uiwebview defined programmatically is not visible - iphone

I am defining a uiwebview programmatically and its delegate and requests are done but still no visible! why? Thank you
//do some loads on webviewSocial defined on IB and then set it to nil in order to init it after.
self.webViewSocial = nil;
self.webViewSocial = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 44, 320, 389)];
self.webViewSocial.autoresizingMask=(UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight |
[self.webViewSocial setDelegate:self];
[self.vistaSocial addSubview:self.webViewSocial];
If I set a new webview it works but problem seems that webviewsocial is set on IB and after this coding is not visible anymore.

Some general notes:
make sure that self.vistaSocial is not nil
make sure that self.vistaSocial is added to self.view
Also dont release the webView and then reinitialize it
Just change the properties of the existing webView
For example if you want to change the frame of the existing webView and moving it to the new super view, you would do the following
self.webViewSocial = CGRectMake(0, 44, 320, 389);
[self.vistaSocial addSubview:self.webViewSocial];
You dont need to release it and reinitialize a new one

I suggest removing webViewSocial as an IB object since you're actually making it nil then re-initializing it programmatically, it's redundant.
If clearing your browser history is the ultimate goal, try this instead:
[webViewSocial stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.body.innerHTML = \"\";"];


SSCollectionView SSCollectionViewItem - no Items displayed

I ran into difficulties with SSCollectionView and SSCollectionViewItem.
First of all I'd like to get it initialized from IB. But that won't work for me.
I have a SelectFooViewController which is:
#interface SelectFooViewController : SSCollectionViewController { ... }
and am using it as filesOwner of the corresponding XIB.
SelectFooViewController* selectFooVC = [[SelectFooViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:#"SelectFooViewController" bundle:nil];
But since it wont work I had to initialize its properties inside viewDidLoad() myself.
Furthermore I am not able to display anything except the backgroundColor of my SSCollectionViewItems. What I want is a textLabel and an image .
- (SSCollectionViewItem *)collectionView:(SSCollectionView *)aCollectionView itemForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
SSCollectionViewItem *item = [[[SSCollectionViewItem alloc] initWithStyle:SSCollectionViewItemStyleImage reuseIdentifier:itemIdentifier] autorelease];
SSLabel* label = [[SSLabel alloc] init];
[label setText:#"foo"];
item.imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"foo.png"]];
item.textLabel = label;
[label autorelease];
return item;
I can confirm that the delegate methods (for determining the number Of rows, sections and such) are implemented and working as expected. But my items are all empty - but react onclick with the expected popup.
Does anyone see an error in what I did? - Thanks...
EDIT: I was also not able to display a local image by changing SSCatalog project
I just figured out, that I have to set the frame of each property (textLabel, detailTextLabel and imageView) myself. That fixed it.
When you create instance SelectFooViewController just insert this line
selectFooVC.view.hidden = NO;
And then add it to the view.
This is because the view is not initalised until you explicitly access it. Hence your items are loaded only when you click it and not immediately. You can call it a hack but i don't call it one. :-)

How do i properly discard a subview?

I have a problem with my app where the code for which is far too long to go into, but suffice to say when i'm removing a UIView and replacing it with a new one like so:
NSLog(#" .. %#", (Icon *)[self viewWithTag:index]);
Icon *icon = (Icon *)[self viewWithTag:index];
CGRect frame = icon.frame;
int tag = icon.tag;
[icon removeFromSuperview];
[icon release];
Icon *icon2 = [[Icon alloc] init];
icon2.frame = frame;
[icon2 makeIconStandardWithTag:(int)tag];
[self addSubview:icon2];
It does some weird thing where that NSLog the first time (because the view is already there) shows that the object is an icon, but the second time after running this code shows that it's a UIImageView for some reason now, and it displays what i presume to be the original icon at some odd position on the screen. It's very erratic behaviour. But what i do know is this:
Removing the [icon removeFromSuperview]; line, although keeping the object there, stops this behaviour and causes the NSLog to return an Icon, as it should.
So my guess is that it's not removing icon correctly. Is there a way to completely remove icon, or is removeFromSuperview as far as i can go. What i could do is just have it set to alpha = 0 but this is more of a patch-over solution and not how i want to solve it.
"Is there a way to completely remove
icon, or is removeFromSuperview as far
as i can go"
You can set the object to nil:
icon = nil;
Can you verify what "self" is in this line of code:
It might not be what you think.
[self addSubview:icon2];
NSLog(#" Self is %#", self);
This is a guess, but try setting self.tag to -1 or some other value that doesn't collide with the tags you're setting on your Icon objects. The viewWithTag: method searches the current view and its subviews for a match, so if self.tag == 0 and you call [self viewWithTag:0], you'll get self.
Did you retain icon somewhere prior to this? If not, no need to release it after the call to removeFromSuperview. Similarly, unless you need the reference to icon2 elsewhere, you can release that after calling addSubview.
Views retain views added via addSubview, and they release views removed via removeFromSuperview.

