How to filter scripts by name in Chrome's Developer Tool "Scripts" Tab - google-chrome-devtools

Some sites have many scripts. For example orionhub.
In such a case Chrome's Developer Tools become a little bit confusing (See Picture).
Is there a way to filter the shown scripts, for example by name?
edit: I found that when I am in the "Scripts" Context I can start typing and the first script matching the word I typed so far will be selected.
That's OK, though it would be even more helpful if that feature would support matching sub strings and wildcards.

Try pressing Ctrl/Cmd+O for an "Open Resource" dialog. It allows to quickly search file by name and supports camel case search (type yAS for yetAnotherScript).
You can see other useful shortcuts by pressing '?' in Developer Tools.


List of all available commands in VSCode

Where can I find the list of all commands available in VSCode and their description?
I'm only aware of these sources:
In the official docs:
This list which only seems to include a subset of Visual Studio Code commands that you might use with vscode.commands.executeCommand API (why is this only a subset of the full list?)
This other list in the keybindings doc, which also only seems to include a subset of all commands available (I suppose those tied to a default keybinding?)
In the editor itself:
I can see a list of commands when I open the "default keybindings". Many actions are commented out with //, but interestingly I don't think this includes all the commands either (e.g. maximizeOtherEditor isn't listed)
Does VSCode have an official list of commands (commandID's) either in its documentation or in its code base? If not:
What's the closest to it?
What's a good way to navigate the code base to try to find all commands and what they do?
I believe that content of "Preferences: Default Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)" (command ID workbench.action.openDefaultKeybindingsFile) really shows comprehensive list of all native and extensions-contributed commands VSC knows about at moment when invoked.
This file shows keys from VSC's defaults and extension manifests.
Commands with no suggested defaults are those commented out at the end of file.
Their descriptions (as seen in the Command Palette, Keyboard Shortcuts settings, extension Contributions tab and elsewhere) are supposedly in localization properties and I believe there is currently no way to see them along their respective command IDs in single convenient "localized" list. So for now the only way to read the description of command found in aforementioned JSON is pasting its ID into Keyboard Shortcuts search field. (Would be delighted to be proven wrong.)
In case someone ever fell on this and just wanted a quick-list of VSCode commands to browse through:
If you do, please note the VSCode version and commit. These may well be out of date by the time you read them.

Eclipse. Fuzzy search in Quick Switch Editor

Using Quick Switch Editor (ctrl+E) in Eclipse allows one to navigate trough currently open tabs.
Thing that bugs me is: you must use wildcard (*) to performe fuzzy search.
It looks like it's more convenient to use Open Type (ctrl+shift+T) functionality that support fuzzy search then Quick Switch Editor.
Is there any Eclipse configuration that I miss or plugin that will make my life better?
Kind regards.
I use AutoHotKey to automatically type * whenever I press Ctrl+E, which ends up being essentially the same as Quick Switch Editor using wildcard by default.
AutoHotKey Script:
#IfWinActive, ahk_class SWT_Window0
~^e::Send {*}
You could also set up something similar for "Open Resource" (Ctrl+Shift+R) and "Quick Outline" (Ctrl+O).
Quite some time past since I asked this question, but I think I have something to add now.
GotoFile plugin, I believe is good solution to above problem. It will perform fuzzy-search on all WorkSpace projects.
As it is it doesn't quite address 'navigate trough currently open tabs' problem, but I decided to improve it a bit. For example, if search term starts with '.' it will prioritize open tabs (search will be performed on all files, but open will appear on top; '.' itself will be ignored). Case sensitive fuzzy-search (with 'In' search term resource will have priority over index.js). On startup -- just display list of currently open tabs (like Ctrl + E currently does).
Basically idea is to have 'single point of access' for QuickSwitchEditor, OpenType and OpenResource functionality. true, it will not replace them, but eliminate 90% of everyday use.

