Error while install application in my device - iphone

I got error when I goes to install my application in iPhone/iPad.
Application running properly in simulator.
Error message
Couldn't register com.spaceo.pushnotificationtest with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger

Okay your device was struck in debug mode on your previous installation due to some error. You need to restart your device and clean the project in xcode to install application in your device
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger This statement clearly states what was the error so restart your device and try again

I also get this error, restarting my device solves the problem.


Fuchsia OS Failed to start the emulator

I am trying to install fuchsia and it was downloaded perfectly , but when I tried to start the emulator , it popped waiting for emulator to start and then it failed, giving error
device, health check failed . Unable to ssh due to error : exit status 2
Then, when I checked the log file for error:
It showed This application failed to start because no QT platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling application may fix the problem.
#I have tried to reinstall 2-3 times, tried every possible thing, qt was installed properly even qtcreator was working, still while running fuchsia same error is coming
Any answers?Any solution

How to solve bootstrap server error on iPhone?

Couldn't register com.yourcompany.accessgalary with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.
Restart both simulator and Xcode, that way only you can solve this problem.
Delete application from device
Reset device
install application now

"File not found" error when deploying to Windows Phone 8

I'm trying to deploy my first Windows Phone 8 app to my brand new Lumia 920, after getting everything up and running on the emulator, but I'm running into the following error during deployment:
1>------ Deploy started: Project: AudioFilteringPhone, Configuration: Debug ARM ------
1>Deploying C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\AudioFiltering\AudioFiltering\Bin\ARM\Debug\AudioFiltering_Debug_ARM.xap...
1>Connecting to Device...
1>Optimizing for device...
1>Installing the application...
1>Deployment of application to device failed.
1>Error writing file '%FOLDERID_SharedData%\PhoneTools\11.0\Install\{29b31259-9af9-47a5-9891-c3098315d3d8}\AudioFiltering_Debug_ARM.xap'. Error 0x80070003: The system cannot find the path specified.
If I manually try to deploy using the Deployment tool, I get the same error. Does anyone know what the cause of this is and how to alleviate it? This happens even if I just start a new WP8 app and immediately try to deploy it, so it's something wrong with my environment, not my application configuration.
I had exactly the same problem, but solved it by simply rebooting the phone. No software updates were required.
It turns out that there were software updates that needed to be installed. If anyone knows a way to find out the names of the updates applied, I will post them here, otherwise all I can say is that I had to update to OS version 8.0.10211.204.
This also can be because of wrong USB cable or port. I have a long cable for charging which works with android devices, but doesn't with WP.
Or maybe using another USB port helped.

how to make eclipse recognize emulator and reload app every run

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
You must restart adb and Eclipse.
squares_senior_project] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'C:\Users\Nick\android-sdks\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.
I have been continually getting the above error when I try to run my application for the past 4 days now. I can start the emulator through the AVDM and run an older version of my app that has already been loaded, but for some reason the emulator wont update the app anymore and I cant figure out why. When I try to run it once the emulator is up and running I get the error: createRenderThread failed to connect. I have restarted my computer, eclipse, and the adb. I thought it may have been something with my firewall keeping the computer from recognizing the emulator but I cant see any thing that seems to be related to eclipse, I could be wrong though. This is my senior project and the dead line is approaching and i'm getting desperate so any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Bootstrap server error when running app on Device in Xcode4

Couldn't register taxsmart.MapTest with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger
I get this Error when I try to install my app on my Device.
I already tried restarting Mac and device.
Also tried cleaning the app and re-building. But did not work for me.
Also I tried refering to this link but didn't help me.
Bootstrap Server Error in Xcode IPHONE
What can be done?
I restarted my Mac and my device and it worked.
You didn't mention specifically, so I'll ask: Have you tried manually deleting the application from the device? Tap and hold its icon. When they begin to wiggle, hit the x in the upper-left of the icon and confirm deletion.