Eclipse "Quick Access" to display recent tabs first? - eclipse

Can Eclipse's "Quick Access" (Ctrl+3) be made to sort the open tab names from the most recently visited to the least recently visited, a la Ctrl+F6? The motivation here is to have one shortcut instead of two. In emacs, 'anything.el' does exactly this.

Reading the "News and Noteworthy" section of release 3.3 (search for "Quick Access"), I think that the intent of quick access is different. You here ask for any resource by providing some few characters, and eclipse helps here in numerous ways:
It will remember what you selected last time, so it will order by last recently selected (not used).
You are free to enter the characters, you may use whole words (anywhere in the thing you use) or the initials of the words you are searching for.
So it is a feature that the two actions work different, and by using only one, you won't reach what you want to get.
PS: Did not know CTRL-3, which is a nice shortcut if there is no keybinding to do menu entries, so thank's for that!!


Is it possible to force Quick Open to take a query from the current selection in the editor?

The current editor I have open contains the name of a file or part of the name of a file that I have in my workspace. I want to search for that file by selecting the text of that name from the editor, and then putting that text in the Quick Open search box. Currently, I need to manually copy and paste the text, but I want to have behaviour similar to the cmd + F search box where the selected text from the editor immediately appears in the search bar when it is opened. Is it possible to configure Quick Open to do this as well? Or maybe there is an extension for this?
At the time of this writing, this is currently not configurable.
If you look in the settings, all the settings that allow enabling or disabling this behaviour contain the word "seed" in them: search.seedOnFocus, search.seedWithNearestWord, editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection. From my reading/searching, there is no other setting with the word "seed" in it.
I googled "github vscode issues quickopen seed" and found this GitHub feature-request on the VS Code GitHub repo: Fuzzy quick open should use selected text as a starting point #59957 asking for such behaviour to be the default behaviour. The issue didn't get enough support from other users to get added to their backlog (a feature request needs to get a certain number of thumbs up reactions from users within a certain time period after it is created to get considered for implementation), so that feature-request is now closed.
If you want to get such a configuration option, create a feature-request issue ticket. If you want to increase your feature-request's visibility (and therefore its chance of getting enough user support), share a link to it on various programming platforms such as r/vscode.
I didn't find any extensions that do this by googling "vscode marketplace quick open seed" and looking at the top results, but maybe you'll have better luck with different queries.

VSCode Find / Replace History

New to VSCode and notice there's not a dropdown history of previous find/replace strings. I am also striking out on finding this functionality via extensions.
Most every editor I've ever used has had this, so I find its absence conspicuous.
I see exact and similar feature requests on github, but alas it could never get the required 20+ votes in time before it was closed. I was prepared to open another feature request, but the directions when opening a new feature request state
<!-- Please search existing issues to avoid creating duplicates. -->
so I'm uncertain of the protocol. Does this only mean active tickets?
The closed feature request garnered 9 votes, so there was some interest.
The up/down cursor prompt only works per session and hence, only if you have already done a search. I too use a regular expression routinely from session to session, so I have to open up a notepad file that has my patterns then copy them to the search/replace window. Royal pain.
And I agree, there should be a drop-down.
Use the up and down arrows. There is placeholder text to mention this - see the gif - but it is easy to miss. Not as nice as a dropdown though as you have to cycle through recent entiries.

Searching for file/class names in Netbeans does not work well

I started using Netbeans (8.2) a few weeks ago and the search utility is driving me insane. Basically, I search for a class/file name in the top-right corner and it returns with no results, when in fact the class/file exists in the project. The same thing if I do cmd+O (go to type). This does not happen every time, but it happens a lot. Is this a bug? If not, can anyone enlighten me what I'm missing? Thank you in advance.
Yes, I've faced that nasty bug too. It was reported previously (few times) and then closed, but problem remains even in 8.2. It looks like they messed up with index, or cache, or both. I've ended up writing my own search plugin using independent index db. It is called "Quick File Search" and among other features provides button to rebuild it's index (in settings). Also exposing regexp and allow you to automatically add extensions (if you need it).
Disclaimer: yes, I am the author of that plugin.
In my understanding the search box allows you to search everything that you selected (You can change the selection in the icon).
In a simplistic way, the "go to type" refers to files that are related to the code (class files). If you want to go to other type of files you have to choose the "go to file".
So for example if you have a class called and a file called status.xhtml.
You could get both files with "go to file" (Alt+Shift+O in Linux).
If what you want is only the class then you could use "go to type" (Ctrl+O in Linux)
Before I understood the difference I had some trouble finding files because I only used the go to type which only returned classes.
Netbeans has a limit. If the keyword you are looking for is found 5000 times in some file (mostly say log files), it won't search on other files.
So delete the logs file and you will get to see application files in search results.
Hope that helps.

How can I duplicate a non-editor panel in Eclipse?

I had exactly the same problem another user (arghtype) is having here in this question's thread: How to enable duplicate tabs in Eclipse? (i.e. duplicate windows)
Although, it is only an answer post that doesn't necessarily achieve what we both want.
It recommends opening a separate, duplicated window, which is a bit resource heavy for what I need.
I wanted to formally ask this question in case anyone has the appropriate answer instead of a work-around or compromise, or we can open a feature request in the Eclipse work item tracker, and this way the answer and any history can become more apparent for this specific issue.
Also note I have tried the Menu options "Window" > "Show View" > "Other...", and then have selected the view/panel I wanted, with the current one in my UI both selected and unselected in different cases, and I still do not receive a duplicate panel.
I would also appreciate sources such as links to any documentation, or at least a screen shot with an answer, since I am very carefully not asking about the editor panel in the UI, which is commonly found as an issue on the internet.
To add, my specific case is using RTC 5.0.2 with Eclipse 4.2.2 (Juno), and I would like
multiple "Work Items" panels open for my workflow. One for overall reference, one for current, immediate work, and any more for what have you.
Another related source I found that all seem to speak about the similar, more prevalent issue, specifically concerning only the editor tab/panel:
How do you split a window/view in Eclipse IDE?
I have opened an Eclipse Bug/Enhancement request for the UI here: Bug 471001 - Allow user to create duplicate panels in perspective view.
We will see how it is handled. Either my version is too old to have this feature, or it does not exist, and could prospectively be added.
So far without a firm answer, I have opened an Eclipse Bug/Enhancement request for the UI here: Bug 471001 - Allow user to create duplicate panels in perspective view.
We will see how it is handled. Either my version is too old to have this feature, or it does not exist, and could prospectively be added.

Eclipse. Fuzzy search in Quick Switch Editor

Using Quick Switch Editor (ctrl+E) in Eclipse allows one to navigate trough currently open tabs.
Thing that bugs me is: you must use wildcard (*) to performe fuzzy search.
It looks like it's more convenient to use Open Type (ctrl+shift+T) functionality that support fuzzy search then Quick Switch Editor.
Is there any Eclipse configuration that I miss or plugin that will make my life better?
Kind regards.
I use AutoHotKey to automatically type * whenever I press Ctrl+E, which ends up being essentially the same as Quick Switch Editor using wildcard by default.
AutoHotKey Script:
#IfWinActive, ahk_class SWT_Window0
~^e::Send {*}
You could also set up something similar for "Open Resource" (Ctrl+Shift+R) and "Quick Outline" (Ctrl+O).
Quite some time past since I asked this question, but I think I have something to add now.
GotoFile plugin, I believe is good solution to above problem. It will perform fuzzy-search on all WorkSpace projects.
As it is it doesn't quite address 'navigate trough currently open tabs' problem, but I decided to improve it a bit. For example, if search term starts with '.' it will prioritize open tabs (search will be performed on all files, but open will appear on top; '.' itself will be ignored). Case sensitive fuzzy-search (with 'In' search term resource will have priority over index.js). On startup -- just display list of currently open tabs (like Ctrl + E currently does).
Basically idea is to have 'single point of access' for QuickSwitchEditor, OpenType and OpenResource functionality. true, it will not replace them, but eliminate 90% of everyday use.