NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/lwuit/layouts/Layout error? - eclipse

i am developing an java application using eclipse pulser ide, in that i have got `NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/lwuit/layouts/Layout.
i have tried many solution's and tried to import LWUIT.jar and cleaned project's but even its not working can anybody head up with a solution.
Thank you.

Go to project Properties, Java Build Path, Order and Export and make sure that your LWUIT jar is marked.


ClassNotFoundException: com.itextpdf.text.Element

Situation: I have a Java file in my project that uses the features of the iTextPDF library. The project compiles properly. I use JDK 1.7, Tomcat 7.45 and Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3).
Problem: While starting the server via Eclipse, I get an error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.itextpdf.text.Element
What I've tried so far:
Ensured that only 1 version of iTextPdf 5.4.jar is available in the entire project. It's there in WEB-INF/lib folder. It's not there in any of the externally referenced libraries.
I updated my Eclipse.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Well, as a starting point- try and expanding the JAR, and see if you can search for or manually find com.itextpdf.text.Element class.
if it's not found there, you know there's nothing wrong with your eclipse or project settings, and nothing wrong with your jar imports.
You should then determine between 3 options:
Is the JAR even on the classpath? it's possible everything is present there, but the project does not even consider looking in it.
Should this class be in the JAR? is it available on other versions of this JAR?
Is this class neccesasry for you application? why is eclipse looking for it, where in the code it is referecened? can you live without it? or, can you manullay replace it with a class file you can find online? (this will take some debug time, and some more research on your part)

Kotlin And Java In The Same Project Using Eclipse IDE

I posted a similar question regarding gradle but this question is without gradle or maven.
I can not get Kotlin working properly using Eclipse IDE. This works great using IntelliJ, however many developers still use Eclipse. I have installed the Kotlin Eclipse plugin and does not work. I have downloaded the Kotlin standard library and runtime library and added them into the project. Still not working. All I get in eclipse when I have Java and Kotlin is cannot be resolve to a specified type.
I'm not using maven or gradle because I couldn't get it working with those two either.
If I mix Java and Kotlin in the same source folder I get this error.
"The type error.NonExistentClass cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"
I'm using Eclipse Neon. If anyone can help me that would be awesome, I've been trying for quite some time now and not getting anywhere. :(
Add Kotlin Nature fixes the issue. Click on your project and Configure
Kotlin -> Add Kotlin nature
This partially fixes the issue, though eclipse plugin is still buggy and auto import function still doesn't work for me.
If you're having any issue, make sure you have kotlin_bin folder added in your project. Also make sure that ALL kotlin files have the correct package name sometimes when you rename packages or move files around kotlin classes may not get updated.
Got similar issue solved by adding a new Kotlin file to a Kotlin/Java mixed project. Adding the file caused Eclipse 2018-09 (4.9.0) to add kotlin-stdlib.jar and kotlin-reflect.jar to classpath and everything started working.
Add Kotlin Nature fixes the issue. Click on your project and Configure Kotlin -> Add Kotlin nature
As of the current Eclipse version (2019-09):
You can't add Kotlin to a Java project, but you can add Java to a Kotlin project.
The procedure to accomplish a mixed Kotlin/Java project was roughly:
Install Kotlin plug-in
Create empty Kotlin project
Move the Java code into the Kotlin project
Delete the original project
Fix project references
I'm working on a project with Spring Boot and Kotlin (some controllers/mappers/classes in Java and others in Kotlin) and after trying a lot of approaches, the only that worked was to use Eclipse 03-2020 and Kotlin Plugin for Eclipse V0.8.19.
Before everything, close your project and uninstall the previous version of Kotlin Plugin for Eclipse.
Go to Help/Install New Software.
Copy the link of Eclipse Plugin and continue with the installation (do not forget to check all the options to install).
After the installation restart the IDE and try compile again.
If your project was like mine, it has .kt files in /src/main/kotlin, some missing references in Java. I tried compiling them but nothing worked. It turns out that my project didn't have an Eclipse Source Folder associated with the kotlin code. There were the usual ones for "src/main/java", "src/main/resources" but not one for "src/main/kotlin".
So, I created a source folder for the kotlin files.
Right click the project
New "Source Folder"
Specify folder name: "/src/main/kotlin"
This doesn't create anything in the file system but just creates a logical container for Eclipse to work with the contents. In this case, Eclipse recognized the .kt files, compiled them and all the missing references issues all cleared up.

Scala + Play + Intellij IDEA Issue

I was getting below error when I was making new Scala + Play project using activator. I am using standard activator method to generate Intellij Idea support for project but every time I was facing below issue.
I dont know how to resolve below issue. Please help,
The project 'play-scala-intro' has an older format and will be converted. You may not be able to open the project with earlier versions of IntelliJ IDEA. Details...
Old versions of project files will be saved to: 'E:\Personal\Scala Workspace\play-scala-intro\projectFilesBackup'
this problem probably happened when you use activator's command idea or git (you pull your collaborator's settings) . I have a same problem (also auto-complete doesn't work for my company's class ). I remove .setting , .idea , and every thing start with dot. next open project from Intellij and config my project.
this solve my problem I hope could help you ,too.
My problem is resolbved. As Sarvesh Kumar Singh mentioned I have created activator project and open that project in In Intellij IDEA and used options Auto import and download sources.
Above option resolved my problem.

Importing Netbeans project to Eclipse

I have created a GUI Applicaiton using Netbeans because of several obvious reasons like GUI Builders and all.
Now I want to implement Hibernate as ORM in this app in eclipse , because of the Hibernate plugin that makes it very simple and time saving .
How can i import that Netbeans project to my Eclipse IDE . I know there is no direct solution for this .
I have tried to find (.war) file under dist, but its not there even after clean and build in netbeans. So please tell me a way to make it done .
I also faced the similar problem. What I did was I copied .project and .classpath files (from my other eclipse project or you can create it, I was too lazy) into the netbeans project directory and then simply imported the project into eclipse. now I can make UI changes in netbeans and edit the other part in eclipse.
For the problem of AbsoluteLayout you need to make a classpath entry in ".classpath" file for AbsoluteLayout.jar
Hope that solves your problem.
I also faced a similar problem with my project the best way to solve this issue to do the configuration manually on eclipse. Its tiresome but there is no shorcut way to it..
Goto eclipse and create dynamic webproject
Create the simlar packages
Create same folder in the WEB-INF directory
Paste all the content(Source code, jsp file, js, css etc.)

QueryDsl Intellisense / Netbeans problems

I have all the QueryDSL jars referenced from the all directory in my libraries. My problem NetBeans is not seeing the "Q"objects. They are generated to the same directory as all the other JPA entity objects with "_". Secondly if I use a "Q" object it does compile, but the editor itself does not see it and thinks it is an error.
Anyone have any ideas? I tried editing the Ant file but I failed at that as well. It does not seem that I need to edit it specifically for generation. The main problem appears to be linking to the NetBeans editor.
BTW I did look at this link and I already did this! How to setup classpath in Netbeans?
Also I have this problem on both Mac OSX and Ubuntu Netbeans.
Help is appreciated!!
Best fix that is consistent is to go to project properties and add the build/generated-sources as a Source package Folder in Sources.
I had the same problem. I did a clean & Build, on the project and that did it for me. I could clearly see the java files being generated, and the class files are not getting in the path. Clean did the trick for me.