eclipse's plugin or vim's plugin similar like ctrl+p and type # to find function/method list in sublime

eclipse is good at autocompletion when static typing , when is dynamic typing ,eclipse failed to autocompletion ; in sublime ctrl+p ,type # and type 'method name'to find function/method list , It is a wonderful way to find the right method while coding dynamic typing language ;
the key point is :
the operation in sublime text 2 is very convenient ,all key type is in one input box ; never need to chage active file tab; we can focus on the active code file tab ;
is there any plugin in eclipse or vim which can search method of any file conveniently ?
In ST2, this feature is used to quickly jump to a method anywhere in your project.
In Eclipse, Control+Shift+R can be used to jump quickly to a "resource" (file) and Control+Shift+T is for jumping to a type (not method). Control+o opens a very useful and quick outline of the current file. It doesn't work project-wide.
I'm not aware of something that works exactly like ST2's feature. Did you search the marketplace?
In Vim, FuzzyFinder, Command-T and CtrlP all allow you to navigate through your project using fuzzy matching. They can be setup to use your tags file. AFAIK, there's no plugin that provides exactly what ST2 provides.
From your question I'm not sure you use it as intended: it sounds like you use it to show a list of methods in some file in your project in order to use the right method in your code. This sounds a lot like you'd benefit from autocompletion to me.
Being an IDE, Eclipse shines on that front: its "code assist" window will show you where the suggestion is defined as well as its type.
Vim's "omnicompletion" is quite limited compared to an IDE but, depending on your language and using some third party scripts, it can be made quite powerful.

Eclipse "Quick Access" to display recent tabs first?

Can Eclipse's "Quick Access" (Ctrl+3) be made to sort the open tab names from the most recently visited to the least recently visited, a la Ctrl+F6? The motivation here is to have one shortcut instead of two. In emacs, 'anything.el' does exactly this.
Reading the "News and Noteworthy" section of release 3.3 (search for "Quick Access"), I think that the intent of quick access is different. You here ask for any resource by providing some few characters, and eclipse helps here in numerous ways:
It will remember what you selected last time, so it will order by last recently selected (not used).
You are free to enter the characters, you may use whole words (anywhere in the thing you use) or the initials of the words you are searching for.
So it is a feature that the two actions work different, and by using only one, you won't reach what you want to get.
PS: Did not know CTRL-3, which is a nice shortcut if there is no keybinding to do menu entries, so thank's for that!!

Writing a macro-like tool

Recently I've been finding myself doing repetitive tasks. I would click button A, highlight text field A, type in some text, click an APPLY button, click on a drop-down box and select a specific option depending on the item I'm working with, select it and hit APPLY, then repeat this process only a couple hundred to thousand times.
So I thought maybe there's a way I could automate this? Macros then came to mind. However I've never wrote macros before so am not sure of several details such as
-what tools should I even work with?
-how do I determine which button to click?
-ideally, I would want to be able to read input from a text file to specify what should be typed in and which option should be selected from the dropdown list. Is this even possible? It seems like an operation that require some intelligence.
I am not picky on tools nor about cleanliness. I just want to be able to automate the process. It will be for personal use unless I find a convenient way such that others can use it as well.
Some details about the dropdown box: when the box is focused, I can hit the DOWN key to scroll from option to option. The items that I have to associate with these options are named exactly the same, so they appear in the same "index" order (meaning, the first item and first option appear at the top of the list, second item and second option appear after, thid item and third option...etc)
The placement of all of these fields can be fixed, so if I have to manually specify where on the screen I should be clicking, that is also a possibility.
Any idea where I should look?
If you're using Windows, AutoIt is a really nice tool.
It records actions (like a word/excel macro)
It offers a BASIC like language + API which is really easy to program (if you need to)
The API is pretty powerful
Check for Windows with a certain title
Automate klicks
You can "compile" your scripts into exe files so you can share your tools
It comes bundled with Scite (a nice text editor) + AutoIt syntax higlighting
But you can use any editor you want
It's well documented
It's Freeware
On the Mac, there is Automator. Java has the Robot class in the basic library, to help with such automation. No doubt there are other similar tools.