I am trying to send emails from hyperion servers when the number of records is 0.I am writing the script code in onPostProcess().
var dtm_current = new Date();
Application.ExecuteBScript("Set BrioQuery, Mail, 'Internet Mail', mailserverwithoutquotes,fromid'"); //note that mailserver name is given without quotes and
//from id does nt have starting quote
Application.ExecuteBScript("Export Section Root.'Results', OfficeMHTML, 'job_output', Silent, email, 'Testing Email action', 'This is a test of the email action. \n\n\n', UTF-8, To, tomailid'");
Console.Writeln ( "Post Process Script complete:"+dtm_current );
I am getting the error
Emailing section 'Results' as 'Microsoft Office Web Archive' to:
Export failed. Error: Connection failed to locate host, Is the SMTP server on port 25? (Errcode=146)
Question I have : Why it is trying to connect to localhost instead of specified email server
I have got this working.
var dtm_current = new Date();
Application.ExecuteBScript("Set BrioQuery, Mail, 'Internet Mail', emailserverwithoutquotes,'fromemailid'");
var count =1* ActiveDocument.Sections['R-Results'].RowCount;
if(count > 0){
Application.ExecuteBScript("Export Section Root.'R-Results', csv, 'job_output', Silent, email, 'Testing Email action if', 'This is a test of the email action if. \n\n\n', UTF-8, To, 'tomailid'");
Application.ExecuteBScript("Export Section Root.'R-Results', csv, 'job_output', Silent, email, 'Testing Email action else', 'This is a test of the email action else. \n\n\n', UTF-8, To, 'tomailid'");
I'm using Rails 5 and trying to send out some emails from my dev machine using Gmail as a relay. I have this mailer file, app/mailers/user_notifier.rb
class UserNotifier < ActionMailer::Base
default from: RAILS_FROM_EMAIL
# send notification email to user about the price
def send_notification(user_notification, crypto_price)
puts "user notification: #{user_notification.id}"
#user = user_notification.user
#crypto_price = crypto_price
threshhold = user_notification.buy ? 'above' : 'below'
puts "user: #{#user.email} currency: #{#user.currency}"
mail( :to => #user.email,
:subject => sprintf(Constants::USER_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT, crypto_price.crypto_currency.name, threshhold, PriceHelper.format_price(user_notification.price, #user.currency) ) )
And then I send the email from a Sidekiq worker like so
UserNotifier.send_notification(user_notification, price).deliver
Although I don't see any errors in my logs, the email is never delivered (I have checked my spam folder to verify this). Below is my config/environments/development.rb file.
# ActionMailer Config
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
address: 'smtp.gmail.com',
port: 587,
domain: 'mybox.devbox.com',
user_name: 'myusertest1',
password: 'myuser99999',
authentication: 'plain',
enable_starttls_auto: true
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
# change to true to allow email to be sent during development
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
config.action_mailer.default :charset => "utf-8"
Any ideas what could be going wrong or how I can troubleshoot this further?
I believe in Rails 5, the proper syntax would be UserNotifier.send_notification(user_notification, price).deliver_now
...and use full email as username.
I'm trying to create a VBS script that sends an alert email when a folder has reached a specific file size, but I can't seem to get it to send an email. I get this error - "The transport failed to connect to the server". Is there any way to send an email without a SMTP server or?
I changed my pswrd/email an stuff for obv reasons.
Const dirPath = "C:\Users\tim.mcgee\Desktop\Offsite Drive"
Const alertedPath = "prevRun.txt"
alertOn = 3 * 2 ^ 29 '1.5GB
resetOn = alertOn * .95 'Approx 77MB
Const emailTo = "**"
Const emailFrom = "**"
Const emailSbjct = "Offsite Drive Full"
Const emailMsg = "The offsite drive has reached maximum capacity."
Const SMTPServer = "Smtp.gmail.com"
Const SMTPPort = 25
emailUsr = emailFrom
Const emailPsswd = "**"
Const emailSSL = False
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(alertedPath) Then
alerted = CBool(Trim(fso.OpenTextFile(alertedPath).ReadLine))
alerted = False
End If
dirSize = fso.GetFolder(dirPath).Size
If alerted Then 'Email previously sent
alerted = dirSize > resetOn
ElseIf dirSize >= alertOn Then
alerted = True
End If
fso.OpenTextFile(alertedPath, 2, True).WriteLine CInt(alerted)
WScript.Quit 0
Sub SendEmail
Const cfg = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
With CreateObject("CDO.Message")
.From = emailFrom
.To = emailTo
.Subject = emailSbjct
.TextBody = emailMsg
With .Configuration.Fields
.Item(cfg & "sendusing") = 2
.Item(cfg & "smtpserver") = SMTPServer
.Item(cfg & "smtpserverport") = SMTPPort
.Item(cfg & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60
.Item(cfg & "smtpauthenticate") = 1
.Item(cfg & "smtpusessl") = emailSSL
.Item(cfg & "sendusername") = emailUsr
.Item(cfg & "sendpassword") = emailPsswd
End With
End With
End Sub
The error message means that your script can't connect to smtp.gmail.com on port 25. Nowadays most ISPs don't allow outbound mail on port 25 as a spam prevention measure. You need to send either through one of their mail relays, or the remote server must accept mail on a different port, usually 587 (submission) or 465 (SMTPS, deprecated).
