Creating eclipse project from old project - eclipse

I have an old eclipse java project which is stored in SVN. I wish to create a new one based on the old one but without the SVN files. I'll be doing some experimental changes to it and I want to have the old one as backup basically. Anyone can give advice on how to do this? Thanks
FYI: This has been posted in Javaranch as well

You have a number of options:
Don't do a check-out (which creates the metadata files, allowing for changes to be easily and later committed), but an export instead. From the "SVN Repositories" view in Eclipse, right-click the project folder, then click "Export...".
Just check-out a 2nd copy of the project from SVN, naming it with a different project name in the workspace to keep it distinct. Just refrain from checking-in any changes back to the SVN repository.
Copy the project as usual, and simply delete the SVN metadata files.
Same as #3, but let Eclipse do this for you - using Team / Disconnect.


Commit Folder From Local Directory to Online Using SVN

I'm completely new to subversion and I'm unsure how to add and commit a Java Project to an online repository using svn. The goal is to move the important folders in the project including the src, package, and class. I've accessed the online repo and I (assume) I have it as a working copy. When I try to svn add the local project folders however, I am told it is not a working copy. How do I fix this? Is there a way I can make my workspace be the online repo directly? Or do I just copy the folder somehow? I'm using Cygwin and Eclipse.
To add your project to svn you can do it this way:
Right click on your project and select: Team / Share Project...
Select SVN
Select Use Existing Repository Location
Browse to the location you would like your project to reside: typically .../trunk
Click OK and finish
This should have committed your project to SVN. Regarding your question about your entire workspace being the online repo. with each of your individual projects connected to SVN just like I detailed above, you will be able to commit and update your local projects into and from SVN without any issues.

How Can I Revert an Update from an SVN Repository In Eclipse?

I need to revert back to a local dev environment after having replaced it with the contents of an SVN repository? I'm using Eclipse Luna, SVN, Subversive, Spring MVC.
I would like to revert back to what I originally had as much was deleted from doing an accidental replace.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by a "replace" but there are a couple of things you can try to restore the state of your projects.
Firstly, you have SVN revert. Right-click on the project in the Package Explorer, go to "Team" and then choose "Revert" from the sub-menu. This will give you the option to restore the state of local files based from Subversion.
If that's not what you're looking for then you've got Eclipse's built-in local history. Again, if you right-click on the project in Package Explorer then you should see an option to "Restore from local history". If you select this then you'll be presented with several historical snapshots of the files with which you've been working, so you can hopefully resurrect the desired state of your work from that.

How to display the content of a CVS version

I have selected several projects in my eclipse CVS repository and I have marked them with a new version/tag.
I would now like to display the content of this new version instead of analysing projects by projects the history of each.
Is there a solution ?
I've googled and no result for my need (may be wrong key words ?)
Thanks you.
I'm assuming that you have 1 CVS repository which contains N Eclipse projects.
Create a simple Eclipse project at the root of your CVS repository. That will allow you to import everything as a single project. From this project, you can see the whole history over everything.
When you want to work on a child project, import it from the local disk instead of from the CVS server. Don't forget to disable "Copy files" when you import. Eclipse will notice that these two projects are related (i.e. one is inside of the path of another). Doing CVS operations will now work on the parent project.
That said, you should really consider to move to a DVCS :-)

How do I SVN copy files or projects in Subclipse?

I am working with Java projects in Eclipse (Juno), using Subclipse for version control.
I've noticed that when I copy a file or a project, the resulting copy will not be under version control.
I can add the files to version control as a second step, but that will break their Subversion history.
Usually, I want to preserve the history: I want a way to copy files and projects in Eclipse that will issue a svn copy command.
How can I achieve this?
Update: I tried it on a project again; it seems that a svn cp was issued.
In which case my question becomes: how can I disable that?
Whenever I want to make a copy of code I use the branch feature, this would keep the history intact. It is available under (Right-Click on resource) -> Team -> Branch/Tag.

Associating existing Eclipse project with existing SVN repository

I have an eclipse project on my hard disk, which is a fairly recent check out from an SVN repository. I've imported this project into my Eclipse workspace, and now want to associate it with the SVN repository.
How do I do this? The only options I seem to have under Right-click -> Team is "Share Project", which only seems to allow me to do an initial import.
Edit: Motivation - It's a largish repository, and I don't really want to have to import the whole thing over the network.
Edit 2: There are (for some reason) no .svn dirs in the project. So maybe a fresh import from svn is the only option
Team->Share project is exactly what you need to do. Select SVN from the list, then click "Next". Subclipse will notice the presence of .svn directories that will ask you to confirm that the information is correct, and associate the project with subclipse.
I just wanted to add that if you don't see Team -> Share project, it's likely you have to remove the project from the workspace before importing it back in. This is what happened to me, and I had to remove and readd it to the workspace for it to fix itself. (This happened when moving from dramatically different Eclipse versions + plugins using the same workspace.)
subclipse not showing "share project" option on project context menu in eclipse
I'm asked this question very frequently, if it's smart to use "Share project..." if a eclipse project has been disconnected from it SVN counterpart in the repository. So, I append my answer to this thread.
The SVN-Team option "Share project ..." is totally fine for projects that exist in SVN and in your Eclipse workspace, even if the Eclipse project is missing the hidden .svn configuration. You can still connect them. Eclipse SVN-implementation (Subclipse/Subversive) will verify if the provided SVN http(s) source is populated. If yes, all existing files will be copied and linked (checked out in SVN terms) to your very personal Eclipse workspace.
Word of caution:
Do a backup if you depend on you local files. The SVN implementation may vary its behaviour with every release.
If you have multiple projects encapsulated within each other, make sure you point the SVN path to the correct local path.
I came across the same issue. I checked out using Tortoise client and then tried to import the projects in Eclipse using import wizard. Eclipse did not recognize the svn location. I tried share option as mentioned in the above posts and it tried to commit these projects into SVN. But my issue was a version mismatch. I selected svn 1.8 version in eclipse (I was using 1.7 in eclipse and 1.8.8 in tortoise) and then re imported the projects. It resolved with no issues.
I am using Tortoise SVN client. You can alternativley check out the required project from SVN in some folder. You can see a .SVN folder inside the project. Copy the .SVN folder into the workspace folder. Now remove the project from eclipse and import the same again into eclipse. You can see now the project is now associated with svn
In case of SVN servers you have to creating a central repository with all projects. The contents of the repository can be uploaded with the Team/Share command; in case of the Subversive client it automatically runs a commit after the import, so you can upload your files.
This step cannot be circumvented in any way using a centralized version management system such as SVN.
Try this- Close the project then open it. It links with svn automatically,if project was checked out from valid svn path.