %{ $_.split() } | group | sort -property count | select -last 1 | select -expand name
$common = " {0} " -f $common
Implementation that seems to work for multiple words ( finding the longest common substring of words):
$arr = "1 string a first", "2 string a second", "3 string a third", "4 string a fourth"
$common = $arr | %{
$words = $_.split()
$noOfWords = $words.length
for($i=0;$i -lt $noOfWords;$i++){
for($j=$i;$j -lt $noOfWords;$j++){
$words[$i..$j] -join " "
} | group | sort -property count,name | select -last 1 | select -expand name
$common = " {0} " -f $common
Here is a "Longest Common Substring" function for two strings in PowerShell (based on wikibooks C# example):
Function get-LongestCommonSubstring
if((!$String1) -or (!$String2)){Break}
# .Net Two dimensional Array:
$Num = New-Object 'object[,]' $String1.Length, $String2.Length
[int]$maxlen = 0
[int]$lastSubsBegin = 0
$sequenceBuilder = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder"
for ([int]$i = 0; $i -lt $String1.Length; $i++)
for ([int]$j = 0; $j -lt $String2.Length; $j++)
if ($String1[$i] -ne $String2[$j])
$Num[$i, $j] = 0
if (($i -eq 0) -or ($j -eq 0))
$Num[$i, $j] = 1
$Num[$i, $j] = 1 + $Num[($i - 1), ($j - 1)]
if ($Num[$i, $j] -gt $maxlen)
$maxlen = $Num[$i, $j]
[int]$thisSubsBegin = $i - $Num[$i, $j] + 1
if($lastSubsBegin -eq $thisSubsBegin)
{#if the current LCS is the same as the last time this block ran
}else{ #this block resets the string builder if a different LCS is found
$lastSubsBegin = $thisSubsBegin
$sequenceBuilder.Length = 0 #clear it
[void]$sequenceBuilder.Append($String1.Substring($lastSubsBegin, (($i + 1) - $lastSubsBegin)))
return $sequenceBuilder.ToString()
To use this for more than two strings, use it like this:
Function get-LongestCommonSubstringArray
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)][Array]$Array
$PreviousSubString = $Null
$LongestCommonSubstring = $Null
foreach($SubString in $Array)
$LongestCommonSubstring = get-LongestCommonSubstring $SubString $LongestCommonSubstring
write-verbose "Consequtive diff: $LongestCommonSubstring"
$LongestCommonSubstring = get-LongestCommonSubstring $SubString $PreviousSubString
write-verbose "first one diff: $LongestCommonSubstring"
$PreviousSubString = $SubString
write-verbose "No PreviousSubstring yet, setting it to: $PreviousSubString"
Return $LongestCommonSubstring
get-LongestCommonSubstringArray $Arr -verbose
If I understand your question:
$Arr = "1 string first", "2 string second", "3 string third", "4 string fourth"
$Arr -match " string " | foreach {$_ -replace " string ", " "}