Extjs 4 grid filtering - plugins

this is exactly what I am looking for http://www.developerextensions.com/index.php/extjs-filter-row but I could not find a version which would work well with extjs 4
Its very possible that I created a false code because I am noobie in extjs so could you please help me with this or some similar extension how exactly to implement it and make it work?
Thank you very much in advance.

You don't need to use external plugins. In Ext JS 4.1 filtering can be done easily without any plugins.
There are nice examples of both local and remote filtering in documentation.
Remote filtering
Local filtering

Here is a grid plugin that adds filtering row below grid header. Allows remote filtering and supports pagination grids.
It works pretty well in Ext version 4.
Here is an image of what it does:


Can I use TYPO3's RTE in a front end plugin?

I have a custom extension, and i need to use some form of text editor in the front-end. According to the documentation, it should be possible, but the documentation and tutorials seem to be deprecated. I think this is not available in typo3 7.6 :
Can it be done somehow or do i need to install another extension for this, maybe just a viewhelper? Thank you in advance.
I did lots of researches trying to use the rtehtmlarea in the FE, but failed. Then, I realized I could use any RTE, as they are nothing but js+css. All I need is to render the contents with RTE.FE, like how the BE does, and save the result into the database, which is all I want. I have already done this in many sites, using standalone tinymce, and it works great. So, I think maybe you could try this solution.
To be honest, that feature worked only in theory and never in reality. Use an RTE like ckeditor or whatever fits best

Dynamic Chart using Xamarin Forms

I am newbie in Xamarin; I know there must be ready components for what I need, already I searched but not yet found.
I need to create a dynamic graphic like this:
I wore this in PhoneGap (html5 + JS), but now I'm moving to Xamarin forms and would like to know if any third component is what I need or I'll have to do everything from scratch.
Thank you.
I'm currently looking into graphing too and OxyPlots seems to be a pretty good line graph tool. I don't think it supports dynamic updating so you'd have to program it to update manually when new data points come available.
I've not gotten round to actually using this myself but I thought I'd post this here in case it works for you.
Edit: Here's a list of examples. Also you can add it to your project using nuget so it should be easy to set up.
I'm using Syncfusion controls for Xamarin.Forms and I'm satisfied with it. They also have a free license for individual developers and small businesses.
For dynamically updated Xamarin charts SciChart offers an extremely high performance solution. With the SciChart Xamarin Chart control you can draw up to a million points, zoom, pan and scroll big datasets interactively.
Check out performance demos here:
Disclosure: I am the tech lead on the SciChart Xamarin project

How to design the header of a website in GWT without using CSS?

I need to make the header and logo (google Code and Stockwatcher) of the stockwatcher example http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/1.6/tutorial/gettingstarted.html without using CSS or HTML, that is all the code should be in JAVA. Can someone tell me how to do it ?
You should be able to create Panels and place elements in them progmatatically without a problem. But if you add more details to your questions I am sure we can be more helpful.
Also, you are linking to an older version of GWT, you might be helped by using the most recent version:
This is probably the section you are looking for:
But I would recommend using UiBinder where you can, instead of pure Java. It is easier and more flexible that way.

Google like autosuggest with Solr

I'm currently using Solr with Terms Component and Jquery Autosuggest which works quiet good. However, this construct is limited to one autosuggest word (it autocompletes only the first word). Is it possible to implement a Google like autosuggest with multiple words/terms so i can autocomplete multiple words?
I just wrote a blog post about different ways to make auto complete suggestions with Solr. It's basically a comparison of some different strategies, check it out, it might help.
If you want to make multiple terms suggestions, it turns out you should use, as already mentioned in the other answer you got, the Suggester component available in Solr starting from the 3.1 version. Since it has some limitations, you can also have a look at the ShingleFilterFactory, which generates token NGrams. It creates combination of tokens as a single token, that's useful to suggest multiple words.
You can also use SpellCheckComponent for better auto complete suggests.
See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/Suggester for details.
Refer here for solr5 and above
Check this out, it might help
I worked out the same task, finally got solved using TermsComponent with multiple fields. check this link. http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/auto-completion-search-with-solr-using-NGrams-in-SOLR-td3998559i20.html

Stand-alone charts in GWT

I've been trying to get pretty charts to work in GWT on our internal network.
Playing around with GWT-Ext's charts is nice, but it requires flash and is really messy to control (it seems buggy, in general).
I'd like to hear about something that works with the least amount of dependencies and it also must work without a connection to the web (so, Google' charts API isn't a solution).
Edit: Indeed, I would rather a library that is all client-side.
I'm building a GWT chart library based on Flot: http://gflot.googlecode.com
I hope you find it useful. Contact me if you have any questions.
Googling for "GWT +sparklines" has gotten me to gchart, which seems like what I need.
From what I understand - it's all client side and requires nothing more than their JAR file.
Google's charts actually come in two flavours, and one of them does not require interaction with Google's servers - so should satisfy your needs.
Google Image Charts is the API you are thinking of, which is an API on Google's servers that returns images.
Google Interactive Charts is a client side javascript API that renders entirely within the browser: Google Interactive Charts
Google provides a GWT wrapper for the interactive charts: GWT Visualization API
It's not all rainbows and unicorns and you can find chart libs out there that make nicer charts, but it's pretty solid, works on all major browsers and we've been using it successfully for quite a while.
http://code.google.com/p/ext-ux-ofcgxt/ is a nice option if you're using ext-gwt
Do you want something that has a server side component or entirely client driven? The best ones I have seen are all flash, alas. I have done little tricks with JS and GWT before, but there is only sophisticated I will get before I go hunting for a library to do it for me.
There is also "sparklines" - they are available in lots of flavours (very simple charts though).
gchart looks seriously awesome. Go with it !
If you're looking for client-side check out flotr which is based on prototype javascript library or flot which is based on jQuery. Both work well, though flot seems like its got a bigger backing.
If you are willing to go with flash, XML/SWF is a wonderful tool
+1 flot, requires jQuery though, so might not play well with GWT, I haven't used that.
Another flash option, with a pre-built GWT integration - Open Flash Chart / ofcgwt.
I think that gwt-chart is a better framework for you.
well.. i've used yahoo ui chart library (which GWT-Ext uses internally). Pretty neat solution, in the beta stage though.
Let us know the conclusion you arrive at..
There is one open source api for charts in GWT hosted on http://code.google.com/p/gwt-rcharts/ . The API works on SVG/VML specification. You may find it quite easy to implement and use. You may find the demo at http://gwt-rcharts.appspot.com/