iPhone application demo on Windows [duplicate] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iPhone development on PC
I have developed an iOS native application. My manager wants to give the demo of that application on a Windows machine. Is that possible?
When I was searching, I found MobiOne. But that is only to check HTML applications. Is there any iPhone simulator for Windows.

Share the Mac screen remotely with VNC and give demo on it. Simple.

No, there is not such thing. There is, as you said, applications for HTML applications, but for native iPhone applications there are no such solutions.

Remotely login to your Mac and go from there is the best option.
Do ad-hoc distribution to your real iOS device and do the real demo there.
There is a thing called Hackintosh that allows you to install Mac OS X on your PC. You can also go from there if you really want to run it from your PC.
There isn't any iPhone emulator for Windows, as far as I know.


Do i have possibility to develop iphone application in WindowsOS(Win7)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
I am new to iphone applications.
My doubt is, can i develop i phone applications in windows platform by installing iphone SDK, emulators etc..
Straight and simple Answer = No You can-not !
Apple, wants confine its iphone ecosystem only to Mac OS. Its just that Windows is so prominent in the market so, they have to give away itunes for windows (For Consumers only)
But, they have such a good SDK and such a strong hold on iphone market that gives them enough confidence to keep the SDK and the emulator to Mac.
One possible work around :
You can use Hackintosh ('Hacked Mac OS, to run on normal PC instead of a powerPC')
For more info, I found a related answer : Related Question

iPhone App Doubt [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
simulating iphone on windows?
I have my iPhone.
I am eager to make my own iPhone app. But had some doubts,
Is it necessary to have a Apple computer to make an iPhone app ?
Is their any IDE used to make this appln development ? Is that IDE available for Windows ?
Xcode. Mac OS X only.
If your are looking for an answer said: "Yes, you can develop an iOS application using Windows PC", here it is.
You can develop for iOS using Adobe Flash Professional. Which do have a Windows Version.
And Apple has changed their rules now, that means you can also submit your App made by Adobe Flash Professional to App Store.
Good News, right?

How can we build IPAD app [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iPhone development on Windows
How can we build IPAD appon windows platform.
You can't. Simple as that. You'll need xcode, or you use some kind of non-native platform to develop web-like applications, but still those most of the time need OSX. Not all though.
If you're referring to a native iPad app, you can't on the windows platform at this stage (and it will be very unlikely it will ever be possible in the foreseeable future). However, if it's a web based iPad app it's possible.
Have a look here as a starting point for seeing how web apps are possible on the iPad.
There are guides on the internet on how to run Mac OS X on 'normal' PCs, though it's not legal (the Mac OS X license allows Mac OS X only to run on Apple computers) and not supported either. Mac OS X is required to run Xcode, the software used to create iPhone & iPad apps.
You need a Mac OS. Buy new or used Mac or make a hackintosh. Then go to Apple Developer http://developer.apple.com/ for tools and samples.

Is there a way to develop an iPhone game on a PC? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
Basically, that's my doubt.
I want to develop an iPhone game on my free time, but I dont want to buy a Mac, so, is there a way to use my pc to develop the game?.
Thx in advance.
Apple does not allow development on PCs.
You might be able to develop a game using your PC using something like Unity but you will require a Mac to be able to deploy your application to an iPhone.
Yes, you can use a PC to develop iPhone applications.
If you want to develop applications on Windows, you can setup the toolchain and use it. However, you will not be able to submit your applications to the App Store.
You can also install OS X onto your PC, and run XCode/iOS SDK in that way. Since you have what is effectively a Mac, you can buy a iPhone Developer Program membership and submit official applications to Apple's App Store.
Your you can install Mac OS X in your PC, only for development, though I don't advise it you. Then, you can install xcode and create an account in iPhone Developer Center and to begin your bad experience with this.
But you'll have big problems of stability with Mac Os X in you pc.
The way more logic, buy an Apple, I recommend it to you.
Apparently there is an SDK for Windows that allows you to code in C/C++ and turn it into an iphone game, but you are limited to 2D games and you have to use their API. Here's the link.
Rent a Mac remotely from macincloud.com. You can use your Windows remote access program to log on to their Mac server and you can start developing app on an actual Mac.

Development of iPhone application in linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Starting iPhone app development in Linux?
I have to develop an iPhone application that is able to transfer real time data from a server to an iPhone.
Some real time data examples are:
cricket scores,
We have been told to develop our project in Linux using Objective C. As I'm completely new to this field, could anyone give me any ideas about how to start the project?
Is it recommended to use Linux?
You'll have to use Mac OSX if you want a sane pipeline. You're also going to need to pick up a book on iPhone development. You can run OSX in VMWare if you want by following the tutorial here.
Start by going back to the project manager and tell them that you need a proper Mac to develop for iPhone.
Any hacks you apply to make this work under Linux will just cost you more money than a Mac mini costs now. Unless you are a slave and work for free?
Also using Linux hacks for commercial iPhone development is a violation of the iPhone Developer Program contract you signed to publish applications on App Store. So your legal department should be signaling the red flag if project manager suggests Linux for iPhone development.
Don't even think of using Linux. You'll waste so much time hacking together a development environment and you still won't be able to get some of the required XCode tools such as code signing. It'll be easier & cheaper to just get even a Mac mini.
No, don't use Linux to develop iPhone apps. While there are Objective-C compilers available, you won't have access to all the Cocoa libraries, which are the bread and butter of iPhone development. You'll need a Mac.
Adding to the other comments here discouraging the use of Linux for developing iPhone applications, unless you are targeting jail-broken iPhones, you must have Xcode for signing and provisioning iPhone applications. Also, you'll have no method for running your code inside of a simulator. The easiest/cheapest solution is to buy a cheap Mac (a Mac Mini can be had for under $600 using your current peripherals).