Since you already have credentials you should probably just change the value of SMTPPort to 587 or 465. Gmail should accept authenticated mail on either of those ports.
As for your question about sending mail without an SMTP server, when using CDO you basically have 3 options for sending messages. You select the one you want to use via the sendusing configuration field:
cdoSendUsingPickup (numeric value 1): allows you to send mail without having to specify an SMTP server, but you must have an SMTP server installed on the host where the script is running. With this method the mail is submitted to the local SMTP server via a pickup folder. Does not require authentication, but the SMTP server must be configured to route mail correctly.
Normally, when you have a setup with local SMTP servers, these are configured to send all picked up mail to a central mail gateway/hub, which handles further delivery.
cdoSendUsingPort (numeric value 2, default): allows you to send mail to any SMTP server via the SMTP protocol. Also allows you to provide explicit credentials. With this method you must specify an SMTP server to send the mail to.
cdoSendUsingExchange (numeric value 3): allows you to send mail through the Exchange server of your domain. Requires a domain and an Exchange server, obviously.
I tried to use example (with my login and pass) from http://dlang.org/phobos/std_net_curl.html#.SMTP
But every time I am getting error: std.net.curl.CurlException#std\net\curl.d(3691): Failed sending data to the peer on handle 7F6D08.
What's wrong? I tried to specify port (465) but it's not helped.
import std.net.curl;
// Send an email with SMTPS
auto smtp = SMTP("smtps://smtp.gmail.com");
smtp.setAuthentication("from.addr#gmail.com", "password");
smtp.mailTo = ["<to.addr#gmail.com>"];
smtp.mailFrom = "<from.addr#gmail.com>";
smtp.message = "Example Message";
This is the issue what i am facing
Test mail with SMTP settings work
New user creation mail using the above smtp settings work
Test mail with SMTP settings work
New user creation mail using the above smtp settings doesn't work
I echoed the mail smtp settings in both the cases and they are exactly same. The error i am getting is
SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server: php_network_getaddresses:
getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)SMTP Connect()
Any suggestions would be helpful.
I further debug it. The behavior turns out to be wierd
if (isset($_POST['User']))
if (UserUtil::validateAndSaveUserData($model, $_POST))
$mailer = new UiMailer();
$mailer->setFrom('fromAddress', 'fromName');
$mailer->setSubject('Test subject');
$mailer->setBody('Test Body');
$mailer->Mailer = 'smtp';
$mailer->Username = 'username';
$mailer->Password = 'password';
$mailer->Host = 'host';
$mailer->Port = 25;
$mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
$status = $mailer->send() ? true : false;
if($status == true)
print "Sucess";
print $mailer->ErrorInfo . "</br>";
print "Failuere";
If i comment the call if (UserUtil::validateAndSaveUserData($model, $_POST)), it works fine. In the function i am validating and saving models using Yii framework. I further debug the function. I have the following relation in the system
User has one person
User has one address
So in the above call, if i comment the address part which $model->address->attributes or $model->address->validate or $model->address->save(), it works fine. The save functionality for address works fine. There are no issues related to it.
When sending an email from C# with body being large is resulting in failure in sending email
Mailbox unavailable.
The email is working fine with a smaller body. I am using html body to true property..
using (MailMessage _mailMsg = new MailMessage())
_mailMsg.From = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFrom"].ToString());
_mailMsg.Body = mail.Body;
_mailMsg.Subject = mail.Subject;
_mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;
foreach (string strEmailIds in mailTo)
if (strEmailIds != null && strEmailIds != string.Empty && strEmailIds != "")
if (!_mailMsg.To.Contains(new MailAddress(strEmailIds)))
_mailMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(strEmailIds));
using (SmtpClient _client = new SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"].ToString()))
if (_mailMsg.To.Count > 0)
_mailMsg.Subject = "No emails associated with the portfolio: " + account + " Original Email:" + mail.Subject;
_mailMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailSuppotTeam"].ToString()));
Oke, on thing it could be is that the mail server rejects big messages. Let exclude that one... I assume you have a local smtp mail server installed (check for telnet 25 that should give a sort of reply) configure the mail server [ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"]] for, can you send big mails now?
If ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"] is already the local SMTP server then:
a) stop that smtp service (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for a moment (via the command services.msc)
b) send a small email
c) go to c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup and edit the message via notepad so that it becomes a BIG email
d) start the smtp service again (services.msc)
The issue was with sending email to cross domain email id and was resulting in the Generic exception
"Mailbox unavailable." May be this is one of the reason behind the above exception.