how to add uiview in uiscrollview iphone/ipad

I want to add a custom uiview in my viewcontroller scroll view. and i am using below code but it not working. and not adding my viewThumbnail in scrollview.
my viewThumbnail contains a imageview.
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
viewThumbnail *objTemp =[[viewThumbnail alloc] init];
objTemp.frame = CGRectMake(i*165, 0, 126, 161);
[self.scrlViewRecent addSubview:objTemp];
[scrlViewRecent setContentSize:CGSizeMake((161 + 10)*10, 180)];
and if i use below code then it added blank view instead of viewThumbnail object
viewThumbnail *headContentView = [[viewThumbnail alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(i*161 + (i*10), 0, 161, 140)];
[headContentView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor brownColor]];
[self.scrlViewRecent addSubview:headContentView];
So please suggest me where i am doing wrong.
You are calling different init methods, make sure your setup code for the viewThumbnail actually gets called. Not sure if self.scrlViewRecent is the correct view to add to (lacking context here).
Also some observations:
Class names should start with uppercase letter (ViewThumbnail)
scrlViewRecent saves 2 characters out of 16 but makes it hard to read
Your loop is most probably lacking
your viewThumbnail objects. Make
sure you release them somewhen.

uniimageview not updating after views tranistion

I have one main view where I display an image, in the method viewDidLoad:
ballRect = CGRectMake(posBallX, 144, 32.0f, 32.0f);
theBall = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:ballRect];
[theBall setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"ball.png"]];
[self.view addSubview:theBall];
[laPalla release];
Obviously, the value of posBallX is defined and then update via a custom method call many times in the same class.
theBall.frame = CGRectMake(posBallX, 144, 32, 32);
Everything works, but when I go to another view with
[self presentModalViewController:viewTwo animated:YES];
and come back with
[self presentModalViewController:viewOne animated:YES];
the image is displayed correctly after the method viewDidLoad is called (I retrieve the values with NSUserDefaults) but no more in the second method. In the NSLog I can even see the new posBallX updating correctly, but the Image is simply no more shown...
The same happens with a Label as well, which should print the value of posBallX.
So, things are just not working if I come back to the viewOne from the viewTwo... Any idea???????
Thanks so much!
You should use dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: to switch back to viewOne from viewTwo instead of trying to present viewOne modally.
Also note that viewDidLoad is called only once - after the view controller's view is loaded into memory. If you want to perform an action once a view comes back on screen, you should do so in viewWillAppear:.
Both of these points are discussed in the UIViewController class reference and in the View Controller Programming Guide.

IB objects vs manually allocated objects in init/viewDidLoad

When I programmatically allocated a UILabel in my custom initWithNibName method, and later in viewDidLoad, tried to assign a string to it, the label was not pointing to anything. I didn't release it; the label shows on the screen. If I create the label in IB, and assign text to it in viewDidLoad, it works.
Is it against a rule to set up manually allocated objects in viewDidLoad?
Why is it not pointing to anything, even though viewDidLoad is called after my init?
From the doc of viewDidLoad:
This method is called after the view controller has loaded its associated views into memory. This method is called regardless of whether the views were stored in a nib file or created programmatically in the loadView method. This method is most commonly used to perform additional initialization steps on views that are loaded from nib files.
In my init:
_descriptionLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 218, 280, 10)];
_descriptionLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
_descriptionLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
_descriptionLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:12.0];
_descriptionLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = NO;
_descriptionLabel.text = #"Description not found.";
_descriptionLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
In viewDidLoad, the variable's value is 0x0.
It's the same with my manually allocated UIButton, which is fully working once the view loads.
If you want to create the UILabel programatically you can, but you still do it in viewDidLoad (as opposed to initWithNibName).
Don't be afraid to do UI setup in viewDidLoad. It is provided to add any static UI elements BEFORE the view appears on screen.
The view will not appear until just before viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated is called.
If you have dynamic content configure it in viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated. (This looks like your situation)
Then make sure you add it to the view:
[self.view addSubview:myLabel];
If you need future access to your new label, you will need to create an ivar to hold a pointer to it.
In the code posted, the _descriptionLabel UILabel is not retained and will be released before the view is drawn.
_descriptionLabel = [[[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 218, 280, 10)] retain];
Make sure you put [_descriptionLabel release] in dealloc. This assumes _descriptionLabel is an instance variable.
This basically applies to any object you create with alloc, copy, or new.