How to kill my app from multitasking using code in iphone? - iphone

I am looking for a way to kill my app (using code) with a UIbutton and do not keep it on multitasking.
I have tried :
- exit(0);
- applicationWillTerminate
but these 2 methods kill the app but don't stop it from multitasking.

There is no way to programmatically remove your application from the task bar, also please note that if you use any of the methods you wrote in your answer, your application will be rejected by apple

Omar's answer is right (so +1 for him for being faster than me, as usual). You're supposed to give the user the control of deciding when to kill your application and not kill the application yourself.
There is one way to quit the app that appears to work, which is to add the "UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend" key to your app's Info.plist file. When the user puts the app into the background (i.e. home button or incoming call), the app will quit. More information is available in this related question]( Hope this helps!


Is it possible to quit iOS app after we do some checks

We don't want the user enter our app if the app is out-dated.
Is that is possible to quit a iOS app when we do some date check BEFORE the app launch?
Or it is possible to quit the application after the main view is loaded?
Before the app launches: no. The launch animation is already in progress when the OS calls main.
After some time (1-2 sec): yes. You can use one of
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] terminateWithSuccess];
so many ways, but neither will go through AppStpre - you're not supposed to close your app programmatically. You're supposed to notify the user via an UIAlertView about the outdated app and disable interaction with the app.
According to Apple you cannot exit(quit) your application through code. i.e if you use exit(0). Your application will be rejected for that. Although you can use exit(1) and delay the exit time of your application. Or you may like to use local notification which is quite handy.
Don’t Quit Programmatically
Never quit an iOS application programmatically because people tend to
interpret this as a crash. However, if external circumstances prevent
your application from functioning as intended, you need to tell your
users about the situation and explain what they can do about it.
Depending on how severe the application malfunction is, you have two
Display an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests a
correction. A screen provides feedback that reassures users that
there’s nothing wrong with your application. It puts users in control,
letting them decide whether they want to take corrective action and
continue using your application or press the Home button and open a
different application
If only some of your application's features are not working, display
either a screen or an alert when people activate the feature. Display
the alert only when people try to access the feature that isn’t

Killing iOS app upon user request

So here is the issue I am facing. Certain portions of the application I am building open some c network sockets that allow connections to various servers/services. However, if the application goes to sleep, these socket connections are lost, and error out when trying to reload them. So what I want to do is basically notify the user when the app launches again, that the application needs to be restarted. The main question is, can I present them with a button that will kill the app by using exit(0) without my app getting rejected?
Apple says that the user should be in control of when the app is killed, and in this case I see that they are, but I am not sure of Apple's opinion on this. Has anyone else used this? Have you been rejected for this? Thanks in advance for any advice!
Thank you everyone for your advice. I am trying to take everything into consideration, but because the app needs to be submitted ASAP, I just need to know, if we can not get another solution, if the above proposed solution, will get rejected or not.
Your application delegate receives notifications when significant events affect the life of the application. Rather than ask your user to recreate a session, you should attempt to discontinue network operations and then resume them at the appropriate times in the application's lifecycle automatically.
You can gracefully kill network sockets (amongst other things) in any number of places as the application prepares to exit or enter the background via callbacks in your application delegate:
Potentially reconstruct sockets in:
Have you tried not allowing the app to run in the background? Then it will be killed whenever the user exits to the home screen. This might be a bit aggressive, but would solve the problem. From Apple's opting out of background execution:
"If you do not want your application to remain in the background when
it is quit, you can explicitly opt out of the background execution
model by adding the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key to your
application’s Info.plist file and setting its value to YES.
When an application opts out, it cycles between the not running,
inactive, and active states and never enters the background or
suspended states.
When the user taps the Home button to quit the application, the
applicationWillTerminate: method of the application delegate is called
and the application has approximately five seconds to clean up and
exit before it is terminated and moved back to the not running state."
See also: How to prevent my app from running in the background on the iPhone
The documentation is pretty explicit about this, "There is no API provided for gracefully terminating an iOS application." See Technical Q&A QA1561
How do I programmatically quit my iOS application?.
To be blunt, terminating an app to cleanup a socket is just like dealing with memory management by forcing an app to exit instead of calling release.
What about bringing up a modal view controller telling the user to quit the application? You could make this view controller without any dismiss button, so the user is obligated to kill the app.

