Basic principle of auto complete - eclipse

How do they perform auto complete of code in eclipse or other ides? What is basic principle behind it?

You know how you have to explicitly attach source code to non-standard libraries you imported in Eclipse? When you do that, text-search index is built over that source and this way IDE knows to offer you auto-complete feature. Roughly, I suppose it is something as associative array where key is the prefix of method you typed, and value is description of that method.
Now what is important for this functionality is to be implemented efficiently regarding both time and memory consumption. It would be very inefficient to store the same entry for every possible prefix of some method. (Or even to store every prefix!)
One of interesting structures that could be suitable for this problem is Trie, which is inherently optimized for prefix search while keeping acceptable memory usage.
Take a look here for a simple example:

Besides Tries, used for the case when you have already typed the beginning of the name of a method/var, I think it also uses some sort of type comparison/analysis for the case when you try to invoke a method and the IDE suggests you a local/global variable to pass as parameter to that method call.


How to call Rust functions in Flutter (Dart) via FFI, but with convenience and safety?

I know we can call Rust from Flutter/Dart via FFI. But Flutter only allows the C ABI when doing FFI. Therefore, I have to manually write down boilerplate code. Especially, Rust unsafe code - since I have to deal with lots of raw pointers :(
Therefore, is there any approaches to do it in a safe way? We know Rust itself is very safe (since its unique memory management approach), and Dart/Flutter itself is also very safe (since GC). But I do not want the ffi call be the Achilles heel and destroy the safety of my app!
There are several ways to do it.
a. JSON/Protobuf-based Approach
The first way that I have used in the production environment for a year is that, you can use JSON or Protobuf to pass all the data between Rust and Dart/Flutter. By doing this, you do not need to write down tons of boilerplate code to allocate/free a String, a List of bytes, a struct/class, etc. All you need to do is to write down one single function that accepts a byte array payload and outputs a byte array result. By saying "one" function, I mean, you can have an action field in your JSON/Protobuf, so calls to indeed different Rust functions can be interleaved into this one thin interface.
Despite its convenience (only a bit of unsafe boilerplate), the drawback is also evident. The serialization and deserialization does not come for free. You will have to pay the CPU time and memory for it, which can be quite large sometimes. Moreover, you cannot easily pass around big objects. For example, if you have an image (you know, at least megabytes of size), serializing it to Protobuf, then deserialize it from Protobuf can be quite a waste of both CPU and memory - useless copies! Even worse, since Flutter/Dart FFI does not support a convenient way of async FFI, you have to make it running in a separate worker isolate - one more memory copy. You can see more here: (this is an issue that I opened).
b. Code generator
The second way that I use recently is to write down a code generator. Indeed the code follows several common patterns, such as "allocate - fill data - call FFI - free", etc. So it is not that hard to write a generator to automatically do such kind of things. The idea is to mimic what human beings will do when they write down boilerplate code manually.
I did hope that there already exist some code generator such that I could directly use, but it seemed that none exists... So, go and write it by yourself.
c. Use existing open-source code generator
After I write down the code generator, I guess people may have the same problem as me, so I open-sourced it:
Indeed, my code generator not only solves the problem above, but also have rich type support, allows zero-copy, allows async programming and direct call from main isolate, etc, which can be implemented via code generator but will require lots of boilerplate code if you do it by hand.
Disclaimer: This is a Q&A-style answer to show my thoughts and what I have done on this problem that is critical to my own app in production environment. Indeed I have used the JSON approach since last year, and later refactor into the code generator approach. Hope it also helps other people who faces the same situation!

Object class members as pointers to avoid #include in headers - is it good practice?

