I am trying to eliminate certain strings from a Description field in a table. To this end I have made this function
CREATE FUNCTION fnDescriptionClean
(#strDescription varchar(50))
RETURNS varchar(50)
declare #Return varchar(50)
declare #badword varchar(50)
set #badword = 'Front'
set #strDescription = CASE
--Remove from mid string
WHEN #strDescription LIKE '% ' + #Badword +' %' THEN REPLACE(#strDescription,' ' + #Badword + ' ',' ')
--Remove from start of string
WHEN #strDescription LIKE #Badword +' %' THEN RIGHT(#strDescription, (len(#strDescription)-(len(#Badword)+1)))
--Remove from end of string
WHEN #strDescription LIKE '% ' + #Badword THEN LEFT(#strDescription, (len(#strDescription)-(len(#Badword)+1)))
ELSE #strDescription END
set #badword = 'Right'
set #strDescription = CASE
WHEN #strDescription LIKE '% ' + #Badword +' %' THEN REPLACE(#strDescription,' ' + #Badword + ' ',' ')
WHEN #strDescription LIKE #Badword +' %' THEN RIGHT(#strDescription, (len(#strDescription)-(len(#Badword)+1)))
WHEN #strDescription LIKE '% ' + #Badword THEN LEFT(#strDescription, (len(#strDescription)-(len(#Badword)+1)))
ELSE #strDescription END
RETURN #strDescription
I am new to SQL programming and would like to improve on this. Supposing I wanted to have a table which contained a list of 'bad words' that I wanted to be removed from a string and loop through it when cleaning the description.
I should point out that this process needs to be as efficient as possible as I am dealing with 15 millions records.
Why don't you just use REPLACE?
UPDATE tableName
SET columnName = REPLACE(columnName,'specific word','');
I'm trying to convert the following query to dynamic SQL to allow for variations:
SET SumCount = J.SUM
FROM #temp T
JOIN (SELECT Count_99221 + COUNT_99222 + Count_99223 [SUM], t2.userID
FROM #temp t2
GROUP BY t2.userID, Count_99221 + COUNT_99222 + Count_99223
) J ON T.userID = J.UserID
This is what I have for the Dynamic SQL:
DECLARE #sql3 nvarchar(2000) =
'SET SumCount = J.SumOfColumns ' +
'FROM #temp T ' +
'JOIN (SELECT ' + #columnSumString + ' [SumOfColumns], t2.userID ' +
'FROM #temp t2 ' +
'GROUP BY t2.userID, ' + #columnSumString +
' ) J ON T.userID = J.UserID'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql3
I am receiving the following error only when I run the query as Dynamic SQL:
Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not
an outer reference.
Can somebody help explain why this is happening? I am new to Dynamic SQL so I'm not privy to any limitations for running queries this way.
Thank you in advance.
The variable #columnString is a string made by concatenating several other column names, created in the following way:
DECLARE #Cursor Cursor
DECLARE #code varchar(20)
SET #cptCursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT * FROM dbo.Split(#UserInput,CHAR(44))
OPEN #cptCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM #cptCursor INTO #ID, #code
DECLARE #colName varchar(50) = 'Count_' + cast(#code as varchar(10))
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(50) = 'ALTER TABLE #temp ADD ' + #colName + ' int'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql
--Code that adds values to each column that is created.....
SET #columnSumString = #colName + ' + ' + #columnSumString
--SET #columnSumString = #code + ' + ' + #columnSumString
FETCH NEXT FROM #cptCursor INTO #ID, #code
CLOSE #Cursor
SET #columnSumString = SUBSTRING(#columnSumString,1,LEN(#columnSumString)-2)
SELECT #columnSumString
The user input is a comma separated string. "Count_99221 + COUNT_99222 + Count_99223" is just one example of columns created from the user input "99221, 99222, 99223".
I also realized I was concatenating the #code variable into #columnSumString instead of #colName. Now when I run the query I don't get the error (even though I don't understand how the above error message relates to that mistake) but every value of SumCount is NULL.
