How to select an item in SmartGWT SelectItem? - gwt

I have a SelectItem object which has a few items. I set a value MAP with:
organizations[0] = "A";
organizations[0] = "B";
When displayed, the combo box is showing "A" as selected item. Then, I need to programatically select value "B" and select this on the current SelectItem object. I've been looking all over the place with no avail.

If you want any option of selectItem to be manually selected, then you should try following:
After doing this when you open the picklist of the selectItem, value "B" will be highlighted.


Combobox component for Swift, select an element by default

I'm using this component:
let persons = ["Architect", "Designer", "Chef", "Doctor"]
self.personDownPicker = DownPicker(textField: self.personTextField, withData:persons)
And it's displaying the data correctly, but, how I can have an option selected by default?
Just looking into the source code, the DownPicker instance has a selectedIndex property. Set it to the index of the selected item.

How to implement Expand/Collapse for a table with Multiple columns - GWT - Google Visualization API

I have list of Items with parent child relation.
At present I am displaying them in a single table. In each row, fist column starts with number of '-'s indicating the depth.
Now I want show only top level items first and with a '+' button before that.
When the user clicks on the '+' button it should turn to '-' and the children of that particular Item need to be displayed.
So, Please help me how to implement that Expand and Collapse functionality in GWT.
I have my Items in a tree format.
Now I am creating a DataTable and Displaying it using GoogleTableChart
The code as follows:
DataTable data = DataTable.create();
data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Item Name ");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Item Id");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Quantity");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Price ($)");
int i=0;
int col=0;
Item d=(Item) treeList.preOrderTraversal().get(i);
int level=d.getLevel();
//setting values to DataTable goes here
GoogleTableChart tblChart = new GoogleTableChart();
Here is my solution:
I create Nested VertialPanels for each Item. And put the reference in a map.
Hide/unhide the panels based on clicks.
For root Item take one panel and add all its children.
After adding one child, add all its children to another panel,hide it and add to root panel.
repeat the steps recursively.
before each row place put (+/-) label and add click handler which take item id as parameter.
when these lables are clicked, based on the status we hide/unhide the panels, taken from the map.
Any Better Solution ... ??

Unable to uncheck a checkbox within a combo box

I have a combo box which contains two List Items. Each list item consists of a checkbox and a text message.
Now, I am using a function which looks something like this to uncheck all the checkbox's within the combobox.
public ApplicationReports UnSelectAllCheckBox()
int i = 0;
ComboBox someVariable= Application.Library.GetFromWindow(Application.Configuration.LoginWindow.Title).OfType<ComboBox>("corresponding Automation Id");
foreach (ListItem casino in someVariable.Items)
// someVariable.Item(0).UnCheck();
return this;
I am able to uncheck the second checkbox using this approach but not the first one. Unable to identify
what is the problem when it is working fine for the second list item. I am using the recently released version of
white framework. "someVariable" is not a problem. I checked its retrieving the correct combo box while
Try this instead:
foreach (ListItem casino in someVariable.Items)
No need to use i and make your own loop iterator.

Knockout select binding

How to prevent select change event fires when the select biding is initiated? an add button on the page that will add select dynamically to the DOM. when each select box is adding to the DOM, the change event is firing rather than I select the item from the select?
The thing is that KnockoutJS attempts to find which element of your listbox matches the requiredItem observable. There is none in the beginning, which is why it then attempts to set it to the "caption" of the listbox. You did not provide one, so it sets requiredItem to the first element of the listbox.
What you could do is add a caption item to your array:
self.requireditems = ko.observableArray([
{ desc: "Select an option from the list...", key: 0, editable: false } // ... and then all other items]);
and if you really don't want requiredItem to be updated:
self.selectedItem = ko.observable(self.requiredItems()[0]);
Then if you want to know if a valid element has been selected from the list, you could add the following property:
self.isValidSelectedItem = ko.computed(function() {
return self.selectedItem().id;

GWT CellTable keep focus on selected row

When I select a row in a CellTable which contains several columns, the whole row gets colored in yellow. It does not depend on which area of the row I click (which column of the row).
What I try to do is to keep the selected row colored in yellow as long as no other row of this very table is selected. At the moment, as soon as I click somewhere else in the browser, the row gets back its original color.
I tried to use a selection model, but this changed nothing. Do you have any advise or is this simply not possible, since the focus is managed by the browser? The behavior is the same in the Google showcase for the CellTable...
The selection model actually does what you want to do: it paints a row blue and the row does not change color if you click elsewhere in the page. (Only when another row is selected)
There are 2 selection models:
One that lets you select only one row, and another one that lets you select multiple rows.
MultiSelectionModel<Row> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<Row>();
SingleSelectionModel<Row> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<Row>();
The solution of user905374 did actually work. I mentioned in my first post that I already tried the solution with a selectionModel and that it did not work. This was partially true. It does work, but only if the table does NOT contain a CheckboxCell.
Following a working and the not working example. I think this might be a bug, but I am not sure if I miss something.
final CellTable<LicenceDto> licenseTable = new CellTable<LicenceDto>();
final SingleSelectionModel<LicenceDto> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<LicenceDto>();
//--- If I add this column, the selection does work.
Column<LicenceDto, String> workingColumn = new Column<LicenceDto, String>(new TextCell()) {
public String getValue(LicenceDto object) {
return "Works";
workingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenceDto, String>() {
public void update(int index, LicenceDto object, String value) {
//--- If I add this column, the selection does NOT work anymore.
Column<LicenceDto, Boolean> notWorkingColumn = new Column<LicenceDto, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, true)) {
public Boolean getValue(LicenceDto object) {
return object.getEnabled();
notWorkingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenceDto, Boolean>() {
public void update(int index, LicenceDto object, Boolean value) {
presenter.enableLicense(object, value);
You can even combine multiple cells and add them to the table (e.g. LinkActionCell etc). As long as there is no CheckboxCell, the blue selection with the SingleSelectionModel does work like a charm. Does anyone see what I do wrong with this CheckboxCell or is there a bug?
It was simply a usage error of me. The problem was that I set handlesSelection to true (second parameter of the CheckboxCell constructor) even thought I don't handle anything. Setting it to false solves the problem.
Bottomline: Use a selection model (e.g. SingleSelectionModel) and do not set the handlesSelection parameter to true of the CheckboxCell constructor to true, if you don't handle the selection by yourself.
You should observe the Showcase demo again. This time use the checkbox on the left most column i.e the first column. On selection the row turns blue indicating the row selection is made. This is when you have SelectionModel set up. Click on the page anywhere outside the CellTable/DataGrid the selection is not changed.
Now, instead of choosing the row via checkbox from first column, you click on a row in any other column. The row turns yellow. Click on the page anywhere outside the CellTable/DataGrid the focus/yellow is lost.
"colored in yellow" indicates row is under focus and being edited and not selected.
Note - you can force row selection by using click events per cell.
Try something like this:
CellTable table;
YourDataObject object = new YourDataObject(...);
SingleSelectionModel<YourDataObject> selectionModel =
new SingleSelectionModel<YourDataObject>();
table.setSelected(object, true);
Use MultiSelectionModel if you wish more than one line to be highlighted.
Store the selected row's index. When user selects row, change row's style to some "selected-style" appropriate for your case (defined in your css file) and remove selected style from the previously selected row. Also don't forget to update selected row's index.
If you provide some code from the original version I help you out with some code with pleasure.