Unknown error while generating a push notification certificate - iphone

Have anyone experienced this error, from the Apple's developer console?
The strange thing is that according to the next screen, everything has been perfect:
At last, my push notification does not work, and I wonder If the problem comes from this "error".
It comes just after uploading the CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequestfile generated by the Keychain Access application.

Section Configure your app in iOS Provisioning portal in http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/iphone-sdk_apns/ mentions clear steps to generate the push notifications enabled provisioning certificate.

I finally found the problem !
I has this error message on Google Chrome (v19.0.1084.56), and when I tried on Safari everything worked perfectly.
I didn't try on other web browser.


Facebook Login: App not setup: this app is still in development mode

When I try to use Facebook login during development I have this message appear in the web browser.
First, I got added to the Facebook app. This could solve the problem but I was still seeing this message. What I came to find was that I had previously signed into a different Facebook on the simulator I was testing on. After going to Safari and logging into the account associated with the Facebook app everything worked as planned.

iOS 6 the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application

In some iPhone 5 devices we have an error when trying to call Facebook login:
The error is:
"the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application id"
I many times checked that application id is specified correctly.
Strange, that on other devices same app is working correctly.
Please, could you help, what the reason of that?
All developers of a particular app, should be known to Facebook. While the application is in Sandbox mode (i.e. developer only access), all every user who want to use the Facebook platform, for testing/developing the application, will have to be added as a developer (as shown below) -
Just goto https://developers.facebook.com/apps/, and add the user, in the list of developers/admins.
More than likely the app is "sandboxed", so only developers have access. If this is the case you'll have to use a developer account on the iPhone.
Go to iOS settings > Facebook
Log out with your "personal" account
Log in with the developer account (to be safe us the dev account that you created the app with)
This worked for me.
I faced this problem. For me the issue was that I hadn't added the iOS platform for the app. Go to the Facebook developer page, then select your app. In the left nav bar go to settings. Then add platform. Ensure that your bundle identifier is correct. Then it should work.
If you have been testing with a sandbox facebook app and then receive this error when switching to the production app make sure you have published the app in the status & review tab.

Pushnotification in xtify in iPhone

In my app i have to Use Xtify for Pushnotification.
Using this i download ios sdk and register my application and got my AppKey and replace it in XtifyGlobal.h
Now,After that i created some Notification related to my app In TARGET Menu.
My problem is i successfully received message in Inbox tab as show in image and got badge on app icon.But i don't received any sound or notification while received message.
What is my mistake or is it right what i do for xtify?
Please guide me.
Thanks in advance.
After long effort i soled my Problem.
My problem is just because of i upload wrong certificate.
I extract iPhone Developer certificate instead of Apple Developement ios push certificate and upload it.
After change it and upload it again i received Notification and message.
Hope this will help someone.

Facebook connect integration error

I am integrating facebook into my iPhone application.
Single sign on method works when i sign in via safari.
But after i install facebook app and click "Connect to Facebook", app taking me to Facebook app. And there is a error message on top
" is misconfigured for Facebook login. press okay to go back to the application without connecting it to facebook"
What might be the problem?
Please advice, Thank you.
So, this is probably going to sound like two of the lamest potential fixes ever, but I just had this problem...
I went from using the previous version of Facebook iOS SDK to the newest one, and one of the few things changes I made was adding the FacebookAppID && 4*******7. So, I deleted the APP ID and tried again and it worked. I recommend you check the AppID and spelling of FacebookAPPID in your plist.
Do you have multiple versions of your App on your simulator or device? Delete the old one and it might fix it, it was kicking me over to an older version of my app, and trying to resign me into the app when I was already signed in.
Hope it works for you,

Push Notifications Certificates Question

Push notifications are not working for the App Store version of my app, while the development version does work. After spending an hour looking through my code, I realized that it's probably the certificate I am using to sign my app! Before, I was using a wildcard App ID to generate a certificate (com.Apple.*). If I use the correct App ID, do you think it would start working? Again, everything works with the development certificate. Thanks for your help!
You'll need a fully qualified provisioning profile to add push notifications to your App. If you switch to the correct App ID, your notifications should work fine. Remember though, to make sure the App IDs & bundle IDs match exactly.