I created a seam project using seam-gen utility tool. I want to change the name of the project. How can I update it ?
your help is highly appreciated.
If your project is in an IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans), you can refactor it and rename it. If you haven't put too much work into it you can run seam-gen again with a different project name.
I have two projects in eclipse. I know how to create a jar file for each project individually, however I want to combine the two jar files again and create another jar from them? Ideally I would like to script it and automate it. Any help will be highly appreciated. If there is any example online, I will appreciate if you could share it.
You could have one project depend on the other, and use the maven-shade-plugin to build an uber-jar of the second project (thus containing the classes of the first project). You need to use Maven or other build tools for this to work though.
I have managed to solve this problem. I used the Maven one jar plugin.
I have created a GUI Applicaiton using Netbeans because of several obvious reasons like GUI Builders and all.
Now I want to implement Hibernate as ORM in this app in eclipse , because of the Hibernate plugin that makes it very simple and time saving .
How can i import that Netbeans project to my Eclipse IDE . I know there is no direct solution for this .
I have tried to find (.war) file under dist, but its not there even after clean and build in netbeans. So please tell me a way to make it done .
I also faced the similar problem. What I did was I copied .project and .classpath files (from my other eclipse project or you can create it, I was too lazy) into the netbeans project directory and then simply imported the project into eclipse. now I can make UI changes in netbeans and edit the other part in eclipse.
For the problem of AbsoluteLayout you need to make a classpath entry in ".classpath" file for AbsoluteLayout.jar
Hope that solves your problem.
I also faced a similar problem with my project the best way to solve this issue to do the configuration manually on eclipse. Its tiresome but there is no shorcut way to it..
Goto eclipse and create dynamic webproject
Create the simlar packages
Create same folder in the WEB-INF directory
Paste all the content(Source code, jsp file, js, css etc.)
i am developing an java application using eclipse pulser ide, in that i have got `NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/lwuit/layouts/Layout.
i have tried many solution's and tried to import LWUIT.jar and cleaned project's but even its not working can anybody head up with a solution.
Thank you.
Go to project Properties, Java Build Path, Order and Export and make sure that your LWUIT jar is marked.
I have all the QueryDSL jars referenced from the all directory in my libraries. My problem NetBeans is not seeing the "Q"objects. They are generated to the same directory as all the other JPA entity objects with "_". Secondly if I use a "Q" object it does compile, but the editor itself does not see it and thinks it is an error.
Anyone have any ideas? I tried editing the Ant file but I failed at that as well. It does not seem that I need to edit it specifically for generation. The main problem appears to be linking to the NetBeans editor.
BTW I did look at this link and I already did this! How to setup classpath in Netbeans?
Also I have this problem on both Mac OSX and Ubuntu Netbeans.
Help is appreciated!!
Best fix that is consistent is to go to project properties and add the build/generated-sources as a Source package Folder in Sources.
I had the same problem. I did a clean & Build, on the project and that did it for me. I could clearly see the java files being generated, and the class files are not getting in the path. Clean did the trick for me.
With the Galileo release it is finally possible to convert a normal Java project to a dynamic web project. Unfortunately it assumes that the Web stuff is located in a folder WebContent, which is not necessarily the case for an existing project. How can I change it? In MyEclipse it is quite easy, but with a stock eclipse I don't find such an option!
I am not sure what you meant by "a stock eclipse", but Helios allows this functionality in a very straight-forward way:
Right click your dynamic web project and open "Properties".Find Deployment Assembly and you should be able to set context paths from there.
I am not sure if there is UI for this or not, but you can edit file .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component, and change following line:
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/WebContent"/>
Change /WebContent to your preferred directory. I use this for a several years now and encountered no problems with it.
Go in the project properties and do like this example where I use the Maven webapp folder: