OTA Distribution for iOS — no effect with iOS 4 - iphone

I have a little problem with OTA Distribution of the iOS. In fact, it totally works with iOS 5 and more, but when I tried on an iOS 4 device, nothing happen. And when I say nothing, it's not a way to say "it doesn't work". No popup, no error message (or even warning message)... But I'm sure I read that OTA Distribution with plist/ipa files works fine in iOS 4.
I use this link :
Once again, it works on iOS 5 so... : (
Thanks for your help.

Do you know BetaBuilder for iOS? It works like a charm with iOS 4 and up. Made my life a lot easier!


iOS 7 Simulator vs Real iPhone unexplained differences

I am working on a fix for iOS 7 and having a problem. When I run my app on real device (iPhone 4S iOS 7), the screen looks different than when I run the same app on iPhone 3.5 inches iOS 7 Simulator. I am trying to understand why and what is the reason for that, if anyone can help it would be great!
First screenshot from Simulator, second picture from Device:
SOLVED: The app on the real iPhone has a base SDK 6.0 and the app that is on the Simulator has base SDK 7.0. So I guess the real device knew how to compensate for the low SDK base, unlike the simulator which behaved totally in a SDK 7.0 environment and thats why it was showing differently. thanks!
For anyone else reading this, Roy's 'Solved' comment above is correct.
I have gone into Xcode after the update and it had automatically updated my Base SDK to the latest 'iOS 7.0'.
After changing this back to 'iOS 6.1' - both the Simulator and Device are now working the same, as expected on iOS 7.
Not trying to steal Roy's thunder (whose saved me a good numbers of hours - thank you), just summarizing to others how to quickly fix the issue.
Contrary to the proposed solution, Apple Documentation recommends to set Base SDK to the latest iOS https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/ConfiguringYourApp/ConfiguringYourApp.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH28-SW37, so there must be a better solution
I also faced same issue..
I solved by adding below code at viewDidLoad method..of view controller.
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(edgesForExtendedLayout)])
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
Hope it helps..Thanks.

Issues when testing on iPhone 5 on 4inch retina display simulator

So i released an app and all seemed fine. All of a sudden I got reviews in and emails that he app did not function and was doing weird things. Turns out the users were using iPhone 4s and 5. I have an iphone 4 running 6.1.3 and everything worked great. As i did some testing in xcode i found using iPhone sim with 3.5 inch screen everything worked perfect. If I switched to the 4 inch retina display it went crazy... button functions from other screens mixed in with current view. Long story short... I went in and fixed it and ran tests using the simulator. all my tools are updated and everything looks good. I released update to iTunes so everyone who had issues could now use the app.
But... a couple people i have been speaking with say the issues are still there. I do not understand how since I test in the simulator. Does anyone know how to properly test an app on the any version iOS and if it works on the sim it will work on an actual device. I am completely baffled by this issue.
I am using xcode 4.6.2 with iOS SDK 6.1 and my app deployment target is 4.3

iOS 6 - Rate App links busted?

i've put the iOS 6 GM on my iPhone 4 (not 4S),
and the 'rate it' buttons in my own app and others no longer do their thing.
instead it opens the app store w/ "cannot connect to itunes store".
regular app-links from safari work fine.
i'm using links of this form:
for example, from safari on iOS 5.1, the link on this page works fine:
but the same test w/ iOS 6 yields the problem i describe.
.. i have to say the App Store in general seems a bit buggy in the iOS 6 GM.
i'm seeing issues scrolling through the list of search results, mainly.
We also ran into this, but it appears that Apple put in a fix this morning. No updates of iOS required.
I'm using http and it works well in iOS6.
Just sharing what I use.

iOS 4 for iPhone 4S

I am building an iOS application for public release, and I would like to develop it against iOS 4, as I see from the instapaper stats from November that iOS 5 has a 48% market share, which is good, but my app will probably not be used by these early adopters, and it's probably not going to be enough to force them to upgrade.
The issue is that I only have an iPhone 4S, which shipped with iOS 5. I have been unable to find an iOS build for my 4S, which upon reflection makes sense. Nontheless, I'd like to know if there is some sort of unofficial build for the 4S or some way to make the iPhone 4 version work on the 4S.
I'm pretty sure that the answer is going to end up being "Buy a 3GS/iPod touch for development". Would that necessarily be worth it or should I just tough it out? I'm pretty sure that most iOS 4 users will upgrade eventually. Does anyone have any stats on how long it took iOS 3 users to move on?
I would still suggest getting a used iPhone 3GS. Even if you are able to install iOS 4 on the 4S you still wouldn't be able to do any performance testing, but it's highly likely that someone who still uses iOS 4 has a 3GS.
For your first cut testing, you can use the simulator which, will allow you to test for iOS 4.3
Ideally you need to get hold of the appropriate devices to test your app. You say you're supporting iOS 4, but do you mean 4.2 or 4.3? If 4.2 then you'll be supporting iPhone 3G, if 4.3 then 3GS upwards.
There are testing services out there, just search "iPhone testing services". I've never used them myself, so can't vouch for any of them, but the cost may be less than investing in actual devices.
I kept a 3G and 3GS for testing, but to be honest, even though my main app supports 4.2, I rarely do any testing for older OS versions outside the simulator. I gave the 3GS to my father on condition he tested for me when asked… but of course I had to upgrade it to iOS 5 for him, so it's of little practical value, apart from testing at different screen res.
I would suggest you develop your app with minimum version 4.0 (or other) set. Then you test that on your iOS 5 iphone. I did it with my apps and it works great.
You can test on the lower version simulator or for final testing you could borrow a friend's device or similar.
As I understand (and believe), the compiler would stop you if you included features that are not 4.0 (or the set version) compatible.
Buying lower iOS is not worth it. If you can you should borrow it. In the simulator you can also make the iOS version to lower version to test. Also you can try ad hoc distribution to check how your app performs on other ios before releasing on appstore

apple has rejected my iPhone app saying it must run on iPad as well

I've just submitted my app to review (for the App-Store), and apple has rejected my app, saying the following:
"On iPad, the application displays a
black screen and no content loads.
This review was conducted on iPad
running iOS 3.2.2 as well as iPhone 4
running iOS 4.1. A screenshot has been
attached for your reference. "
am i obligated to create an iPad version of my app? or maybe i've set some property "on" and made apple think i would like the app to work on iPad?
to be more clear,
i want my app to run on iPhone only.
is it possible? and if do, what need to be set (project properties? info.plist?) to mention that the app should run on iPhone only? so that apple will not test it on iPad...
appriciate your help.
Note - this historic QA is 5+ years old.
All issues mentioned in the QA are no longer relevant in iOS development! Enjoy
The problem is almost certainly that you (accidentally) made the app universal.
IF you made it universal, you MUST have both an iPad and iPhone version in there.
If you make the app normal, iPhone only, you do NOT have to (indeed, you can't) have an iPad version in there.
To be clear, Apple are talking about the "ACTUAL" iPad version. Of course, your iPhone app will run using the "blow up mode" on an iPad. Apple are not referring to the "blow up mode."
It is rather silly that in that particular form letter, they do not say something like: ,"You have almost certainly accidentally made your app universal instead of iPhone only" since that is the situation 100% of the time when that happens.
Good luck on waiting another 2 weeks :-/
You do not have to create a specific version of your app for the iPad, however all iPhone apps must also be able to run on the iPad. You might want to try searching google for resources on how to make your app iPad compatible.