Facebook feed image size - facebook

I'm trying to post a message on my wall via facebook graph api. I set a picture parameter (an external url) and a message parameter. The message itself contains a link. When the item gets posted to the feed, however, an image is shown as a very small thumbnail and there's a link to my website next to it (on the right). What i want to do instead is to make the thumbnail appear full width on the post (like when you post via facebook itself). I don't set the link to my website anywhere, only picture url and message parameters are set - so where is it comming from and is there a way to remove it and make the picture appear right below the message, taking full width of the post?
Thank you for your answers

To display a picture with full width, your picture size must be in 1200x630 for best display on high resolution device.
Facebook sharing best practice


Open graph image size different when posting via API than when manually pasting in the same URL

When I post an open-graph URL in a Facebook post manually for our site, I get the larger image size showing up (The layout where the large image is on top and other OG meta-data is underneath the image).
when posting manually http://item-photos.s3.amazonaws.com/OG-LargerPhoto.png
When I post the same exact open-graph URL via FB's API as a post to a group, I get the layout where the smaller image is on the left and the other meta data is on the right of it.
when posting via API http://item-photos.s3.amazonaws.com/OG-SmallerPhoto.png
I used the following restfb code to post the smaller photo:
def response = fbClient.publish("${groupId}/feed",
Parameter.with('message', "Some message to put in the message part of this post so it fills up the space a little bit...."),
Parameter.with('link', 'https://dev.qpquo.com/apps/market/FB/de9b6e4b-ed4d-433f-bb4c-ef3afae2ef45/bid/50b29f03-2bec-4ab7-ac2d-fd1e385383e8'))
I've tried with and without a message in the code and even a just a photo and not matter what I get a smaller the image layout. What do I need to do to get the larger image layout when I post via the FB Rest API?

Facebook post link - image cropping

After searching tons of sites about this topic I still have no idea what facebooks rules for image cropping are.
The scenario is:
My app posts links though the graph api on behalf of a user and passes pictures which have a resolution of 1200x627px (got the 'new' resolution from here: http://www.jonloomer.com/2013/09/12/facebook-ads-image-dimensions/).
So far so good. In a desktop-browser on the users timeline or on a friends stream the link is shown with a cropped version: 300px from left and right are gone, the image becomes 116x116px thumbnail. I could live with that and respect that in image-design. But...
On my android phone the image is also cropped but differently. There the image is cropped on all sides, leaving out approx. 150px at the top and bottom.
Of course only in the native app :(( If I use the mobile browser-version, the image is shown full - no cropping at all !!??
And if that wasn't enough, it changes when I use a different access-token for publishing!
When I get an access token with the Graph API explorer and publish the exact! same link, message, image... then the image is shown full on desktop browser.
Is there any way to control the cropping? Or does anyone know why changing the access-token results in different behavior?
Thanks in advance.

Posting a link via the Facebook graph API with a large picture

While it used to be the case that a link could only have a small (90x90) picture, it appears that links can now have larger pictures (e.g. 400x208) in your feed.
You can see this if you paste a link that has a large og:image into the "Update Status" field on the Facebook UI (e.g. http://allthingsd.com/20131003/facebook-tries-to-make-home-more-inviting-by-welcoming-photos-from-other-services/ )
It also seems that some 3rd party apps are able to post a link to your feed as well - For example, if I post the above link with HootSuite the picture appears in the large size.
But, when we've tried it with the graph API, we can't seem to get anything but the small 90x90 pictures with a link.
When using the Graph API, does anyone know what fields need to be passed into /me/feed (or /me/links) in order to get the bigger picture? It doesn't seem that link, title, description, and picture is enough - the picture still ends up being small in this case.
Not sure if you sorted this out yet. But I was able to post a large image and link using the below with PHP and cURL over OG.
$data['picture'] = "http://www.example.com/image.jpg";
$data['link'] = "http://www.example.com/";
$data['message'] = "Your message";
$data['caption'] = "Caption";
$data['description'] = "Description";
I followed this tutorial.
Obviously your source picture needs to be large. I think I used 900x900. It didn't come out that big. But it was considerably larger than 90x90 or anything else on FB.
You can add custom field list for returning object.
?type=large will return full size image.
responsePost = objFacebookClient.Post("/me/feed", parameters) + "?type=large";

No thumbnail shows on facebook, when I post a link to my site

I just published a new website. When someone tries to publish the link on Facebook, no thumbnail-options shows up, even though there are plenty of image-files to choose from.
When I post the link to the "gallery" section though, I get the option to choose a thumbnail from the images in the gallery only.
The url to the website: http://www.ridderhest.no
According to the debug tool: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ridderhest.no the image is being detected correctly from your tags and it appears to meet the size requirements, does it work it you change the image to be slightly larger? the minimum supported size is 50x50 and that's exactly the size of the image, maybe a 51x51 image works?

How do I get Facebook to use a thumbnail picture from my Posterous post?

When I share a link on Facebook from Posterous, I would like it to use a thumbnail image from that post or even the YouTube video.
Is it possible to do this?
At the minute if I share a link e.g. http://www.dan.ag/the-brick-thief-a-lego-short-film it will use the image_src meta that Posterous has set.
You should be able to put your own image in the post (and even hide it in CSS) just put it near the top.
Then, when you share the post in the box on Facebook it should show the in the list of pics to associate your post with ...
I'm assuming you aren't using the API?