Text Zoom in putty emacs - emacs

I'm currently using Emacs 23.1 on a remote server through putty. I would like to be able to zoom out (so I can view all my code when needed). I've tried several methods and none of them have worked.
Text-scale-decrease and text-scale-increase give no errors but don't change the text size
The zoom-frm plugin tells me that "symbol's function definition is void: query-fontset" when I attempt to use any of its methods (all dependencies listed are installed)
The doremi-frm plugin either gives no errors and does nothing, or complains about face-remap (depending on what function is used)
I'm wondering at this point if zoom is possible within putty, and if so how do I get it to work properly.
P.S. Opening a remote X11 session with the Emacs GUI is not an option.

You need to config putty instead.
Open putty, then right click > Change Settings > Window > Fonts on the left panel to change font size.

What Emacs are you using? You say Emacs 23.1, but that has `query-fontset' (as do also older and more recent Emacs versions, from GNU Emacs 20 to the latest GNU Emacs 24 dev build).
Likewise, GNU Emacs 23.1 has face-remap' and all of its relatives,face-remap-*'.
I can't answer the putty questions, but can you check in some other way whether Emacs at the remote end actually zooms OK using any of the methods you describe? IOW, try to remove putty from the equation, to see what happens.


cursor size emacs installed through guix

I have an Arch-linux system and I just installed guix. Using Guix, I installed emacs. When I use the pacman-installed emacs all is well but when I use the guix-installed emacs, the mouse cursor gets really small every time the mouse hover over the emacs window.
I have an hidpi screen which should be the cause but I don't know why the mouse does not recognize the dpi of the system when using guix-installed emacs.
emacs version is 28.1 (same as the system-wide version of emacs)
I use i3 wm
EDIT: I did the test and the problem does not happen when I use sway (Wayland wm) instead of i3. I guess this is a problem between Xorg and guix.
I'm on Debian and I have the same issue as you. I've tried the regular ways to increase cursor size like setting Xcursor.size in ~/.Xresources, but to no avail. Then, I realized that Guix set a XCURSOR_PATH. My fix was to set XCURSOR_PATH manuall in .xinitrc to both the path from Debian and Guix:
export XCURSOR_PATH=/usr/share/icons/:/home/munen/.guix-profile/share/icons

Using Emacs as external editor of Xilinx ISE, how to change the related buffer to current buffer when click a design file?

It has been like one year or so since I started to learn Emacs, and I do like its power and flexibility as a general text editor. When I had tried its Auctex mode for LaTeX/TeX, I knew I will never go back to read which TeX editor I should use. When I had tried its Pyhon mode, I knew I will never be bothered to choose a Python editor/IDE. Well, the same feeling for the VHDL mode of Emacs.
I do not intend to implement Emacs as a whole FPGA design solution (although I tried that). Instead, I prefer to use Emacs just as an external editor (Xilinx ISE in my case) and follow the design sequence according to the ventor's specific IDE. So according to this Editor Options, I set the editor options in my ISE {C:\Program Files (x86)\emacs\bin\emacsclient.exe} +$2 $1. However if I use runemacs.exe as suggested by Xilinx, everytime I clicked a file in ISE a new Emacs will be started. With the emacsclient.exe it helps a bit.
When I clicked a file in ISE now, its corresponding buffer will be opened in Emacs. But the buffer remains invisible and I have to C-x b to it by my self.
Also if I clicked the error information in ISE's console, the file containing the error will be opened in the background of Emacs with the cursor in the error position.
While it is not a big deal if I compare the benefits and drawbacks brought by Emacs VHDL mode, I do like Emacs can change the file I opened in ISE to the current buffer. So the question is how to set Emacs or Xilinx ISE to change Emacs's current buffer to the one I opened or clicked in ISE?
I suppose it should be some configuration related to Emacs rather than settings in ISE (obvious there is not too much choice in ISE's options). It maybe a simple question but it's beyond my current knowledge of Emacs configuration. I really appreciate if someone here could help me on this issue. Thank you guys in advance:)
P.S. Sorry for my poor English expression. Hopefully you can understand my quesition.
With some configuration it's possible to tell Emacs to switch to the related buffer. However, you might want to consider opening a new window (frame in Emacs term) when you call the editor in ISE.
The command line parameter -c tells Emacs client to open a new frame
{C:\Program Files (x86)\emacs\bin\emacsclient.exe} -c +$2 $1