IMHO you must re-write your query as follow:
UPDATE #temp
SET SumCount =
(SELECT Count_99221 + COUNT_99222 + Count_99223
FROM #temp t2
WHERE t2.userID = #temp.userID)
So the dynamic SQL will become:
DECLARE #columnString varchar(200)
SET #columnString = Count_99221 + COUNT_99222 + Count_99223
DECLARE #sql3 nvarchar(2000) =
N'UPDATE #temp ' +
'SET SumCount = (SELECT ' + #columnString +
' FROM #temp t2 WHERE t2.userID = #temp.userID)'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql3
I have a big stored procedure, with some nested cursors fetching some parameters dynamically. In this part I get the problem:
DECLARE #Avg_Dev float;
SET #sqlstatement = 'SELECT #Avg_Dev = AVG([' + #QLabel + '])
FROM Imported_Data
WHERE BrandID = ''' + CAST(#BrandID AS nvarchar(max)) + ''' AND CountryID = ''' + CAST(#CountryID AS nvarchar(max))
+ ''' AND [Year] = ''' + CAST(#Year AS nvarchar(max))
+ ''' AND ' + CAST(#QLabel AS nvarchar(max)) + ' <> ''' + CAST(#NoAnswer AS nvarchar(max)) + ''' ' + #Query;
EXEC sp_executesql #sqlstatement, N'#Avg_Dev float output', #Avg_Dev output;
PRINT 'AVG Check'; PRINT #Avg_Dev;
#BrandID and #CountryID are GUID, #Year is int, #QLabel is int and #Query is nvarchar(max). #NoAnswer contains a special value that has not to be considered.
#QLabel contains the column that I'm processing.
#Query contains a condition to apply to the where statement, and it's different for every #QLabel.
The problem is that #Avg_Dev always contains values rounded to the nearest integer, and I can't see why. #QLabel can be a value between 1 and 10.
I know this is not easy to read, but I didn't find any other way to process the table dynamically with every parameter changing often.
The problem here is that the column (QLabel) is defined as an integer. So an AVG() would return an integer (ignoring the decimals) and pushing that into your float variable. Try this:
SET #sqlstatement = 'SELECT #Avg_Dev = AVG(convert(float,[' + #QLabel + ']))
FROM Imported_Data
WHERE BrandID = ''' + CAST(#BrandID AS nvarchar(max)) + ''' AND CountryID = ''' + CAST(#CountryID AS nvarchar(max))
+ ''' AND [Year] = ''' + CAST(#Year AS nvarchar(max))
+ ''' AND ' + CAST(#QLabel AS nvarchar(max)) + ' <> ''' + CAST(#NoAnswer AS nvarchar(max)) + ''' ' + #Query;
I'm looking for a way to import a SQL Server table data into goinstant. Is there a JSON editor or script that allows this and that can be clipboard pasted right into goinstant?
I may have come up with a solution. I was able to use a previously created sql to json object tsql script written by Matthew D. Erwin. I modified it to handle creating an importable output to goinstant. See the script here on github, or feel free to grab it from below.
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetJSON] Script Date: 5/16/2014 9:04:40 AM ******/
-- Author: Matthew D. Erwin (Snaptech, LLC)
-- Create date: May 9, 2013
-- Modified date: May 16, 2014 by Rudy E. Hinojosa (CBM Archives, LLC) rudy.hinojosa#cbmarchives.com
-- Description: Returns the contents of a given table
-- in JavaScript Object Notation JSON -
-- Very notably useful for generating MOCK .json files
-- for testing or before RESTful services are completed.
-- This implementation:
-- *removed cursor (using FOR XML PATH(''))
-- *properly supports NULL vs quoted values
-- *supports dates in ISO 8601 - presuming UTC
-- *uses Data_Type and Is_Nullable info
-- *escapes '\'
-- *formats output with tabs/newlines
-- *can return final results as XML to bypass
-- truncation in SSMS
-- *supports schema (e.g. [dbo].[TableName]
-- *includes "recordCount" field
-- Options:
-- #table_name: the table to execute the query
-- #limit: equivalent to "select top N * from table"
-- #ssms: flag to use if executing in Sql Server Management Studio
-- to bypass result truncation limits.
-- #isgoinstant: flag to use if importing results to GoInstant database
-- Inspired primarily by the 2008 work of Thiago R. Santos which was influenced by Thomas Frank.