programmatically prevent app from running in background iOS

I have an app that will run in the background but there is one case where I do not want that to happen, can I achieve this programmatically?
I know I can opt out by changing this plist value but what about at run time?
Add the variable UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend (Application does not run in background) to your applications plist and assign the value YES.
You can close the app by calling exit(0) in applicationDidEnterBackground.
You can't use exit(0) b/c apple does not allow you to close the app without user knowing it.
From Technical Q&A QA1561 How do I programmatically quit my iPhone application?.
There is no API provided for gracefully terminating an iPhone
application. Under the iPhone OS, the
user presses the Home button to close
applications. Should your application
have conditions in which it cannot
provide its intended function, the
recommended approach is to display an
alert for the user that indicates the
nature of the problem and possible
actions the user could take - turning
on WiFi, enabling Location Services,
etc. Allow the user to terminate the
application at their own discretion.
Calling exit() is discouraged, and not informing the user that the app is going to terminate is also discouraged. So you need to get the OS to kill your app (as it normally would do over a long enough period of operation) while simultaneously informing the user. One way of doing this, while using only legal APIs, is to dirty absolutely as many memory pages as possible (malloc and bzero), then call Safari with a URL to a hoggish website explaining why the app is going to quit. Safari will require enough memory to display the website that your app will be terminated by the OS, just as the user is being properly informed.
Sleeping until the OS kill timer kills your app will also kill your app, but this non-responsive delay will lock up the UI, which isn't a good user experience.

how to quit (exit) an app in iPhone4 sdk

How can I quit iPhone4 app? When I use exit(0) the app goes in the background. I want to quit the app instead of sending it to the background.
iPhone apps shouldn't have a quit button. The user quits by pressing the main button.
From Apple's docs: (
People quit an iPhone application by opening a different application. In particular, note that people don’t tap an application close button or choose Quit from a menu. In iOS 4.0 and later, and on certain devices, the quitting application moves to a suspended state in the background. All iPhone applications should:
Be prepared to quit at any time. Therefore, save user data as soon as possible and as often as reasonable.
Save the current state when stopping, at the finest level of detail possible. For example, if your application
displays scrolling data, save the current scroll position.
iPhone applications should never quit programmatically because doing so looks like a crash to the user. There may be times, however, when external circumstances prevent your application from functioning as intended. The best way to handle this is to display an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests how users can correct it. This helps users in two ways:
It provides feedback that reassures users that there’s nothing wrong with your application
It puts users in control, letting them decide whether they want to take corrective action and continue
using your application or press the Home button and open a different application
Set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend in your application's plist. This will cause the app not to go into the background under iOS4 when the user switches to another app.
Then have your app send an openURL: message to Safari when your app wants to exit. When Safari launches, your app will be terminated (by honoring the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend plist key).
If you point the Safari URL at a web page explaining why your app just stopped running, the user might be less likely to give it a 1-star rating.
Note that this procedure may or may not follow Apple's recommendations, but it does stay within legal public API use (e.g. even some of Apple's example apps launch Safari).
after that I put everything I had said I put this and it worked
- (Void) applicationDidEnterBackground: (UIApplication *) application
exit (0);
comes completely out of the application
in app delegate there is method call applicationDidEnterBackground
call the exit(0)

IPhone: Does my app need to support multitasking?

Is this now a mandatory requirement before uploading to the app-store? As I understand it, making my app compatible with multitasking is something extra that I need to implement. (?)
It's not something extra. It's an opt-out process. Read this Apple doc.
My personal opinions is that if you don't actively support multi-tasking, you should opt-out from it.
Your app does not need to take advantage of the multitasking features, but it DOES need to gracefully handle being put in the background and never receiving a notice that the application will quit. More specifically:
Under previous versions of the OS when the user quit the app (by pressing the home button) the App Delegate's
was called. Under iOS 4 pressing the device's home button instead puts the app in the background, calling the App Delegate's
When the app is brought to the foreground again the OS call's the App Delegate's
This most commonly caused trouble for older apps when state changes -- user preferences, data files, high scores, etc. -- were being written out and saved when applicationWillTerminate was called. Now that it's no longer being called, some apps fail to save user information.
Most anything that you were doing when applicationWillTerminate was called should now also be placed in applicationDidEnterBackground, depending on what your app does.
Additionally, it's possible that some things you were doing in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions will also need to be done in applicationWillEnterForeground, depending on what your app does.
It is not mandatory to support multitasking.
To disable multitasking, you can use the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key in your info.plist file, which may appear as "Application does not run in background."
See for more information.