JPA/EclipseLink: Does EntityManager.getTransaction() create a new transaction or return the active one? - jpa

I am using EclipseLink 2.3.0. I have a method that I am calling from a unit test (hence outside of a container, no JTA) that looks like this:
EntityManager em = /* get an entity manager */;
// make some changes
The changes were NOT being persisted to the database, and looked at this for a long time and finally realized that EntityManager.getTransaction() is actually returning a NEW EntityTransaction, rather than the same one in both calls. The effect is that the first call creates a new transaction and begins it, and the second call creates ANOTHER transaction and commits it. Because the first transaction was never committed, the changes are not saved. We verified this like this:;;
Which resulted in these log messages:
INFO: org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.transaction.EntityTransactionImpl#1e34f445
INFO: org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.transaction.EntityTransactionImpl#706a4d1a
The two different object ID's verifying that there are two different instances. Changing the code to this:
EntityManager em = /* get an entity manager */;
EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
// make some changes
... remedied the problem. Now when I run the code, I see the SQL statements generated to do the database work, and looking in the database, the data has been changed.
I were a bit surprised by this outcome, since I have seen numerous code examples online (for JPA generally and for EclipseLink specifically) that recommend the code we used for managing transactions. I searched far and wide for information specifically about this but have not found anything. So what's going on?
I looked in the JPA spec for something that specifies exactly what getTransaction() does and it was not specific if the transaction is new or the same. Is there a setting in persistence.xml that controls this? Is the behavior specific to each implementation of the JPA spec?
Thanks so much for any information or guidance.

Using getTransaction() does work in JPA and in EclipseLink (this is how our own tests work).
My guess is you are doing something else very odd.
Are you using Spring, or another layer?
Please include the entire code and persistence.xml for your test. Ensure that you are not using JTA in your persistence.xml.

The JPA spec (see paragraph 7.5.4) has explicit examples showing the use of getTransaction() to begin and commit the transaction. So your code should be fine.
Your test shows that you get two different objects, but that doesn't mean the same transaction is not used. Maybe the returned object is just some proxy to a single, real, transaction object.
Or maybe the transaction is committed or rollbacked inside the code hidden under // make some changes.

Have u tried to use persist before commit: ?
Employee employee = new Employee("Samuel", "Joseph", "Wurzelbacher");


Play Framework - JPA - #Transactional error?

I'm experiencing a very strange behaviour with Transactions using play-2.2.2 with JPA and Eclipse-Link.
My Controller-Action is annotated with #Transactional like this:
public static Result submitOrder() {
// class does call private Methods which persist some entities (methods not annotated)
Action is calling private methods to persist data (This should happen in the same transaction since no other Transaction is started).
During the Methods calls (at random locations) data gets written to db (inserts and updates). Debuging shows that the same (active) transaction is used before and after the write. EntityTransactionImpl:commit is never executed and transaction stays active until request is finished ( watched play.db.jpa.JPA.em().getTransaction() )
How is it possible that the data is written although transaction is still active?
It breakes the setRollbackOnly Mechanism since already written data isn't rolled back.
May there be any kind of Timeout that issue these writes.
Can you suggest any debug-entry-point to narrow down the problem (where can i start debuging the actual write-operations, if not in EntityTransactionImpl:commit)?
Dependencies in build.sbt
The above described behaviour seemed very odd at first, but then i read about FlushMode and now it makes sense.
The FlushMode of eclipselink as well as hibernate is set to FlushModeType.AUTO
FlushModeType.AUTO automatically flushes Entities to the DB when it thinks it's neccessary. This can be because of an readable operation (Query) on a Persited (but not flushed) Entity but it also happened somehow randomly during my observations.
This breaks the rollback-on-failure mechanism, which I thought must be the standard behaviour of #Transactional.
To achive a propper rollback (on failure or if setRollbackOnly() is set), of all persisted but not flushed entities on transcaction commit, you have to explicitly set the FlushMode at the beginning of your Action.
If you're using Eclipselink, you can also set the following property to make it default behaviour:
<property name="eclipselink.persistence-context.flush-mode" value="commit" />
Links which helped me understand:
Eclipselink Context Flushmode
what to use flush mode auto or commit
performance tuning hibernate

Reusing entity manager by em.clear() or creating a new entity manager?

In my case of application managed transaction, I've to choose between:
Using one single EntityManager and calling clear() before each new transaction. Share the EntityManager using a ThreadLocal.
Creating a new EntityManager for each transaction.
I don't have much experience on JPA. My question is which one is better in terms of performance?
I would recommend creating a new EntityManager per transaction. This is the way JPA was designed. The EntityManager should not be an expensive object to create. (the EntityManagerFactory is very expensive though, so ensure you only have one of those).
The link provided by okwap is very helpfull. To make sure it will not slip through, and to follow the board rules, I put a copy here:
- an EntityManager contains a persistence context, that will track
everything read through it, so to avoid bloated memory, you should
acquire a new one, or clear it at some point
- if you read the same object through two different EntityManager you
will get different objects back, so will loose object identity, which
is something to consider
Based on that, I will add, that reading through two different EntityManager may even give objects with different content, if a database transaction was performed by someone else in the meantime. But if reading repeatedly through the same entitymanager, the 2nd read wil just get the objet from the entitymanager cache, so the newer state wil just not be visible.

How to persist JPA entities even when EJB method throws an exception?

