Installing mod_perl-2.0.7 on Apache httpd-2.4.2 - perl

I am having an infuriating time trying to get an install of apache with perl. I am following the instructions on the mod_perl site located here:
I get as far as the part where it asks me to run this command, but I get an error:
$ perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/httpd/prefork/bin/apxs
Reading Makefile.PL args from #ARGV
MP_APXS = /usr/local/httpd/prefork/bin/apxs
no conflicting prior mod_perl version found - good.
Configuring Apache/2.4.2 mod_perl/2.0.7 Perl/v5.12.3
[ error] Can't find apr include/ directory,
[ error] use MP_APR_CONFIG=/path/to/apr-config
I ran the commands they suggested for installing apache to install my apache:
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/httpd/prefork --with-mpm=prefork
$ make && make install
But I am not sure where this apr-config thing is supposed to be as it doesn't appear to be anywhere in my apache2 folder.
If it might be an issue, I am using Mac OS X 10.7.3. I know an apache server comes with Mac OS X, but I need to do this install on a different computer from the ground up, so I have to start this whole install from the ground up on my computer.
Thanks ahead of time for any help you can provide.

When mod_perl 2.0.8 comes out, I hope that it gets finally httpd 2.4 support, because the current versions surely don't have.
When you fix your initial problems, you will eventually get stuck at ‘conn_rec’ has no member named ‘remote_ip’. Delete httpd 2.4 and use 2.2 meanwhile.

You need to include the path to binary executable file apr-1-config. Run the below command
perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs MP_APR_CONFIG=/usr/local/apr/bin/apr-1-config
It worked for me..Hope the same for you too.

On Lion here, my APR include directory seems to be /usr/include/apr-1, but it already came with mod_perl.
$ find / -name apr*
$ find / -name
If you have the .so already you should be able to just add in your config file:
LoadModule perl_module libexec/apache2/


Mac M1 Homebrew Perl Carton Net::SSLeay is loading libcrypto in an unsafe way

I'm trying to install Net::SSLeay with Carton.
The installation fails with this message
Configuring Net-SSLeay-1.90 Running Makefile.PL Do you want to run external tests?
These tests *will* *fail* if you do not have network connectivity. [n] n
*** Found LibreSSL-2.8.3 installed in /usr
*** Be sure to use the same compiler and options to compile your OpenSSL, perl, and Net::SSLeay. Mixing and matching compilers is not supported.
Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good
WARNING: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/perl/5.32.1_1/bin/perl is loading libcrypto in an unsafe way -> N/A
I've tried this with system perl, brew perl and multiple perlbrew perls.
Google came up with a temp solution to build homebrew using x86_64 architecture.
This did work for the libcrypto error, but gave me a whole different set of issues including mysql not running anymore.
Other "solutions" that I've tried are symlinking libssl & libcrypto as suggested by numerous other posts, all sadly without success.
Any ideas how to fix this or work around this without having to reinstall all brew packages as x86_64 ?
Quick Workaround
If you are looking for a quick workaround follow these steps.
Run carton bundle to create a vendor cache directory.
Go to cached tarball 'cache/authors/id/C/CH/CHRISN/' and unpack tar -xvzf Net-SSLeay-1.90.tar.gz
Edit Makefile.PL, change my $prefix = find_openssl_prefix(); to
my $prefix = '/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl#1.1'; ** adjust to your openssl location.
Save and create new tarball tar -czvf Net-SSLeay-1.90.tar.gz Net-SSLeay-1.90
Run carton install --cached to use the altered version
Hope this helps anyone in search of workaround
You can solve this in two steps:
upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to at least version 7.58 (e.g. cpanm ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
install openssl via macports (sudo port install openssl) or homebrew (brew install --cask openssl)
After the Monterey update this broke again also on the x86_64 architecture, but just symlinking your latest openssl (where ever it is, depending how you have installed it) seemed to fix this. Example:
$ export OPENSSL_PREFIX=[find your openssl installation]
$ sudo ln -s $OPENSSL_PREFIX/lib/libssl.dylib /usr/local/lib/
$ sudo ln -s $OPENSSL_PREFIX/lib/libcrypto.dylib /usr/local/lib/
Better workaround:
I entered export OPENSSL_PREFIX=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl#1.1 in my shell and then ran cpan. I checked the code in Makefile.PL and the first thing the function find_openssl_prefix does is to check the OPENSSL_PREFIX environment variable. If it is set, then it the function will return its contents.
Add the variable to your .profile, .cshrc, .bashrc, .zshrc, or whatever rc file your shell uses and you never have to worry about it again!!

