GlassFish 5.0 - Not a valid GlassFish Server installation - netbeans

I downloaded the GlassFish 5.0 from here because I was experiencing an issue with the JDBC connection pools in GlassFish 4.1.1 (and 4.0).
After unzipping the folder I tried to add the server to NetBeans and I received this error:
Not a valid GlassFish Server installation.
The found one potential answer here, but it didn't seem to help.
I am able to add other versions of GF into fine. Also, GF 5.0 runs, and it has fixed the previous issue I described in 4.1.1 which is nice.
One thing I noticed was that when I changed the name of the console-core file here:
NetBeans actually recognizes the GF installation! I tried to go through the entire GF installation and replace references to console-core-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to console-core-4.4.1.jar, but after clicking "next" in the Add server dialog, it doesn't advance. I may have missed something, but it's still a major hack.

I know its a late answer But it may help other new to this issue.
Rename the console-core jar file to have version name limited to 2 figure i.e. if jar name is console-core-4.1.1 or console-core-4.1.2 or something like it then change it to as
console-core-4.1 which is in the directory in my case
E:\Programs\Java + Databases\java_ee_sdk-7u3\glassfish4\glassfish\lib\install\applications\__admingui\WEB-INF\lib
In my case in the above directory jar file name was console-core-4.1.1 And I changed it to console-core-4.1. Now Everything is working fine.
Its working with Netbeans and in browser too with url

I had the same issue when I downloaded netbeans 8.02 and tried to add glassfish 5 server. After investigating for hours I found the solution. I had actually downloaded the Java EE bundle of netbeans 8.02 for installation. I uninstalled my netbeans and reinstalled using the Java ALL bundle installation file. Then the error went away.


How to fix this "Unknown version of Tomcat was specified" (Windows)

I want to connect with tomcat server with eclips IDE. I have already install tomcat 8.5 and 9.0 versions.
Both versions shows this error.
So please help me how can I configure my eclipse with tomcat any versions
Don't use an installed copy of Tomcat. Instead, download the Core zip/tar file and unpack it somewhere under your user's home directory. It has the most predictable layout for needed files and avoid any write permission issues you might have with an installed copy.

glassfish adapter missing in eclipse kepler

hi Guys currently started to build my new workspace into a newly formatted PC,
all goes well until when I about to attached the server into my eclipse, the glassfish adpater is gone, below is a sample screenshotenter image description here.
can anyone help me how can I add the glassfish from here? thanks
after days, weeks and so on. my problem is based on the java that is currently usin. JUNO eclipse should be based on java 8 onwards, I cannot add the glassfish adapter due to the compatibility of java,eclipse and glassfish.
I could install it manually adding the update site in Install new software menue instead the marketplace. Also needed JDK 8 for glassfish compatibility.

Java EE Glashfish server issue in eclipse

when i try to add a galsshfish sever in eclipse, it shows me the error as
"The server runtime require JRE 1.7 or higher" in my mac machine, even though i have installed Java 8. Please look into below image
I followed almost all the links in stackoverflow related to this problem, but none of the solution works for me.
Please help me.
Note: I have downloaded the netbeans with inbuilt plugin of glashfish sever and its working fine.

Netbeans 7.2 not starting

I recently installed Netbeans 7.2 beta and it worked fine. Then I installed Netbeans 7.2 final release on top of beta and during the installation, Netbeans 7.1 and Netbeans 7.12 were there. Now when I launch Netbeans, it does not go beyond "loading modules" stage. Simply the Netbeans screen disappear few seconds after the launch. Then I did the following.
Uninstalled all the Netbeans versions and re-installed Netbeans 7.2
Deleted AppData/Netbeans folder
Deleted User/.nbi folder
Searched the registry and deleted Netbeans related entries. (But only one entry was found)
Deleted Netbeans Folder in Program Files folder.
Uninstalled and Re-installed in a separate drive.
Uninstalled and Re-installed under another user account.
None of the above worked, the only thing I did not try was to re-install the Windows XP operating system.
It there any option to try before re-installing the operating system?
I was having the same problem .... with netbeans 7.2 ,go to user/appdata/roaming/7.2/modules/ and delete all the jar files except docs,ext,locale folders ... and start the ide again... basically the problem betides when u update the ide after update when u start the ide it stuck to the loading module phase.
First of all, you need to check proper version of JDK is installed.
Netbeans 7.2 requires JDK 1.7, not 1.8.
You can check {Netbeans Install Path}/etc/netbeans.conf. There find netbeans_jdkhome and its value. Make sure you install JDK1.7 and this line netbeans_jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25" for example.
If not, change the value to proper installation path.
That's some stability issue with NetBeans 7.2
Just Kill and Restart the IDE and it should be fine.
Make sure that right JDK directory chosen in the installation wizard if you not sure you can change it from
C:\Program Files\NetBeans {netbeans version}\etc
you will see a file which is
edit it(I am using Notepad++ for that)
At the bottom of the file, you will see a line
netbeans_jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\{jdk directory you want}"
make sure it is valid JDK and it is JDK, not JRE
I had the same problem, make sure you have the required JDK version configured during the installation process.
First tried everything to no avail, finally I had to uninstall NetBeans 7, then install NetBeans 8, which also aligned with my JDK 8. This resolved the issue for me. Hope this helps others.
Ah, finally this worked with me on version 11.3, delete this folder, then run the program again
here my main username is Dell, yours can be different ofcourse
I found out in my Windows installation of Apache Netbeans 12.4, the file '' in 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\12.4\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\core\windows' was filled with null values. I fixed the issue with letting netbeans generate a new file by moving this '12.4' directory to somewhere else on the disk, starting Netbeans, letting it generate a new ''-file, stop it, replace the corrupt file in with this newly generated file and put the '12.4' directory back in place.

NetBeans IDE 7.0 <Missing Java EE Server>

I created my Java EE Project with GlassFish server and Java EE 6. It was working good when i was created the project, but i closed my netbeans(there wasn't any fault just closed the NetBeans) and started my NetBeans.
Then problem on the title has faced. And i re-installed my NetBeans
many times. So i can't solve it. PLEASE HELP ME! NETBEANS GEEKS!
I'm not sure if you solved this already but I had this same problem just now. All I did to fix it was select a new server from the list provided when you click on the 'resolve this issue' after right-clicking on your web project. I selected apache tomcat, not the bundled version but the one I installed onto my computer and setup myself. The project then accepted that as the proper server to use and ran just fine.
Right click on the project and it gives at the bottom an option to resolve Server references, so once you click there, it gives the option to add the server (tomcat or glassfish), that worked for me.
Go to the following place in your project's directory:
and check if the paths to GlassFish are correct in the file for the following properties: