profiling, How to avoid FPU (hardware) in VS pro 2008 or 2012RC and use emulated FPU codes - cortex-m3

I need to optimise some codes for Cortex-M3 processor which doesn't have FP unit. I'm completely new to domain of optimisation.anyways,I use VS 2012 Release Candidate for native compiling of codes on my pc(Intel Core i5, windows 7 as os)and then porting them to Cortex_M3.I tried to write my codes in a way that it uses as little as possible the floating point arithmetics.but I still have a few. so i know that when i embedd it in Cortex_M3, it will take advantage of emulated FPU codes instead (Software FPU). Since i'm not able to do profiling for cortex_m3, i did it on my PC using VS2012 (Instrumentation method) to verify which functions take more time and have to be more optimized.
I think that profiling results on my PC can be proportional to that of COrtex_M3 if i don't use FP unit of my PC.
Is there a keyword or way in Visual Studio (2008 pro. or 2012 RC) which allows me to skip the (hardware) FP unit?
your insights are very appreciated

Your PC is soooooo different to a Cortex M3 that optimisations performed there are unlikely to be of any relevance. Some of the differences:
PC can issue more than one instruction per cycle
PC has some billion of those cycles per second vs some tens of millions
PC likely has more cache than your M3 has RAM
As you observe - the floating point unit
The M3 is an embedded processor - if you can't profile in the traditional way either get a better toolset, so that you can, or do it by hand, by using the hardware timers in the device to time your functions. Or toggle some port pins and hang an oscilloscope off it - that's proper embedded :)
You can profile without an OS - higher-end embedded toolchains can instrument the code, run it and pull the results back for post-processing
There are other hardware timers than the watchdog. At the simplest level, write some functions to read the value before you perform some task, read the value afterwards, subtract the result and print it out. More complex schemes can also be done, logging many iterations and keeping track of statistics etc.
If you have a few port pins, just set one before the function(s) you want to profile, clear it when it completes.
With a 4 channel scope you can see the execution times (and when they happen relative to each other, which can be useful if one interrupts another) of 4 sections of code at a time. If you have more, get a logic analyser and you can do loads of them!
You can also see the jitter or variation in execution time which can be instructive. Try it on the libc trig functions as the angle varies, you'll see that at some angles the sin/cos functions (for example) take way longer to run than at other angles. This can be a significant problem in a real-time system.


Define the minimal configuration for a program

So I have my .exe ready to deploy, and for distribution, I need to know the minimal requirements for my program to run on a machine... and I really don't know how to do that.
Is there a way to know that ? Some kind of benchmark ? Or must I just set things as I think it'll work ?
Maybe should I just buy all existing components until I find the minimal ? :')
Well, thanks for your answers.
Start by seeing the first Windows' version you can deploy on (Windows XP? Vista?).
If your program is cpu or gpu intensive, and has a fixed time loop (eg. game) then you'll have to do benchmarks.
You should look at several old vs new CPUs/GPUs and trying to "guess" based on online specs posted online what the minimal requirement is. For example, if your program can't run on an old cpu, but runs blazingly fast on a new one, try to find the model that -barely- runs it, which will obviously be one somewhere in the middle.
If your program requires other special things, specify them (eg. USB 3.0, controllers supported...).
Otherwise, if your program loads slower but doesn't have runtime issues, the minimum specs should be indicative of a reasonable loading time (a minute seems to be the standard now, sadly).
Additionally, if your program is memory hungry (both hard drive or RAM), you must indicate this.
For hard drive memory, simply state your program size, along with the files included with it.
For RAM, use a profiler - it will tell you how much memory your program is using.
I've completely skipped over the fact that, in some computers, the bottleneck might be the cpu, and it might be the gpu in others. You need to know which is the bottleneck to make your judgement.
To find out is a rather simple process - remove expensive gpu operations (lower texture resolutions, turn off shaders). If the program still runs slowly, then the bottleneck is the cpu.
edit: this is a simplification of the problem and hardware is a little more complicated than this (slower multi-core cpus vs faster one-core cpus vary their performance depending on how many cores a program uses and how / a program may require a gpu to have less memory but more processing power, or the opposite... even heat dissipation can affect component efficiency: your program might run fine for 20 minutes but start to slow down if the cpu isn't cooled down properly), but "minimal hardware requirements" aren't exactly precise so this method is appropriate.
tl;dr of the spoiler:
In short, there are so many factors that affect performance that you can't measure it, so just a rough estimation is good.

