howtodeploy dotnetnuke webapplication in webserver - webserver

I created one dotnetnuke web application and also i worked with the database aslo, now i want to deploy in my webserver as a portal. How to deploy the dotnetnuke web application in my web server, I want the steps how to deploy the dnn application..

It depends because there are numerous scenarios.
A. Simple solution is to just copy DNN and its database to web server, as you can do with any other application. This is good option if you need to move all you have locally.
Copy file system with local dnn to web server
Restore dnn database to database server accessible to web server
Update PortalAlias table with webserver domain name
Update connection string(s) in web.confg to new database location.
B. More sophisticate options is If your app is made as one or more DNN modules. Than you need to create DNN module deployment package (ZIP file with DNN manifest files, acsx files, dlls, resources, SQL install scripts, etc…). Easy start is Create Module Package option in Module Definitions. When you have correct and complete module package you can install it to other DNN host installations.

If you will be deploying to a web "farm" (more than one server), this documentation from DNN can help


How to upload pure HTML site with TFS build

Our web site solution consists of frontend folder, where pure html/css/js application resides, and an ASP.NET WebAPI backend. I am setting up a TFS build for dev and qa environment.
Currently, I have made WebAPI backend to publish automatically via WebDeploy. Html/js fronend also has a site setup on a target IIS machine where I am trying to deploy to. But WebDeploy only works with ASP.NET sites. What mechanism I could utilize to copy files of fronend to target folder on IIS machine?
This might help:
I haven't had a chance to test it myself yet.

Understanding lightswitch deployment

I wish to deploy a lightswitch application for a small company. I want a central server hosting the database and then the silverlight client to run inside the network connecting to the server and updating the database with clients, etc.
I have made a working system using the intrinsic database in VS2013, but now I come to deploy it and am having problems, despite hours reading MSDN and following tutorials.
I create a deployment package on my development machine, which I then install on the server, but I then need to create a client only package, which points to the server? Does this mean I need to specify the central database as an external data source? Or does this switch happen automatically? Can I publish only the server, and install that on the server machine, (I have already installed the web server package) then publish a separate client package for installing the application on the clients? I need all the clients to update a single database, not all have their own local copies and local databases...
When you "create a client only package" the intrinsic database is running on the client, so nothing point to the server.
A external data source is always external regardless of the app type.
What type of a LightSwitch Application you've selected?
A 2-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to the end-user computer.
A 3-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.
A 3-tier Web application runs in an end-user web browser. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.

Using Nuget to Install into an IIS Applications Root Site

I have several ASP.NET application running under a common IIS Site and would like to use a NuGet package to transform their config while copying versioned JavaScript file to the IIS Site's Root application Content folder.
Can NuGet be used like this? I.e. can it be determine during package installation/updating which IIS Sites root application an ASP.NET project is being run under (using the preinit powershell script for example).
The tool you are looking for is Octopus Deploy It install nuget packages on IIS, as windows service, etc. Moreover it gives raeally nice GUI for management.
NuGet is a dependency manager, and as such is appropriate for use at development/build, not deployment time.
Take a look at Inedo's BuildMaster. It can take care of the process from source control through production deployment. There's also a free version that will most certainly handle your requirements, and it also has a module to manage your configuration files so you don't need to worry about doing transforms.
(disclaimer: I work for Inedo)

How to manually install umbraco on webhosting?

How to manually install umbraco on webhosting?
I purchased web hosting through arvixe, which provide umbraco installation (one time free, and charge for any additional upgrades like installing extensions).
They provide a one click installer through web gallery, which states that umbraco 4.9
However, I am just as confused to HOW and WHERE to start installing umbraco to web host.
I successfully installed on my local pc thru' web matrix, but what about here (web hosting), there is just web gallery. What should I do? Am I missing anything? Please help.
Just use FTP to copy your local installation to your webserver, modify the web.config to point to the new database and your website should be up and running.

Orchard partial deployment to production

I'm currently looking into Orchard CMS to use for my new projects. With other CMS systems that I use, information related to new functionality is sometimes stored in the database (data, configuration, language items). Deploying this functionality to a production site (already running with it's own database ect.) is done using packages which "install" the data in the production database.
How is this done using Orchard? Or is all functionality file-based and can it be easily deployed using XCopy when a site is already running in production?
There is an import/export feature that you can use to transfer data and settings between Orchard instances.