cursor size emacs installed through guix - emacs

I have an Arch-linux system and I just installed guix. Using Guix, I installed emacs. When I use the pacman-installed emacs all is well but when I use the guix-installed emacs, the mouse cursor gets really small every time the mouse hover over the emacs window.
I have an hidpi screen which should be the cause but I don't know why the mouse does not recognize the dpi of the system when using guix-installed emacs.
emacs version is 28.1 (same as the system-wide version of emacs)
I use i3 wm
EDIT: I did the test and the problem does not happen when I use sway (Wayland wm) instead of i3. I guess this is a problem between Xorg and guix.

I'm on Debian and I have the same issue as you. I've tried the regular ways to increase cursor size like setting Xcursor.size in ~/.Xresources, but to no avail. Then, I realized that Guix set a XCURSOR_PATH. My fix was to set XCURSOR_PATH manuall in .xinitrc to both the path from Debian and Guix:
export XCURSOR_PATH=/usr/share/icons/:/home/munen/.guix-profile/share/icons


shift-end not working in emacs terminal mode

I have set up my emacs so that I can highlight regions with shift + arrows, PgUp, PgDown, Home and End keys, and in window mode that works fine. In terminal mode the combinations Shift+End and Shift+Home do nothing. All other combinations work. Has anyone else encountered this and knows how to fix it? I'm using Gnome Terminal 3.6.2 and emacs 23.3.1.
Not sure what you mean by "set up my emacs so that I can highlight regions with shift + arrows" since AFAIK this is the default behavior, but if they do nothing I think it's because these key combinations are somehow caught by your window-manager.
At least here on Debian, with gnome-terminal 3.12.2 they work just fine.
Gnome-terminal (actually the underlying vte widget) has recently received many emulation fixes, including fixing the keys with modifiers. Upgrading to a recent version will fix your problem.
I see the same problem on Ubuntu 14.04 with gnome-terminal.
This is a problem with gnome-terminal. If I use XTerm, then it works as expected. There is a similar problem with Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End. Those keys send the same key code as Home and End.

Ubuntu loses text-editor focus from time to time

I have just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04.3 LTS. An annoying thing I discovered is that, in eclipse and matlab, I cannot type text sometimes. The detailed phenomena are as follows:
Happens after using auto-completion (activated by customized shortcut alt+/), or switching from other windows, or pressing ctrl+z, etc.
Can use mouse to move cursor around, but keyboard does not respond.
Using alt-tab to switch back and forth can solve the problem.
And similar things are happening in matlab, whenever I hit tab . But gedit and browser are working fine. Wonder if anyone has encountered the same problem. Thanks.
Problem solved. It's really a conflict between out-of-date keyboard input methods and java programs in Ubuntu 12.04. See

How can I speed up Emacs DocView mode?

I'm using a fairly standard install:
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (installed less than a week ago)
GNU Emacs 24.1
And when I open a PDF file in Emacs, it's terribly slow. There's a 2-3 second delay when simply scrolling with the mouse, 1-2 second delay when using n, p, C-p, C-n, etc.
This is with a 20-page doc. With a 50-page doc like this one, Emacs becomes unusable (constant freezing), so the problem gets worse with document size.
How would I go about fixing this?
When I ran emacs -Q, the problem went a way. I isolated it to this line in my .emacs.d/init.el file:
(global-linum-mode 1)
If I comment that out and restart Emacs, I can scroll on PDFs and I get no UI delay whatsoever. If I turn it back on with M-x global-linum-mode, the long lag between mouse scroll and UI update comes back.
To disable linum-mode when you are in DocView mode, you can use the following setup file:
You can customize by editing line number 5

Emacs 24 Ubuntu Menu Panel

just installed Emacs 24 on a ubuntu precise OS. The menu bar in the top panel is missing a number of options (e.g. using Auctex, all the Latex options).
I recall seeing on the web somewhere that it was possible to have the menu on top of the Emacs frame rather than the unity default of the top panel. There is an answer on SO for how to enable the global menubar in ubuntu. Can someone please point me to how to disable it in the global menu until it gets to the point where they play well together.
Ubuntu has a hardcoded hack to disable the global menubar for applications matching certain filename patterns. emacs is among those, as is firefox, another popular program that suffers from the same sorts of problems of GTK detached menubars not updating in the usual way that X programs expect them to.
Try running update-alternatives to select emacs24 as your default Emacs, then use emacs to start it, rather than emacs24.
I was using the symlink method mentioned by #Bernhard Kausler, but found I couldn't pin the icon that resulted from staring emacs from the shell in this way without it reverting to using the global menu.
I got a working unity launcher shortcut with this .desktop file:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name[en_NZ]=Gnu Emacs 24
Name=Gnu Emacs 24
Now I can have emacs pinned to the launcher and it launches with its own menu bar.
You can just create a symbolic link to the emacs??? command you use to launch emacs, and if the symbolic link's name is exactly 'emacs', it will not use the global menu when launched.
This is a known bug with Emacs dynamic menus where changing major modes adds or removes entries from the menu.
It's unfortunate that the names of the blacklisted apps are hard coded into the appmenu-gtk package, and that there does not seem to be a way to add items without touching the source code.

Text Zoom in putty emacs

I'm currently using Emacs 23.1 on a remote server through putty. I would like to be able to zoom out (so I can view all my code when needed). I've tried several methods and none of them have worked.
Text-scale-decrease and text-scale-increase give no errors but don't change the text size
The zoom-frm plugin tells me that "symbol's function definition is void: query-fontset" when I attempt to use any of its methods (all dependencies listed are installed)
The doremi-frm plugin either gives no errors and does nothing, or complains about face-remap (depending on what function is used)
I'm wondering at this point if zoom is possible within putty, and if so how do I get it to work properly.
P.S. Opening a remote X11 session with the Emacs GUI is not an option.
You need to config putty instead.
Open putty, then right click > Change Settings > Window > Fonts on the left panel to change font size.
What Emacs are you using? You say Emacs 23.1, but that has `query-fontset' (as do also older and more recent Emacs versions, from GNU Emacs 20 to the latest GNU Emacs 24 dev build).
Likewise, GNU Emacs 23.1 has face-remap' and all of its relatives,face-remap-*'.
I can't answer the putty questions, but can you check in some other way whether Emacs at the remote end actually zooms OK using any of the methods you describe? IOW, try to remove putty from the equation, to see what happens.