Emacs changes buffer when autosaving other window using tramp

I have two windows open in my Emacs session. Both are remote files opened using tramp. I make a change in window A and switch to window B without saving file in window A. When Emacs decides to autosave, the buffer displayed in window B is switched to the buffer from window A that was autosaved. This only happens when using tramp, not local files.
Another thing I have noticed is, that if I have the same file opened in two windows, because I need to reference something at another position in the file and save the file, the buffer I'm in sometimes jumps to the position that the point is in the other window, so I have to move around to get back to the place where I was editing.
Is this a bug or is there some setting that I have(n't) set? I suspect it is something related to refreshing the windows when saving.
i'm using Emacs 24.3 on OSX, but I have seen this using Linux too.
Sounds very much like a bug, to me. Can you reproduce this starting from emacs -Q (i.e., with no init file)?
If so, use M-x report-emacs-bug to give Emacs Dev the recipe. If not, bisect your init file recursively until you locate the culprit code. Then ask for more help here, if it's not clear how to fix the problem.

Emacs 24 Ubuntu Menu Panel

just installed Emacs 24 on a ubuntu precise OS. The menu bar in the top panel is missing a number of options (e.g. using Auctex, all the Latex options).
I recall seeing on the web somewhere that it was possible to have the menu on top of the Emacs frame rather than the unity default of the top panel. There is an answer on SO for how to enable the global menubar in ubuntu. Can someone please point me to how to disable it in the global menu until it gets to the point where they play well together.
Ubuntu has a hardcoded hack to disable the global menubar for applications matching certain filename patterns. emacs is among those, as is firefox, another popular program that suffers from the same sorts of problems of GTK detached menubars not updating in the usual way that X programs expect them to.
Try running update-alternatives to select emacs24 as your default Emacs, then use emacs to start it, rather than emacs24.
I was using the symlink method mentioned by #Bernhard Kausler, but found I couldn't pin the icon that resulted from staring emacs from the shell in this way without it reverting to using the global menu.
I got a working unity launcher shortcut with this .desktop file:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name[en_NZ]=Gnu Emacs 24
Name=Gnu Emacs 24
Now I can have emacs pinned to the launcher and it launches with its own menu bar.
You can just create a symbolic link to the emacs??? command you use to launch emacs, and if the symbolic link's name is exactly 'emacs', it will not use the global menu when launched.
This is a known bug with Emacs dynamic menus where changing major modes adds or removes entries from the menu.
It's unfortunate that the names of the blacklisted apps are hard coded into the appmenu-gtk package, and that there does not seem to be a way to add items without touching the source code.

emacs gud window use

How do I customize which window GUD will use when i issue commands - 'up', 'down', etc ? It seems to use an arbitrary window, sometimes even the window with gdb in it - I want to be able to specify a specific window to be used.
Have you considered borrowing the key bindings mentioned in the following question?
Emacs, switch to previous window
This question implies that GUD steps on some things if you don't add a parameter. Maybe your command bindings are being affected similiarly.
Using gdb in Emacs 23
I asked a buddy of mine about this issue and here is what he said.
Well, we used xemacs and so it's not exactly apples to apples here. I
do have gnu-emacs installed on cygwin and I can't replicate his
problem. I think he definitely needs to list a version # for emacs
and the version # for all his installed packages.
When you press up/down it calls 'previous-line' and 'next-line'
respectively which both move the cursor in the default buffer. The
only thing I can think is that he has something running that switches
buffers (lisp 'set-buffer') temporarily and maybe doesn't set it back
or errors b/f restoring the buffer? Better to use
'with-current-buffer' (or one of the other with-* forms) that saves
the current state of the ui runs your lisp code and restores the ui