I have an EJB, whose method (among other things) persists JPA entity. If the method throws an error, the transaction is rolled back and the entity is not persisted.
However, I do want that entity to be persisted regardless of any exceptions, that might occur in the EJB method.
I'm using WebSphere 7.0, EJB3.0, JPA 1.0 (OpenJPA that is in WAS), DB2, if it matters.
I tried setting #TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) on top of EJB; with that, entity is not persisted even if there is no exception. I also tried commiting transaction myself (em.getTransaction().commit()), but getTransaction() throws exception (because transactions are managed by container).
Use bean-managed transactions.
public class MyEJB {
private EntityManager _em;
private UserTransaction _utx;
public void myEJBMethod() {
// Use _em
// Do other work that might throw an exception.
Alternatively, use TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW as suggested by edalorzo.
I am not an expert on EJBs, but I have been dealing with JPA and transactions for a few days now.
I recently answered another question about how entities resided in a context, and how this works in Java EE applications, the context is linked with your JTA transaction.
You can see details of this answer by clicking here. I think it is useful to understand how to context works in order to comprehend the nature of problems like the one you describe.
If you do not provide transaction support, then there is nothing to persist from the container standpoint, and therefore, your changes to the context are transient.
Also you have to consider that once an exception occurs, your context becomes invalid, and the entities in it get detached. (There are a few exceptions to this, like NoResultException).
Thus, from that point on, if you want to commit something, you need a new JTA transaction, with a new fresh JPA context in order to be able to commit changes to the database.
As I said, I am not an expert in EJBs, but if your method fails due to exceptions and you still would like to retry the transaction again by re-invoking the method, then you could force a new transaction to be created every time the method is invoked and by this, you would create a new fresh JPA context.
On the other hand, if you want your modifications to the entities to be persisted, regardless of exceptions in the method, then you might like to consider moving the code that is updating the entities to a new EJB method defined to start a new transaction (TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) every time you invoke it.
By the time this second inner method finishes, your work over the transactions will be automatically flushed to the database, regardless of the outer method of you EJB failing.
Basically, you would be providing a new context for your entities, and linking such context to a new transaction, scoped to commit when the inner method completes.
The natural behavior in EJB containers, as far as I understand, is that ever method joins the already existing transaction, and this is what you might like to prevent, from my point of view.
Another alternative: if you want to control your context using a different transaction support then you might like to consider providing a resource-local based persistence unit and you can manually instantiate your entity manager and control transaction scope as you wish. But honestly, this does not sound like a good idea to me, at least no in the context of the problem that you described.

Create new or update existing entity at one go with JPA

A have a JPA entity that has timestamp field and is distinguished by a complex identifier field. What I need is to update timestamp in an entity that has already been stored, otherwise create and store new entity with the current timestamp.
As it turns out the task is not as simple as it seems from the first sight. The problem is that in concurrent environment I get nasty "Unique index or primary key violation" exception. Here's my code:
// Load existing entity, if any.
Entity e = entityManager.find(Entity.class, id);
if (e == null) {
// Could not find entity with the specified id in the database, so create new one.
e = entityManager.merge(new Entity(id));
// Set current time...
e.setTimestamp(new Date());
// ...and finally save entity.
Please note that in this example entity identifier is not generated on insert, it is known in advance.
When two or more of threads run this block of code in parallel, they may simultaneously get null from entityManager.find(Entity.class, id) method call, so they will attempt to save two or more entities at the same time, with the same identifier resulting in error.
I think that there are few solutions to the problem.
Sure I could synchronize this code block with a global lock to prevent concurrent access to the database, but would it be the most efficient way?
Some databases support very handy MERGE statement that updates existing or creates new row if none exists. But I doubt that OpenJPA (JPA implementation of my choice) supports it.
Event if JPA does not support SQL MERGE, I can always fall back to plain old JDBC and do whatever I want with the database. But I don't want to leave comfortable API and mess with hairy JDBC+SQL combination.
There is a magic trick to fix it using standard JPA API only, but I don't know it yet.
Please help.
You are referring to the transaction isolation of JPA transactions. I.e. what is the behaviour of transactions when they access other transactions' resources.
According to this article:
READ_COMMITTED is the expected default Transaction Isolation level for using [..] EJB3 JPA
This means that - yes, you will have problems with the above code.
But JPA doesn't support custom isolation levels.
This thread discusses the topic more extensively. Depending on whether you use Spring or EJB, I think you can make use of the proper transaction strategy.

JPA NamedQuery does not pick up changes to modified Entity

I have a method that retrieves Entities using a NamedQuery. I update a value of each entity and then run another named query (in the same method and Transaction) filtering by the old value and it returns the same Entities as if I had not changed them.
I understand that the EntityManager needs to be flushed and also that it should happen automatically but that doesn't make any difference.
I enabled hibernate SQL logging and can see that the Entities are not updated when I call flush but when the container transaction commits.
EntityManager entityManager = getPrimaryEntityManager();
MyEntity myEntity = entityManager.find(MyEntityImpl.class, allocationId);
// Flush the entity manager to pick up any changes to entity states before we run this query.
Query countQuery = entityManager
// we're telling the persistence provider that we want the query to do automatic flushing before this
// particular query is executed.
countQuery.setParameter("stateId", State.CHECKING);
Long count = (Long) countQuery.getSingleResult();
// Count should be zero but isn't. It doesn't see my change above
To be honest I'm not that familiar with JPA, but I ran into similar problems with Hiberate's session manager. My fix was to manually remove the specified object from Hibernate's session before querying on it again so it's forced to do a lookup from the database and doesn't get the object from cache. You might try doing the same with JPA's EntityManager.
I've just had the same issue and discovered two things:
Firstly, you should check the FlushMode for the persistence context
and / or the query.
Secondly, make sure that the entity manager is
exactly the same object for both transaction management and query
execution. In my case, I had Mockito spy on the entityManager, which
was enough to break the transaction management.