-- Usage: [dbo].[GetJSON] #Table_name = 'MySchema.MyTable', #limit = 50, #ssms = 0, #isgoinstant = 0
CREATE procedure [dbo].[GetJSON] (
#table_name varchar(max),
#limit int = null,
#ssms bit = 0,
#isgoinstant bit = 0
declare #json varchar(max), #query varchar(max), #table_schema varchar(max) = null
if( charindex('.', #table_name) > 0 )
set #table_schema = replace(replace( substring(#table_name, 0, charindex('.',#table_name)), '[', ''), ']', '')
set #table_name = replace(replace( substring(#table_name, charindex('.',#table_name) + 1,len(#table_name)), '[', ''), ']', '')
set #query =
'select ' + case when #limit is not null then 'top ' + cast(#limit as varchar(32)) + ' ' else '' end + ''' '' + REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(''' +
--case when #isgoinstant is not null then ('"' + cast(newid() as varchar(max)) + '"' + ': { ') else '' end +
CAST((SELECT ' "' + column_name + '" : ' +
case when is_nullable = 'YES'
then ''' + case when [' + column_name + '] is null then ''null'' else ' +
case when data_type like '%binar%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like 'XM%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '''"'' + ' else '' end +
case when data_type like '%date%' then 'char(34) + convert(varchar(23),[' + column_name + '], 126) + ''Z'' + char(34)' else
'replace(replace(replace(replace(cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max)),''\'',''\\''),''"'',''\"''),char(10),''\n''),char(13),''\n'') ' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '+ ''"''' else '' end + ' end + '''
case when data_type like '%binar%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like 'XM%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '"' else '' end +
''' + ' +
case when data_type like '%date%' then 'char(34) + convert(varchar(23),[' + column_name + '], 126) + ''Z + char(34)' else
'replace(replace(replace(replace(cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max)),''\'',''\\''),''"'',''\"''),char(10),''\n''),char(13),''\n'') + ''' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '"' else '' end end + ',' AS [text()]
from information_schema.columns where table_name = #table_name and (#table_schema is null or table_schema = #table_schema) FOR XML PATH('') ) as varchar(max)) +
'''),1,1,'''')) + '' }'' as json into tmpJsonTable from ' + #table_name + ' with(nolock) '
exec sp_sqlexec #query
if (#isgoinstant = 0)
set #json =
'{' + char(10) + char(9) +
'"recordCount" : ' + Cast((select count(*) from tmpJsonTable) as varchar(32)) + ',' + char(10) + char(9) +
'"records" : ' + char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + '[' + char(10)
+ REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(CAST((SELECT char(9) + char(9) + json + ',' + char(10) AS [text()] FROM tmpJsonTable FOR XML PATH('')) AS varchar(max))),1,2,''))
+ char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + ']' + char(10) + '}'
set #json =
'{' + char(10) + char(9) +
REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(CAST((SELECT case when #isgoinstant is not null then ('"' + cast(newid() as varchar(max)) + '"' + ': { ') else '' end + char(9) + json + ',' + char(10) AS [text()] FROM tmpJsonTable FOR XML PATH('')) AS varchar(max))),1,2,''))
+ char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + '}'
drop table tmpJsonTable
if( #ssms = 1 and len(#json) > 65535 ) --deal with Sql Server Management Studio text/grid truncation
select cast('<json><![CDATA[' + #json + ']]></json>' as xml) as jsonString
select #json as jsonString
The following code is supposed to take a string that may or may not be comma delimited and put it into a table (#tmpFullanme) that part works flawlessly. The second part is supposed return all the values that are LIKE / NOT LIKE with or without % symbols based on what is input. The error that I am getting is "the multi-part identifier "#tmpFullname.Item" could not be bound." The best guess I have is that it may be out of scope?
DROP PROCEDURE uspJudgments;
#fullName varchar(100), #SrchCriteria1 varchar(15), #SrchCriteria2 varchar(15), #qualifier varchar(10)
INTO #tmpFullname
FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(#fullName, ',')
DECLARE #Query NVarChar(1024)
SET #Query = 'SELECT d.*' + ' FROM defendants_ALL d, #tmpFullname' +
' WHERE d.combined_name' + ' ' + #qualifier + ' ' + '''' + #SrchCriteria1 + '''' + ' + ' + '''' + #tmpFullname.Item + '''' + ' + ' + '''' + #SrchCriteria2 + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql #Query
IF OBJECT_ID('#tmpFullname', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmpFullname
EXEC uspJudgments #qualifier = 'LIKE', #fullName = 'johnson', #SrchCriteria1 = '%', #SrchCriteria2 = '%'
Cannot get to the PRINT output as "the multi-part identifier "#tmpFullname.Item" could not be bound." If I change #tmpFullname.Item to '#tmpFullname.Item it goes through and returns nothing but it shows that the query is correct minus the issue with that table.
SELECT d.* FROM defendants_ALL d, #tmpFullname WHERE d.combined_name LIKE '%' + '#tmpFullname.Item' + '%'
Please note that until I made this into a dynamic query so I can change the statement from LIKE to IN etc it worked very well.
