Scala: var List vs val MutableList - scala

In Odersky et al's Scala book, they say use lists. I haven't read the book cover to cover but all the examples seem to use val List. As I understand it one also is encouraged to use vals over vars. But in most applications is there not a trade off between using a var List or a val MutableList?. Obviously we use a val List when we can. But is it good practice to be using a lot of var Lists (or var Vectors etc)?
I'm pretty new to Scala coming from C#. There I had a lot of:
public List<T> myList {get; private set;}
collections which could easily have been declared as vals if C# had immutability built in, because the collection itself never changed after construction, even though elements would be added and subtracted from the collection in its life time. So declaring a var collection almost feels like a step away from immutability.
In response to answers and comments, one of the strong selling points of Scala is: that it can have many benefits without having to completely change the way one writes code as is the case with say Lisp or Haskell.

Is it good practice to be using a lot of var Lists (or var Vectors
I would say it's better practice to use var with immutable collections than it is to use val with mutable ones. Off the top of my head, because
You have more guarantees about behaviour: if your object has a mutable list, you never know if some other external object is going to update it
You limit the extent of mutability; methods returning a collection will yield an immutable one, so you only have mutablility within your one object
It's easy to immutabilize a var by simply assigning it to a val, whereas to make a mutable collection immutable you have to use a different collection type and rebuild it
In some circumstances, such as time-dependent applications with extensive I/O, the simplest solution is to use mutable state. And in some circumstances, a mutable solution is just more elegant. However in most code you don't need mutability at all. The key is to use collections with higher order functions instead of looping, or recursion if a suitable function doesn't exist. This is simpler than it sounds. You just need to spend some time getting to know the methods on List (and other collections, which are mostly the same). The most important ones are:
map: applies your supplied function to each element in the collection - use instead of looping and updating values in an array
foldLeft: returns a single result from a collection - use instead of looping and updating an accumulator variable
for-yield expressions: simplify your mapping and filtering especially for nested-loop type problems
Ultimately, much of functional programming is a consequence of immutability and you can't really have one without the other; however, local vars are mostly an implementation detail: there's nothing wrong with a bit of mutability so long as it cannot escape from the local scope. So use vars with immutable collections since the local vars are not what will be exported.

You are assuming either the List must be mutable, or whatever is pointing to it must be mutable. In other words, that you need to pick one of the two choices below:
val list: collection.mutable.LinkedList[T]
var list: List[T]
That is a false dichotomy. You can have both:
val list: List[T]
So, the question you ought to be asking is how do I do that?, but we can only answer that when you try it out and face a specific problem. There's no generic answer that will solve all your problems (well, there is -- monads and recursion -- but that's too generic).
So... give it a try. You might be interested in looking at Code Review, where most Scala questions pertain precisely how to make some code more functional. But, ultimately, I think the best way to go about it is to try, and resort to Stack Overflow when you just can't figure out some specific problem.

Here is how I see this problem of mutability in functional programming.
Best solution: Values are best, so the best in functional programming usage is values and recursive functions:
val myList = func(4);
def func(n) = if (n>0) n::func(n) else Nil
Need mutable stuff: Sometimes mutable stuff is needed or makes everything a lot easier. My impression when we face this situation is to use the mutables structures, so to use val list: collection.mutable.LinkedList[T] instead of var list: List[T], this is not because of a real improvement on performances but because of mutable functions which are already defined in the mutable collection.
This advice is personal and maybe not recommended when you want performance but it is a guideline I use for daily programming in scala.

I believe you can't separate the question of mutable val / immutable var from the specific use case. Let me deepen a bit: there are two questions you want to ask yourself:
How am I exposing my collection to the outside?
I want a snapshot of the current state, and this snapshot should not change regardless of the changes that are made to the entity hosting the collection. In such case, you should prefer immutable var. The reason is that the only way to do so with a mutable val is through a defensive copy.
I want a view on the state, that should change to reflect changes to the original object state. In this case, you should opt for an immutable val, and return it wrapped through an unmodifiable wrapper (much like what Collections.unmodifiableList() does in Java, here is a question where it's asked how to do so in Scala). I see no way to achieve this with an immutable var, so I believe your choice here is mandatory.
I only care about the absence of side effects. In this case the two approaches are very similar. With an immutable var you can directly return the internal representation, so it is slightly clearer maybe.
How am I modifying my collection?
I usually make bulk changes, namely, I set the whole collection at once. This makes immutable var a better choice: you can just assign what's in input to your current state, and you are fine already. With an immutable val, you need to first clear your collection, then copy the new contents in. Definitely worse.
I usually make pointwise changes, namely, I add/remove a single element (or few of them) to/from the collection. This is what I actually see most of the time, the collection being just an implementation detail and the trait only exposing methods for the pointwise manipulation of its status. In this case, a mutable val may be generally better performance-wise, but in case this is an issue I'd recommend taking a look at Scala's collections performance.