Bugzilla installation issue in apache2- Ubuntu

When running
sudo /usr/bin/perl mod_perl2
command to install mod_perl for installing bugzilla in apache2 Ubuntu. I got the following error. I have installed apache2 ,MySql and Perl.
Checking for CPAN (v1.81) ok: found v1.960001
Checking for YAML (any) ok: found v0.84
Checking for ExtUtils-MakeMaker (v6.31) ok: found v6.82
Going to read '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 19:08:54 GMT
Installing mod_perl2 version 2.000008...
Running install for module 'mod_perl2'
Running make for P/PH/PHRED/mod_perl-2.0.8.tar.gz
Checksum for /root/.cpan/source/authors/id/P/PH/PHRED/mod_perl-2.0.8.tar.gz ok Going to build P/PH/PHRED/mod_perl-2.0.8.tar.gz
Reading Makefile.PL args from #ARGV
no conflicting prior mod_perl version found - good.
************* WARNING *************
Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm,
but was not found.
You could just symlink it to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
************* WARNING *************
Next we need to know where the 'apxs' script is located. This script
provides a lot of information about the Apache installation, and makes
it easier to find things on your system. Normally it's located in the
same directory as the 'httpd' executable.
If you don't yet have Apache installed you can build Apache against
the Apache source code, but you won't be able to run the test suite (a
very important step). Therefore you may want to install Apache before
Please provide a full path to 'apxs' executable
(press Enter if you don't have it installed):
Please provide the location of the Apache directory:
[ error] Can't find dir ''
Please provide the location of the Apache directory:
[ error] Can't find dir ''
To resolve the perl lib issue, cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ then link to
ln -s
That should clear up the first warning.
For the apxs issue, you need to install apache2-dev.
on Ubuntu use the following command
sudo apt-get install apache2-dev
Rerun and that should correct it.

Install GD Library on RedHat machine for twiki

My ultimate goal is to run a twiki website for my research group.
I have space on RedHat server that is running Apache, etc., but upon which I do not have root access. Since I cannot install perl modules with the current permissions, I've decided to manually install a local version of perl. Got that working no problem. The following modules are required to get twiki to work:
FreezeThaw -
CGI::Session -
Error -
GD -
HTML::Tree -
Time-modules -
I have installed FreezeThaw, CGI, Error, and it fails on GD with the following error:
UNRECOVERABLE ERROR Could not find gdlib-config in the search path.
Please install libgd 2.0.28 or higher. If you want to try to
compile anyway, please rerun this script with the option --ignore_missing_gd.
In searching for how to get around this newest obstacle, I found a previous SO question: How to install GD library with Strawberry Perl asked about installing this and the top answer suggested manually compiling gdlib. You'll note, however, that that link is broken. The base site: is basically down saying to go to the project's bitbucket page.
So I got the tarball from that page and am trying to install it. The following problems occur when I follow the instructions included. README.TXT says: "If the sources have been fetched from CVS, run [options]."
Running yields: warning: macro `AM_ICONV' not found in library required directory ./config does not exist cp: cannot
create regular file `config/config.guess': No such file or directory installing `config/config.guess'
error while copying cp: cannot create regular file
`config/config.sub': No such file or directory
installing `config/config.sub' error while
copying cp: cannot create regular file `config/install-sh': No such
file or directory installing `config/install-sh' error while copying cp: cannot create regular
file `config/missing': No such file or directory
installing `config/missing' error while copying required file `config/' not found required file `config/' not found required file `test/' not found Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add
AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' to' and run
aclocal' and autoconf' again. If `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL'
is in `', make sure its definition is in
aclocal's search path. cp: cannot create regular file
`config/depcomp': No such file or directory installing
`config/depcomp' error while copying Failed
And it says I should also install the following 3rd party libraries:
zlib, available from
Data compression library
libpng, available from
Portable Network Graphics library; requires zlib
FreeType 2.x, available from
Free, high-quality, and portable font engine
JPEG library, available from
Portable JPEG compression/decompression library
XPM, available from
X Pixmap library
Which I am ignoring for now.
Switching to the generic instructions it says follow the advice in the INSTALL file; which says: "cd to the directory containing the package's source code and type ./configure to configure the package for your system." Which flat does not work: I've cd'ed into every directory of the tarball and running that command does nothing.
So, trying to install twiki required me to install perl, which required me to install the perl modules: FreezeThaw, CGI, Error, HTML, Time-modules, and GD -- which itself required me to install gdlib -- which further suggested I install zlib, libpng, FreeType 2.x, JPEG library, and XPM. And of course, I'm stuck at the installing gdlib stage.
My question is: what other process can possibly demean humanity to such a level? I cannot fathom the depths of cruelty that lay ahead of me as I dive ever deeper into this misery onion. Should I just end it all? Can meaning be brought from this madness? Will the sun come up tomorrow, and if so, does it even matter?
But seriously, any suggestions on what to do differently/better would be much appreciated -- I can't remember what a child's laughter sounds like anymore.
Install the package gd-devel, it contains /usr/bin/gdlib-config.
This should work:
sudo apt-get -y install libgd2-xpm-dev build-essential