I set up a full test to get the proper script to get you your desired results. I also have a SQL Fiddle showing how this works. Note You will want to run EXECUTE sp_executesql #Query inside the stored procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE uspJudgments #fullName varchar(100)
, #SrchCriteria1 varchar(15)
, #SrchCriteria2 varchar(15)
, #qualifier varchar(10)
--Simulates your split function
INTO #tmpFullName
SELECT 'firstTest' AS Item
) AS t;
SELECT #Query = 'SELECT d.* '
+ ' FROM defendants_ALL d '
+ ' CROSS JOIN #tmpFullName AS t '
+ ' WHERE d.combined_name' + ' ' + #qualifier + ' '
+ '''' + #SrchCriteria1 + ''''
+ ' + ' + 't.Item' + ' + ' + '''' + #SrchCriteria2 + '''';
EXECUTE sp_executesql #Query;
EXECUTE uspJudgments
#fullName = 'does not matter'
, #SrchCriteria1 = '%'
, #SrchCriteria2 = '%'
, #qualifier = 'LIKE';
You have to use the tempdb prefix in this case
insert into tempdb..#TABLENAME
set #query = 'select * from tempdb..#TABLENAME'
Well, After my last answer i have found several things..
When i look into your procedure you start with the "BEGIN", next you do a insert into the "#tmpFullName" table, your declare the "#Query" variable and create a select statement.
After that you do and "END" with logic after it. You do the "sp_executesql" after that you drop the temptable and you do and EXEC of the current procedure..
The Structure isn't all that readable, sorry to tell you. So maybe you go there first.
Beside a strange structure you are using the "#tmpFullName.Item" in some dynamic SQL as a parameter, while it is declared inside the SQL query it self. So you have to do something like this :
SET #Query = 'SELECT d.*' + ' FROM defendants_ALL d, #tmpFullname' +
' WHERE d.combined_name' + ' ' + #qualifier + ' ' + '''' + #SrchCriteria1 + '''' + ' + ' + ' #tmpFullname.Item ' + ' + ' + '''' + #SrchCriteria2 + ''''
Where the "#tmpFullName.Item" resides insde the code, not as a parameter. But then again, what are you trying to achieve here? To answer this completly we have to know what the other variables are. Your structure isn't telling me what are trying to achieve..
I really can't make any more out of it...
What I am trying to do is export a Tsql query to a csv file. Simple enough, however I need to be able to specify which fields are wrapped in quotes "". I can get my query to export with all the feilds wrapped.
"SCHEN001","Joe Bloggs Inc","1","1","1","1","1","1","13","6","Mr John Smith"
What I would like to export is
"SCHEN001","Joe Bloggs Inc",1,1,1,1,1,1,13,6,"Mr John Smith"
Is this possible using Tsql?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
Take a look at the bcp.exe utility. It is ment for bulk operations and you can specify templates for exports etc.
A link that seems reasonable: http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/database-administration/creating-csv-files-using-bcp-and-stored-procedures/
Another approach is to use SQL Server Integration Services (if you have MS SQL Server Standard or Enterprise edition)
or, alternatively, you can copy grid results into Excel, and export CSV from there :-)
Try to use this script.
Set variable #TblName to the name of your table.
The script uses information_schema.columns
to get the datatypes for every column in selected table.
DECLARE #TblName varchar(128)
DECLARE #WhereClause varchar(255)
DECLARE #cmd varchar(7000)
SET #cmd = ''
create table #tableDef (id int identity (1,1), ColType int, ColName varchar(128))
--Fetch table information
insert #tableDef (ColType, ColName)
select case when DATA_TYPE like '%char%' then 1
when DATA_TYPE like '%datetime%' then 2
else 0 end ,
from information_schema.columns
where TABLE_NAME = #TblName
SELECT #cmd = #cmd
+ ' CASE WHEN ' + ColName + ' IS NULL '
+ ' THEN ''NULL'' '
+ ' ELSE '
+ case ColType
when 1 then ''''''''' + ' + ColName + ' + '''''''''
when 2 then ''''''''' + ' + 'CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),' + ColName + ')' + ' + '''''''''
else 'CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),' + ColName + ')' end
+ ' END + '','' + '
from #tableDef
order by id
select #cmd = 'SELECT ' + left(#cmd,len(#cmd)-8) + '+'''' FROM ' + #tblName
exec (#cmd)
drop table #tableDef