How to get Facebook like button's comment list - facebook

Now our requirement like this:
We have a like button on one page, user can click that like button and type comment in the popup comment box.
Question is how to get all the comment of like button of specified page? We want to show all these comments in another place of this page.

We have a like button on one page, user can click that like button and type comment in the popup comment box.
If the user types a comment into the box popping up when using the like button, the result is not a comment, but a link share of the URL – so that’s an individual post on that user’s wall.
I had a little look around the FQL tables, but I did not find anything that would give you the resulting post without knowing the actual user who used the like button.


How to don't show facebook comment after like pressed?

So, when I click Like button I see the form to add some comment. I want to hide or prevent displaying this form. How to do that?
See this Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up?
Basically you just need to modify the css and hide the comment box after facebook like.

facebook show recommend count on mouse over

I am using Addthis plugin. I have an "F" icon on the page. I want it to work as recommend functionality.
is there anyway to do following
if somebody click on F, it should work as recommend is clicked, and on move over this F, it should just show the Count of recommend
we do not want to show standard recommend box with count
Secondly question, when i click on any like button it also show another Share Popup, but even even if i cancel this popup, still my timeline show i have recommended that particular page.. then what is use of that popup.
You can use the Facebook Dialog JavaScript to show a Share dialog for a custom button. Or use the Send Dialog button to create a private share dialog.
The "Comment Box" on the Like Button is optional, it's not required. If you enter a comment, it adds it to the Like post that appears on your timeline. But you can still like a page without entering a comment. A Like with a comment appears more prominent on the user's timeline.

Facebook like button: hide text

I just added a Facebook like button to my website, just the most basic one, but you can't select to hide the "Sign Up to see what your friends like." text.
Because the area for the button is so small, I don't want this text, as it overlaps with other text next to it.
Is there a way to hide this part?
I basically just want the like button, with the same functionality.
You would have probably figured it out by now but for others who haven't and reach this question, try data-layout="button_count".
You can play around here for more options:
You can add layout="simple" (XFBML), or "data-layout"="simple" for HTML5 to the tag.
That'll show just a like button, with no count, faces or nonsense :)

Facebook Like Button doesn't share

I have add like button on my webpage (iframe). Count is work ok, but like button doesn't share post (link) on Facebook.
P.S. Like button on the left side and after post. When i click on right or after post like button liked link dont show on my Timeline and on friends news feed
I think Facebook has changed the behaviour of the like button. A link will be shared ONLY if the user adds a comment.
Your like button in the top right corner of your URL functions correctly.
I was able to post to my profile when I clicked on it.
I believe your issue is with the first-time popup that appears (also with its own like button) When I clicked that like button the popup disappeared and I didn't manage to post to my profile.

Multiple Facebook Like buttons referring same page

I have a page with like button assigned to it. I have some textual contexts on this page, I want to put a Facebook Like button under each text (I do not have different url for each text para on this page).
I want the count to be updated for the page also as user clicks on Like button under any text.
If you can tell me how to hide count near the Like button then also my problem is resolved.
You could subscribe to edge.create event and reload the buttons after a user clicks like.