I am stock here with glassfish configuration at Eclipse.
Take a look:
The finish button is disabled. What should I do here? I am pointing it to the directory in which I have installed glassfish. Plz help.
I think the problem might be that you were trying to register GF 3.1.2 to use Java SE 5. Java EE 6 requires a Java SE 6 JDK to run successfully.
Okay I don't know what was wrong with it. Just tried it one more time and it worked! Sry for taking your times.
I downloaded the GlassFish 5.0 from here because I was experiencing an issue with the JDBC connection pools in GlassFish 4.1.1 (and 4.0).
After unzipping the folder I tried to add the server to NetBeans and I received this error:
Not a valid GlassFish Server installation.
The found one potential answer here, but it didn't seem to help.
I am able to add other versions of GF into fine. Also, GF 5.0 runs, and it has fixed the previous issue I described in 4.1.1 which is nice.
One thing I noticed was that when I changed the name of the console-core file here:
NetBeans actually recognizes the GF installation! I tried to go through the entire GF installation and replace references to console-core-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to console-core-4.4.1.jar, but after clicking "next" in the Add server dialog, it doesn't advance. I may have missed something, but it's still a major hack.
I know its a late answer But it may help other new to this issue.
Rename the console-core jar file to have version name limited to 2 figure i.e. if jar name is console-core-4.1.1 or console-core-4.1.2 or something like it then change it to as
console-core-4.1 which is in the directory in my case
E:\Programs\Java + Databases\java_ee_sdk-7u3\glassfish4\glassfish\lib\install\applications\__admingui\WEB-INF\lib
In my case in the above directory jar file name was console-core-4.1.1 And I changed it to console-core-4.1. Now Everything is working fine.
Its working with Netbeans and in browser too with url
I had the same issue when I downloaded netbeans 8.02 and tried to add glassfish 5 server. After investigating for hours I found the solution. I had actually downloaded the Java EE bundle of netbeans 8.02 for installation. I uninstalled my netbeans and reinstalled using the Java ALL bundle installation file. Then the error went away.
hi Guys currently started to build my new workspace into a newly formatted PC,
all goes well until when I about to attached the server into my eclipse, the glassfish adpater is gone, below is a sample screenshotenter image description here.
can anyone help me how can I add the glassfish from here? thanks
after days, weeks and so on. my problem is based on the java that is currently usin. JUNO eclipse should be based on java 8 onwards, I cannot add the glassfish adapter due to the compatibility of java,eclipse and glassfish.
I could install it manually adding the update site in Install new software menue instead the marketplace. Also needed JDK 8 for glassfish compatibility.
I am using Eclipse indigo and I want to integrate it with pre-installed tomcat7 server I have.
I know how to do it easily in java EE, but now I need to run it not on EE.
Is it possible? If so, how?
Many thanks for anyone who can help.
Basically, no, not without the plug-ins you already have or alternates that essentially do the same thing. I don't understand the "I need to run it not on EE" part, though. Why?
We have a Java EE 5 project developed using Netbeans 6.7.1 with Glassfish v2.1. Trying to open this project with Netbeans 6.9.1 with Glassfish v3.1 there are many errors concerning missing types.
Is Java EE 6 backward compatible with Java EE 5?
The missing libraries generally revolve around:
Any ideas?
It seems that not all of the required libraries are being added to the classpath for a Glassfish 3.1 project automatically. The main missing jar is jaxrpc-api-osgi.jar under glasshfish3/glassfish/modules/. If I add this jar manually all the problems go away. Why would this be the case? Why isn't the jar added automatically as is done using NetBeans 6.7.1 with Glassfish 2.1?
I managed to hunt down org.jvnet.staxex.StreamingDataHandler; and com.sun.xml.ws.fault.SOAPFaultBuilder; via:
Looks like some package changing went on. Still, this doesn't fix my problem with javax.xml.rpc.Stub; and javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; not being added to my classpath correctly. I don't feel it's right to add the jar manually.
Nothing is ever completely backwards compatible, but having those classes not showing up at all is suspicious. At least the first two are definitely in Java EE/Java 6. If there were incompatibilities I'd expect something like parameter mismatches or methods not found.
First place I'd look is at the Netbeans project setup -- I'd bet a small amount of money that your classpath.search path doesn't include something you need.
javax.xml.rpc is present in both EE 5 and 6. So this can't be about API version incompatibility. There must be a problem with the way your Netbeans project is set up.
I fixed the problem by uninstalling all JDK, JRE, and NetBeans. Reinstalling, the issue was rectified.
When I try to run from eclipse 3.5.2 a "clean" version of JBoss 3.2.1 AS downloaded from it's homepage I get an error message:
JBossTools: JBoss 3.2 Runtime - MOCK:
invalid option -- b
I am using default configuration.
When I launch the same server from console everything runs just fine.
Any ideas what might be the problem?
Jboss 3 is really old, I'd stay away from it if at all possible.
Your error looks to me like eclipse is trying to pass an option that isn't recognized by your version of JBoss. See above.
If you really have to use jboss 3, then you might need to make sure the other software in your toolchain is of the same vintage. Maybe try Eclipse 2.1?