This is really a question of precedence: which is more preferred in C++, avoiding pointers or avoiding #includes in header files?
"Don't Use #include in header files."
There seems to be some ambiguity based on my research. In this SO question, the top answer says "...make sure you actually need an include, [don't use one] when a forward declaration or even leaving it out completely will do." (From Header files and include best practice)
And this article explains the negative effect excess header inclusions can have on compile-time:
As well as this tutorial, stating, " should try to put all of your code in the CPP class and only the class declaration in the HPP file.":
"Don't Use Pointers."
But, there is also evidence that pointers should be avoided most often as well:
c++: when to use pointers?
Which preference takes precedence?
If my understanding about avoiding #includes in header files is correct, this can easily be done by changing things like class members to pointers so I can use a forward declaration instead, but is this a good idea for class members whose lifetime only lasts as long as the class itself?
It's not really an "one or the other". Both statements are true, but you need to understand the reasoning behind them.
tl;dr: Use forward declaration where possible to reduce compile time. Use stack objects or references as much as possible and pointers only in rare cases.
"Don't Use #include in header files."
This is a rather general statement, which as is, would be wrong. The more important part behind this statement actually is: "Use forward declarations where ever possible". Includes in header files are not something bad per se, but they often aren't needed either.
Forward declarations can be used, if the included type/class/etc. is used as a pointer in the new type/class/etc. declaration within the given header. Forward declaration just tells the compiler: "Somewhere a long the way you'll find the actual declaration of type X." The include can even be removed if the type isn't used at all in the declaration. The reason is that the compiler doesn't need to know anything about these types to calculate the required memory layout for the new type. For example a pointer has "always" the same size. Including the file additionally in the header, would potentially only waste processing power, since the compiler would have to open and parse the file, thus adding expensive seconds to the compile time. So in most cases you'll do yourself a favor by reducing the unnecessary includes in the header files and instead use forward declaration.
For the sake of completion: Forward declaration are explicitly needed if you get circular references (class A depends on class B, which depends on class C, which depends on class A). However this can often also reveal either bad design and/or old/outdate coding standards which would lead us to the second topic.
"Don't use pointers."
Again the statement is a tiny bit too general. One might rather want to say: "Don't use raw pointers."
With C++11 and soon C++1y the language itself has changed a lot. As much bad C++ books the world has seen, the more outdated C++ books float around nowadays (here's a good list however). While in the past we were mostly stuck with pointers new and delete for memory management, we've evolved to better, more readable, less risk and 100% memory leak free ways to manage the data in memory. One of the magic words is RAII - since you linked something from SFML above, here's a nice demonstration of the power of RAII. I see many people use pointers and new and delete just because or maybe because they are thinking in Java or C# terms were objects get instantiated with the new keyword. In C++ however object don't need to use new to be allocated and it's mostly preferable to run things on the stack instead of the heap. This works for many, many things, especially when using STL containers, which will hide the dynamic management in the background. The usage of the heap is mostly all cases only preferable if you need the data to be dynamic, non "local" or you need a lot of it. However when you use the heap, make sure to use smart pointers such as std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr depending on the use case, but certainly not raw pointers. In modern C++ raw pointers should never own an object anymore. There are cases where it's okay to return a raw pointer to reference an object, but there's really no reason in modern C++ to call new on a raw pointer.
Lets get back to the original question though. The "Don't use raw pointers" is essentially more of a design question and quite unrelated to the whole header issue. While there might be some cases where you'll have to switch to raw pointers, due to circular references, the use of forward declarations is otherwise just about compilation time (and maybe clean code), but it's not as essential for the programming itself.
In short: Don't use raw pointers to avoid inclusions in header files, but use forward declaration where ever possible and utilize smart pointers as much as possible.

How do I generate new source code in text form in a Scala compiler plugin?

I have just finished the first version of a Java 6 compiler plugin, that automatically generates wrappers (proxy, adapter, delegate, call it what you like) based on an annotation.
Since I am doing mixed Java/Scala projects, I would like to be able to use the same annotation inside my Scala code, and get the same generated code (except of course in Scala). That basically means starting from scratch.
What I would like to do, and for which I haven't found an example yet, is how do I generate the code inside a Scala compiler plugin in the same way as in the Java compiler plugin. That is, I match/find where my annotation is used, get the AST for the annotated interface, and then ask the API to give me a Stream/Writer in which I output the generated Scala source code, using String manipulation.
That last part is what I could not find. So how do I tell the API to create a new Scala source file, and give me a Stream/Writer/File/Handle, so I can just write in it, and when I'm done, the Scala compiler compiles it, within the same run in which the plugin was invoked?
Why would I want to do that? Firstly, because than both plugins have the same structure, so maintenance is easy. Secondly, I want to open source it, and there is just no way to support every option that anyone would want, so I expect potential users to want to extend the generation with their own code. This will be a lot easier for them if they just have to do some printf(), instead of learning the AST API (this also applies to me).
Short answer:
It can't be done
Long answer:
You could conceivably generate your source file and push that through a parser instance within your plugin. But not in any way that's likely to be of any use to you, because you'd now have a bigger problem to contend with:
In order to grab all the type/name information for generating the delagate/proxy, you'll have to pick up the annotated type's AST after it has run through both the namer and typer phases (which are inseperable). The catch is that any attempts to call your generated code will already have failed typechecking, the compiler will have thrown an error, and any further bets are off.
Method synthesis is possible in limited cases, so long as you can somehow fool the typechecker for just long enough to get your code generated, which is the trick I pulled with my Autoproxy 'lite' plugin. Even then, you're far better off working with TreeDSL to generate code instead of pumping out raw source.
Kevin is entirely correct, but just for completeness it's worth mentioning that there is another alternative - write a compiler plugin that generates source. This is the approach that I've adopted in Borachio. It's not a very satisfactory solution, but it can be made to work.
Edit - I just reread your question and realised that you're actually asking about generating source anyway
So there is no support for this directly, but it's basically just a question of opening a file and writing the relevant "print" statements. There's no way to invoke the compiler "inside" a plugin AFAIK, but I've written an sbt plugin which hides most of the complexity of invoking the compiler twice.

