About Yahoo weather condition description - yahoo-api

I use yahoo weather api to build an app for notification in iPhone.
I record the api data everyday and I found an interesting thing.
Some weather conditions' description are different with the api list.
Such as today's weather description is : Thunderstorms Late
But in http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ you couldn't find "Thunderstorms Late".
Because I should translate the weather description to Chinese so I need all conditions' description.
Besides,current condition's description are also can't be found in the api list.
I doubt that is there another api list of Yahoo weather?

There is no other API call to get just the list of conditions. My suggestion would be to translate the conditions as listed on the documentation page (codes 0-47). In the (hopefully rare) case of getting a condition not on the list, you can catch those programmatically and add translations over time.


How to get live video id from YouTube channel

YouTube API eventType=live not working, does anyone have an idea why?
Without eventType was working fine (but not now):
Looks like YouTube changed something in API, search.list really not returning live broadcast since end of last week.
If you have user's access token you can use https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/liveBroadcasts?part=snippet&broadcastStatus=active&broadcastType=all
endpoint to retrieve if any broadcast is live.
If you do not have user's access token, you can try this answer
but i didn't check it if it is working
Anyway this question looks like to be a duplicate of this question
Right now the YouTube API is not working, specifically for retrieving live streams of a specific channelId. In other words if you are setting channelId in the API call, you will get 0 results.
If you're using an API key rather than OAuth (not sure if OAuth works) the only work around at the moment is to use the API to search for a specific title. Here is my query URL below.
The results returned by the API will be from all of YouTube. (Note: the rest is done serverside) Put the results into an array and discard any that don't match your channelId. Then check the titles in an array and only get the video ID of the one that matches your desired title. That is the basic logic and it is sort of a rigid work around that won't work for most. But at least it will get you what you need until Google fixes the API.

where is the “Recently Used”,“In Active Adverts”, "Action Needed", "Shared" filtering based from facebook custom audience data?

If you go to business manager of facebook, then go to the "All Audiences", then under the "Audiences" tab, you will see a "Filters" button right beside the "Create Audience" button. Now my question is, which part the json data being provided by the facebook apis should I based the data that I should pull out based from these filters ?
- Recently Used
- In Active Adverts
- Action Needed
- Shared
Because unlike the "ready" and "not ready" status, those four filters that I mentioned are not straight forward where I can just look for the numbers from the returned json data. so how ?
Most likely, not all of this information is available through the API.
However, if you take a look at the following doc, you can see some reelvant fields that may help:
Most likely you can use the field operation_status to look at whether an audience needs action.
For whether it's shared, take a look ad the edge adaccounts which will let you see the ad accounts this audience has been shared with.
For recently used, you'll probably have to look at the edge ads and review the status of the ads.
To save having to make multiple requests, you can take a look at field expansion in the Graph API, which will let you query for fields of objects in results using a single request:

What are the "base URLs" for status, photos, etc?

I developed an app that looks for specific terms using the facebook api (search).
Every result comes with an ID for the item that can be of many types like "status","photos",etc.
I remember that some time ago I could surf facebook and get this URLs from the browser address bar, but now with some updates that facebook has made it seems to be all AJAX based calls and it seems like you do not have a "specific page" for each item.
I looked over the web and could not find anything regarding this.
Is there any way I can get a "photo id" from the API and open it like "http://facebook.com/photos/0293820293842"?
Thanks for any clue.
https://graph.facebook.com/40796308305/picture (by page id)
https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola/picture (by page's name)
https://graph.facebook.com/4/picture (by user id)
https://graph.facebook.com/4/zuck (by user name)
after some time I just gave up trying to get the picture from the data provided by the search API.
From the api I get entries of type "photo" but they do not match with the API documentation found at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo/ since I do not receive the fields "picture", "source" or "images" (they just does not exist in the results from a search)
Looking to find a way to use the approach of "setting up the URL from the fields received from the API" I could not get any sucess either.
That's one case... I set up a search for "pepsi"... and within the results I got a "photo" object.
In this object I have the following fields:
id: 100002307882828_188072634633218
author\id: 100002307882828
link : "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=320417371337648&set=a.133681116677942.17717.131381520241235&type=1" (this link really points to the photo's page, but is not the photo itself)
object_id: 320417371337648
I used the URL you provided as a "base" and tried to setup some combination that returns me a photo but I always get "Content not found" as result.
The only way I could find the final photo URL is to make another call to the API using the Photo Id as parameter (but I would need to do a lot of calls to the API and this just do not fit my scenario)
If I call https://graph.facebook.com/320417371337648 I get everything I need from the photo, but this is the "another call" I would need to perform for each result I get.
Thanks a lot for your help,
Victor Reboucas

Accessing the Yelp Api

In my application I have to add a button, and display the number of stars received from YELP as shown in this image: , and upon clicking it I should navigate to a new View that will show the Yelp reviews.
1.) I have read the Yelp API, and was unable to find a way to append the Store Name to get its ratings in Yelp.
For example: I need to get the YELP ratings of Agra Indian Restaurant, so how should I get the JSON return values pertaining to Agra Indian Restaurant?
Is there any tutorial or sample code that illustrates how I could get this done?
You can get some examples form here:https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-api/tree/master/v2/ .I used php examples.Since the Search Parameters doesn`t contain the store name, you can using the business name as the "term" query parameter and the full business address as the "location"
It's worth noting that if you know the business you're looking for specifically, you're
better off using the Phone API to look up info directly.

How can code be resource for Restful?

How can code be resource?
I will give you an example: I want to create a hotel web site. But also i want to show my customers, which come from abroad, at which time they can come to my city. So i deal with an airplane web site. This site will give me his resources using REST. (resources mean representation of resources). For example his URI will be like that http://example.com/plane/flight%5Fnumber http://example.com/plane/flight%5Fnumber/date
My users will give me a date and i will say them at which flight number they can come. I'll give him a list of flight number then he can fly. OK. there is something i haven't solve yet. if i would know the plane number, i found date. But i dont know which flight number can he travel. So i need to search all the plane and all the flight number to find the same date. But how can i do it? How can i write my query?
another question is I have a function. That function gives me the flight number if i give the date [ int get_Flight_Number(12/11/2009) ].
I just want that clients can see parameters and name of function. And I want him to use my function. How this will be happen?
Without the details of the media types returned by the service it is difficult to answer your question. Does the site return a search form? Does the site return a collection of flights for a set of dates?
The general flow of any http based RESTful client inquiry should go something like this:
Do a HTTP GET on the root url of the
Parse the response based on the
media type specified in the http header "Content-Type".
Does the response contain the answer
to my question?
If yes then extract the information
and do what you want with it.
If no, then does the response
contain a link to another resource
that may have the answer to my
If yes then do a HTTP GET or POST on
that link based on what the media
type definition tells you to do. Goto step 3.
If no then stop looking and tell the
user you cannot find an answer.