If it is necessary to use var lists, why not? To avoid problems you could for example limit the scope of the variable. There was a similar question a while ago with a pretty good answer: scala's mutable and immutable set when to use val and var.


What goes on behind the scenes when adding immutable collections in Scala?

Working in Scala, I have encounter immutable items, for this example immutable.Map. There are times where code that I do not control (Spark) returns an immutable.Map that I want to process and add elements too. I am using the following approach, because it compiles and runs. I am hoping the computer is smart enough to do this efficiently, but do not believe I should make that assumption.
var map: immutable.Map[Int, Double] = getMapFromSomewhere()
var i = 0
while(i < 5){
map += (i -> 0.0)
i +=1
I am hoping that this takes my new map item, places it into memory and does not make a copy of Map, that has to be cleaned up by garbage collection. Should I be creating a mutable.Map from my immutable.Map to do these types of operations instead?
When you "add" to an immutable collection, you are really creating a new Collection, which ideally and usually shares the same memory and data with the old Collection. This is safe, because since the Collections are immutable, you don't need to worry that a change in one will corrupt the other.
Your code is... not so great. That's a terribly ugly style for Scala, and your types are off. (There's no such thing as "immutable.Map[Double]", since Map takes two type parameters. You are building an immutable.Map[Int,Double], I guess.)
Here's a less ugly way to build what you are trying to build:
(0 until 5).map( i => (i, 0.0) ).toMap
or, more precisely, since you may be starting with a nonempty map
getMapFromSomwhere() ++ (0 until 5).map(i =>(i, 0.0))
Reserve mutable data structures for special cases where you really need them, and use them only if you have carefully thought through how you will manage any concurrency or if you can guarantee there will be no concurrent access. Your default in Scala should be immutable datastructures built and manipulated in a functional style, avoiding explicit external iteration of the sort in your example. You should use the keyword "var" only rarely, like mutable datastructures, only for special cases you have thought through carefully.
The data structures in functional programming languages are not just simply immutable(their reference can't be changes once it is created) but also persistent. By persistent means it reuses the existing collection for some of the operations. For example, in Scala prepending an element to the list is optimized(So when you are using list, you should think append operation as kind of pushing an element to stack).
Similarly, other collections are optimized as well for other operations.
I gave you few references that help you to get more understanding on persistent data structures in functional programming.
Persistent data structures in Scala

