eclipse debugger: attaching source-code of maven dependencies? - eclipse

I'd like to use the source code of maven-managed dependencies when debugging our webapp in myEclipse 8.
I have managed to attach the sources to the libraries in the "Maven Managed Dependencies" classpath container, i.e. when I open a class file from a dependency (e.g. using Ctrl-Shift-T), I see the source code.
However, when I define a server connector for my tomcat, deploy the wepapp to it, and launch it in debug mode and execution halts on a breakpoint in that same class, the editor pane only displays the text "source not found", and a button to edit the "source lookup path". I have attempted to manually add the "Maven Managed Dependencies" classpath container, only to be told "Use maven project settings to configure depedency resolution". However, I see no useful setting in that property pane ...
How can I attach those sources? I am aware that this works with the m2e plugin and wtp, but I'd rather avoid convincing the rest of my team to switch plugins ...

Looks like issue MNGECLIPSE-983
I have confirmed that if I manually pick the External Archive option and find the relevant -sources jar (navigating that big .m2/repository tree to find it) and then add the jar as a sources it does work, and surprisingly it does remember the next time which isn't too bad.
That's at least doable I think for me because we don't often need to step debug through external dependencies, but when we do, it's often frequent, so adding it once while a bit of a pain, can be done on a case by case basis.

I have since discovered that this problem only occurs if the server is launched using a launch configuration.
The problem does not occur if the server is started by:
click the server icon in the toolbar -> context menu appears
mouse over the intended server -> submenu appears
click on "Start"
While this precludes sharing the server configuration by checking the launch configuration into version control, it at least allows seamless debugging.

Please do the following steps in Eclipse IDE(Tested with Version: 3.5.2),
In Package Explorer, Right Click on the Project which integrated with Maven container.
Select Maven 2 and then select "Fetch Source JARs".
The above action wil fetch sources of all the 3rd party jars present in the Maven Classpath.

Just put the .m2/repository/ folder itself with the search subfolders option.


Eclipse does not show source code of maven dependencies in debug view

I've filed a bug by now: 495662 - Source Lookup: Not seeing source code in the debug view.
My issue sounds familiar but it can't be since that issue appears to be fixed. However,
I have set a breakpoint in a class coming from a dependency (via maven). The source code got downloaded but as the program reaches the line all I get to see is
Source not found.
I've tried to add lookup paths by clicking at "Edit Source Lookup Path..." but nothing changed. I don't know what I have to add such that the debugger finds the sources.
It appears that this stopped working for all my dependencies.
How did I break my source lookups and how can I fix it?
Could be important:
I am running my tomcat from a maven build these goals:
tomcat7:run-war -am -pl mz-web-server -Denv=dev
but this hasn't been a problem so far.
Further, none of my maven dependencies e.g. gwt-user*.jar or `spring*.jar or anything are listed in the Source Lookup Path. There is only the "Default" path which doesn't contain it either - shouldn't those jars be somewhat listed there?
After downloading Eclipse Mars 2, removing my project completely and re-importing it without any .settings, .project or .classpath files, I am still seeing this problem. I can't tell if this is really an Eclipse bug but at this point I don't know what else it could be.
I also tried removing C:\Users\<username>\.eclipse and restarted the IDE without different results.
These are the included libraries under Maven Dependencies. As you can see e.g. spring-security-core-*.jar is included and the source is pointing to the local maven repository. Clicking on edit I see the full path C:/Users/Stefan/.m2/repository/org/springframework/security/spring-security-core/4.0.3.RELEASE/spring-security-core-4.0.3.RELEASE-sources.jar and yes, the file is really there.
My Classpath Variables:
I don't know what the actual problem was and why it stopped working. As you can take out of my question I actually downloaded a clean version of Eclipse, checked out the naked project and imported it with maven without results.
However, I found this com.ifedorenko.m2e.sourcelookup plugin. The link was provided in "Java Debugging: Source not found".
Go to Help > Install New Software .. and use
to search for the links. After installing this plugin I was finally able to debug the source code of dependencies.
Tested for Eclipse Neon:
Press 'Edit Source lookup ...', press Add button for 'Java Classpath Variable' in dialog and choose M2_REPO variable and press 'Extend...'.
Then choose source jar file for wanted dependency from file system tree.
After that press 'OK' on all dialogs and relaunch debug process.