Measure the electricity consumed by a browser to render a webpage

Is there a way to calculate the electricity consumed to load and render a webpage (frontend)? I was thinking of a 'test' made with phantomjs for example:
load a web page
scroll to the bottom
And measure how much electricity was needed. I can perhaps extrapolate from CPU cycle. But phantomjs is headless, rendering in real browser is certainly different. Perhaps it's impossible to do real measurements.. but with an index it may be possible to compare websites.
Do you have other suggestions?
It's pretty much impossible to measure this internally in modern processors (anything more recent than 286). By internally, I mean by counting cycles. This is because different parts of the processor consume different levels of energy per cycle depending upon the instruction.
That said, you can make your measurements. Stick a power meter between the wall and the processor. Here's a procedure:
Measure the baseline energy usage, i.e. nothing running except the OS and the browser, and the browser completely static (i.e. not doing anything). You need to make sure that everything is stead state (SS) meaning start your measurements only after several minutes of idle.
Measure the usage doing the operation you want. Again, you want to avoid any start up and stopping work, so make sure you start measuring at least 15 seconds after you start the operation. Stopping isn't an issue since the browser will execute any termination code after you finish your measurement.
Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, because of the nature of your measurements, there are some gotchas.
Do you recall your physics classes (or EE classes) that talked about signal to noise ratios? Well, a scroll down uses very little energy, so the signal (scrolling) is well in the noise (normal background processes). This means you have to take a LOT of samples to get anything useful.
Your browser startup energy usage, or anything else that uses a decent amount of processing, is much easier to measure (better signal to noise ratio).
Also, make sure you understand the underlying electronics. For example, power is VA (voltage*amperage) where both V and A are in phase. I don't think this will be an issue since I'm pretty sure they are in phase for computers. Also, any decent power meter understands the difference.
I'm guessing you intend to do this for mobile devices. Your measurements will only be roughly the same from processor to processor. This is due to architectural differences from generation to generation, and from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Good luck.

What is responsible for changing core's load and frequency in multicore processor

Having looked for a description of the multicore design i keep finding several diagrams, but all of them look somewhat like this:
I know from looking at i7z command output that different cores can run at different frequencies.
This would suggest that the decisions regarding which core will be given a new process and for changing the frequency of the core itself are done either by the operating system or by the control block of the core itself.
My question is: What controls the frequencies of each individual core? Is the job of associating a READY process with the specific core placed upon the operating system or is it done by something within the processor.
Scheduling processes/threads to cores is purely up to the OS. The hardware has no understanding of tasks waiting to run. Maintaining the OS's list of processes that are runnable vs. waiting for I/O is completely a software thing.
Migrating a thread from one core to another is done by kernel code on the original core storing the architectural state to memory, then OS code on the new core restoring that saved state and resuming user-space execution.
Traditionally, frequency and voltage scaling decisions are made by the OS. Take Linux as an example: The decision-making code is called a governor (and also this arch wiki link came up high on google). It looks at things like how often processes have used their entire time slice on the current core. If the governor decides the CPU should run at a different speed, it programs some control registers to implement the change. As I understand it, the hardware takes care of choosing the right voltage to support the requested frequency.
As I understand it, the OS running on each core makes decisions independently. On hardware that allows each core to run at different frequencies, the decision-making code doesn't need to coordinate with each other. If running a high frequency on one core requires a high voltage chip-wide, the hardware takes care of that. I think the modern implementation of DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling) is fairly high-level, with the OS just telling the hardware which of N choices it wants, and the onboard power microcontroller taking care of the details of programming oscillators / clock dividers and voltage regulators.
Intel's "Turbo" feature, which opportunistically boosts the frequency above the max sustainable frequency, does the decision making in hardware. Any time the OS requests the highest advertised frequency, the CPU uses turbo when power and cooling allow.
Intel's Skylake takes this a step further: The OS can hand full control over DVFS to the hardware, optionally with constraints. That lets it react from microsecond to microsecond, rather than on a timescale of milliseconds. This does actually allow better performance in bursty workloads, because more power budget is available for turbo when it's useful. A few benchmarks are bursty enough to observe this, like some browser / javascript ones IIRC.
There was a whole talk about Skylake's new power management at IDF2015, check out the slides and/or archived webcast. The old method is described in a lot of detail there, too, to illustrate the difference, so you should really check it out if you want more detail than my summary. (The list of other IDF talks is here, thanks to Agner Fog's blog for the link)
The core frequency is controlled by a given voltage applied to a core's "oscillator".
This voltage can be changed by the Operating System but it can also be changed by the BIOS itself if a high temperature is detected in the CPU.