POST/GET bindings in Racket

Is there a built-in way to get at POST/GET parameters in Racket? extract-binding and friends do what I want, but there's a dire note attached about potential security risks related to file uploads which concludes
Therefore, we recommend against their
use, but they are provided for
compatibility with old code.
The best I can figure is (and forgive me in advance)
(bytes->string/utf-8 (binding:form-value (bindings-assq (string->bytes/utf-8 "[field_name_here]") (request-bindings/raw req))))
but that seems unnecessarily complicated (and it seems like it would suffer from some of the same bugs documented in the Bindings section).
Is there a more-or-less standard, non-buggy way to get the value of a POST/GET-variable, given a field name and request? Or better yet, a way of getting back a collection of the POST/GET values as a list/hash/a-list? Barring either of those, is there a function that would do the same, but only for POST variables, ignoring GETs?
extract-binding is bad because it is case-insensitive, is very messy for inputs that return multiple times, doesn't have a way of dealing with file uploads, and automatically assumes everything is UTF-8, which isn't necessarily true. If you can accept those problems, feel free to use it.
The snippet you wrote works when the data is UTF-8 and when there is only one field return. You can define it is a function and avoid writing it many times.
In general, I recommend using formlets to deal with forms and their values.
Now your questions...
"Is there a more-or-less standard, non-buggy way to get the value of a POST/GET-variable, given a field name and request?"
What you have is the standard thing, although you wrongly assume that there is only one value. When there are multiple, you'll want to filter the bindings on the field name. Similarly, you don't need to turn the value into a string, you can leave it as bytes just fine.
"Or better yet, a way of getting back a collection of the POST/GET values as a list/hash/a-list?"
That's what request-bindings/raw does. It is a list of binding? objects. It doesn't make sense to turn it into a hash due to multiple value returns.
"Barring either of those, is there a function that would do the same, but only for POST variables, ignoring GETs?"
The Web server hides the difference between POSTs and GETs from you. You can inspect uri and raw post data to recover them, but you'd have to parse them yourself. I don't recommend it.

How do you define 'unwanted code'?

How would you define "unwanted code"?
IMHO, Any code member with 0 active calling members (checked recursively) is unwanted code. (functions, methods, properties, variables are members)
Here's my definition of unwanted code:
A code that does not execute is a dead weight. (Unless it's a [malicious] payload for your actual code, but that's another story :-))
A code that repeats multiple times is increasing the cost of the product.
A code that cannot be regression tested is increasing the cost of the product as well.
You can either remove such code or refactor it, but you don't want to keep it as it is around.
0 active calls and no possibility of use in near future. And I prefer to never comment out anything in case I need for it later since I use SVN (source control).
Like you said in the other thread, code that is not used anywhere at all is pretty much unwanted. As for how to find it I'd suggest FindBugs or CheckStyle if you were using Java, for example, since these tools check to see if a function is used anywhere and marks it as non-used if it isn't. Very nice for getting rid of unnecessary weight.
Well after shortly thinking about it I came up with these three points:
it can be code that should be refactored
it can be code that is not called any more (leftovers from earlier versions)
it can be code that does not apply to your style-guide and way-of-coding
I bet there is a lot more but, that's how I'd define unwanted code.
In java i'd mark the method or class with #Deprecated.
Any PRIVATE code member with no active calling members (checked recursively). Otherwise you do not know if your code is not used out of your scope analysis.
Some things are already posted but here's another:
Functions that almost do the same thing. (only a small variable change and therefore the whole functions is copy pasted and that variable is changed)
Usually I tell my compiler to be as annoyingly noisy as possible, that picks 60% of stuff that I need to examine. Unused functions that are months old (after checking with the VCS) usually get ousted, unless their author tells me when they'll actually be used. Stuff missing prototypes is also instantly suspect.
I think trying to implement automated house cleaning is like trying to make a USB device that guarantees that you 'safely' play Russian Roulette.
The hardest part to check are components added to the build system, few people notice those and unused kludges are left to gather moss.
Beyond that, I typically WANT the code, I just want its author to refactor it a bit and make their style the same as the rest of the project.
Another helpful tool is doxygen, which does help you (visually) see relations in the source tree.. however, if its set at not extracting static symbols / objects, its not going to be very thorough.