Eclipse Mars - Web Application - Tomcat - Maven - Deploy and Debug

Is there a foolproof simple method to run and debug a Simple (tutorial level) Maven Web App in a local apache tomacat server from Eclipse Mars?.
I am developing a web app and I am able to run it sometimes, and sometimes not, and I am able to debug it sometimes, and sometimes not. Its a bit frustrating.
My current preference is to run the project from a Maven configuration having as goal tomcat:run. It builds and runs always, but it wont debug, i.e. if I place a breakpoint within my Java code in the servlet code, it is not reached. (some times it is reached the first time I run the project, but then it fails to find the source code of some file, and stops breaking for the subsequent runs...)
I have tried also "Debug on Server" configuration, but then, in that case I had to run a Maven install before running the project or, otherwise, some classes would not be found. And that also stopped working now. It just cant find some of the classes from src, although the Web Deployment Assembly configuration has the source being deployed into WEB-INF/classes.
(you may have been downvoted because there are a few questions lumped in to one. I'll try to answer them all because I'm all too familiar with your pain)
Eclipse's maven integration is notoriously flaky when it comes to debugging webapps, even with MARS. You can indeed use tomcat6:run or tomcat7:run for webapps. Here's a few 'best practices' that keep me sane:
Always execute 'clean' as part of the goal.
Make sure you follow the standard maven WAR project layout. You can break from this but have to be careful to specify all the overridden paths for META-INF etc.
When you stop/kill the process in Eclipse, you will often find that the process actually continues running but has detached itself from eclipse.exe as a parent process. You need to manually kill the java.exe process or you'll find 'port already in use' errors. ProcessExplorer is very useful for keeping an eye on this.
When you hit a breakpoint and it says 'source not found', there are a few things you can try.
Add your maven installation under window-preferences - maven/installations. Set this as the default one.
In your run configuration, make sure that you are using your system installation instead of the embedded one.
When you hit a breakpoint, close the editor and then reopen it by clicking on the point in the debug tree.
So you are trying to debug a maven project with goal "tomcat:run" in Eclipse and the application is breaking at the breakpoints set but you are getting "Source not found" error.
Follow the below steps to fix this:
Go to your debug configuration
In the Main tab, make sure you have "Resolve Workspace artifacts" checked
Make sure the Base Directory is set as your maven project
In the Source tab, make sure you have added your project as a "Java Project" or "Workspace" or "Project"
Step 4 is important, Add -> Java Project/Project and select your project

Maven multimodule projects linking in eclipse

I have a maven multi module project which has 5 modules. Some of my modules depend on one or more other modules, I am successfully able build the project and in eclipse also I am not getting any errors. However there is one problem which is bothering me, when i ctrl + click in my code and the class is defined on some other project eclipse does not open the file in the editor. I know i can attach the source code using maven but still i wont be able to make changes to that file.
Is there any way to be able to link projects in eclipse through maven?
Is there any way to be able to link projects in eclipse through maven?
That behaviour is the default. To check if for some reason that default is not in effect for your project, right click your project (the project you want to jump from) and go to "Maven". If there is an option "Disable Workspace Resolution" the workspace resolution is switched on, meaning you can theoretically jump from that project.
If you still cannot jump, then the project you want to jump to is not in your workspace. Take into account that for eclipse to identfy one project as dependency of another, everything including version must match.
Also check what rest_day said. You must have the projects importet as maven projects, but running eclipse:eclipse is not required anymore with current (up to ca 2 year old) eclipse.
Did you import the projects as Maven projects?
Also, could you go to the root of the project and run mvn eclipse:eclipse
Full name:
Generates the following eclipse configuration files:
.project and .classpath files
.setting/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs with project specific compiler settings various configuration files for WTP (Web Tools Project), if the parameter wtpversion is set to a valid version (WTP configuration is not generated by default)
If this goal is run on
a multiproject root, dependencies between modules will be configured
as direct project dependencies in Eclipse (unless useProjectReferences
is set to false).
Instead of Ctrl+Click, click on the identifier and press F3. If you now see a red text reading "Current text selection cannot be opened in an editor", you've been hit by this bug.
See this question for a solution: How do I get rid of "Current text selection cannot be opened in an editor" in Eclipse?

How to run an eclipse m2e webapp project on a local server?

I'm trying to create a simple webapp as a maven project with m2e to help me manage dependencies, but I'm must be missing something, because I'm not able to run the project from eclipse.
To put a bit more context, here is what I do:
First, I choose to create a "Maven project"
Then, I select the "maven-webapp-archetype"
Finally, I fill the basic project information form of the next step and finalize project creation. Everything looks fine at this point.
The problem is that when I try to run the project, I don't find anything suitable to run the project on a local server:
Also, from the "Add and remove..." context menu entry of the local server, my project doesn't appear in the list of web projects.
Did I miss a step in the setup, or is there an other more suitable way to start the project?
You should install the m2e-wtp connector.
You can install this from: Window, Preferences, Maven, Discovery, click Open Catalog and search for wtp. Check the box next to m2e-wtp, and click Finish.
Once the installation process has completed, allow it to restart Eclipse. After that, you may need to right click on the project, choose Maven and Update project.