installing perl module Class-Load-XS

I tried to install module Class-Load-XS-0.04 manually. I saw the following error:
$ perl Build.PL
Warning: ExtUtils::CBuilder not installed or no compiler detected
Proceeding with configuration, but compilation may fail during Build
However, the execution of perl -e 'use ExtUtils::CBuilder' was perfectly fine. I even tried to re-install ExtUtils::CBuilder, but it still does not work.
Could you please help?
I tried on my Win 7 machine, and it shows some warnings like this when I do perl
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Checking prerequisites...
! Class::Load is not installed
! Class::Load is not installed
! Module::Implementation is not installed
! Test::Fatal is not installed
! Test::Requires is not installed
ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES. You may wish to install the versions
of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation
Then I installed the above mentioned modules, and things went fine then.
You may try install these modules first.
Hope it helps.
It looks to me like you don't have a compiler. Try this:
perl -e 'use ExtUtils::CBuilder; $cb = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new; print $cb->have_compiler ? "have\n" : "dont have\n";'
Can I guess that you are on Windows using ActiveState Perl? If so perhaps try Strawberry Perl which comes with a compiler.
Had a similar problem installing a different module (Win32::Mutex). This isn't a great fix, but it got the job done. From the build directory (e.g., ~/.cpan/build/The-Module-mYyzLx)
First, set the CC environment variable yourself
SET CC=C:\strawberry\c\bin\g++.exe [Windows]
export CC=/usr/bin/g++.exe [Cygwin]
and try to build (perl Build.PL, perl Build, ...). If it is still complaining about missing programs (g++, dlltool, etc.):
Second, copy pieces of your tool chain into the build directory
COPY C:\strawberry\c\bin\g++.exe . [Windows]
COPY C:\strawberry\c\bin\dlltool.exe .
cp /usr/bin/g++ . [Cygwin]
cp /usr/bin/dlltool .
If the build still complains about missing programs, copy those to your build directory too.
The fix and the symptoms are consistent with ExtUtils::CBuilder not being able to use the current PATH setting, though I have no idea what that would be so difficult.
I'd suggest installing these first:
apt-get install libc6-dev
apt-get install libtest-exception-perl
By the way you describe the problem it looks like you have these two perl modules missing. On the other hand it takes just a couple of seconds to double-check if those are installed, but these 'seconds' could help you save on a lot of head ache.

Why can't I install DBD::mysql so I can use it with Maatkit?

I'm trying to install Maatkit following the maatkit instructions. I can't get past having to install DBD::mysql. "Warning: prerequisite DBD::mysql 1 not found."
When I try to install DBD::mysql from cpan, I get very helpful "make had returned bad status, install seems impossible".
Perl is "v5.8.8 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level", the one that came with OS X. I also tried building from source with same result.
We need more of the error message. Most likely, you are missing the MySQL client development files. I don't know how to install these on OSX. Also see this older post on OSX 10.5.2 , in which some other failures with the mysql client libraries are found.
Possibly post this question with more parts of your error message at, if stackoverflow doesn't allow for convenient pasting of your make session or rather the last 20 or 10 lines of it.
Some more Googling with also finds this post which has some more details on things to watch out for when installing DBD::MySQL. Depending on how comfortable you feel with the installation, you might want to manually run the tests, supplying a test database and test user or even skip testing the module.
After a bit more googling, this worked for me:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/include /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::DBD::mysql'
press enter a bunch of times, then in your maatkit folder:
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
and you'll find the mk-* programs in /usr/local/bin/
You will want to install MySQL first. I usually use the binary packages they provide for OS X. The packages do include the headers and MySQL client libraries which DBD::MySQL requires. Once the MySQL package is installed, DBD::MySQL should install without issue.
Here is my output:
$ perl Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite DBD::mysql 1 not found.
Writing Makefile for maatkit
$ mysql --version
mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51b, for apple-darwin9.0.0b5 (i686) using readline 5.0
I notice that there are in effect DBD::MySQL packages in the fink repositories. For example:
ayaz#ayazs-macbook$ fink list | grep -i 'dbd-mysql'
dbd-mysql-pm586 3.0008-10 Perl5 Database Interface to MySQL
dbd-mysql-pm588 3.0008-10 Perl5 Database Interface to MySQL
Perhaps installing through fink one of those packages may help alleviate your troubles.
Also, and I cannot be certain of this, you may want to install for MySQL-5.x (if you have that version installed) the mysql15-dev and mysql15-shlibs packages. I installed those through fink thus:
$ sudo fink --use-binary-dist install mysql15-dev