Using PEAR to deploy a PHP web app? - deployment

Is it possible to package a PHP web app into PEAR format for automatic deployment? Like this:
pear install myPackage
and, to upgrade:
pear upgrade myPackage
But because I have a web app, I also need this to activate my web app on Apache config files.
From what I'm aware of, PEAR mostly contains libraries - but I've heard that it can be used to deploy complete web applications too. There's no information I could find regarding the subject. So I want to know is it possible that PEAR can also interact with web servers like Apache to manage creation of virtual hosts depending on my application?
Anyone already doing this?
Will appreciate your answers. Thanks

The PEAR installer is not directly able to modify your Apache vhost files, but you can write your own plugin that does that and gets automatically called when installing/upgrading.
Files in a PEAR package have a "role", for example php, test, doc and www. www is the one you want to use for public HTML, javascript and CSS files.
Apart from that, you can use your own roles and do things when files with that role get installed. Alternatively, you can also use post-install scripts in packages to restart your webserver or so.
Examples of a web applications deployed with PEAR are:
The PEAR website itself,
SemanticScuttle, a bookmark manager:


Using Nuget to Install into an IIS Applications Root Site

I have several ASP.NET application running under a common IIS Site and would like to use a NuGet package to transform their config while copying versioned JavaScript file to the IIS Site's Root application Content folder.
Can NuGet be used like this? I.e. can it be determine during package installation/updating which IIS Sites root application an ASP.NET project is being run under (using the preinit powershell script for example).
The tool you are looking for is Octopus Deploy It install nuget packages on IIS, as windows service, etc. Moreover it gives raeally nice GUI for management.
NuGet is a dependency manager, and as such is appropriate for use at development/build, not deployment time.
Take a look at Inedo's BuildMaster. It can take care of the process from source control through production deployment. There's also a free version that will most certainly handle your requirements, and it also has a module to manage your configuration files so you don't need to worry about doing transforms.
(disclaimer: I work for Inedo)

setting up ZEND framework for php informix

Our organization builds web applications using PHP/Informix.
Currently we do not have any frameworks and use our own libraries and modules.
Now we set up a new apache web server so that we could install and configure a framework where all brand new web applications can be developed.
I was thinking of setting up the Zend Framework.(Will it go with informix backend?). I have googled and looked around for information , but I thought would get some expert opinions from the experts here.
I need some advice as how to go about from scratch the correct way.
Installing,configuring,setting up a version control and writing a script to test all basic MVC features.
Any suggestions and references would be helpful.
If you are using Informix Dynamic Server as your backend, then yes you can use Zend Framework's native database classes and adapter for communicating with your Informix server.
Your requirements will be that PHP must be compiled with PDO support (enabled by default since PHP 5.1). You then need to download, compile, and install the PDO_IBM Pecl package.
In order to successfully build the PDO_IBM extension, you must have the DB2 client (9.1+) installed on your system already. When you compile the extension module, you must tell it the path to where those files are installed.
More information on PDO_IBM, and Zend_Db_Adapter talks a little bit about the available adapters (including PDO_IBM).
There is also a Pecl package PDO_INFORMIX for talking to Informix servers, but Zend_Db does not support this package. You will only be able to use Zend_Db_Adapter with PDO_IBM to communicate with IDS servers.
Hope that helps.

Deploying Sinatra App on Dreamhost

I'd like to deploy an app on Dreamhost, but couldn't find any relevant (or recent) guide on how to do so. Most related questions on this topic here are fairly old (+1 year or more), and seem to be from the pre RVM era (remember those days?.. :P).
I have SSH access and all that - anyone here done this (sinatra/rack app) and can provide some guidance? thanks.
If this is on a VPS (I am assuming since you have SSH access) you might want to look into Phusion's Passenger which simplifies deployment of ruby applications that use Rack.
Passenger includes an automated install script that can install your front facing proxying server (Nginx) and spit out the config used for each of your web apps.
To begin with Passenger just install the gem (gem install passenger) and then run the command it installs for you (passenger-install-nginx-module).
For further info check out

howtodeploy dotnetnuke webapplication in webserver

I created one dotnetnuke web application and also i worked with the database aslo, now i want to deploy in my webserver as a portal. How to deploy the dotnetnuke web application in my web server, I want the steps how to deploy the dnn application..
It depends because there are numerous scenarios.
A. Simple solution is to just copy DNN and its database to web server, as you can do with any other application. This is good option if you need to move all you have locally.
Copy file system with local dnn to web server
Restore dnn database to database server accessible to web server
Update PortalAlias table with webserver domain name
Update connection string(s) in web.confg to new database location.
B. More sophisticate options is If your app is made as one or more DNN modules. Than you need to create DNN module deployment package (ZIP file with DNN manifest files, acsx files, dlls, resources, SQL install scripts, etc…). Easy start is Create Module Package option in Module Definitions. When you have correct and complete module package you can install it to other DNN host installations.
If you will be deploying to a web "farm" (more than one server), this documentation from DNN can help

How to Deploy a Drupal Site on a Web Farm?

I would like to know how I should deploy a Drupal site when I'm using three servers?
Is it possible to deploy it with a Drupal module or something? If it is, how does that work?
update: I would like to know about the deployment of files and the configuration of the servers.
you should consider using drush.
among other useful things (automatic download and update of the modules)
it has a rsync wrapper that lets you synchronize files between hosts (./drush sync)
it's also used by the project aegir which is "a set of modules for Drupal that helps you maintain several Drupal sites."