How can I add my application to Tomcat in Eclipse?

I have a web app built with Maven.
Most of the time, I built the application using Intellij IDEA, but now I want to import the application in Eclipse to see something in this IDE.
After mvn eclipse:eclipse, I add in Eclipse the app, but when I try to add the app to the server (tomcat), I receive:
There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server
You need the project to have a Eclipse Dynamic Web Module facet. You can try doing this via the project properties dialog and looking at project facets, then clicking the appropriate check box. This may not be available however, so you may need to do the next thing.
Create a backup of your project and follow the directions at This'll allow you to modify the project facets via your eclipse .project file.
Keep in mind, once you add those facets, you cannot change them back via Eclipse. Definitely make sure you have a backup before starting.
This step worked for me:
Right-Click on the Project Name, then
Maven-->Update Project..
Click OK
After doing this I was able to see my project in Add/Remove Programs.
As mentioned somewhere else adding Eclipse WTP didn't do any good, however I performed the above step after I had already added Eclipse WTP, so I am guessing that may not be needed.
This was done for Eclipse Juno.
Hope this helps someone.
Edited: You can follow this link as above mentioned I think might have needed WTP and that add a lot of other things into the workspace.
Check whether Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP is installed. If not, install it from Eclipse Marketplace
After installation restart Eclipse
Right click your project and Maven--> update project configuration
Delete tomcat and re create tomcat (clean tomcat,add your project,publish and enjoy)
I've got Tomcat 6, Java 1.6, and was trying to get it to work in Eclipse Juno Service Release 1's "internal server" (whatever that's called.) Here's what I did that worked for me:
(Found these instructions at
I should point out that I followed ClutchDude's instructions to make my project a Dynamic Web Module facet. It didn't work on its own for me, but maybe it was part of making it work in the end.
Using Eclipse (or other text editor), open the file
Find the line that reads
<installed facet="jst.web" version="3.0"/>
3.0 is for Tomcat 7.x (so says mkyong.) Change it to 2.5 (or 2.4).
I restarted Eclipse and it worked for my project.
The reason why this is happening is because eclipse by default looks for the deployment descriptor in the folder {project.home}/Webcontent/WEB-INF/web.xml where as the Maven puts them in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml.
So when you are trying to add your project onto the server eclipse cannot find a deployment descriptor and hence you get the annoying message.
This can be solved by adding the following entries in .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common which can be found in
Project home folder in your workspace if it is a new maven project.
The folder where you already imported from if you are using Import -> Maven projects.
Make the following changes in to the org.eclipse.wst.common
wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/webapp"/. Add this entry.
Edit --> property name="java-output-path"
Please check the following link from more details.
The comments section has an excellent example with a working project.
This issue was fixed for me my installing additional eclipse modules. in particular, the ones related to m2e-wtp. just do a search for m2e in the plugins search listing for your version of eclipse
If you face an error like "There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server",
1) Go to the META_INF of your websvcsEAR and go to the application.xml.
2) Goto modules-> clickDetails and add the module that is existing. i.e., some EAR which your project demands.
3) Click ok
4) Now go to your server -> right click -> add and remove -> add your EAR.
Maybe you don't need add your application to the server's configuration. I think that you must use m2e eclipse plugin in order to launch the app.
For example, in your eclipse you will see a contextual menu called "Run as" if you right-click on your pom file. You can clicking on "Maven build" and Maven will download all the information needed to start tomcat.
I hope this helps you.
I used
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0
in command line in the folder where I had my pom.xml. Then I refreshed the project in eclipse IDE. After that I was able to add my project.
I was able to resolve this by removing my EAR project from my Eclipse workspace, then re-importing it.
Well, with a Spring and maven project, i got it that way:
Eclipse Version: 2019-06 (4.12.0)
Java 1.8
Tomcat 7
Yes, go to Project Properties >> Facets >> select Dynamic Web Module but dont apply yet!!!
Right under, it should appear a link Further Configuration Available. Click on it, otherwise one will have to edit .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component manually. Update source directory to src/main/java. (source)
Then in Facets window check Java - mine was pointing to 11 even though i don't have Java 11 installed or configured like a JRE runtime. I could only add/remove when changed to 1.8. (source). Note: That was really the problem, why don't Eclipse get this configuration automatically from the project?
Finally Eclipse creates some directories like WEB-INF and META-INF, just delete them.