Disadvantages of Immutable objects

I know that Immutable objects offer several advantages over mutable objects like they are easier to reason about than mutable ones, they do not have complex state spaces that change over time, we can pass them around freely, they make safe hash table keys etc etc.So my question is what are the disadvantages of immutable objects??
Quoting from Effective Java:
The only real disadvantage of immutable classes is that they require a
separate object for each distinct value. Creating these objects can be
costly, especially if they are large. For example, suppose that you
have a million-bit BigInteger and you want to change its low-order
BigInteger moby = ...;
moby = moby.flipBit(0);
The flipBit method
creates a new BigInteger instance, also a million bits long, that
differs from the original in only one bit. The operation requires time
and space proportional to the size of the BigInteger. Contrast this to
java.util.BitSet. Like BigInteger, BitSet represents an arbitrarily
long sequence of bits, but unlike BigInteger, BitSet is mutable. The
BitSet class provides a method that allows you to change the state of
a single bit of a millionbit instance in constant time.
Read the full item on Item 15: Minimize mutability
Apart from possible performance drawbacks (possible! because with the complexity of GC and HotSpot optimisations, immutable structures are not necessarily slower) - one drawback can be that state must now be threaded through your whole application. For simple applications or tiny scripts the effort to maintain state this way might be too high to buy you concurrency safety.
For example think of a GUI framework like Swing. It would be definitely possible to write a GUI framework entirely using immutable structures and one main "unsafe" outer loop, and I guess this has been done in Haskell. Some of the problems of maintaining nested immutable state can be addressed for example with lenses. But managing all the interactions (registering listeners etc.) may get quite involved, so you might instead want to introduce new abstractions such as functional-reactive or hybrid-reactive GUIs.
Basically you lose some of OO's encapsulation by going all immutable, and when this becomes a problem there are alternative approaches such as actors or STM.
I work with Scala on a daily basis. Immutability has certain key advantages as we all know. However sometimes it's just plain easier to allow mutable content in some situations. Here's a contrived example:
var counter = 0 {e =>
counter += 1
Of course I could just have the map return a tuple with the payload and count, or use a collection.size if available. But in this case the mutable counter is arguably more clear. In general I prefer immutability but also allow myself to make exceptions.
To answer this question I would quote Programming in Scala, second Edition, chapter "Next Steps in Scala", item 11, by Lex Spoon, Bill Venners and Martin Odersky :
The Scala perspective, however, is that val and var are just two different tools in your toolbox, both useful, neither inherently evil. Scala encourages you to lean towards vals, but ultimately reach for the best tool given the job at hand.
So I would say that just as for programming languages, val and var solves different problems : there is no "disavantage / avantage" without context, there is just a problem to solve, and both of val / var address differently the problem.
Hope it helps, even if it does not provide a concrete list of pros / cons !

Efficient way to build collections from other collections

In Scala, as in many other languages, it is possible to build collections using the elements contained in other collections.
For example, it is possible to heapify a list:
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
val l = List(1,2,3,4)
val pq = PriorityQueue(l:_*)
val pq = PriorityQueue[Int]() ++ l
These are, from my point of view, two quite different approaches:
Use a variadic constructor and collection:_* which, at the end of the day, dumps the collection in an intermediate array.
Build an empty target collection and use the ++ method to add all the source collection elements.
From an aesthetic point of view I do prefer the first option but I am worried about collection:_*. I understand form "Programming In Scala" that variadic functions are translated into functions receiving an array.
Is it, in general, the second option a better solution in terms of efficiency?
The second one might be faster in some cases, but apparently when the original collection is a Seq (such as your List), Scala tries to avoid the array creation; see here.
But, realistically, it probably will not ever make a difference anyway unless you are dealing with huge collections in tight loops. These kinds of things aren't worth worrying about, so do whichever one you like; you can spare the milliseconds.

What is the best way to manage mutable state?