For a Single Cycle CPU How Much Energy Required For Execution Of ADD Command

The question is obvious like specified in the title. I wonder this. Any expert can help?
OK, this is was going to be a long answer, so long that I may write an article about it instead. Strangely enough, I've been working on experiments that are closely related to your question -- determining performance per watt for a modern processor. As Paul and Sneftel indicated, it's not really possible with any real architecture today. You can probably compute this if you are looking at only the execution of that instruction given a certain silicon technology and a certain ALU design through calculating gate leakage and switching currents, voltages, etc. But that isn't a useful value because there is something always going on (from a HW perspective) in any processor newer than an 8086, and instructions haven't been executed in isolation since a pipeline first came into being.
Today, we have multi-function ALUs, out-of-order execution, multiple pipelines, hyperthreading, branch prediction, memory hierarchies, etc. What does this have to do with the execution of one ADD command? The energy used to execute one ADD command is different from the execution of multiple ADD commands. And if you wrap a program around it, then it gets really complicated.
So let's look at what you can do.
Statistically measure running a given add over and over again. Remember that there are many different types of adds such as integer adds, floating-point, double precision, adds with carries, and even simultaneous adds (SIMD) to name a few. Limits: OSs and other apps are always there, though you may be able to run on bare metal if you know how; varies with different hardware, silicon technologies, architecture, etc; probably not useful because it is so far from reality that it means little; limits of measurement equipment (using interprocessor PMUs, from the wall meters, interposer socket, etc); memory hierarchy; and more
Statistically measuring an integer/floating-point/double -based workload kernel. This is beginning to have some meaning because it means something to the community. Limits: Still not real; still varies with architecture, silicon technology, hardware, etc; measuring equipment limits; etc
Statistically measuring a real application. Limits: same as above but it at least means something to the community; power states come into play during periods of idle; potentially cluster issues come into play.
When I say "Limits", that just means you need to well define the constraints of your answer / experiment, not that it isn't useful.
SUMMARY: it is possible to come up with a value for one add but it doesn't really mean anything anymore. A value that means anything is way more complicated but is useful and requires a lot of work to find.
By the way, I do think it is a good and important question -- in part because it is so deceptively simple.

Ghz to MIPS? Rough estimate anyone?

From the research I have done so far I learned that there the MIPS is highly dependent upon the application being run, or the language.
But can anyone give me their best guess for a 2.5 Ghz computer in MIPS? Or any other number of Ghz?
C++ if that helps.
MIPS stands for "Million Instructions Per Second", but that value becomes difficult to calculate for modern computers. Many processor architectures (such as x86 and x86_64, which make up most desktop and laptop computers) fall into the CISC category of processors. CISC architectures often contain instructions that perform several different tasks at once. One of the consequences of this is that some instructions take more clock cycles than other instructions. So even if you know your clock frequency (in this case 2.5 gigahertz), the number of instructions run per second depends mostly on which instructions a program uses. For this reason, MIPS has largely fallen out of use as a performance metric.
For some of my many benchmarks, identified in
I produce an assembly code listing from which actual assembler instructions used can be calculated (Note that these are not actual micro instructions used by the RISC processors). The following includes %MIPS/MHz calculations based on these and other MIPS assumptions.
The results only apply for Intel CPUs. You will see that MIPS results depend on whether CPU, cache or RAM data is being used. For a modern CPU at 2500 MHz, likely MIPS are between 1250 and 9000 using CPU/L1 cache but much less accessing data in RAM. Then there are SSE SIMD integer instructions. Real integer MIPS for simple register based additions are in:
Where my 2.4 GHz Core 2 CPU is shown to run at up to 17531 MIPS.
MIPS officially stands for Million Instructions Per Second but the Hacker's Dictionary defines it as Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed. This is because many companies use the theoretical maximum for marketing which is never achieved in real applications. E.g. current Intel processors can execute up to 4 instructions per cycle. Following this logic at 2.5 GHz it achieves 10,000 MIPS. In real applications, of course, this number is never achieved. Another problem, which slavik already mentions, is that instructions do different amounts of useful work. There are even NOPs, which–by definition–do nothing useful yet contribute to the MIPS rating.
To correct this people began using Dhrystone MIPS in the 1980s. Dhrystone is a synthetical benchmark (i.e. it is not based on a useful program) and one Dhrystone MIPS is defined relative to the benchmark performance of a VAX 11/780. This is only slightly less ridiculous than the definition above.
Today, performance is commonly measured by SPEC CPU benchmarks, which are based on real world programs. If you know these benchmarks and your own applications very well, you can make resonable predictions of performance without actually running your application on the CPU in question.
They key is to understand that performance will vary widely based on a number of characteristics. E.g. there used to be a program called The Many Faces of Go which essentially hard codes knowledge about the Board Game in many conditional if-clauses. The performance of this program is almost entirely determined by the branch predictor. Other programs use hughe amounts of memory that does not fit into any cache. The performance of these programs is determined by the bandwidth and/or latency of the main memory. Some applications may depend heavily on the throughput of floating point instructions while other applications never use any floating point instructions. You get the idea. An accurate prediction is impossible without knowing the application.
Having said all that, an average number would be around 2 instructions per cycle and 5,000 MIPS # 2.5 GHz. However, real numbers can be easily ten or even a hundred times lower.