Fetching file into an application which is downloaded from any app in the iPhone [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am facing one problem while fetching a file which is downloaded from an other app into my app.
Is it possible or not?

I highly doubt you could actually access other's application data (downloaded from the internet) without a jailbroken device:
For security reasons, iOS places each app (including its preferences
and data) in a sandbox at install time. A sandbox is a set of
fine-grained controls that limit the app’s access to files,
preferences, network resources, hardware, and so on. As part of the
sandboxing process, the system installs each app in its own sandbox
directory, which acts as the home for the app and its data.

Yes you cannot access file of other application.But in iOS 5 there is new feature called iCloud, I think you can use this.


Changing Developer Name in App Store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Let's assume that somehow my company manages to get the Developer name changed in the Developer Account at the App Store. In this case, what would happen to the existing apps:
Will the existing apps remain happily at the App Store without any effect?
Will I need to get new certificates from the Developer portal?
If yes, will I need to submit a new build of my Apps to the App Store?
If yes, will the bundle identifier of my subsequent releases would be different?
If yes, then how would the users be able to get updates to the apps?
Any help would be great!
I asked about it here, and we made renaming.
Non of our apps were forced to be resubmitted. We used all certificates with old names and it worked fine. I can't provide info about legal information that we send to Apple (not a coders did that), but one day we just saw another company name in the App Store and we did nothing to our apps.

App got reject because of enable illegal file sharing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an app that allow people to store any type of file and transfer files between computer and iphone through wifi. After few days of review Apple reject my app because
22.4: Apps that enable illegal file sharing will be rejected
I was wondering that how come I can still find a lot of app that do the same way as my app do and got passed?
Apple allow developer to turn on iTunes file sharing, isn't this the same concept as transfer file through wifi? the different is wireless.
I am not able to control user to not transfer illegal file.
Is there any way to get pass this issue?
You can appeal the decision. Or perhaps there would be a way to appease Apple, maybe by warning users against distributing copyright material before opening the connection?
Bottom line is, the only way to know for sure is to ask Apple. For better or worse, they are the gatekeepers; we can only speculate.
No, Apple is a dictatorship. But Google isn't better at all. The app will get online but gets removed after a competitor sent an DMCA notice (without a valid reason, just wild accusations). Ask the mupen64plus-ae developer

How to CodeSign for upload to iTunesConnect [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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It has been a few months since I have code signed an app and I can't remember exactly what do I need to do?
Everything is 100% ready except this
Read all the docs that other users suggested you to (re)read.
Update/create provision profile for distribution, set status of app in iTunesConnect Waiting for upload.
Sign your application in Xcode with this profile
Select iOS Device
If build was successfully ended then Organizer will open. Submit your application.
Here are two apple docs that you should (re)read from Apple's iOS Development Guide:
Building and Running Applications
Managing Devices and Digital Identities
These walk you through the code signing identities. Read them. Bookmark them.

Ads Network Reporting for iPhone [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm Curious about how all the ad mechanism works.
Let's say I publish my app using 5 networks (adMob,inMobi, etc...).
Each network gives me a slice of code to incorporate inside my initialization function, so
when the app is downloaded, the report will be sent.
Now, someone downloaded my app using one of these networks, let's say by pressing an adMob banner.
Is there a way for my app to know at startup that it was downloaded using adMob, so I won't call all the other 4 network initialization code? I don't see a point making all these redundant calls.
Well if it is an iPhone/iOS app it's always downloaded via iTunes App Store so there is no way to see which banner network is just to download your app.

Is it possible to submit same app with different name? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Has anybody tried to submit the same app with different name to the app store?
Assumed that the app is under the same iOS developer program account, and is not a lite version.
Thanks ^m^
Don't. You should not try to submit the same app under a different name to the App Store. It is not how the App Store works. As #Jeremiah said, there is a similar thread on StackOverflow: Can I submit the same app to the App Store under multiple, different accounts/identities? and in it, #bobwaycott notes that the App Store Guidelines state:
2.20 Developers "spamming" the App Store with many versions of similar
apps will be removed from the iOS
Developer Program
Yes, all you have to do is to copy your project to a different location, and rename it:
It will be treated as a different project with configuration rewritten by xcode.