I just finished Martin Odersky's scala class at Coursera. Scala being my first FP language, I was excited by the idea of limiting mutable state. This allows for much easier concurrency and also makes the code super maintainable.
While learning all this, I realized you could guarantee the mutability of an object as long as it had no mutable variables and only referenced immutable objects. So now I can do everything by creating a new state instead of modifying an old one, use tail recursion when possible.
Great. So I can only do this so far up the chain. At some point, my application needs to be able to modify some existing state. I know where put in concurrency control at this point, locks, blah blah. I'm still defaulting to my standard multi-threaded concurrency control I've always used.
Oh scala community, is there a better way? Monads maybe?
EDIT: this question is a bit general, so I wanted to give a use case:
I have a machine learning algorithm that stores several collections of data. They have functions that return updated representations of the data (training, etc), all immutable. Ultimately I can keep this return-updated-state pattern going up the chain to the actual object running the simulation. This has a state that is mutable and holds references to the collections. I may want to distributed to multi-cores, or multi-system.
This is a bit of a subjective question, so I won't attempt to answer the 'which is best' part of it. If your chief concern is state in the context of multithreaded concurrency, then one option may be Software Transactional Memory.
There is an Implementation (see the quickstart) of STM as provided by Akka. Depending on your use-case, it might be heavy-weight or overkill, but then again, it might be preferable to a mess of locks. Unlike locks, STM tends to be optimistic, in the same way as database transactions are. As with database transactions, you make changes to shared state explicitly in a transactional context, and the changes you describe will be committed atomically or re-attempted if a conflict is detected. Basically you have to wrap all your state in Refs which can be manipulated only in an 'atomic' block - implemented as a method that takes a closure within which you use manipulate your Refs and ScalaSTM ensures that the whole set of operations on your state either succeed or fail - there will be no half-way or inconsistent changes.
This leverages Scala's implicit parameters - all operation to Refs require a transaction object as an argument, and this is received by the closure given to atomic and can be declared implicit, so all the code within atomic will can be written in a very natural yet safe style.
The catch is, for this to be useful, you do need to use the transactional data-structures provided; so that will mean using TSet instead of Set, TMap instead of Map. These provide all-or-nothing update semantics when used in the transactional context (within an atomic block). This are very much like clojure's persistent collections. You can also build your own transactional data structures out of Refs for use within these atomic blocks.
If you are not averse to parenthesis, the clojure explanation of refs is really good:
Depending on your use case you might be able to stick with deeply immutable object structures which you partially copy instead of actually mutating them (similar to an "updated" immutable list that shares a suffix with its original list). So-called lenses are a nice way of dealing with such structures, read about them in this SO question or in this blog post.
Sticking with immutable structures of course only works if you don't want changes to be globally observable. An example where immutable structures are most likely not an option are two concurrent clients working on a shared list, where the modifications done by client A must be observable by client B, and vice versa.
I suggest the best way is to store the mutable variable inside a Akka actor, use message passing in and out of the Akka actor to send and receive this mutable reference. Use immutable data structures.
I have a StorageActor as follows. The variable entityMap gets updated every time something is stored via the StoreEntity. Also it doesn't need to be volatile and still works.
The Akka actor is the place where things can change, messages are passed in and out into the pure functional world.
import java.util.UUID
import com.orsa.minutesheet.entity.Entity
case class EntityRef(entity: Option[Entity])
case class FindEntity(uuid: UUID)
case class StoreEntity[T >: Entity](uuid: UUID, entity: Option[T])
class StorageActor extends Actor {
private var entityMap = Map[UUID, Entity]()
private def findEntityByUUID(uuid:UUID): Option[Entity] = entityMap.get(uuid)
def receive = {
case FindEntity(uuid) => sender ! EntityRef( findEntityByUUID(uuid) )
case StoreEntity(uuid, entity) =>
entity match {
case Some(store) => entityMap += uuid -> store.asInstanceOf[Entity]
case None => entityMap -= uuid

Which scala mutable list to use?

This is a followup question to No Scala mutable list
I want to use a mutable list in Scala. I can chose from
Which is nice, but what is the "standard", recommended, idiomatic scala way? I just want to use a list that I can add things to on the back.
In my case, I am using a HashMap, where the "lists" (I am meaning it in general sense) will be on value side. Then, I am reading something from a file and for every line, I want to find the right list in the hashmap and append the value to the list.
Depends what you need.
DoubleLinkedList is a linked list which allows you to traverse back-and-forth through the list of nodes. Use its prev and next references to go to the previous or the next node, respectively.
LinkedList is a singly linked list, so there are not prev pointers - if you only traverse to the next element of the list all the time, this is what you need.
EDIT: Note that the two above are meant to be used internally as building blocks for more complicated list structures like MutableLists which support efficient append, and mutable.Queues.
The two collections above both have linear-time append operations.
ListBuffer is a buffer class. Although it is backed by a singly linked list data structure, it does not expose the next pointer to the client, so you can only traverse it using iterators and the foreach.
Its main use is, however, as a buffer and an immutable list builder - you append elements to it via +=, and when you call result, you very efficiently get back a functional immutable.List. Unlike mutable and immutable lists, both append and prepend operations are constant-time - you can append at the end via += very efficiently.
MutableList is used internally, you usually do not use it unless you plan to implement a custom collection class based on the singly linked list data structure. Mutable queues, for example, inherit this class. MutableList class also has an efficient constant-time append operation, because it maintains a reference to the last node in the list.
The documentation's Concrete Mutable Collection Classes page (or the one for 2.12) has an overview of mutable list classes, including explanations on when to use which one.
If you want to append items you shouldn't use a List at all. Lists are good when you want to prepend items. Use ArrayBuffer instead.
I just want to use a list that I can add things to on the back.
Then choose something that implements Growable. I personally suggest one of the Buffer implementations.
I stay away from LinkedList and DoubleLinkedList, as they are present mainly as underlying implementation of other collections, but have quite a few bugs up to Scala 2.9.x. Starting with Scala 2.10.0, I expect the various bug fixes have brought them up to standard. Still, they lack some methods people expect, such as +=, which you'll find on collections based on them.